Archetypes of Exalted (2.5)

An-Teng is my favorite place in all of Creation, so that would be fantastic.

Also, OOC, no majesties please. Viatos works fine!
xD I was hoping for that place, notice how I emphasized the advantages(also plenty of very deadly critters around there to get samples from...). And just practicing for later!
So so far the candidates for my Lunar's Abyssal mate is Myllinnia and TheBetrayerOfHope. If one can be chosen it could be awesome because i really wanna start fleshing my character out some more.

If he's gonna be the mate of an Abyssal i'll have to do so in a fitting manner, those black exaltations are known to be a bit demanding after all. I really like Myllinnia's character so far though.
Well betrayer defaulted by having not posted again, so Myllinnia is our Abyssal, which means Thief is our Sidereal. I'll go ask for and begin setting up our sandbox, as people talk to each other.

@tr4ansience (and thebetrayerofhope if he comes back) and Millershipper are our Dragonblooded, who can choose amongst themselves if they're in cahoots at the start or not.

We have no Alchemical at present, which isn't the worst thing, but if someone wants it, it's open.
The ST is invited to enter the ST section to make their forum requests!

Captain Hesperus
I'm good either way. DBs do tend to work better in groups, though. :) When do you think you'll have the forum up and char gen rules out?
Mmm, I'd always wanted to play a DB outcaste. But I've never got the chance before to play an alchemical... this could be a hard choice...
Our sandbox will go live in approximately two days. I'm about to hop on a plane and most of my preparation is done, but I want to make sure everything is crisp and clean before you are all set loose.

So, yes. Alchemical and Dragonblooded slots are open, take your time deciding. While I want there to be at least one of everything, having a slightly larger group of Dragonblooded is less messy than opening up Autocthonia, so my feelings on each cancel each other out.
Sunder said:
Exalted is a world conceived of and shaped by entities of unimaginable will and power, and the Exalted themselves have plenty of both. Each brand of Exalt has their own unique flavor, which, perhaps it is possible to distill to a core concept, the real essence (hah) of their kind. With these things in mind, welcome to Archetypes of Exalted.
This game has a set number of slots, with a very small amount of wiggle room. They are as follows. The names associated are people who staked claims in the interest check thread, and if they show to reaffirm them, they will likely keep them.

One Solar (Goddamnbatman), and their bonded Lunar (Lord-Leafar)

One Infernal (Viatos), and their bonded Lunar (KG-Motte)

One Abyssal , and their bonded Lunar (ThatSmellyGoblin)

One Alchemical (Ajax Oblige)

One Sidereal

One to five Dragonblooded.

For all slots, those already open, those called, and those defaulted on, please post a concise conceptual framework for the character you would play. You will be expected only to have access to and be familiar with the Exalted system, and the reference materials of your chosen variety of Exalt.

Important notes!

First, this game will use “downtime” freely. This means that you will have time to complete your projects, be they crafting, recruitment, training, and so on.

Following the above point, characters which have the ability or drive to acquire infrastructural support will do well, because they'll actually be able to take full advantage of those resources.

I will be using the crafting rules essentially as they stand in the books. As with mutations, and most else. Custom Charms, manses, hearthstones, artifacts, and so on, are all still permitted, and in fact, encouraged.

Lunars and their mates are required to, you know, talk to each other out of character and come to some comfortable place where they like the dynamic and established history if any between their characters. If the Lunar doesn't want to have their Solar dropping control Charms on them, that's perfectly within their rights, and I expect that to be respected. Conversely, they may find it a fun storytelling device. That's fine too. The main thing is, the players of bonded characters should establish a friendly relationship with each other, so that they can deal maturely and comfortably with their characters, complement each other, so on.

