Archetypes of Exalted (2.5)


Exalted is a world conceived of and shaped by entities of unimaginable will and power, and the Exalted themselves have plenty of both. Each brand of Exalt has their own unique flavor, which, perhaps it is possible to distill to a core concept, the real essence (hah) of their kind. With these things in mind, welcome to Archetypes of Exalted.


This game is now UP AND RUNNING, and players should head over to the sandbox for it.

Important notes!

First, this game will use “downtime” freely. This means that you will have time to complete your projects, be they crafting, recruitment, training, and so on.

Following the above point, characters which have the ability or drive to acquire infrastructural support will do well, because they'll actually be able to take full advantage of those resources.

I will be using the crafting rules essentially as they stand in the books. As with mutations, and most else. Custom Charms, manses, hearthstones, artifacts, and so on, are all still permitted, and in fact, encouraged.

Lunars and their mates are required to, you know, talk to each other out of character and come to some comfortable place where they like the dynamic and established history if any between their characters. If the Lunar doesn't want to have their Solar dropping control Charms on them, that's perfectly within their rights, and I expect that to be respected. Conversely, they may find it a fun storytelling device. That's fine too. The main thing is, the players of bonded characters should establish a friendly relationship with each other, so that they can deal maturely and comfortably with their characters, complement each other, so on.

There will be some quirks of character creation to promote a rough equality in starting power. As such, you won't be able to begin putting numbers to your character until after (if) we are given a little box to play in. This should not stop you from working on your character, because across the board, while I will not mandate it, I expect characters who have been Exalted for more than two years, if Solar/Abyssal/Infernal, and more than five years if one of the others. Again, this is not required, but is simply convenient and I feel more interesting than being just past the cusp of Exaltation.

Backgrounds acquired through play, meaning resources you talked your way into having, stole, or fabricated, do not cost experience points. Essentially, if you take the time and effort to gain something, I won't then make you pay for it. Thus, experience points will typically be spent on attributes, Charms, and the like. If you want a background, and don't want to spend the time to acquire it, it will have to be purchased as usual. This should not be seen as a punishment, but simply, the cost of “expedited shipping,” so to speak.

Feel free to ask questions.

Others who expressed interest, who I'm tagging to let know this thread is up: Myllinnia, navar, bablioteca, tr4nsience, Scandinavian, Midboss, Arynne.
Sunder said:
Exalted is a world conceived of and shaped by entities of unimaginable will and power, and the Exalted themselves have plenty of both. Each brand of Exalt has their own unique flavor, which, perhaps it is possible to distill to a core concept, the real essence (hah) of their kind. With these things in mind, welcome to Archetypes of Exalted.
This game has a set number of slots, with a very small amount of wiggle room. They are as follows. The names associated are people who staked claims in the interest check thread, and if they show to reaffirm them, they will likely keep them.

One Solar (Goddamnbatman), and their bonded Lunar (Lord-Leafar)

One Infernal (Viatos), and their bonded Lunar (KG-Motte)

One Abyssal , and their bonded Lunar (ThatSmellyGoblin)

One Alchemical (Ajax Oblige)

One Sidereal

One to five Dragonblooded.

For all slots, those already open, those called, and those defaulted on, please post a concise conceptual framework for the character you would play. You will be expected only to have access to and be familiar with the Exalted system, and the reference materials of your chosen variety of Exalt.

Important notes!

First, this game will use “downtime” freely. This means that you will have time to complete your projects, be they crafting, recruitment, training, and so on.

Following the above point, characters which have the ability or drive to acquire infrastructural support will do well, because they'll actually be able to take full advantage of those resources.

I will be using the crafting rules essentially as they stand in the books. As with mutations, and most else. Custom Charms, manses, hearthstones, artifacts, and so on, are all still permitted, and in fact, encouraged.

