[Ash and Moonlight] The Campfire [Ash and Moonlight]

A promising new beginning. Wolf can't wait until it hits the road.

I will be working anxiously on my character to make him/her perfect. The Tag system is unlike any I've ever seen before, but it's rather straightforward despite giving off that uncanny feel at first glance. I have no questions for now.

Wait, what about other game mechanics? You haven't mentioned much so far regarding things that I suppose I'd call encounters, be they combat or non-combat.

This is going to be a great game.
Essentially if a situation comes up that you want to influence, you invoke a Tag and explain how you're using it. I'll arbitrate the consequences it what seems like the most logical and narratively satisfying manner. Naturally, this can sometimes be your character unconsciously sabotaging a situation due to their Failing or a quirk of their History, say.

The Fuzz actually created this Tag system, he's using it for another game on the site. It does, and this not a criticism, resemble FATE to a small degree, and Legends of the Wulin a little. At least, I think LotW had that Ripple effect...

I'm glad you're so enthused! I think you'll also enjoy Insylum as much once it reaches the first night. I should probably poke the other players into posting.
I'm not sure I fully understand this Tag invoking and usage, but undoubtedly I'll catch on quickly in action.
A balance between mechanism and narrative flow. I like it. Especially the unconscious sabotage, that seems fun. Ehehehe...

Looking forward to the game as well. Grey probably knows that, though.

Oh, also. Can I ultra-saturate with multiple tags? This is really just for the weaknesses because I cannot get enough of flawed characters, yet there is no one flaw I can find to satisfy my cravings/narrative setup.
One last thing. Might I inquire as to the technology level here? It's fantasy, but I'm not sure whether to think of it as steampunk or something else. It does look like something beyond the usual medieval fantasy with magic.
[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]A balance between mechanism and narrative flow. I like it. Especially the unconscious sabotage, that seems fun. Ehehehe...
Looking forward to the game as well. Grey probably knows that, though.

Oh, also. Can I ultra-saturate with multiple tags? This is really just for the weaknesses because I cannot get enough of flawed characters, yet there is no one flaw I can find to satisfy my cravings/narrative setup.

I prefer to keep it to six Tags, but if it really isn't working we'll see.

Or you can tie additional weaknesses to other tags.

[QUOTE="Renarion Arenimon]One last thing. Might I inquire as to the technology level here? It's fantasy, but I'm not sure whether to think of it as steampunk or something else. It does look like something beyond the usual medieval fantasy with magic.

Tech is anachronistic, varying between late 1800s and back. Steampower is probably most common
Will get back on the old horse today. I've had a couple of days in Oslo, but I'm settled in good now.

Found you at last. Will hopefully have everything set up by tonight, or tomorrow at the latest. I'll follow general character setup with tags and then provide a semi-thurough character history summery.
Welcome to the party!

Added a little more to Kaleido, mostly on Glassy glass. It's really just flavour to keep me busy so don't take it literally or anything.
Me likes.

I think that the wizard and the Glassy ought to have heard of each other in passing...and by that, I mean that the wizard have bought/used Glassy glass as a laboratory staple, and the Glassy having heard of the wizards in the tower as yet another business client. Just some thoughts

[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]Me likes.
I think that the wizard and the Glassy ought to have heard of each other in passing...and by that, I mean that the wizard have bought/used Glassy glass as a laboratory staple, and the Glassy having heard of the wizards in the tower as yet another business client. Just some thoughts


Wizards of the Tower are a secretive sort, but it's true that even they have to go shopping for office supplies on occasion. Your theory stands.
I'm sorry for my lateness, I just got swamped in schoolwork and being on vacation at the same time. I will try to get it done tomorrow.
Name: Professor Elijah Dain

Archetype: Iron willed disfigured Sage

Homeland: High Lontarsssssssssn

Motivation: tTo enrich the lives of others, with knowledge & reason.

Failing: Degrades his own accomplishments, and has a tendency to self-blame when something goes wrong.

Gear : natural gas powered walker & workman’s tools.

History: Parents were emotionally distant, leading him to become self-reliant, & leading in his belief that through patients and intelegence, anything can be overcome.

Integrety: mostly sain

History: Elijah Dain was born to Nathan & Alera Dain, on the seventh day of the ride of Tarschar in the year 1706, Dyonta Reckoning. His disfigurement was immediately recognized and recorded in the rolls of births, under the list of imperfect babes. Still despite these infermaties, Elijah showed, from a very early age, that he possessed a keen mind and an endless, but will tempered curiousity. He learned to move about using a board connected to several round balls, the balls giving him better handling than wheels on Lontarsssssssssn’s roads. He was first in his graduating class at both the Boys Academy of Lontarsssssssssn, and at the University of Higher Talents. By this time he had developed the iron natural gas driven walker that would become recognized not only as the symbol of his technical prowess, but as a sign of hope for the lower classes. His parents remain throughout this time, as they do know, emotionally distent. His father had always hoped that his son would follow in his foot steps and enter into city politics, where his mother hoped he would take up a religious vocation as she has done. He did neither. He serves as the head of the cities public library, a facility that has doubled in both size and holding under his care, and the headmaster of Boys Academy of Lontarsssssssssn, a facility that has also increased under his care. His work on the electrical transference coil (Tesla coil), natural gas processes, and agriculture sciences; have earned him some acclaim by the intellectual elite of the city. For the former two, they provide more than enough power for the library, academy, and his walker; for the later, it is beginning to provide the lower parts of the city with some extra food, and a small island of breathable air. This is how matters stand for the Professor, now twenty seven years of age, in the Month of Alandar, 1733, Dyonta Reckoning.

