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Fantasy As the World Burns


Hearing back the words of the youth were not gratifying or in any form satisfying, it simply demonstrated the potential willingness the boy had for victory. He'd be valuable and if possible Rodal would want him alive for as long as possible, so he'd need to come up with missions that would minimize risk. For now, however, Rodal paid attention to the twins before him. His initial request was a test to see how they would react. The boy answered with confusion, a curious mind, but a hesitant one, meanwhile the girl acted decisively, assuming his words meant for the twins to fight each other. Such decisiveness was reflected on the gap in skill between the two, yet all Rodal could see was the blade of the commander cutting right through them like fodder.

Though a harsh assessment in his mind, this war would not wait for the twins to grow into warriors, and judging by what he'd seen yesterday, warriors weren't enough to survive out there. "Have you both only spared with each other?" Rodal questioned, he wanted to see first if they'd halt their sparing or continue while answering his question. Additionally, he was curious, sparring against a live opponent was a good way to become accustomed to fighting, however fighting the same person would only prepare one to fight that single person. He expected them both to have sparred with Sohaa before, but based on current circumstance, it was likely they didn't have any other partners to spar with.
  • ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa November Witch November Witch
    Oshaka’s snarled as she was pressed against Han in the tangle of black chains, thought his time her fangs bit uselessly onto the chains rather than her previous foe. It did little. A black ichor pooled beneath them both, sapping all warmth and energy of anything it touched.

    Mercy has a price.

    Autumn could feel the chill that threatened to consume Han the moment she grabbed his arm. It spread along her fingers and up her arms, sinking deep into her bones as if to dissuade her from her current course. Deep within her chest she could feel her blessing stir, shuddering, yet as she called upon the wings she could feel the warmth return.

    Han would also feel it, his fading blessing growing brighter at the presence of Autumn’s, like one candle being lit by the flame of another. With each wing beat, the chains shifted and warmth slowly returned, radiating from the chest and outward.

    It was Cynthora’s cries that finally caused the chains to loosen. They retracted back into the earth, their inky links rattling eerily as they slunk back down into the puddle and disappeared. All that remained was a small pool of black ink upon the ashy earth, one that would look familiar to all the dreamers.

    Oshaka fell to the ground as soon as the chains retracted from her. The wolf Matriarch laid on her side, flanks rising and falling slowly. Every breath was a wheeze, the puffs of frozen air from her frozen maw nothing more than tiny clouds. She still bled a dark ooze from where she had bitten into her own side, though for the time being she was alive. Not a single sign of her metamorphosis remained.

    Still unsure what to do, her remaining pack members kept their distance in a circle around the group, completely silent as they watched. Not a single growl or howl was offered to the Starfallen now. If any were to approach they would back away, tail between their legs.
A loud, amused, snort was Sarah's initial response before she crossed her arms over her stomach. "If you are talking about the memory eater, it wasn't by choice. I turned down the first two gods, or whatever they were, and that's when that damn fish showed up. Unlike the others it actually asked a question directly and me answering it and the thing apparently though that was consent enough to fucking swallow me and force a connection between us. I'd much rather it had just left me the hell alone."

The elderly woman's eyes narrow at the critter sitting on her chest. "But its feeling like all you various entities are rather... eager to lay claim to those of us who got summoned to this world and that's bringing back some unpleasant memories. At this point though I supposed I should just ask you what you plan to do."

An eyebrow was raised. "And really? Using smiting and eternal slumber as a threat? On someone who's likely only a few years away max from dying in her sleep again? That doesn't mean shit to someone in my situation. If you want to be intimidating, you'd have to try much harder than that."