Lunars and their mates are required to, you know, talk to each other out of character and come to some comfortable place where they like the dynamic and established history if any between their characters. If the Lunar doesn't want to have their Solar dropping control Charms on them, that's perfectly within their rights, and I expect that to be respected. Conversely, they may find it a fun storytelling device. That's fine too. The main thing is, the players of bonded characters should establish a friendly relationship with each other, so that they can deal maturely and comfortably with their characters, complement each other, so on.

There will be some quirks of character creation to promote a rough equality in starting power. As such, you won't be able to begin putting numbers to your character until after (if) we are given a little box to play in. This should not stop you from working on your character, because across the board, while I will not mandate it, I expect characters who have been Exalted for more than two years, if Solar/Abyssal/Infernal, and more than five years if one of the others. Again, this is not required, but is simply convenient and I feel more interesting than being just past the cusp of Exaltation.

Backgrounds acquired through play, meaning resources you talked your way into having, stole, or fabricated, do not cost experience points. Essentially, if you take the time and effort to gain something, I won't then make you pay for it. Thus, experience points will typically be spent on attributes, Charms, and the like. If you want a background, and don't want to spend the time to acquire it, it will have to be purchased as usual. This should not be seen as a punishment, but simply, the cost of “expedited shipping,” so to speak.

Feel free to ask questions.

Others who expressed interest, who I'm tagging to let know this thread is up: Myllinnia, navar, bablioteca, tr4nsience, Scandinavian, Midboss, Arynne.
This games is approved and set to awaiting players. Let us know when you are ready to move to the Storyteller's forum to make your requests.

Captain Hesperus
I'm up for it as soon as you please. I'll just have to talk a bit with the Abyssal i'll have as my soulmate. I'll have to know what he/she is planning and expecting. I'm probably still gonna go with my goat totem No Moon sorcerer.
Sweet, I remain interested on my slot. I'm doing a Full Moon Lunar, going with the archetypical barbarian animalistic warrior, my concept would be going along the lines of a Tribal Beast Guardian, an animal totem spirit in the flesh sort of thing. No stats yet, but here's more info regarding her appearance and personality.

  • Name/Title: Nvara, formerly of the Crimson Scar Clan

    Age: 27

    Caste: Full Moon

    Totem: Great Terror

    Concept: Tribal Beast Guardian

    Motivation: Protect and unite the tribes of the East that prove themselves worthy

    Intimacies: Crimson Scar Clan [Affectionate Protection], Luna [Devotion], Strength [idealistic Respect], Eastern Tribes [Justice]

    Gender: Female
If you have a DB slot open I'd toss my hat in the ring. I can submit a history and whatnot later tonight if there's room. :)
Well if your Sidereal slot is open I could do a Secrets here. All embodying the secret hoarding manipulative thing. xD I can then use Xellos' catchphrase from Slayers. xD


Abyssal, I've not actually played one, I have a Lover's Midnight Caste that may fit, if that Laughing Wounds Style works/has a fix somewhere...
I thought I'd been making a Serenity for this. Fatecrafter, Martial Artist, and Social-Fu Peacemaker. Any chance we can expand to a team of Siddies? They do work best in groups, after all. :P
Well I was thinking of making a No-Moon, as for the specifics of Psychology and build I'll have to wait to chat about that with my less than holy mate so I can best either compliment his abilities or compensate for his weaknesses whichever they may be (if they exist at all)!
Here is my concept for a Dragon-Blood character. Current location would need to be known to fill in certain details, but the framework is as follows: Water-Aspected Immaculate monk officially from a patrician household. Known to only a few (recently he learned the secret himself) the household is one of the many fragments of House Iselsi. He was admitted to the Immaculate Order on Exalting as many of his house are there under the Mouth of Peace's protection. He takes the teachings of the Order seriously, but many experiences in the last few years have suggested that everything he has been taught is wrong...or at least seriously skewed.

He works to restore his House to Great House status, preparing a place in the Threshold for most of the family to gather and set up a powerbase much as the 7th Legion did back in the Shogunate. And he seeks to learn the truth of the time before the Shogunate to learn whether he should remain a monk...or seek Truth elsewhere.
thebetrayerofhope: Nope, the Interest Check was the precursor thread. This is the actual sign up. No worries though.

