As We Knew It

Which reminds me to set up a Google spreadsheet for our organizational purposes. Nothing mandatory, or rather nothing that HAS TO GET DONE NOW OMG - it'll just be one easy place to store and find information and get your thoughts in order.
Note: When Alistair picks up the 'Hand Canon,' he is, in fact referring to a Blunderbuss Pistol, which is also referred to as a Dragon.

Blunderbuss Use: 17th through the early 19th centuries. Is this acceptable, Dusky, or should it be edited?
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Looks fine to me. Within the time range specified, so you're good!

Alright, suckers, get a load o' this.

Like I said, it isn't urgent.
Re-tagging a few people I haven't heard from one way or the other, just in case (or tagging people because I really want them and therefore have no qualms driving them up the wall with my incessant annoyances~).


@Sir Raime


S-senpais, notice me! >///>

Anyway, if there's no interest just shoot me a PM or something and I'll stop bugging you. ( :) )

I forgot @Cirno ~
Just a quick question, Dusky - I was wondering if characters from different story-lines will interact with each other, or if they will stick exclusively to their own groups?
Depends - letters, absolutely. Plenty of soldiers will write home to their families in Aedra if they have any. There may even be the occasional trip to or from the Capital. Other than that, not until later in the RP - depending on which paths you all take. You have a remarkable amount of influence over the plot.

Okay - I lied - I just remembered I do have an event that brings some of the Facts of Life characters to Aedra for a little bit fairly early on.
What is this. Why am I here? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?

/need to go through all this stuff again to answer one way or another
Shucks, we been caught. *handsup*

Really though, I liked your posts because they're cool. (And the call to sempais was cute endearing.)
Give me, oh, a day to reread Tywin Lannister's Greatest Hits and I'll maybe submit someone for the political end of things.
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Me...? I totally lost my link for this lol fail. Lemme read through and we'll chat! :-)

Yes, you! ( :P ) If I don't have you I think I'll just die!

Grey said:
Give me, oh, a day to reread Tywin Lannister's Greatest Hits and I'll maybe submit someone for the political end of things.

S-senpai, does this mean you've noticed me?!
If anyone is doing DoA and is lacking in ideas for details, maybe you could mention something about bite marks on fallen soldiers, as well as having their throats torn out, seemingly by a set of not-quite-human teeth? Just a suggestion...

(I mean, that is kind of how Alistair fights. Utterly ruthless and bloodthirsty, showing no mercy; embracing his animal side and using it to his advantage.)
I've been mulling over an idea for a few days now, in Facts of Life would playing a retainer to one of nobility possibly be a thing? I was amused at the idea of essentially learning anything of value secondhand from that person and/or trying to influence the person with influence. Or would that not be a thing? <_<' '>_>
DeusExAlice said:
[Worry Intensifies]
This is the part where we start panicking

(side note: still working on editing CS, @Dusky , I'm just stuck for details, gonna need some more brainstormin' to figger out how I wannna convey his personality better) xD
Hey @Dusky , I hate to say that I think I am going to temporarily withdraw my character, between other RPs and real life, I'm not sure if I have the time to dedicate to such a detailed and complex RP. I can remove the CS after I copy it to a word or gDoc if you want it removed, I may retry my submission at a later time if I can clear an opportunity to do so, but you can otherwise open up my potential slot in the RP for someone else. To everyone who liked my character idea, there's still a chance for Marcus yet, I really do hope he gets the chance to interact with all of your great and well-thought characters :D
You don't need to remove it unless you see fit - I'm fine either way. Sorry to see you go, but I totally understand. Real life always comes first and I hope things settle down for you soon! On the upside, Minerva is making a gradual return to Chivalry, so we can still RP together~.

I do see potential for character slots to open up, but it's gonna be a while. I have to get into the swing of managing fifteen characters before I can go accepting any more. >.>

On that note.

"So when're we starting, huh?!"

I don't wanna hear this question because I'm going to answer it right here. ( :P ) We're starting a little bit after each storyline breaks four characters, because that's functional and ideally the number 5s will come soon after; even if they don't, I'm not gonna hold you folks up just because NO I MUST HAVE FIFTEEN IT'S SUCH A PRETTY NUMBER. We are four characters away from that, and seven away from max capacity.

I'm gonna tag some people again because I have no scruples and they haven't told me to stop yet. > :D



I really, really, really want to, Dusky, but I'm afraid I'll just end up not having the time to commit to another roleplay at this point in time. I think this roleplay is way too well done to have floundering roleplayers like myself struggling to keep up. c:

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