Ark 13 [Inactive]


The First Iron Warrior
Tinman submitted a new role play:

Ark 13 - Space... The Final Frontier. JK! Space, Humanities new home.

2024- the world is plunged into an all consuming war ending in the earths superpowers launching nuclear attacks. having sensed this the government of the world started building arks to ensure mankinds survival in case the worst came to pass.
2045- Earth is a rock devoid of life, the 13 Arks sent off to survive amongst the stars are trying to find a new home. Scatering to different planets, moons, and asteroid belts the Arks set out to rebuild the glory of mankind and so the Arks began to...
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Com. Johns:

After we lost contact with the other Arks we have been in the dark for years, it seemed almost like a lost cause at this point. Then Captain Taylor received a distress beacon, we have been headed in that direction for the past few weeks and we will be there within a few hours. The bridge of the Ark was bustling with people trying to figure out what to do when we get there, excitement and fear filled the steel walls now and the Captain just stood there looking out onto the deck. I walked up towards him and stood at his side "what is it sir?" i asked him looking at my old friend "Johns, no one down there knows what we are about to get ourselves into be it for good or ill. I think they deserve to know." so many people down there and we could be so close to finding a new home. Taylor walked over to the intercom systems and flipped them on "Ladies and Gentlemen this is Captain Taylor, a number of weeks ago we received a distress beacon from Ark 2, we will be arriving at their last known destination in a few hours" He then turned it off and looked at me, and in that moment i knew exactly what he was thinking and it started to scare me... if Ark 2 is gone... no time to think about that now, I have a ship to prep.
Mason made his way to the Andromeda to prepare for when they reached Ark 2's last known location. He wasn't sure what to expect, it had been a long time since they had contact with any of the other Arks, and a distress becon wasn't exactly a happy hello. On his way he ran into Com. Johns. "Sir." He said nodding and falling into step beside the man. He looks was serious, Mason wondered if he was worried at all. Even if he was, he wouldn't show it, a good trait in a leader.

"Mason" i said as i acknowledged him by my side "make sure your team is ready, full combat gear and at landing craft within the hour" As i finished I turned down a hall to get to the bridge of the Andrameda. The old girl was ready to launch the moment we broke from hyperspace.


As i heard the intercoms died out i took a second to think about it and soak it all in. I then turned to my apprentice "zeek we might have a lot of work ahead of us... might even get something to fix this place up with other then tape and a little bit of hope" Zeek was a skinny kid who was ok at learning all the systems that i have taught to him, I might get to see how he does when we have more metal then tape.
"Yes sir." Mason watched as he left for the bridge and headed in the direction of the locker room to meet up with his team and get them ready. 'Full combat gear huh?' The idea didn't concern him too much, it was precaution after all. Mason did however hope that there wouldn't be dangerous. In all his years on the Ark nothing serious had ever really happened, he wanted to keep it that way.


Zeke listened to the message the Captain sent. A sense of excitement filled him. If Ark 2 was in good shape that would mean replacement parts, or hell maybe the engineers there figured out some new stuff that he could learn. He looked to Lyle. His mind then went to a different matter, they were after all following a distress becon. "You think they are ok? I mean, what if they need replacement parts, we don't really have any to spare."

"That's a possibility" I said as i tightened a loose pipe down "but i would rather think more positively" the others Arks were far better prepaired for this even then we were, so naturally the other 12 are still out there somewhere."I just cant wait till I have parts, in fact the right parts instead of just putting a band aid on in"
Zeke scoffed in agreement. "Right?" This place really was held together with duct tape and hope. The people of the Ark remarkably didn't seem to think about the condition the Ark itself was in. Which Zeke always thought was stupid, if the whole Ark went to shit the rest of everything wouldn't really matter. He handed Lyle the next tool. "This place needs an update."


Sam had stopped her checkup for a moment to listen to the Captains message, once it was done she finished up helping the young girl in her office"Well, your all good sweetie." She handed the child a sucker and sent her on her way. That had been her last appointment before lunch and she started to walk to the deck. Thoughts of Ark 2 floating around in her head. It was a distress call and she was wondering the condition it's people were in. If they were suffering from illness she wasn't sure what she would do. If their own doctors couldn't fix it, she wouldn't know if she had the supplies to help them.
Jamie listened to the announcement while she worked, throwing her hair back in a ponytail to keep it out the way and not caring about the grease covering her hands. Ark 2? Nice. Maybe they had some stuff that we don't have here that she could tinker with. Would be pretty cool ti say the least really. She smirked at other people's conversations. "This place needs a bit more than an update" she commented
Rune's eyes flicked open, the hard surface of a desk greeting him as he awoke. A sea of pages, inundated with notes and calculations, scrawled in black pen, encompassed him. He turned his head to look at his make-shift laboratory, that was, while still clearly unimpressive, showing promise. Only one of the rooms many lights as well as a small desk lamp were active, leaving in the room in near total darkness. Running his hand along the blood-rushed imprint on the left side of his face, Rune looked around for a clock. 10:17 AM. I need to stop staying up so late, he thought to himself with a meager sigh, but eh, the time on the clock's here are largely an arbitration and time works a little differently out here in space with no major gravity body nearby. Although, I wonder if the gravity generator creates as powerful of an effect as Earth would. He picked up a pen and scribbled that thought onto a piece of paper before lifting himself from his chair and stretching his arms.