Millershipper: Sounds great. You can base yourself essentially anywhere in Creation you like, to begin.

For everyone, all four external realms are somewhat open. Autocthonia is still sealed off at the beginning, and our Alchemical will start there. Malfeas and the Underworld are open, and the Wyld is always there.

Myllinnia and Thief of Words if you could each expand on your Sidereal concepts, that would be great. Myllinnia, a little more detail on your Abyssal would be nice too, since that slot also has some competition.

Once I've got each slot filled (more Dragonblooded are optional) we'll move on to the next step, which, to my understanding, is getting some mod help setting up a subform, and I'll give y'all your starting rule changes.
Yup, contact Dark Wizard or CapHesperus and let them know when you have enough players, they will send you to the Storyteller forum where you will create your Game forum, when you have set all the stuff you want for it, let them know when you want to go live and they'll open your newly created forum to the public so your players can start posting their characters according to the rules and info you put there.
I've finished up a character that aught to be good for supporting just about any type of mate and that fits with the "Archetypical" theme of this game: it basically boils down to a No-moon Beastman Breeder/trainer bent on Slaughtering "Weakling Leaders" to strengthen the whole, yet has no leadership abilities of his own (more details in the Anathema profile I made using Base silver pact Lunar stats. I know you said no numbers, but, eh it'll be faster to mod from there)... Figured that would be Supportive and "not nice" enough to play well with an Infernal mate... I'll now await further instructions!
My bid for Sidereal slottage:

Cynis Falen Irenne's life prior to Exaltation was one of stark ironies. The girl never knew her parents; they died some time before her earliest recollections. For as long as she'd known anything, she'd known she was a slave. A prized slave, to be taken good care of and pampered and perhaps even spoiled, but a slave nonetheless. First held by guild factors, she was kept as an investment. After all, what but fate could have led to the discovery of a beautiful orphan girl and one who so clearly bore the pale skin and verdant locks of his chief trading partners, House Cynis? Who but that most enlightened of Dynastic Houses could find best use for a slave who looked so much like a member of their own household? The merchant, however, was not a fool. He kept the girl til she'd passed the age of thirteen or fourteen, to be sure he had not stumbled upon an actual Exalt in the making. She never Exalted, so he assumed the resemblance to be the fate and the favor of the gods.

And so the girl was sold to House Cynis. There she received training to complement that she'd already been given, learning the arts, history, polite conversation, and, of course, the more sensual arts as well. She was taught all that she would need to know as a courtesan and more, for her owners had an idea for her that, were she to be caught by monks of the Order, would surely have lead to her death for Heresy. So they taught her everything she needed to know to pass as a Dynast. Perhaps ironically, faking status as a well-groomed Dynastic courtier required far more effort and directed education than it did to actually be one. Beyond that, she was also taught to observe, to note, to keep record of what she learned, that the house might benefit doubly from her work.

And for a time, that was the course of her life. She lived in a gilded cage, prized, but captive nonetheless. And if the Dynastic men took unanticipated liberties, there was retribution made. She was both in a much better and a much worse place than many other slaves. Her days were filled with study and learning, and her nights filled with dizzying, terrifying rush of pretending to be so much more than you are amidst the most fashionable parties of the decade. Unfortunately, all of that came to a grinding halt one day, and all because of a dash of idiocy and a grain of love.

A young dynastic man, whose family had hired Irenna's services as his escort to a number of parties unbeknownst to him, brought her whole world into a jumble by failing to realize that the charming, attractive, and gracious girl he'd gone to the party with was in fact, as his father put it to him later, "A bought-and-paid-for-whore." Near the end of her contracted period of accompanying him, he threw a wrench in the works entire by publicly declaring his love for her, then engaging in a brawl with a young woman from another House who mocked him for his mistake. Absolutely refusing to hear any word to the contrary, he got into vocal argumentation with his parents, believing they simply didn't want him to marry someone brought to the main house from a lesser branch of House Cynis. Not wanting to alienate their son by showing him brutally and vicious how much of a fool he was, they instead asked Irenna's owners to come up with a solution.

