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Other Are you male or female, and do you normally post interest checks, or answer others'?

Are you male or female, and do you normally post interest checks, or answer others'?

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  • Female.

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  • I usually answer others' interest checks.

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Kaoru Asuna

"I like tiny stuff!"
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I am not looking for any roleplays currently.
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  1. One on One
I'm wondering what the male-female player ratio is on the site. It seems that most offerings for RP's are from females (at least in 1x1 RP's, which is all I play). Is anyone else seeing this?

Are you male or female, and do you normally post interest checks, or answer others'?
New member here, male rper, and... wow... I would’ve have guessed the ratio for male rpers would be a bit higher tbh lol, but it’s to be expected, anyways. So far, I haven’t posted interest checks yet. I’m still learning the ropes, tho, but I might as well be interested to check and, maybe, answer others’ interest checks.

P. S. Apologies for being such a noob in this forum. I hope I know what I was talking about lol 🥴
New member here, male rper, and... wow... I would’ve have guessed the ratio for male rpers would be a bit higher tbh lol, but it’s to be expected, anyways. So far, I haven’t posted interest checks yet. I’m still learning the ropes, tho, but I might as well be interested to check and, maybe, answer others’ interest checks.

P. S. Apologies for being such a noob in this forum. I hope I know what I was talking about lol 🥴
You're fine, bro. 😎 Yeah, I'm a bit surprised by the ratio, too. I thought it'd be more even, but almost all of the interest checks seem to be put out by women. Thanks for responding. I really only put this up for the poll, so it's good to hear a real answer!
You're fine, bro. 😎 Yeah, I'm a bit surprised by the ratio, too. I thought it'd be more even, but almost all of the interest checks seem to be put out by women. Thanks for responding. I really only put this up for the poll, so it's good to hear a real answer!
No prob! Always a pleasure to answer. I’ve been checking dozens of interest checks since I joined RPN days ago, and... yup! Like about ¾ of them came from women, instead of men. Lol. Tbh, I’ve always been told that women make up the majority of RP community, and based on my observation, it seems to be true for some of the platforms I’ve been part of, including RPN. Tho, I gotta say that it also depends on the fandoms. Fighting game fandoms (save for MK), for example, are usually dominated by men.
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I am gender queer so I don't fit but I do definitely agree, in my roughly 15 years of rping on multiple sites, I've always noticed a female lean in terms of who's rping. I'd say roughly, for every 10 people I roleplay with, 1 is male and even that is a generous ratio but that said, there's also a chance I simply am not searching for rps that males are looking for ^^
I am gender queer so I don't fit but I do definitely agree, in my roughly 15 years of rping on multiple sites, I've always noticed a female lean in terms of who's rping. I'd say roughly, for every 10 people I roleplay with, 1 is male and even that is a generous ratio but that said, there's also a chance I simply am not searching for rps that males are looking for ^^
Ouch. Only 1? That kinda hurts lol.

I feel like guys are more interested in doing BRPs, y’know. Stuff that involves fighting, competing in a tournament, and all that. I guess this is why fighting game fandoms outside of MK are mostly dominated by guys. The other I can think of is DB. From my experience, it has a ton of guys with their OCs who’re literally just color swaps of Goku and Vegeta.

But yeah, usually, the more mainstream fandoms are dominated by women, and that even includes Marvel and DC at some point (especially the movie side of things). Seems like it’s not just about Lit RP, but also literature as a whole. Heard the other day that females are more into this sorta thing than males, and I guess that explains.
That's another thing I've noticed: there's a lot of LGBT and furry and other things in that realm on here, too. But that makes sense if most of the people on here are women or girls, because of the generally accepting temperament we have.

And it really does make sense in general that women make up the majority of this community: Guys on the whole don't read much, and it's usually non-fiction when they do read (though now anime and manga are popular, along with comics and graphic novels, so it's possible guys might be reading a bit more now? I have no idea really), so I would think writing fiction (as we do here, as long as we're not directly playing as ourselves) follows that theme somewhat. Not that men don't write -- history is filled to the brim with some of the most talented male writers. But, I think with the huge explosion in the popularity (and acceptance of 30-40 year-olds men playing) videogames (as evidenced by pop culture, and gaming channels on YouTube, Rumble, Twitch, etc.), men aren't that interested in taking the time to write stories -- at least not at the level they used to in the good old days of great novels.

(I mean no offense by this next text block. These are observations of society, and being a Millennial, personal experience of some of the things I'm going to say. Thank God if your not an example of what I'm about to describe and your a member of the following generations -- I applaud you. You are a miracle.)

