Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Bea Delaine

Sugary Sweet Sadist
Bea Delaine submitted a new role play:

Artists Sanctuary - When life gets rough for a few students, an art/performance club gives a glimmer of hope.

You come from different backgrounds, have different lives. You have realized it gets hard to carry on with a smile constantly glued to your face. As life gets harder, you need an outlet, a way to fix your life. You and a few other students at your boarding school find an empty group of rooms, one being a music room. It holds in storage a piano, a drum set and many other instruments. It also contains a small dancing studio in a neighboring room, with a door that doesn't open in the hall, only...
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It was the end of the day at school. Everything was a blur. She took a test she didn't study for. She said the wrong answer for her class and every little nosey kid got a good laugh. She ate lunch with a couple people she didn't know, eventually scaring them off with her personality and ate alone. Their fault for not being able to keep up. In class she got yelled at for talking over the teacher. In her defense, it was about the assignment and she was merely helping a girl with a math problem she didn't understand. Another few hours of emotional isolation and prejudice and she found herself outside the double doors of the long abandoned (Until recently, that is) arts branch of the school. A long hall to themselves with a room to meet.

It was found month or two ago by herself and a couple other weirdos. A set of locked double doors that peak their interest enough to talk to some higher ups and get opened. After finding it to be an art building area, she called her aunt and got her to sell all of the pieces she had left at home, buying all supplies that could replace that which expired over the years of negligence. She was lucky enough for the teachers and faculty to comply. So here she was, her own sanctuary. Still she found it a bit odd she had yet to talk to other students. It was unlike her to be antisocial. She figured that there was just too much to do to spend that time talking.

She walked straight into the pottery room and pulled out her supplies. Old wooden pin, sgraffito tools, and a new slab roller she had out. Wedging some fresh clay, she brought it out and took out a metal wire structure she made to hold fragile components of her piece. She began to shaped the neck and slender shoulders on a woman. Her mind fell into place as her focus narrowed.
Vineres had her book bag hitched on her left shoulder as her guitar case took up spot on her right. Vinnie had been told by a school counselor that there was something to the likes of a new club cropping up, and that perhaps it would be a good way to get accustomed to talking to other's. It was weird not having her brother by her side when she wasn't in classes, and it felt empty as the guitar could only pull such a weight.

"Might as well..." She mumbled to herself, forcing herself down the hallways to the big double doors. Somewhere past them she could hear what sounded like someone working in the pottery room but the rest was silent. Vinnie walked down until she found the music room door, emblazoned with a couple music notes she assumed were form the previous teacher who set up shop. Two good shoves and the door finally opened.

Vineres immediately looked around, feeling her way around the room. Music instruments, some she hadn't even seen before decorated the walls and floor, seemingly not been touched in ages. For a moment she almost couldn't decide if she should start playing or not but after a couple minutes passed of inspecting the guitars left on a stand set, she took her own out and strummed with her thumb, not wanting to disrupt the others in the room only a couple feet away. Vi finally found a tune drifting around in her head and began to play it out, sounding like the Barton Hallow from The Civil Wars meets Earthly Pleasures by The Villagers.
It had been a long, hard day for Dylan. Of course, to him, no day was particularly easy. He mostly kept to himself, didn't really try to socialize, and never raised his hand to answer questions in class. The teachers never picked him to speak; it was like he was invisible. If only it were true. There were a few kids who thought it was fun to mess with him; he was rather easy to mess with.

Before his last class of the day, English, started, a boy that sat beside him leaned forward to his friend and whispered "watch this," mischievously. Dylan hadn't come in yet; he was still out in the hall gathering his books. The boy took a cigarette lighter and set it in the middle of Dylan's desk. The object was harmless enough: closed, not lit. But to Dylan, it was a sinister thing.

Dylan had an irrational fear towards cigarette lighters. In his own little world, they were mind control transmitters, sent out by aliens that worked for the government. They made everyone who owned them mean. Why would he think such a thing? Probably because everyone he knew who had a lighter was mean.

When Dylan came in and saw the silver lighter on his desk, his eyes widened. He fearfully skirted around the desk until he reached out and quickly swiped the thing away. It landed across the room with a clatter. The curly haired boy then sat down sheepishly, the room erupting with snickers and a few flat out laughs. He found it particularly hard to focus during English that day. Instead, he chose to doodle on his notebook.

Finally, the last bell rang and Dylan got up. He gathered his things and slunk out of the classroom, down the hall and down the next. The double doors to the art club where only a few halls down, which was convenient for him. Dylan pushed them open with little hesitation; he'd been here several times by now. Still, it was the same as everywhere else. He kept to himself and rarely spoke to anyone. However, this place had a different feel to it; it wasn't hostile. It was a comfortable silence as he found one his latest works, a painting that was almost finished but not quite there. Dylan planned to finish it up today.