And so Irenna was told she'd be set free, to marry him in order to keep things quiet. Despite a small, quiet part of her mind gnawing at the holes in this story, Irenna let herself believe that would happen. After all, had she not dreamed her whole life of being freed? Of being free, but still able to attend those parties as if she were a true dynast? To be treated as an equal by the unknowing Dynastic courtiers around her? It was to just these thoughts that she went to sleep, for that one day, the happiest woman in Creation.

It was with surprise that she awoke to the sounds of well-concealed footfalls outside her rooms. That struck her as wrong, unusual. Who has need to sneak up on a slave? No one, she reasoned, with honest intentions. Moving with a certainty that she'd never known in her life, Irenna quietly slipped from bed, taking hold of a set of long pins for her hair and a silk belt as weapons. She'd been taught some measure of self-defense as H0use Cynis had felt at the time that an investment that can protect itself is the best sort to make. They would regret that this night. As the assassins crept into the room, she waited silently in the darkened corner of the room. When they went to stab the bundle of stuffing topped with one of her good wigs hidden under the blankets, she leapt. Driving her needles into one man's throat, she tried to stab the other, only to have the needle jostled from her hand by the first man. Taking hold of the silken belt, she wrapped it around the second man's throat and leveraged her weight against him, strangling him unconscious. Or perhaps dead. She didn't stop to check, taking hold of clothes fit for disguises, and then making her way out from the household.

She ran a long way, pursued by agents of the household the whole way, but eventually she got free, or so she felt. As she stood there, in her torn and ruined finery, staring down from the banks of the river, she reflected bitterly that she had her wish. She was free, for all the good it did her. Free...and dead the moment anyone caught her.

At that moment, a polite cough from behind her startled her from wondering why her once green eyes were now a deep blue speckled with what looked like constellations. Whipping about she regarded the interloper warily, reaching into her garb to grab the last pitiful weapon she had to her name, the selfsame needle that had killed the first assassin. "I would not try that, if I were you." He offered in a mellow, friendly way, as casually as if he discussed the weather or the river's current flow. "You see, you're rather important, and you've got a job to do." He offered her an easy grin, adding, "Unless of course you'd like to wait here for another fifteen minutes, at which point the agents of House Cynis will be here to make a corpse of you."

Doffing his bizarre, butter-yellow hat at her, he suggested, "Or you can come with me, to a place full of people who want you very much alive."

It wasn't a choice, really. She followed...and found herself whisked to Heaven in surprisingly short order. What followed then was a dizzying whirlwind of introductions, new places, faces, and more. She was given basic instruction and introduction to the various factions in the Heavenly Bureaucracy. As one familiar with the Realm from near-at-hand to the seat of power who could pass quite easily as one of them, she was eagerly sought after by the Bronze Faction. She hesitated. Most of her life had been built on the idea of the Realm as the bedrock of civilization, but she had also seen unpleasant sides to the institution. Finally, in a last and sweeping gesture, she was taken by a member of that faction to see her own thread in the loom of fate. As she followed it back through her life, she came to the point where her parents' threads met hers...and could not help but collapse with laughter. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she couldn't explain in as many words, just pointed from the proof that she was a distant cousin of House Cynis, to the many, many scenes of her dreaming of being released from servitude by the realization that she was one. Overwhelmed by the irony of her own childish dreams, she eventually did manage to get control of her faculties back, apologizing for the outburst. After a touch more thought, she agreed to join the Bronze faction. She already had the training to pass as a Dynast, and this coupled with her rather extensive knowledge of Dynastic affairs (for a courtesan), made her an obvious choice for assignment to the Central direction.

She served for years as an agent in the social circles of the Dynasty, fulfilling the same role she had when their slave, albeit with a decent degree more freedom to act as she would. Yet the longer she worked, the more she felt drawn to the weaving of fates, as if some small part of her mind or heart had something buried in it that fateweaving helped tease closer to the surface.