Juju Juju

Lilliana Yankovich

Lilliana cursed under her breath as her feet were swept from the ground and into the chaotic, ethereal jumble that was teleportation. This wasn't her first teleport, so she had experience enough to focus on keeping from vomiting on arrival. Lilliana squeezed her eyes shut as she was ripped from the arcane whirlwind and shoved back onto her feet fighting off the wave of nausea with clenched teeth. "ебаный, that's pleasant." Lilliana remarked sarcastically. "Is everyone o-"

Lilliana froze as she finally gazed about her new surroundings. The witch froze, hand falling to Zakat. They were entirely surrounded by soldiers. Where was she? How was this possible? She didn't recognize the insignia's on the soldiers armor. Were they hostile? Had they been brought into a trap? No, this was obviously wasn't an expected arrival by the group of soldiers. A horribly miscalculated teleport? No. What was most likely was that this was the intended destination, that everything had gone just as planned.

What was this tightness in her chest then? The horrible gnawing in her stomach? She was shaking, why was she shaking? Breath in. Breath out. The eccentric began to flap his gums as Lilliana refocused herself, then a man of some stature emerged from the group of soldiers. As the two spoke, the gears began turning in her head, and by the time introductions were prompted Lilliana burst into a grin. She wiped the blood from her face and casually walked up to the knight. "Lilliana Yankovich. A pleasure, Lord Fenian." She chimed cheerfully. Then she took another step toward him and extended a bloody hand for a handshake, looking up at him with a pleasant smile and eyes filled with pure, unadulterated hatred. She leaned closer and whispered to the knight, still grinning, "I used to kill people like you for living. While they sleep." Then she winked at him and waited expectantly for her handshake.

She didn't expect the slimy bastard to shake her hand, but she didn't really care anyways.

MENTIONS: Juju Juju seasonedcat seasonedcat YsFanatic YsFanatic
Han Liuyang

The King laughs as the flame and the chill battle each other, a full-hearted chuckle as his strength surges in opposition to the forces of the chains. He has his answer for that voice. He gives Cynthora and Autumn his signature toothy grin as they rush to help him- refusing to show weakness, or despair. It was a natural part of being a god or king. One's countenance sets an example. One stands as a guiding star. And as Cynthora's cries pull the chains back, drawing them down and away, he whispers back, amused.

One that cannot afford mercy's price- how can they bear the weight of Divinity? How can they wear a crown with such poverty of the soul?

He rises to his feet, his own breath cold and frozen in the air. He looks over the fallen Oshaka, then looking to her pack as they shake before the Starfallen. Han bends down and takes hold of the massive wolf gently, before straining himself to lift her up, half-resting her upper body on his shoulder. He looks to the other two, shrugging- this would be a hard, difficult task, one that was a right pain in the ass... But they couldn't exactly leave her here.

"Help me bring her back to the city. I imagine she's an appointment with the healers."

He then looks to the rest of the pack, raising an eyebrow.

"You lot come along now too."
To say that the teleportation was disorienting would be an understatement, but thankfully Valleni had some training and experience in pushing aside physical discomforts as part of her training to be Lucille's bodyguard. As such she was able to stay on her feet, mostly stable, and support Lucille. After realizing they were surrounded by soldiers she flashed the signals for 'many' and 'possible danger' to help inform Lucille of the situation. Only the fact that the soldiers seemed to be caught off guard and not actually waiting for them kept her from acting. Instead she simply examined them for weaknesses and dangers with the cold eyes of an experienced killer.

When the Marquis stepped forward to address the scholar and take charge of the situation, the lightning savant held Lucille closer as she tried to determine what his intentions might be for them. When the matter of introductions came up, she simply emitted a bio-electric signal for Lucille to take the lead. As Valleni's ability to read the bio-electric signals of others didn't seem to be working correctly on the strange pointy eared people, many of the signals were not following the expected pathways, she was going to have to keep alert for signs of danger the conventional way and didn't want to be distracted by having to introduce herself. Plus she would most likely just end up with going along with whatever Lucille decided to do anyway, so it was better to let her speak first.

