[Ash and Moonlight] The Campfire [Ash and Moonlight]

I believe he's there. Hopefully Gray it's easy for you to draw what you need from the Tags. The stuff at the bottom is just

extraneouss fluff. Do keep in mind, my imagination might run away with me in regards tosome of the social aspects of the city I'm in, so if in any future post I do something you don't feel is right for your vision of the place, feel free to edit on your own, or tell me to edit. I do love steem punk and my love sometimes goes beyond what is proper.
So lemme get this straight. We're only waiting on Contrition to "complete" his character? After that the game can start?

You should consider hounding his profile. That's what I always do. Then again, I'm a wolf so that's my first course of action.
We're also waiting on Medel to post his character, which I kind of expected yesterday. Contrition has not visited the site at all in exactly a week, so we may have to assume something in meatspace ate him and carry on once Medel posts.
Contrition had a PC meltdown and is back as of yesterday. He's active in my Amaranth again. I'll just remind him about this.
[QUOTE="Renarion Arenimon]Contrition had a PC meltdown and is back as of yesterday. He's active in my Amaranth again. I'll just remind him about this.

Good to hear. I'll go and harass Medel into getting on by spamming pictures of grumpy cats.
hey Grey, sorry i havnt updated Eli yet, Im jus leaving work ill try and get him wrapped up today, if not when i come back in to work tonight, sorry about the delay
Contrition003 said:
hey Grey, sorry i havnt updated Eli yet, Im jus leaving work ill try and get him wrapped up today, if not when i come back in to work tonight, sorry about the delay
No worries, I heard it was a PC meltdown. That's pretty serious, and would delay anyone. Hope the workday was a good one.
yeah i ended up having to replace the Thermal Plate, the Cooling Fans, the CPU, and the Harddrive... needless to say I'm glad I got that full coverage warranty xD lol
Contrition003 said:
yeah i ended up having to replace the Thermal Plate, the Cooling Fans, the CPU, and the Harddrive... needless to say I'm glad I got that full coverage warranty xD lol
Fucking hell, that's harsh.

When I wake up tomorrow I'm going to open first thread - Medel cannot join us for an indefinite span yet.
I believe my character profile to be complete, I can always go add more if you like but I figured I didn't need to bore you with all manner of small detail lol.

also, Wolf! Did you ever play World of Warcraft...? I get a very Duskwood/Tower of Karazhan feel from your Darkvale location, I like it :P
@Contrition: To be completely honest I was inspired by Burg Woods from an old game called Lunar Legend. You probably don't know it. Nowadays you'd need a gameboy emulator to play it on the PC. That's how I went about it, incidentally. However I must stress out that this location was merely an inspiration - the place looked much different in my mind.

To simplify matters: Yes, Duskwood would be a pretty good example. One that I'd likely choose to illustrate Darkvale myself. Or one much like it. Despite having been a passionate Warcraft III player since forever, I never bothered with World of Warcraft.

On a different note, I am happy this roleplay is underway. I am going to write in the main thread immediately.

For some odd reason I just stumbled onto this soundtrack and find it rather suitable for inspiration during posting. It just feels right if you ask me, while imagining the panorama of High Lontarn and whispering the words Grey wrote in his first post. Perhaps I'm wolfing out again.


Yay. I will probably post soon maybe possibly oh my god i have so much to do

Like create a custom form of poetry just for the occasion of first post. Any poets out there, help plz D:
[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]Yay. I will probably post soon maybe possibly oh my god i have so much to do
Like create a custom form of poetry just for the occasion of first post. Any poets out there, help plz D:

That's... ambitious. How can I help?
i meant in no way to take away from your creativeness with the comment Wolf, it's just that Duskwood/Kharazhan was always my favorite location in world of warcraft so I'm much intrigued by Darkvale xD perhaps Eli will get lost there sometime in his travels... one can hope at least ;) haha

on a different note, i will do my best to get a post up in verse one tonight, i've been a little slack at work this week and i'm starting to catch heat for it, so i have to re-do a bunch of paperwork tonight >_< lol
Will post soon.

Torn between getting content up and having a character that doesn't talk (probably should of realized that during creation). I'll squeeze something in when you guys reach a lull.
I'll be posting soon to keep things moving, don't worry too much about speaking little, it makes for good character growth as she comes out of herself, if she does.
"Also thx grey u teh bestest"

This probably makes perfect sense, when you look at it. I can't, and hearing it, I'm horribly confused.
Sightless said:
"Also thx grey u teh bestest"
This probably makes perfect sense, when you look at it. I can't, and hearing it, I'm horribly confused.
thx = thanks

u = you

teh = the

bestest = best
Basically my non-writing speech has degraded to a really bad bastardization of internet speak and 4th grade grammar.

Also should have a post in about an hour and a half or so.

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