Appearance: There are few things as well recognized and as well known across the whole length of the city as the walking device utilized by Professor Dain. To understand this device, it is best to see it first as a whole, and then it’s component parts. The frame has a base structure made from double proofed solid steel, which is surrounded by two good solid layers of backed limestone, to form a ceramic, although there’s only one layer round the joints, for mobility. One can best think of this as the contraptions skeleton, as it serves the same person as that system for the human body. Next comes the iron cables that serve as muscles, wseveral tightly woven bundles, that are precisely fitted to each portion of the frame and make their way to the back of the frame. Over this is a mix of a smaller metal frame, almost like an exoskeleton, covered by two layers of canvas with interlocking metal strips set between. I understand that the city militia is debating on how a similar suit can be utilized for special operations.

The suits feet, are about a foot long and half again as wide, with a slight narrowing near the front, where two rounded projections form a U-shape, with an inch between. The foot has two joints, one about a quarter inch past the projections, and another about dead middle. These joints serve to help gain support on rough terrain, aid in climbing, and are part of what gives the machine a loping gate when it runs. The ankle consist of a set of inner and outer tongs, the outer being visable as part of the outer skeleton, and are narrower than the inner. The inner are connected to the foot and a a pair of ball barings, which allow the foot to rotate. It’s the only ankle that can do a three sixty on you without there being any problems. While the outer tongs, on both sides of the leg, which are thinner and narrower than the inner continue all the way up to the knee joint, the inner ones link into the thick solid structure of the leg proper. At the knee joing, one encounters the most visable sign that the leg is natural, just in case they somehow mist the the way the leg seems to have two sets of bone to it, the knee is set in, not out. In short it looks like the leg of a bird, and not a man’s. Her we see the same joint structure as the foot, and like the foot, the knee joint can swing out, or in, depending on the need of the wearer. The upper portion of the leg’s thigh is where the proffessor’s thigh is, and from there the entire system of movement is mostly directed. You see, the professor half sets, half hangs, inside the suite, it’s metal body forming round his and responding to signals that his body sends to it. Two ball and pivit joints form the waste of the suit’s pelvis, ensuring that the professor can indeed turn from side to side if need, a necessity, given the size of the suits back. He can also bend over, if somewhat awkwardly, by placing his weight on the front of the pelvis. The rear of the pelvis being slightly extended inside and padded to make for greater comfort for the professor. He does spend a lot of time in the thing, and has tried to make his time in it semi-comfortable. With regards to the torso, the front contains two ribcages, a ticker inner one, and a thinner outer one, similar to that of the legs; with the thinner outer one running perpendicular to the inner. This area is covered by the same hide as the rest of the suiit, with three interconnected rings on the left side, that closes the rightside to the left, which covers the back. By undoing these lengths, and then unlocking the rib cages, the lock is underneath the skin, so to speak, one can then swing the ribcages aside and climb out of the suit. There are also two wholes where the professors arms come out and fasen into the suits arms. Yes, the suit has a pair of arms and hands, like the arm guards and gauntlets of a set of armor. The upper arm consists of the metal frame and cables that connect up to the pauldrins and then wrap round into the heart of the system on the back. The limb have several round clamps that hook around the underside of the professors arm, with the suits hide wrapping rond and being interlocked, just like the torso. It is the back of this device that contains the true power of the machine, a small iron chest containing coal, and other organic compounds are slowly broken down by an a bath of lemon juice and the natural gas stored in a small sphere that powers the engine with it’s coil. With gas mask and hood, made from the same material as the rest of the suit, the professor looks like an iron man, a real golum from straight out of myth.

[QUOTE="Renarion Arenimon]Wow. I didn't realize we could dish out that much history.

[/QUOTE]I wasn't aware of any history limits?
medelsvensson said:
I wasn't aware of any history limits?
Me neither. I guess I just followed suite, assuming that it was less important who our characters were and that we'd focus on the future at hand.
I'm a proponent of a sparse history for this game. I don't think we'll be needing much past what we all already have.
[QUOTE="Renarion Arenimon]Me neither. I guess I just followed suite, assuming that it was less important who our characters were and that we'd focus on the future at hand.

In all honesty, I didn't listen to any other character submission before I did mine. Unfortunately, my imagination went a little wild, at least for the history. The walker's description I wanted to do, so people could easily visualize what the professor looks like. At least what most folks see of him as he walks round the city. Descriptions of what he the professor looks like will be more forth coming in rp. I'm glad that some of you liked it.
There's no limit, really, it's what you feel is appropriate to your character. The broad strokes of your history is what I'm likely to draw from, but if you want to add that level of granularity that's perfectly fine.

I do personally prefer brevity, though, and both the Doc and Wolf are right about the future being important once you know who you are. But the character looks fine to me, Sightless, you can go ahead and add him to the subforum.

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