Juju Juju Firelie Firelie seasonedcat seasonedcat

Elvish Prison
Juju Juju

What a true delight this conversation has been! Mealladh has been nothing short of amiable, and Doi got to learn bits and pieces of this realm's rich history. If it weren't for her divine mission here, she might've wished to take in this world's customs like a doe-eyed tourist. But fate was fate, and she had a reason to be here.

A reason that, unfortunately, put Rishii in the crossfire.

Doi watched without emotion as the girl she swore to protect fell dead. There was only a flutter on her eyes, and a twitch to her smile. As if she had been inconvenienced. Then a second later, an amused grin as she turned to the elf. "So that's what you meant when you spoke to her." Doi giggled. "You have quite a way with words, Mealladh."

Rising slowly, Doi appeared to float over as her pearly white dress trailed across the floor. She lowered beside Rishii and her hapless spirit friend. Moving her body carefully, she rested the girl's head on her lap. She took a breath. Her hand rested on Rishii's chest. The other grabbed her hand. Doi shut her eyes and muttered a prayer. A brilliant yellow light shined from Rishii.

The moment life and color returned to the girl's veins, she shushed her. "It's okay," Doi uttered in a soft voice, gently pushing hair strands away from her face. "You're safe. I promised, I wouldn't let any harm come to you."

Cynthora almost stumbled, suddenly out of breath now that the danger was seemingly over. She looked at her trembling hands. What happened to her? That black crater in what she thought was the afterlife... What did it do to her? "I'm sorry." She couldn't stop the words from flowing out. "I'm so sorry. I don't know how I did that... I-I don't even know how I got here! I..." Cynthora slowed her breath. The memories of her 'final' moments resurged. "I died."

But now she was here. For some reason or another, some being decided she deserved a second chance. And, looking at Oshaka, she didn't want it to be for ending more lives. Trotting up to Han, she said, "Yes. You're right. I do not wish for her to die, despite everything. I would appreciate tagging along."
Autumn IchorAutumn-Half-1.png

Status: Relieved & Sorrowful
Location: Battlefield

Interaction(s): Juju Juju ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

Autumn groaned with the force of her exertion. With how hard she was pulling on Han, and how focused she was on channeling her blessing.

“Hrnng! Come on!”

She twisted her body, and pulled, trying to find the best leverage to pull him from the mass of chains and mottled fur. She didn’t expect the chains to simply fall away, the sudden jolt causing Autumn to lose her grip on Han and propel herself backwards. After an accidental mid-air backflip, she righted herself, touched down onto the now dried mud, and approached the group once more. She was glad the mud had dried since yesterday. Cleaning it all off had been a pain the night before.

“It’s alright, I think we’re all grappling with new abilities right now.”

Autumn told the deer girl, placing a hand on her shoulder, and spoke up again.

“We all did. Well, at least those of us who arrived like you did, from the sky. We are all coming to grips with our deaths. Just take things slow, and it’ll be alright.”

She watched Han pick up the large wolf and turned her gaze away. It was a sorry sight to see. When Han spoke up about getting the wolf back, she spoke up.

“You two can handle it, I’m sure.”

Autumn turned away from the two and crouched down next to the mage’s body that was miraculously spared from the small bout of fighting earlier. She’d originally come back to the battlefield to find her, and her staff. Autumn wanted to right her wrong, no matter how small of a right it would be. She reached one hand out to touch the cold body while her other hand balled into a tight fist.

“I still have something to do…”

Her voice showed a great deal of resolve and conviction, even if it trembled slightly.

  • Zareth | Cloud-Home
    Zareth opened his mouth to retort, but the words died in his throat as he made a sound of confusion upon being passed Flub. Zareth stared down at Flub as it stared back, still giggling slightly from the movement. They held eye contact for a few seconds before Zareth broke it and glared at VVitch, "Excuse me, you can't just hand me (your son)your slime thing and expect me to take care of it!" Zareth's words fell on deaf ears as he was left grumbling in annoyance.

