Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

"Does it have anything to do with this?" Kato jumped at Claire and tackled her. He lifted her arm putting the black scarf in plain sight.
Her popcorn began to get cold, looking down she grinned, looking at her hand. "Maybe a little fire might be....okay." Lowering her hand she began to heat the food up. Smiling she realized it was working " yay! My power is actually lis..." At the moment she said lis.. The popcorn exploded into flames. Jumping up panic rushed through her. One thing going though her mind, "don't burn the house down". She grabbed the bowl running out the door, she ran to the fountain in the middle of campus, not caring she was wearing pajamas. Meaning to throw the bowl in, some water sprade on the ground, causing her to slip, and fall in the fountain. "AAhh!" Slowly walking out she was soaked, groaning she looked down. "Just my luck" she began to walk back bowl in hand, soaked.
Suddenly a giant ball of water came traveling at Kato and stopped right in front of him and Claire. The water started to take shape and soon became Mr.Walter. "What is going on here?!" Mr. Walter asked outraged.
Walking back she walked right past the dean Clare and that boy. Stopping briefly she stared, open mouth. Looking down really quick she was still soaked, embarrassment blooming on her face. "Oh Geez! Whata day..." She groaned walking away.
Daniel was leaving the school as he saw the incident. He walked out on a parallel path to the partially dressed stranger. He had no control over his body as his legs carried him to Rose. He was blandly staring at her and said "Do you need some clothes?" as his face contorted into a tomato red.
Sarah walked around campus till she reached a small pond. Then she sat on the grassy bank and began to practice her water powers. A thin stream of water lifted up from the water as she waved her hand around.
"I'm going to go get another one." Olivia says, stands up, and goes into the music section. Picks out a book with music notes and tunes. "This looks really old," she whispered. She checked the book out and went to her apartment. "Bye Kayka. I'll see you tomorrow." While heading out she happened to pass the gathering that seemed to be getting bigger.
"No, not at all!" he replied quickly looking up. He unbuttoned his school shirt and gave it to her. "Here you go. I could walk you where ever you were going, you don't know what perverts lurk out there!" He said as he tightly gripped his sun bear ornament.
"Mr. Walter, you need to take a look at this." Kato said lifting her arm again. Mr. Walter stared at the scarf nodding his head. " Kato, go to your dorm. I will handle this." Mr. Walter said. "But I deserve to..." Kato protested but was cut off by Mr. Walter. "What you deserve is a good old fashioned beating but I am not in the mood! So i suggest you go to your dorm now and leave this girl alone!" Mr.Walter yelled at Kato. "Understand!" Kato nodded. "Now go!" Kato walked with his head down to his dorm. He looked up when he passed by Rose, tears streaming down his face. he quickly put his head back down and continued toward his dorm.
I hated him. It was defenitive. I hated Kato. "What is going to happen to me..." I said. My wrist hurted me so badly.

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