The painting was a colorful, surreal piece of work. Dylan couldn't explain it if he tried; he honestly just sat down and started painting, letting his hands take it where ever they may. It featured a little owl sitting on what looked like a bright red branch, houses behind it and swirls of nonsensical colors. Dylan sat for about half an hour, filling the rest of the canvas until no more white showed, then going in to touch it up a little. When he was done, he leaned back to look at it. He tilted his head, as if confused by his own work.


(not my painting, obviously :P )
Adrians fingers gripped the top of his cream colored scarf and pulled it higher over his mouth. It had been another day of silence not even a chuckle being aloud out of his mouth as he lived his life. His day had been exactly like the others, lonely. He had walked down the same halls, and sat through the same classes never missing a day and never doing anything differently. Not getting a single glance except from those who found him idiotic and stupid, those people handing him the nickname 'Mute'.

And here he was once again hidden away around a corner in an empty hallway, the tips of his fingers where a bright pink as they clutched a pen which wrote words a crossed his notebooks surface silently. This was the only time in the day that allowed him to write without interruption, when he was alone and it was silent. He would sit in this same spot and open to a new page continuing his story which grew each time he decided to open his notebook.

A small clump of his black hair fell over his hazel eyes blocking his view of his notebook, he let out a agitated sigh and placed his notebook onto the cold tiled floor in front of him reaching into the pocket of his cardigan.

His fingers dug through his pocket for a while until it came a crossed a small clip which he immediately took out and turned in his fingertips. The surfaces color matched his hair perfectly making it almost unnoticeable as he slipped it into his hair pushing back his bangs. Once finished he reached forward for his notebook, his fingers grazing its edges as he propped it onto his lap. Adrian readjusted his legs until he sat criss crossed and gripped the edges of the journal and began to write just like before, alone.
Joshua floated through the day disconnectedly. He tried to pay attention in his first few classes, but got bored and spent most of the morning illustrating the first page of his fifth chapter. When lunchtime came, he sat at his regular table, alone as usual, his lunch neglected as he sketched. In the afternoon, there was a pop quiz, which Joshua ignored, and a free study period, in which he wrote more. After school, he made his way through the halls to the arts building.

He had never been here before, and was nervous to be coming to a new place. He pushed the door open slowly, and it revealed a hallway. Making his way down the hallway, Joshua peeked into a few rooms, but they were empty. Joshua decided he would find someone. His goal was to make friends, after all. He found a music room by following his ears, but when he looked inside, there were more people than he wanted to deal with. He wanted to make a friend or two, not brave a whole room. He kept walking until he came across what was clearly an art room with one crumpled-looking boy in it, looking at a painting he had seemingly just finished. Joshua decided this would be the person he would introduce himself to. If he didn't do it soon, he'd probably chicken out. He pushed open the door and stepped in.

"Um... Hi. I'm Joshua. That painting is cool," he said. "What inspired it?"
The day was like any other day for Odin, masking his true self, half-hearted laughs, and unknowing people. He knew his life wasn't as bad as others, and he would constantly remind himself that, that he didn't deserve to cry for his 'sad' life. It wasn't very lonely, well at least at school, since he wasn't bullied or ignored, he actually had many friends. But what was the point of having them, when there was no reason to? Life wouldn't be very different without them, the only thing that would change would be that he wouldn't have someone beside him. Though it wouldn't really matter, since he would always wake up the same and feel the same without them. Besides, he wasn't really 'best friends' with them, maybe some thought he was, but he really wasn't. He would always be the extra person to pair up with for a project if their friends already had partners and they didn't want to be with someone else.

After the school day had ended, which was full of moments where he would just space out and stare out a window, he had finally met the double doors he had been seeing five days a week for a few weeks now. He entered unhesitatingly, not bothering to greet others, since he knew they all were like that, always minding there own business, which was quite refreshing to Odin. He quickly entered the music wing of the large building, most of his artistic talents were related with his voice anyways, though he decided to use the piano, and maybe sing, or mumble, the lyrics to the songs he would play.

He sat on the shiny, maybe a bit dusty, wooden piano bench, and caressed his fingers on the fine keys. 'C C D D E E F, G G F F E E D...' He thought the notes to the simple version of 'Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star' as he quietly played the keys with one finger, his right hand pointer finger, to be specific. He slowly started to forget his surroundings, and he started to quietly sing the lyrics to different tunes, as he softly played the sweet melody of them.
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Dylan, who had spaced out for just a bit, was about to get up and get another canvas when someone come it. He looked up, mildly startled. It was another boy, probably about his age. He looked nice enough; he probably wasn't a secret agent or anything. Dylan looked between him and his painting for a moment, as if trying to figure out how to answer the question.