And aside from that, there's a widespread lack of care about almost anything from the Millennial and Gen Z generations (I am one of the last of the former). They would rather post ass selfies and play dangerous pranks then really DO anything. They don't read (except some of the girls, mostly), and God forbid they try to learn anything, make anything, or actually even attempt to improve themselves. I'm not saying this is even their fault for the most part -- they're a product of their upbringing in a generally Godless world of internet, smartphones in the hands of small children on a very normal basis, and a generation on parents who don't seem to care more about their kids future than they do about what someone is saying on Facebook.

One final note (that's more directly related to this thread's topic): Since I only play rp's with men (at least the romantic ones, which is currently all of them), I have a hard time finding interest checks that suit my fancy, so I start my own. That said, I don't have a lot of trouble picking up male partners, even though they're almost all romantically driven (which I guess makes sense, since this is a role-playing site). And maybe that's because there are so few guys that I'm sucking up every one who wants the same thing I'm looking for in an RP. I don't know. It could also be the somewhat "Lazy Lit" approach I have when looking for partners. The less I require (and the less rules I apply), the easier it is to pull in players.

I'm going to stop talking now. 😂
I have been roleplaying for close to twenty years (off and on as time permits) and I started out in fanfic circles.

Both are heavily dominated by women or queer people. I would say it’s because we are in general more willing to build community with one another.

Men as mentioned are more competitive which only lends itself to a very particular type of storytelling. Women and queer people on the other hand are more focused on building something together which suits a much broader range of storytelling.

Not saying men can’t be collaborative, they can. It’s just rarer because it’s not as encouraged in male centric circles as it is in female or queer centric circles.
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Men as mentioned are more competitive which only lends itself to a very particular type of storytelling.

Which explains what I was saying, I supposed. Most guys tend to seek the thrill of a bout and competing with one another, hence why most of us lean towards BRPs and tournament plots. And hence, I guess, why fandoms like DB and fighting games are full of them. As somebody who’s been rping a rather niche fighting game character for over 5 years, I can say that most of the people I’ve interacted with are males, tho there are quite a lot of females, too (usually the Chun-Li or Juri rpers).

That's another thing I've noticed: there's a lot of LGBT and furry and other things in that realm on here, too. But that makes sense if most of the people on here are women or girls, because of the generally accepting temperament we have.

And it really does make sense in general that women make up the majority of this community: Guys on the whole don't read much, and it's usually non-fiction when they do read (though now anime and manga are popular, along with comics and graphic novels, so it's possible guys might be reading a bit more now? I have no idea really), so I would think writing fiction (as we do here, as long as we're not directly playing as ourselves) follows that theme somewhat. Not that men don't write -- history is filled to the brim with some of the most talented male writers. But, I think with the huge explosion in the popularity (and acceptance of 30-40 year-olds men playing) videogames (as evidenced by pop culture, and gaming channels on YouTube, Rumble, Twitch, etc.), men aren't that interested in taking the time to write stories -- at least not at the level they used to in the good old days of great novels.

(I mean no offense by this next text block. These are observations of society, and being a Millennial, personal experience of some of the things I'm going to say. Thank God if your not an example of what I'm about to describe and your a member of the following generations -- I applaud you. You are a miracle.)

And aside from that, there's a widespread lack of care about almost anything from the Millennial and Gen Z generations (I am one of the last of the former). They would rather post ass selfies and play dangerous pranks then really DO anything. They don't read (except some of the girls, mostly), and God forbid they try to learn anything, make anything, or actually even attempt to improve themselves. I'm not saying this is even their fault for the most part -- they're a product of their upbringing in a generally Godless world of internet, smartphones in the hands of small children on a very normal basis, and a generation on parents who don't seem to care more about their kids future than they do about what someone is saying on Facebook.

One final note (that's more directly related to this thread's topic): Since I only play rp's with men (at least the romantic ones, which is currently all of them), I have a hard time finding interest checks that suit my fancy, so I start my own. That said, I don't have a lot of trouble picking up male partners, even though they're almost all romantically driven (which I guess makes sense, since this is a role-playing site). And maybe that's because there are so few guys that I'm sucking up every one who wants the same thing I'm looking for in an RP. I don't know. It could also be the somewhat "Lazy Lit" approach I have when looking for partners. The less I require (and the less rules I apply), the easier it is to pull in players.

I'm going to stop talking now. 😂

Pretty sure, comic books have always been what males are into, especially the nerdy type (guilty as charge, btw lol). But yeah, you’re right, I’m pretty sure not many males would bother reading novels that are about as thick as Bible these days. I’m probably one of the few who’s into that stuff, but even then, I started liking novels rather later.

And I don’t think the probs you mentioned are attached to just one or more generations. I believe every generation has suffered from lack of discipline. In the end, it’s more to do with one’s mindset. You can be old and still lack discipline or vice versa. What matters is that you learn from your mistakes each and every day.
I’m female, and I do both, though I really don’t get much replies on my interest checks, it’s okay, it’s why I look for others.

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