Luckily, the young scientist had the day off, so being late to work was of no concern. Right as he was about to leave the door, a voice emerged from the PA system. It seemed Ark 2 was in trouble, which didn't seem much a concern to Rune, but he thought about seeing what the commotion was about anyway. "Breakfast first," he murmured in response to the growl of his stomach, then walking over to a table to grab his wallet and stuff a pen and piece of paper into his jacket pocket. With that, he slipped out the door, and onto the narrow, fluorescent-lit streets, if you could call them that; they were more of snaking passages lined with railings and slithering pipes, at least in this part of the city. Where he grew up they were wider, brighter, and more welcoming, but that time was past him now. Pacing down the little street-hallway, Rune came into a more open area, somewhat like a town square lined with shops, and more importantly at this point, restaurants. Rune walked into a diner in the corner of the square, as he often found himself doing and took a seat. Then, he simply sat and waited for someone to come and talk his order, and in the meantime, he simply jotted down notes of anything relevant that came to mind.

The Ark came lurching out of hyperspace and before we even got sight I commanded the ships to launch, the Andramada and her two sisters released from their mornings. What we saw wasn't Ark 2, it was a graveyard. 2 was torn apart and pieces were all about the place and then we saw the fleet. 2's fleet was over a dozen strong when we lost contact, and now they were all gone. "This is Johns to the fleet, All fighters launch, all cargo carriers launch, salvage what you can. Scouts launch search for any other signs of survivors out of our current reach. Boarding teams on standby." As I finished my order a trail of missiles streaked past the bridge. "find the ship that shot that, blow it up on screen" what i saw next made my heart soar. Just one of 2's Frigates made it, they were severely crippled and being chased. "This is Lieutenant Lennin of the Ulysses we must leave now" "I hear you Lennin, open comms to the Ark, All medical and Engineering staff to dockyard six, the Ulysses is severely crippled"as i switched off comms i turned back to the situation at hand "all fighters guide her to us, cargo carriers get your salvage and get back here fast." the enemy ship is what bothered me most. This ship was massive in size, half the size of an Ark. eventually the Ulysses started to outrun the other ship "Lennin and crew of the Ulysses, welcome to Ark 13" as they docked the rest of our fleet was beginning to pull back towards the Ark bringing with it at least a little bit of salvage.
Janessa walked to her closet, picking out her outfit for heading to Medical wing. Picking out a cute blue sweater and some comfortable jeans she began making her way humming a tune to herself.

She listened to the announcements briefly. Ark 2? In just a few hours? Wow. She sighed nervously. If it's bad, then I'm probably not gonna be able to catch a break for hours. When I get there, I might as well get the emergency supplies ready and start the chemical reactors to get some more morphine. Never hurts to be ready.

She arrived at the hospital wing and smiled nervously at her coworkers, heading to her station and switching it over to 'open station' sitting down, she started filling out her blog times.
Zeke was jut about to respond to Jamie with his own a idea for a new ventilation system, when the coms came back on. It stated that Ark 2 had a ship that was crippled, the Ulysses, and that all engineers and medical crew were report to the docks to help. "Well that's us." Zeke quickly, started to pack up his tools into his belt. "Does sound good does it?" He said pausing to look at Lyle and Jamie.


Sam was finishing up lunch when the coms went back on, Ulysses was crippled. She through down her napkin and apologized to the waiter, "I have to go, I'm sorry I'll come back and pay later." She quickly ran out of the restaurant and headed in the direction of the docks, not slowing her pace at all. She was worried, they only mentioned one ship, what had happened to the rest of Ark 2. She shook the thoughts away, she needed a clear head right now.
Her eyes opening widely she realized it said the medical crew. 'Oh no!!!' She squealed and flipped off her chem switch almost running into a little girl, "sorry sweetie!" She rushed towards the stations sliding her medical pack on and shutting off the open station sign.