"Oh...I don't know." He sounded a bit confused. "I was just got being started at it, and it was coming out like this." His choice of words were...strange. It was like he was trying to speak two different sentences as once; still, one could mostly understand what it was he was trying to say. He didn't look the boy in the eye. Instead, he fiddled with a button on one of his three jackets. One had to wonder why he was so bundled up; it wasn't even cold in here.
Vineres turned again once she heard the piano and the boy chime, stopping her own strumming to listen. He was quite talented really, and to be able to play and sing at the same time wasn't a skill shed acquired yet. Though she stayed silent, only occasionally catching herself about to hum along to a familiar melody. He wasn't too bad looking, infact Vinnie could be sworn shed seem him around school always with someone by his side. Why he was in here all alone now was a topic for speculation in her mind.

She wasn't sure whether she should speak up or not, and wasn't wishing for an altercation. So instead she sat for a while longer, going over her words of choice over and over again. With how much she was other thinking it, you'd think she was about to tell someone their dog died.

"Uh... would you mind if I played along?" She asked, barely audible. The schools acoustic guitar was strung over her shoulder still, fingers hungrily wanting to play.
A melody rang through the hallway pulling Adrian from his thoughts and away form his imaginary world. The flow of notes coming in faint echos from down the darkening hallway. This caused Adrian to look downwards at his clock, his hazel eyes watching the numbers, 6:13. Earning this information Adrian glanced down the hallway where the sounds seemed to be protruding down a set of staires at the end. Adrians curiosity bit at him until he pushed off the ground and caustiously strode towards the steps his arms gripping his notebook to his chest tightly.

The steps led into a pit of darkenss only the fade of light in the corner. Despite his mind erging him to walk away the music continued to beckon him deeper and deeper into the school. His footsteps where light and almost silent on the white floor, his cardigen swayed with his uneven steps until he reached the end of the eerie steps. He was met with a poorly lit hallway which led to a set of metal doors, the only way to explain them was un-welcoming. His steps became slower the more he neared the doors, the sound grew louder and louder the closer he dared.

Now he stood in front of the door the music only slightly muffled to a certain degree, he placed his hand loosely onto its cold surface before sliding it lazily downwards until it hovered over the knob. His fingers wrapped themselves around the knob and he opened it slowly nervous on what was going to be in front of him. Adrian would have been lying if he had told anyone he wasn't surprised at the sight of multiple instruments lining the walls and to se the two fingures in front of him. Was this something he didn't know about, a club?
Joshua looked from the painting to the boy, confused by his choice of words. "Oh, that's..." Joshua contemplated for a moment what to say. "Interesting." He smiled at the boy, feeling just as awkward and nervous as the other boy looked. "Aren't you hot? I mean, you're wearing so many layers..." Joshua winced at his own tactlessness. He supposed it was because he was nervous, plus the fact that this was the first time he had talked to someone all month. He bemoaned his stupidity, hoping he hadn't offended the boy.
Rita heard the music playing from the other room, but it was loud and lively from where she was. The room she was working in was poorly lit and seemed to be empty of all energy and the music was just the thing to fill her with energy again. Finishing the perfect curve of the neck on her piece, she paused and washed her hands, getting out of her bag a thing of donuts. She didn't want any herself, but the figured it would get people to open up a bit more. She could feel the clay on her forehead and some on her hair line from when she swiped an arm to wipe away a bit of sweat. A bit of dirt would never do any harm though, so she made no effort to clean herself up. She didn't want to spend school never knowing anyone. Though she tries to talk to others, they seem to avoid her.

Humming softly, she left the room and came to the music room, guessing that there must be members. Instruments cant play themselves, can they? "I brought some food! Take one please." She said to the people she saw in playing.
Cady tiptoed quietly down the hallway, careful to move out of everyone's way as they rushed pass. She took a deep breath and looked around the corridor and swore she'd been down this one before. Cady took a deep breath, desperate not to lose her cool. She'd only been in this place for 2 weeks and still hadn't got the hang of it, let alone spoken to anyone.

She leant back against the wall to compose herself, not realising it was a door. She stumbled backwards into a room, blushing, praying to every deity she could think of that she didn't burst into a class. She looked behind her - the coast seemed clear. Cady tiptoed to the other side of the empty room and sat down in the corner, playing with her phone to pass the time, listening to the pleasant music coming out from one of the adjacent doors.
Vinnie smiled to the girl who had just walked in, and lunch her guitar over her shoulder long enough to giver a short bow.

"Thank you very much. I'll get more seats." She said, half skipping to the back of the room and picking up a couple of chairs from the pile, and unfolding them around the front of the piano. She wasn't sure how many people were left, so she doubled back and set a couple more across the hall before taking her own. Her blue hair had come a little bit out of its bun, a couple strands left to the side for her to nervously twirl in her fingers. Thoughts passed as she wondered about what color to dye it next, but more footsteps in the hallway caught her attention instead.
Dylan didn't seem offended at all. He gazed emptily at the boy for a moment, as if lost in space. His eyes slowly drifted from his company and off to the side, as if watching something float through the air. They stopped on the wall across the room, then went back to Joshua.

