As We Knew It

Maybe after Thursday when I'm done with my finals.

Maybe after next Wednesday when my brother graduates.

Maybe after next next Friday when I search for a job.

Forsooth, I've yet to make a decision to commit or not commit. Though perhaps my indecision may soon decide for me.
:P It is first come first serve. As long as people impress me that is. But it should be okay, things seem to be going slow and steady.
These are just suggestions, pending approval from other party. Some of these are real stretches. Not expecting a Joseph to know everyone.


If Marcus makes an appearance, Joseph's opinion of him would depend on Marcus's level of support for military funding. Joseph is pretty much always in favour of more funding/research.

Halia di Luxa

Joseph didn't grow up in the Capital, but he knows enough politics to be cordial to Halia's face and maintains what he thinks is a healthy amount of suspicion. Joseph tries be considerate of any potential political consequences hurting his family or fief. He would be afraid of her political power if he knew how far it truly extended.


Instead of knowing Taylor directly, Joseph might know her father due to the patrol passing through Connerick or someone in his former patrol treasuring a weapon with her father's mark on it.


Joseph doesn't understand magic or have reason to know about shapeshifters, so he has nothing on a scary knight. (... Does he feature in any fairy-tales in Findal?)


If Nigel was a toymaker or a toymaker's apprentice eight years ago, Joseph might recognize him as the shopkeeper his patrol bought things from to bribe village kids with.


Alistair sounds old but hasn't been in Aedra long? Unlikely for Joseph to have run into him there. Somewhere else perhaps?


Depends on when Grigori and Ana immigrated to Aedra. Even then, Joseph would have been suspicious of foreigners.

@Veirrianna Valentine 's character

Joseph might remember her out of the blur of village kids, since she was a lively tomboy often getting into fights.
Cirno said:
Instead of knowing Taylor directly, Joseph might know her father due to the patrol passing through Connerick or someone in his former patrol treasuring a weapon with her father's mark on it.
Those are actually really cool ideas! And it'd only emphasize the fact that everyone knows her dad but not her. xD
Cirno said:

Alistair sounds old but hasn't been in Aedra long? Unlikely for Joseph to have run into him there. Somewhere else perhaps?
He's 55 but looks 25, due to the way Shapeshifters age (per Dusky. Within about 5 years, he'll start aging normally.)

Due to the fact that he was raised among Nomads, he's made a habit of never staying in one place too long (that and the fact that he's a Shapeshifter who, though he has excellent control over his abilities, still loses control from time to time.)

He could very well may have met Alistair before, but only in passing. He wouldn't have made much of a lasting impression. The only real connection Alistair has made was with some crazy guy (read: Josiah) in the far North claiming to be the greatest Sorcerer who's ever lived. (Very inactive NPC.)

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