    the sour look on Zareth's face only got worse as he noticed the mysterious rectangle cube that VVitch held, assuming it was some sort of arcane focus. How dare she casually discard his when she knows just how important they are to mages. As VVitch got pinned to the ground by the bird-like creature, feeling only brief satisfaction that the other got some sort of punishment for her many crimes against him. This satisfaction was short-lived, however, as a splat of glittery blood hit his cheek and clothing.

    at VVitch's words, Zareth scoffed, "You want my help now? I will get right on that; oh, wait. MY STAFF IS INSIDE THE BIRD. I guess I will have to get back to you another time." Zareth continued to watch the beating, completely helpless. This lack of ability to do anything annoyed him far more than the loss of his staff and book. He loathed being looked down on and, in turn, being useless. He could basically hear the scorn of his peers already.

    it was then that Zareth noticed Flub's strange movements, raising an eyebrow at it, "what are you-" Zareth cut himself off with a deep frown as it clicked in his head what Flub wanted. Disgust filled Zareth at the mere thought of being no good than his abysmal mana powering someone else. Embarrassment and rage filled him as he could imagine his peers snickering as he walked in the hallway. After all his work and sacrifices, was he really this useless? What if he never got his staff back? Who even is he without his magic?

    Zareth did his best to smother the growing hate inside him and the urge to throw Flub to the ground in an attempt to hurt the creature. It was lucky it was so cute, and VVitch was dying literally a few feet away, but honestly, Flub is more important :bishiesparklesl: (this ain't about you Wren). "Fine, but don't be a glutton, I don't exactly have much to spare," Zareth grumbled before he closed his eyes, feeling the unnatural and uncomfortable feeling of his mana activating only to be absorbed by the adorable slime. He just hoped Mr. Leading Light was ready to help him out because he doubted his mana would supply Flub for long.
    interactions | jmann jmann Juju Juju

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GAMMARIAH | MARKETPLACE 1000012564.png seasonedcat seasonedcat Juju Juju

Gammariah broke into a charge. As the beast attacked the newly transformed girl, it left itself open. The new girl was a sight that dazzled the eyes, entirely alien to anything Gammariah could even imagine. He had to look away lest he get lost in the colours and shapes defying his knowledge of worldly objects and fashion.

He glanced over for only a second. The more pressing concern was Zareth. He was hesitating. No. He wasn't doing anything at all. Did it frighten him too much? Was he stupid?
Gammariah slid under the creature's spread wings and scrambled to keep up and out of the way of its pounding footsteps. Every step shook him, but he pushed down anything that could resemble fear. He'd slain beasts before, nothing this big, but if it could bleed it could die.

Gammariah risked another glance and confirmed his worst suspicions. Zareth was standing there as the bird continued its approach. He would be trampled if he didn't move.
Gammariah growled, bared his teeth, and improvised a new plan. He leapt through its legs and landed kneeling in the space between it's opposite wing and it's body. He shot up from his position with his blades outstretched, aiming to pierce into the creature's wing as it ran overhead.
Gammariah lunged out from under the beast. Catching himself low on the stones. He was breathing hard, but his muscles were buzzing for more.

"Hey!" he was unsure if he should talk to it like a person or a beast. It was far from human but had a face and spoke like one. It also resembled some spawn of darkness. Was this a sign of the threats they would have to face on their new journey? He could only pray not.
"Here, beast!"

Gammariah readied his swords and dropped back into a low stance to assess its movements. Should it move, he could run. Should it turn, he could lure it away. They could come up with another plan when it wasn't bearing down on Zareth.
Juju Juju

"You're quite a capable warrior, I'm sure their sparring sessions with you have been fruitful then." Rodal commented. Sohaa was indeed a capable warrior and a resourceful leader, any experience that could brush off into the young ones would be most valuable. But fighting your allies alone would not truly prepare you to fight the enemy.

Rodal kept observing the duel between the two. His comment had gained the attention of the young boy, poor concentration, but quick and eager reflexes. The girl countered well enough with a jab to the chest, sending the boy to the dirt. Targeting vital points was a good move, but she aimed for the chest. The chest was one of the first places one covered with armor, she could've instead aimed for the next. But such are the limitations of sparring.