"I can't believe I misheard that!" She said with a panic, running towards the head doctor, "sorry! Didn't even realize!" She pointed towards the door and started heading towards the docking station.

As we heard the message I started making my way towards the dock, I was excited to see what condition the new ship was in to see if we could salvage anything useful from her and what else we got in. Being a mechanic was a side deal i was trying to get into. how those fighters really worked was a wonder. "this might get hectic when we get up there, we havent gotten salvage sense i was young"
"Doesn't sound good for them no but for us? It could be good for us" she grinned briefly as she jumped up and started heading to where they needed to be. "Come on skinny boy, we got some salvaging to do" Jamie tucked the last tool into her belt as she looked back at Zeke to talk to him before walking again.
Zeke scrambled to catch up with them, after he put the rest of his tools in his belt. "Yeah." he agreed, it would be good for them to get some salvage they really needed it. However he couldn't escape some strange feeling of dread. Something didn't feel right. "Why is only one ship coming in?" He thought out loud, "And why is it crippled?" There was obvious concern in his voice, he tried to forget it but it just clung to him.

As I got to the docks there were people carrying the wounded off of the ship. The choas of what was here was astounding. I eventually found Lennin "What happened out there?" I asked him as we meet hands. "A fleet of unknown ships came from nowhere, they hit the Ark before we even had time to launch. they took out three ships with the Ark. from there we took a few down but that last one cant make it through the debris field. We need to get out of here Commander" "noted" i said as i nodded to him. "Mason get who you can and help with the wounded, we jump in ten"
Mason, simply nodded in response and walked over to his men. "Alright, we jump in ten for now get these injured to our doctors. Move!" He then walked over to assist as well, helping another soldier pick up an unconscious woman and take her over to the doctors. He came to a dark haired women in a doctors coat. "She's alive, but just barely doc." She put on her gloves and opened her kit, "Lay her here." He and the other man laid the woman down, she gave a out a low moan. "I don't understand what could have done this. When we planned on making discoveries we never planned on the hostile kind." The doctor said "Don't worry, we'll get everything under control." Mason told her. She looked up, "Thank you, " paused to look at his tag. "Mason." She smiled and then went back to her work. He too went back to doing here job.

When Zeke and the other entered the dock is far more chaotic than he imagined it would be, there was metal and people scattered everywhere. The injured survivors moans and cries echoed. "Holy shit." Zeke said in awe. He looked to Lyle, "What now?" He was so overwhelmed he wasn't sure what to do. His mind was now drawing a blank. There was more too this, and he wasn't sure he wanted to find out what is was.
Jamie entered the chaos just behind Zeke and she looked around slightly stunned. This was pretty cool engineering wise but not so cool with all the injuries. Straightening herself up she checked all her tools were in place. Guessing they were either gonna make this thing right again or take it apart for scrap and salvage use.
Rune concluded his breakfast and ushered a dozen credits onto the table as payment before setting back out onto the street. All right, time to see what the trouble is, he mused, toting his iconic gray-tinted lab coat. He paced down the street-corridors, making his way to the docks. Upon his arrival he was greeted by a chaotic scene of disaster. Wounded people meandered toward what few doctors who had already made it to the scene. He looked around for authorities, trying to get a grasp of the situation.
Locket was helping out the Medics with the wounded, he was off duty that day and just coming out of the pub, he saw medical personnel and wounded all around and asked the nearest medic "What happened?"
Same looked over to see a man standing by in the docks. "We reached Ark 2, the Ulysses frigate was the only ship to make it." Her breath was rapid. She had been rushing around helping where ever she could. "It had been attacked, all the people on board were injured. That's all I know sorry." She wasn't sure why this man was down in the docks. For now it was just Fleet personnel, Engineers and the Medical Crews.
"I'd better get suited up" Locket said after thanking her and rushed towards the barracks. 
After getting suited up Locket immediately reported to his C.O., gave him a snappy salute and said "Corporal Locket, J.D., reporting for duty, sir!" His C.O. turned towards him and said "Soldier, report to Petty Officer Mason, ASAP!" "Sir yes, sir!" Locket acknowledge without questions.
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Mason turned to see Corporal Locket standing before him "At ease Corporal." He said. "Glad to see you hear, our orders have been to assist Med. Crew as much as possible before our next hyper jump in 10." He said to him. Locket was a good man, and a valued member of Mason's group. His tone eased up for a moment, "Glad to see you here, now let's get to work."
"Sir yes, sir!" He answered this time more calmly, He hadn't met a Petty Officer this friendly before and Locket knew that this would be an assignment he won't forget, he followed the Petty Officer towards the wounded and began their work with the rest of the team.

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