"A little," He said, answering the boy's question.

Dylan then stood and took his painting off the easel. He set it on the counter before getting a blank one and setting up for another painting. Dylan loved to paint; and it was one of the few things he didn't mind having company for. He cleaned his brushed off in the sink, then sat back down on his stool. He dipped his largest brush into a the midnight blue paint he'd mixed up. With gentle strokes, he began to paint the new canvas.
Adrian watched the girl walk past him with a bag in her grip, she walked by un noticing of him like many others. He didn't take it personally as he stepped out of the doorway and leaned against the wall nearest to it. His knuckles where white as they nervously gripped the notebook tighter to his chest, why was he staying and not leaving, he dosnt know if they are even fine with him being there. His bangs where still clipped to the to of his head as he stood there unaware of them. The room was slightly colder then how he imagined it, the temperature causing him to tug his scarf over his mouth once more.
Cady stood up and looked around, taking notice of the room, a room she'd walked past many times before. "I didn't know we had an art area here." She thought to herself, she gazed longingly at one of the easels, desperately wanting to paint but not wanting to impose. She looked over at the door again, too scared to move in case she drew attention to herself. Cady pocketed her phone and made her way over to the easels, admiring some of the unfinished work on them.
Vineres stood, deciding to go rally up anyone else who might want to chat with the others. It wasn't like her, but she didn't want anyone to feel left out like she had so many times. This club was here to bring them together, right?

Vinnie strolled out, turning to the boy propped against the wall. He seemed to be scared or nervous of something.

"Uhm, are you alright?" she asked, clasping her hands behind her. With any luck he wouldn't be angry at her.

Adrian's gazed trailed slowly upto the kind girls face when she acknowledged him, a small strand of his bangs falling over his eyes. He nodded yes to her question hoping to reassure her in some way without speaking. His toes where pointed into one another, he didn't know what to do after answering her question so he gave her a small forced smile before averting his gaze to the instruments which lined the walls.
Vinnie followed his eyes, feeling as if she might be making him uncomfortable.

"I'm Vineres by the way. You can call me Vinnie." She said briefly. Waiting a couple moments she gave him a small little wave and a half a smile before turning on her heel to rest the acoustic guitar she'd been playing earlier back on it's stand.
Rita followed Vinnie out, unsure of whether or not she was even wanted. Shrugging, she gave Adrian a wide and friendly grin. "Is it.. do you want to play one? It would be fun if we could all play together. I know you play." She said looking at Vinnie, before changing her attention back to the boy. " Donut?" She offered him the box.
Adrian pushed his back closer to the wall unsure of how he felt about all the attention he was getting at the moment. But he still answered Rita by a small wave and nodding his heads from side to side not wanting one but nodding yes to her question, he was hoping they wouldn't find him rude for not speaking he just didn't enjoy it. As he thought this he reached up to the top of his head and removed his bobby pin from his hair and dropped it into his pocket, immediately after removing the pin his messy black hair fell over his forehead. Adrian's left hands fingers rubbed over his pencils surface wondering if at some point he'd have to write out his words to converse with them. He was given the name Mute so why not in force the title.
"I would be more than happy to play with everyone. if we can find a common tune that is." She said, smiling to Rita. With a small bow she returned inside of the music room to search out for where she put her own guitar.

"What do you play?" She asked, peeking her head out shortly as she finally found her case that had been covered in band stickers and old tattoo designs painted onto the faux leather.
Rita's grin increased in size, if possible. It was one of the first time she had met others who didn't hear about her in a negative way, or at least didn't show it. "Sweet! I'm Rita by the way. How about you two?" She asked, looking around the room at instruments. She saw the girls case, looking at the designs. "Cool.." She whispered aloud. "Oh, I play piano."
Vinnie was ecstatic to finally be talking to someone after two weeks of coming here and strumming on her own.

"I'm Vineres, but you can call me Vi or Vinnie. Whatever suits you." She said, lifting her own acoustic out of the hard shell. She'd left her bass and electric home, seeing as most of the time they were too loud and disruptive to play in such a quiet environment.

"That's cool. Wonder if we can find a singer for us?"
Adrian listened to them converse and at the mention of needing a singer he became more attentive. He moved his gaze from the ukulele on the wall to the two girls named Rita and Vineres, he eyed the guitar as it was slowly lifted his fingers tapping his notebook. He dabbled in singing, seeing it only as a hobby, but if he can't even make a sound in front of anyone how could he even think of singing. A chill ran down his spine causing him to quickly shutter and try to play it off as if he was cold re lifting his scarf. .

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