Well, well, well, looks like you have tough competition ahead.

They're rather inexperienced.

Careful now, one wrong move, and they'll surpass you in no time.

Then what, you'll bother them instead?

Leave you? No, never, you're my favorite because you suck so much and need me so desperately. Unlike you, I'm super nice.


Although Rodal was somewhat annoyed, he was glad Leva was talking again.

"Right, well, you two seem to know a thing or two." Rodal slowly stepped towards the two young kids, "I'll try to copy how the enemies fought to really gauge your experience against the enemy. How's that sound?" Rodal proposed calmly, raising his arm up like he was holding a manner of invisible spear.
  • Solirus Solirus
    The two trainees hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was truly alright to ‘harm’ a guest. Sohaa nodded his head encouragingly, “Go on, show him what you've got.”

    It was the boy who jumped at the opportunity first, an eager glint in his eye. Perhaps he wanted to redeem himself after his previous performance.

    Before the new training could begin, a lone figure was spotted running up the path. They carried a spear and a shield, sporting some recently bandaged wounds. A warrior, by the looks of it.

    They came to a halt in front of the group, voice raspy and out of breath from sprinting up the winding hill of the ruins. “Sohaa, there is trouble in the market. Gloom has been spotted attacking the sky-strangers in the Market.”

    “Gloom?” Sohaa echoed, his expression one of shocked concern. “Did you alert elder Haavi?”

    “She is still recovering!”


    "We couldn't find him!"

    Sohaa swore under his breath and then turned to the two trainees, who at this point had stopped their sparring to look at him for orders. “Stay here.”

    His eyes shot back to the warrior who had brought the news, “Find a greater spirit and ask for their aid. Gloom must be driven out if he has turned aggressive, lest he infect other spirits sheltered here.”
    It was then that he addressed Rodal.

    “Forgive me, it seems our session must be cut short.” Sohaa said as he took the training spear from the white-haired boy's hands, “Another time, perhaps.”

    He then sprinted off in the direction the messenger had come from, leaving Rodal and the two trainees. The latter looked at the former, their eyes wide and unsure.
Autumn IchorAutumn-Half-1.png
~{A Gritty Reality...}~
Status: Regretful & Sorrowful
Location: Battlefield ---> Kingdom gates
Post Theme: Disintegrating

Interaction(s): Juju Juju

Autumn watched, standing still as the gentle breeze ruffled her fur and hair. The figures of both human and canine slowly faded into the distance until they were specks. Until her sharp foxian eyes couldn’t pick them out anymore. Her hands balled into fists and the silence of the battlefield settled over her. A heavy, smothering emptiness. There was no noise. No movement. No grass, and no living things. Just the remains of the dead littered about and the stale stench of death. She tore her eyes away from where the others had disappeared to, and looked around herself. This land, this battlefield. The events of the day prior were still fresh in her mind. The pang of guilt and regret sharp in her chest. Like a brand being seared into her chest. This setting. The desolate dirt filled field of death around her. It was a nightmare. She knew even now, it would never leave her mind, instilled by the traumatic moments of the day before.

Like those dark chains from earlier, her emotions threatened to shackle her and bring her further down into darkness if only given the chance. If only ruminated on for a little more time. Autumn couldn’t allow that to happen.

She steeled herself as best as she could, and reached down to pick up the cold, limp, lifeless body, and proceed to bridal carry her. Autumn needed to find the scepter the other had. So off she went…

It wasn’t difficult to spot things in the brown ground below her feet from afar. Devoid of any grass, and littered only with corpses, weapons, and other commonplace battlefield items, it didn’t take long. The scepter that belonged to the white mage was spotted. Autumn walked over, set the lifeless body down gently, and picked up the scepter. She would wipe away what caked on mud and blood she could. With a sad sigh, she would turn around and place it on the center of the mage’s chest. She would then place the human’s hands onto it as if she was holding it against herself.