There will be some quirks of character creation to promote a rough equality in starting power. As such, you won't be able to begin putting numbers to your character until after (if) we are given a little box to play in. This should not stop you from working on your character, because across the board, while I will not mandate it, I expect characters who have been Exalted for more than two years, if Solar/Abyssal/Infernal, and more than five years if one of the others. Again, this is not required, but is simply convenient and I feel more interesting than being just past the cusp of Exaltation.

Backgrounds acquired through play, meaning resources you talked your way into having, stole, or fabricated, do not cost experience points. Essentially, if you take the time and effort to gain something, I won't then make you pay for it. Thus, experience points will typically be spent on attributes, Charms, and the like. If you want a background, and don't want to spend the time to acquire it, it will have to be purchased as usual. This should not be seen as a punishment, but simply, the cost of “expedited shipping,” so to speak.

Feel free to ask questions.

Others who expressed interest, who I'm tagging to let know this thread is up: Myllinnia, navar, bablioteca, tr4nsience, Scandinavian, Midboss, Arynne.
This game is now live and may be found here:

Players are invited to submit their character sheet, and if the ST would be so kind as to edit the first post of this thread I would be very grateful.


Captain Hesperus
With some slight shuffling, there's room for someone to take the Lunar slot and be paired to Viatos's Infernal. There had been a lot of interest in the Lunar slots, so if one of you wants to take it, head over to the subforum and stake a claim in the open discussion thread!
Here's my bid for the Alchemical slot - assuming that its not taken:


Yes, this is a bit of a Nova-ripoff, but I couldn't really think of that many other excuses to have an alchy in Creation without knowing more about the game its specific setting - like how on earth an alchemical in creation is to get new charms and whatnot... since there wont be any vat complexes there to begin with. Basically I reserve the right to retcon this guy's backstory if there'll be any easy access back to autobot-land, because that would change everything - or at least quite a lot of the circumstances around him coming to creation, as well as what he'd be entering into creation loaded with.

  • Name: Emitter of Solution's Lighter (Solvent for short)

    Age: 5 days (no really...)

    Caste: Orichalcum (Alchemical)

    Concept: Gordon Freeman, the robot

    Motivation: Either find a way home or construct a new vat complex if need be to facilitate repairs and replacements (Will be changed to a grander one once this basic one is completed...)

    Intimacies: Xexas (Loyalty), The Five Magnificent Sodalities of Penultimate Truth and

    Intransigent Gospel (Respect), The Prolific Scholars of the Furnace Transcendent (Reverence), Robuster (Kinship), Creatures of the void (Furious hatred), Autochton (Faith)

    Gender: Male (well, he's a robot...)

This is one layout of the character - if the setting of the game is after the breach of the eight seals I'll rewrite the character to fit that, in which case he'll be a scout sent forth into creation, probably from Xexas again.
Alchemical slot is taken (the reshuffling mentioned above); there's a Lunar slot open and several Dragonblooded slots as well.
There are slots for both available, please head on over to our subforum to see the creation rules and meet up with your Bonded exalt or fellow Dragonblooded.
Name/Title: Silent Snowflake

Age: 24

Aspect: Air

Concept: Odd Immaculate Monk

Motivation: Become the best Chosen of Mela

Gender: Male

Born to a minor offshoot of House Mnemon, He was celebrated by his patrician parents when he Exalted, but it was the end of his contact with them. Showing a unique talent for martial arts, and a keen mind, he was sent to the Immaculate Order. For a while, he was miserable there, as he knew no one, but soon he began to perceive a greater destiny for himself. Unlike many of his peers, he possessed an almost unparalleled strength of blood. He soon began to suspect that his father wasn't his real father, but that was beside the point. Mela chose him as a champion, and he would devote himself to becoming the best representative of her that he can become. He threw himself into his teachings, and while he was never the charismatic sort, he was steadfast friend to those he liked. That earned him many points with certain people, and that helped pave roads for him. Recently, he was asked to trek to Varang, to meet up with the Seventeenth legion. Why he was sent there, he wasn't told, only that it would become clear once he got there.

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