As it turned out, she had once, two lives ago, been among the foremost weavers of fate, such that the Sidereal she had been was among the Keepers of the Loom. An ancient sidereal, his memories had left some imprint even now, two lives later. She remembered the creaking, the straining of the loom, as it nearly came apart in the High First Age, she remembered frequent, frantic attempts to keep all of Creation from bursting apart at the seams. And she remembered the worry that they might have done the wrong thing. A worry she felt validated when the contagion came and cut through a large swathe of the population of Creation. Including the Exalt she'd been. Few memories of her most recent life remained, save the shock and outrage they'd felt! She...the shock and outrage she'd felt when she discovered they'd handed a no-name Terrestrial the Sword of Creation, and the keys to its rule.

Her faith shaken by these memories, Irenna remained in her faction, but quietened in her fervor for factional matters, striving with diligence to keep Creation held together however best she could.
Oh, uh ok. I don't have a full character concept yet, but if you need someone to play an abyssal or a dragon blood, I would be happy to get a chance to play. I'll have to ponder some concepts for a bit.
I will play whatever is open or needed, but in the meantime I will start building my first Dragon-Blooded concept. Count me in for sure!
[QUOTE="KG-Motte]I've finished up a character that aught to be good for supporting just about any type of mate and that fits with the "Archetypical" theme of this game: it basically boils down to a No-moon Beastman Breeder/trainer bent on Slaughtering "Weakling Leaders" to strengthen the whole, yet has no leadership abilities of his own (more details in the Anathema profile I made using Base silver pact Lunar stats. I know you said no numbers, but, eh it'll be faster to mod from there)... Figured that would be Supportive and "not nice" enough to play well with an Infernal mate... I'll now await further instructions!


  • Name/Title: Kingdom-Devouring Kshatriya; Maw of the Iron Temple; Cynis Falen Kiara

    Age: 19

    Caste: Slayer of the Sea That Marched Against The Flame

    Concept: Ex-spoiled princess transitioning into worldwarping monster deity

    Motivation: Outshine the emerald and golden suns both

    Urge: Warp faith and fealty to Hell's alien principles [Adorjani]

    Intimacies: Malfeas [Affection], Ligier [Admiration], Sol [Contempt-Tinged Admiration], Solar Exalted [Hatred], Dominance [Ravening Lust], her Lunar Mate [bemused Curiosity], Herself [Absolute Devotion]

    Gender: Female
Viatos said:

  • Name/Title: Kingdom-Devouring Kshatriya; Maw of the Iron Temple; Cynis Falen Kiara

    Age: 19

    Caste: Slayer of the Sea That Marched Against The Flame

    Concept: Ex-spoiled princess transitioning into worldwarping monster deity

    Motivation: Outshine the emerald and golden suns both

    Urge: Warp faith and fealty to Hell's alien principles [Adorjani]

    Intimacies: Malfeas [Affection], Ligier [Admiration], Sol [Contempt-Tinged Admiration], Solar Exalted [Hatred], Dominance [Ravening Lust], her Lunar Mate [bemused Curiosity], Herself [Absolute Devotion]

    Gender: Female
I'd ask if Irenna and Kiara knew each other, but I suspect you'd be too young. So I guess she's your great, great grandcousin or something.
What are the chances?! I didn't read anyone's post except the OP and KG-Motte's prior to submission, two Cynis Falens, eh.

Kiara Exalted at sixteen (and for the Green Sun Princes that generally means an extended visit to Hell for free stuff and neomah and The Official Reclamation Handbook), so it'd be difficult to say they've met prior - but perhaps post, if you like, a run-in between the weaver and the monster.
And two submissions. One secrets one Abyssals. Let see if these are neat enough.