She’d then look around again at the dreary landscape. The sky was clear, but even the sun’s rays felt uninviting, hollow. In the distance, over the lake, a storm still surged. Muted thunder could be heard echoing off of the open landscape around her, and flashes of light occasionally lit up the dark. The tides were far from calm. Everything seemed so pointless…

In reality, everything was pointless, right? Everyone would only die someday. But even so, it was people, consciousness, that gave everything meaning…

Autumn turned away from the sight and to the lifeless body on the ground before her… It made her very soul tremble, just looking at those lifeless dull eyes. She now knew what people meant when they described the light leaving someone’s eyes… Autumn turned away suddenly. She had to in order to keep everything in her stomach. It was starting to catch up to her. The smells, and sights of the battlefield. She had to focus on her task. A grave.

Her head moved from side to side to anything she could use as a shovel. There were some massive swords, but she would barely be able to lift them, let alone add the weight of dirt on one end. So how…

Autumn laughed aloud at how dumb she was being. The answer was right in front of her. Literally. Off in the distance, walls stood high and menacing. This mage didn’t deserve to be buried alone by the stranger who helped in getting her killed. She deserved to be returned to the people who loved her. Family and friends. The kingdom she fought for. Autumn crouched down and gingerly picked the cold body up once more. She handled it like a fragile newborn. It made her cringe. Knowing it should be warm. She should have soft skin light in those eyes. Her body should be moving to nature’s rhythmic heartbeat, and the soft, sweet sound of breaths… But none of it was there. It was scary. Terrifying even… She didn’t want to touch the mage.

But Autumn knew she owed her at least this much. An eerie sense of calm washed over her as she trudged towards the walls off in the distance. She didn’t care about what the elders said about her going there anymore. She didn’t care if she would be locked up or let go. Autumn didn’t care what happened to her. Just that this random girl she didn’t even know the name of, made it safely back home.

Well, what was left of her…

Her emotional turmoil and pain churned within her brain and heart. Like an ocean of burning hot anger and regret. Like lava. The chilling guilt and sadness. Like the arctic water. They raged, an ocean of extremes fighting over her very soul. Autumn would keep walking until she arrived at the gates to the kingdom this mage had been fighting for. Or until someone called out to her. Either way, she was stuck on autopilot for minutes, hours, days, or even weeks. This tumultuous trek had seemingly robbed Autumn of her sense of time. Not only that, but her strength and tears. She didn’t realize her face was wet, her eyes were puffy, and the mage’s chest was damp from her tears. How long had she been crying for? How long had she been walking for? How long had she been stuck in her own inner battlefield for?
As soon as the native mages moved in to cast their spells, Valleni spun around and grabbed hold of Lucille. Not having enough mana of her own to resist directly, she opted to instead shield the other woman from whatever was about to happen... or at least that was the plan. Instead to her surprise the cage spells started to push them away from each other as they formed, but the lightning savant already had a grip on Lucille's clothing with her right hand and held on with all her might. There was a gradual increase in pain as she resisted the spell's effects before it eventually surged of horrific amounts and she lost her grip, letting out an involuntary gasp before she was finally caged.

The way the one finger was bent clearly indicated a dislocation, but what Valleni didn't know was that the blood pooling under her skin and causing her hand to swell was from muscles tearing. She had ignored the pain that she had been feeling in her hand, not caring about an injury if it meant they would stay together, but ended up instead paying for her efforts with an injury that likely would magical healing to fully recover from. However, instead of letting the pain overwhelm her, Valleni took note that her hand was likely useless before turning her head to glare at the Marquis' back.

While the elf would remain oblivious, any soldiers who happen to look at Valleni's anger-filled face at that moment would catch a glimpse of something ancient and powerful in her eyes, possibly getting the feeling that their boss may have just fucked up without knowing it.

Juju Juju seasonedcat seasonedcat Firelie Firelie
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