[Ascension] Midgard


Level 20 Mizard
This is a thread for Out of Character discussion and for asking questions about the game.

Make sure you read both about the General Introduction, the Setting and the Bestowed Powers.
Regarding Connections:

On the character sheet there is a section of connections. This is where you put the names of people your character has a connection too! By this I mean Players. How are you connected to other players? You all live on a island together. You all know each other. You can discuss in this thread about how your characters know / feel towards each other. You need not be connected to everyone, but try to aim for 2 mutual connections before the game starts.
No one else yet? Guess I'll start. I was thinking of making a hunter/farmer character who spends his time doing one or the other. Taking up the role of a scout/assassin during war times and helps lead archery units to repel invasions. 20 years old. Given how there isn't a need to farm in winter it could give him plenty of time to roam the island hunting for game. Which would give me three tie ins to the others. Can edit it and work something out on further input.
[QUOTE="Action Replay]No one else yet? Guess I'll start. I was thinking of making a hunter/farmer character who spends his time doing one or the other. Taking up the role of a scout/assassin during war times and helps lead archery units to repel invasions. 20 years old. Given how there isn't a need to farm in winter it could give him plenty of time to roam the island hunting for game. Which would give me three tie ins to the others. Can edit it and work something out on further input.

Yes working to include others is the preferred character build speaking you are all from the same island and tribe, its doubtful that your character doesn't know at least one other character. ;)
Trying to make my initial character build as wide ranging as possible? I'd imagine we'll get a few warriors, some villagers, some...well I don't know yet. I figure as it is the lifestyle gives me a good reason to know just about anyone who isn't the king. I'd like to start by saying I know everyone and have a connection to some degree...but I need feedback from the other players first. As for a name, Bjorn maybe.

Edit: @Miz By important events, that is important events that have occurred in the character's lifetime?
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@Miz[/URL] By important events, that is important events that have occurred in the character's lifetime?
Yes we are asking important events so you don't have to write out your characters full and complete history. It should just be important events that either explain something about your character or was a dramatic/life-changing moment in your character's life.
I am working on my character as well, although reading through all the info is going a bit slowly since I'm in the startup phase of my own RP.

I'll get around to it though. Thinkin' of playing some sort of shaman character.
Hydrachild said:
I am working on my character as well, although reading through all the info is going a bit slowly since I'm in the startup phase of my own RP.
I'll get around to it though. Thinkin' of playing some sort of shaman character.
Shamans are most likely Priest or Priestess of certain spirits in our mythos. You can be creative with it though I was about to write a little bit more up about what our people believe in.

While your are Gryttians (I think that's what we are calling ourselves) and have Jordfell as your patron spirit, your tribe does have at least one priest or priestess to the other Island Spirits as the universe was composed of their presence as well. So while you are men and women of Stone, you do believe in Yggdrasil, Brynnvath, etc.

Arguably you can even do more spirits if you so desire, I will just need to hear what your idea might be.

Beyond the tribal pirest and priestesses there are Oracles. An oracle is a High Priest(ess) of a specific patron spirit that lives on that island and may not even be from the island tribe (but they most likely are). Each patron spirit has an Oracle for them that is usually at some important spot on each island, even Feigr may have one.

Edit - You also would not get any powers directly from these elemental forces. You may have rituals (those might have some sort of ability power to them) and people may believe you to posses powers but you do not get mechanically "bestowed powers" for being a priest/shaman.

As for the Oracles - That's another matter altogether.
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Howdy there!

How about the Classic Skald? I tell stories, I make stories, and most of them are about either mythic heroes, my own life, or that of my shieldbrothers in combat and wartime.
SephirothSage said:
Howdy there!
How about the Classic Skald? I tell stories, I make stories, and most of them are about either mythic heroes, my own life, or that of my shieldbrothers in combat and wartime.
Nice history reference. Yeah I don't see a problem with Skalds if you can also give reasoning (which shouldn't be too hard) as to why you are investigating the shining light off the coast, etc.
Got half of Bjorn STRONG BOW done tonight. Will do the rest tomorrow morning. Farmer/hunter man of the mountains who wears a great bear coat made from one he killed. Expect connections to be updated as I see other's character sheets. I'll present the ideas here first for the players to OK before adding it to the sheet.
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Thinking of sort of stepping up to play the group's heavy. A stone mason and warrior, fierce in combat but with the patience one would expect from a lineage that has spent generations hewing stone into structures and shapes as the people needed them. Vali Stoneson seemed like a suitable name for him.
Questions regarding powers.

1. Does the enhanced [sense] exist for all senses or only hearing and smell right now?

2. Do all the active powers require touch? For example could some be fired attached to a projectileand activate on impact? Some denote specific range (touch), others do not at all.

Edit: Took a day longer than expected, but RL happens. Got everything down aside from powers and connections. Those to follow as stated earlier.
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@Pineapple[/URL] and me will consider anything you want.

2. They are left as broad as possible for your use. If it doesn't say touch, it shouldn't require it (unless there was a typo). Anything that doesn't specify a certain range parameter can have any reasonable parameter in game.

Awesome :D - Hope that some other people get some stuff up so you can work on connections. We have some pretty lore-accurate and theme-accurate characters, so it shouldn't be too hard.
1. Given I am playing an archer I was just hoping for improved vision. Not as in seeing in different spectrums but just improved visual acuity. If that's not a go then I can just figure something out or say he has better than normal vision if that's fine with the ST.

2. Thank you for clarifying that.
[QUOTE="Action Replay]1. Given I am playing an archer I was just hoping for improved vision. Not as in seeing in different spectrums but just improved visual acuity. If that's not a go then I can just figure something out or say he has better than normal vision if that's fine with the ST.
2. Thank you for clarifying that.

1. Seeing farther and such I am assuming? I mean we could allowed it, I just don't know if it applies an immediate benefit like the others. Though you would be very keen and such. I will discuss it with Pineapple.
Naww. He's likely going to consider going after this star as his "Last Great Adventure". He's going in to this, to have one /really/ good story to tell when he's too Old to Go Adventuring himself to gather more stories. He's nearing hte point where he'd be expected to start telling stories more than writing them, so to speak.
[QUOTE="Action Replay]1. Given I am playing an archer I was just hoping for improved vision. Not as in seeing in different spectrums but just improved visual acuity. If that's not a go then I can just figure something out or say he has better than normal vision if that's fine with the ST.
2. Thank you for clarifying that.

I talked with miz, we don't really see it as a problem. So we added another vision to the powers list:

[Passive] Telescopic vision: You can zoom your sight to see things as if you were looking through binoculars.
I think I can't post on my profile yet due to my less than seven posts but I am certainly still interested Miz, I'm actually making a character right now but I wanted to finish before I posted him.
Runeblue said:
I think I can't post on my profile yet due to my less than seven posts but I am certainly still interested Miz, I'm actually making a character right now but I wanted to finish before I posted him.
Alright that's cool, just wanted to make sure you were still in. :D
@Orzhov - You guys are free to post your characters sheets as WIP. I am curious to see what you guys are doing/planning.
I see that you were writing an apprentice blacksmith, Runeblue! I, too, was dreaming up a blacksmith. Would you be looking for a master, perchance?

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