One Sidereal of Secrets

Altievia escapes her fate of death when an Sidereal of Secrets intervenes in a Dusk's task to slay her. She stumbles into a strange device deep in the cracks and crevices of the south, where she witnesses all the secrets of Creation, Malfeas, and Yu Shan, but as she exalts thus saving her from being completely destroyed by the act her mind and body shut down. Seven Swords Starbreak finds the now amnesiac young woman and takes her to Yu Shan where she is trained. While she knew only the basic things, her curiosity was far more voracious than even those that claimed such things, Seven Sword Starbreaks of the Bronze Faction a Battles Caste worries that Altievia may run headlong into the same situation that nearly destroyed her the first time. Jupiter keeps her silence about the girl having placed a seal on the girl, for Altievia not only witnessed the end of Fate and Time she also fell through those things to arrive in the present from a time unknown. Yu Shan cannot hold her now that she has learned all she can there, and she hungers for the seemingly dangerous secrets, secrets that even Jupiter herself hopes that no one ever finds.

  • Name/Title: Altievia Soltaire

    Age: 22

    Caste: Secrets (Sidereal)

    Concept: Seductress of Secrets

    Motivation: To find the most tempting and evil secret for her to capture and protect, or... Use.

    Intimacies: Secrets (Enjoyment), Manipulating Events (Fun), Fate (Needs an Upgrade), the Bronze (Fading Loyalty), Seven Swords Starbreak (Daughterly duty)

    Gender: Female

One Midnight Abyssal

Trinity is the youngest of a set of triplets born in the jungles of the Southeast. Trusting to her regions religion she hoped to allieviate her guilt of her mother's passing when they were born by visiting the temple daily. After being seduced by a strange travelling woman with secret designs on the area, a persistent Wyld Hunt approached the temple intent to find the Solar hiding in there. During that battle, Trinity was slain trying to stop the fighting which threatened to destroy her father and sisters. As she lay dying she was approached by the Lover's reach, and while Trinity took the offer to slay both Hunt and Solar who had ruled the temple her sisters each exalted one of the Moon, and One of the Stars.

Trinity took her title and became a prized deathknight to the Lover but for all the games played there, she heard the whispers of things greater and she listened. But still they were distant and hard to understand but she knows its the heart of Oblivion itself. She has left to seek the answers that she believes her whispers want, and while she no longer has the heart to protect entire places, she does her best to save those that would wrongfully harm the weak. Whether she destroys Creation or not she really doesn't care, but it is known that little by little destroying it is all she does.

(Provisionally a Laughing Wound's MAist, but not a dealbreaker if disallowed.)

  • Name/Title: Despairing Secret Trinity Song

    Age: 18

    Caste: Midnight Abyssal

    Concept: Lost Priestess of Oblivion

    Motivation: To learn the desire of Oblivion by seeking life

    Intimacies: Her twin sisters (Longing), Oblivion (Exhilarating Fear), the Sun (Defiance), The Neverborn (Fear), the Lover (Sorrow), The Sidereal Agent (Wary love)

    Gender: Female
@ Viatos... That's it I'm calling you majesty, and nothing else! I will Make an army of the most beautiful monsters for you for you, and let the weak who oppose your rule be wary their savage fury!
So, Directional interests? I am happy to accommodate whatever climate would most closely fit your spirit shape of choice, KG. Kiara's a holy terror, she can rock out wherever.
The intended Spirit shape was a Carrion bird, either a Crow or a Raiton, something you can find anywhere but the west (at least not in any quantity worth mentioning) a clever beast that does not mind great bloodbaths in order to feed it's needs... But really, somewhere with some great open grasslands not too far and a place to hide an army of beastmen from the casual traveler also in proximity, and possibly proximity to lots of fresh water for one of my newer projects... So the options are south and around An-Teng and the Deadly Crescent (Good opportunities to spread your corru... Holy word around here, and the Lintha aren't too far to boot) the northwest, west of Whitewall seems to potentially have that sort of terrain as well, though I know little of it (adding the joy of mystery and discovery). And just about anywhere in the east (though that place is Swarming with big power-players of all kinds, for good or ill)... But really my guy had to run away from his hometown after exalting by fear of the Wyld-Hunt and then got found by the Pact who probably sent him all over the place, Being a Lunar he will adapt to any environment he finds himself in, Creation is yours to pick your apple from Majesty!

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