Archetypes (Exalted 2.5)


One player for each of the following Exalt types: Infernals, Solars, Sidereals, Abyssals, Dragonblooded, and Alchemicals.

Three players for the following type: Lunars. (Yes, one of the other players will be who you're bonded to.)

The core concept is getting to display the exemplar, archetypal concept for each Exalt. The specifics are up to you, and starting stats will be scaled so everyone is roughly equal. The main point is that your Abyssal will embody what it means to be a living weapon, your Solar will define righteousness, your Infernal will be monstrous, etc.

The game would begin with solo or paired missions, and as the story ramped up, collaboration and interference would increase as well. The game will make use of "downtime" with some frequency, so crafting and infrastructure or recruitment, etc is actually viable, nay, encouraged.

Obviously you would need access to the source material for your Exalt type.
Hmmm interesting. I'd hit up the Infernal slot cause... Infernals... >> But Changing Moon if someone beats me in a wrestling match for the Infernal slot. xD
Oh your splat makes me cringe xD

I'd be interested in either the Abyssal or the Dragon-Blooded slots. I'm thinking an Abyssal samurai or a Dragon-blooded cavalryman.
Ooh, interesting. While I'm likely over-booking myself a bit... Eh, one more game won't hurt. Probably one of the Lunar slots for me, though, hmm... What would an archetypal Lunar be like? Their fluff is... well, disjointed, to be kind. Difficult to pick any one thing they're supposed to be.
More than one reason I thought 3 Lunars would be best. The idea of there being only one archetypal Lunar was laughable. I would suggest each of the Lunars picks a different set of favored abilities, so it retains that sense of purity, but I wouldn't mandate it.
Sound like an interesting concept, of Course I'm rather Lunar Obsessed so it's rather obvious where I'd like to plant my flag, but honestly I'm flexible and the only thing I don't think I'd be comfortable playing would be a Sidereal ( so many Rules, and I mean within the world, not game mechanics) and possibly Alchemical (tried to keep them out of my games so I never bothered reading much on them). But otherwise given the chance to be clad in moonsilver figuring out exactly what kind would have to wait to see what my mate is, so to better compliment them if possible...

Then again I'm oh so very new here and only demonstrating my support of the Idea and hoping that i might be allowed to not be Storyteller for once! xD

Edit: now that I think about it will the Infernal's mate be an Akuma? cause if not it might be a complicated relationship to keep together!
The Infernal's mate will not be akuma. Also, mates are determined by the players figuring out what kind of backstory and dynamic is most fun for them.
And since it lost my earlier post, I'd prefer to play the Infernal Monster or the smashy Lunar. Barring either of those, I suppose I'd settle for playing the archetypal sociopath (that's read as Solar).
Well since it's to be decided as a group... I offer to adapt myself as a Lunar to fit and compliment his mate, I'll await any Ideas from anyone interested in a pet... sidekick... worthy traveling companion with a mystical bond! ... If the leash is there I'm doomed T-T... then again free background, hmm... then again Thief scares me a bit *Shivers in terror*...
I'll have to wait and see. We've three Infernal players wanting the one slot. So I wonder how Aethon is gonna chose it. Still I may have to consider the trickster Changing Moon I have rather than an Infernal who might not at all fit the Archetype. xD
Ooh, i like this concept. Stereotypes are the funniest characters to play.

If there is place then i think it could be fun to play a Dragon-Blood, a No Moon Lunar or maybe a Solar to try out my idea of a character that uses Summon the Loyal Bow to store Implosion Bows and Lightening Ballistas and supplement them with archery charms.
[QUOTE="KG-Motte]Well since it's to be decided as a group... I offer to adapt myself as a Lunar to fit and compliment his mate, I'll await any Ideas from anyone interested in a pet... sidekick... worthy traveling companion with a mystical bond! ... If the leash is there I'm doomed T-T... then again free background, hmm... then again Thief scares me a bit *Shivers in terror*...

What can I say? There's a reason I only over play Eclipses. Aside from my favorite caste in the game, I generally dislike Solars and take an exceedingly dim view of them. Would you be horribly surprised, then, that Desus and Contentious Blade are to my mind the archetypal Solars?
I actually think i'd prefer to play that No Moon.

I wouldn't really mind Lunar-Taming Leash either if used sparsely and for roleplay purposes.

A swan-totem sorcerer, most likely casteless so i can use shaping spells, with many of the generally useful utility spells. He would go very much into the role as a Steward and constantly shower his mate with good advice that fits the situation but still be meek enough to agree with the stuff his mate does instead. He would also have quite a high amount of Solar Bond so he would fit with even the abyssal or Infernal.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]I generally dislike Solars and take an exceedingly dim view of them.

I partially agree with that statement, though it's not so much that I dislike them it's more like I think they try way to hard to steal the spotlight, I mean it's called "Exalted" not "Solars and their many little sidekicks"...

Actually that gives me an Idea... a Lunar with an angler fish in his heart's blood who uses Hybrid body rearrangement to to make the lantern pop out of his Human head and starts using himself as all the stage props for his solar mate performer... Priceless! (NOT actually gonna do that as a PC maybe a NPC at some point in the future elsewhere... unless someone reads this and absolutely wants this to support his/her Solar/Infernal...)
I'd be interested in the solar slot to be honest.

I've got this mind of a hero with an ego the size of the Death Star. Think a bit Gilgamesh from Fate Stay Night and you're close. (or Saber in Fate Extra)
Well...I do have a Full Moon character that'd make a good Enkidu to a Gilgamesh type. So long as His Golden Arrogance kept in mind her more-than-willingness to rearrange his face should he get untoward ideas. Character is a former Icewalker warchief who's one part Beowulf, one part Enkidu, and one part Mama Bear (both figurative and literal).
I'll take a shot at the Infernal slot. Slayer of the Sea That Marched Against The Flame, perhaps.
To be honest, that would be a hilarious duo. The super egoed solar and the lunar who has to brutally bring them back to reality sometimes.
Not exactly sure she'd work mechanically, though. She was several-hundred XP non-2.5 character specifically designed (mechanically, at least) to never need a second strike if the first strike wasn't perfected away. Well, that and to be nigh-indestructible. At the time I was in a game where the encounters were designed with essence 4-5 Solars in mind. I had to adjust to that to survive.
500 XP Essence 4 lunar. And the big thing about it was that most of her stuff came from Gifts, scenelongs, or what have you. She had two offensive charms that weren't "I can see spirits" or "I can hit spirits." Hibernation of the dog and Subduing the honored foe. Beyond that, she was very hard to put down, harder to make such stick, and she had a moonsilver grand goremaul., which, in 2.0, did 16L/5 piercing and rolled 15 dice to hit before accuracy. Her whole deal was not NEEDING to spend motes on things that weren't defensive.

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