Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

Daniel sat once more bored. Agricultural studies was awful they only spoke about technology. "Blah, blah... Blah.." he whispered to himself rubbing his eyes and sliding down his chair. He shot up as the bell rang being the first out of the glass monotony.

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Kato walked up a steep hill. "Stupid Claire." he said "Just had to ruin my plans." Kato continued to walk until he tripped and fell across someones lap. "Hey who do you think you..." he looked up and stared into the girls blue eyes. He was memorized. "Ummm, I'm sorry." he said butterfly's filling his stomach.
(I had to live with the time warp...I guess :P )

Claire was already in her class, lost in her mind while practicing piano. She already knew what the teacher was talking about.
I was so much in my mind that I did not heard the bell. Gaving my work that I had finished at the beggining of the class, I looked outside and quitted the class. I went to my other class and I tought that it will be boring as the other. I could still work on my piano movements. I sat in the back of the class and started listening. But not for long. I started practicing my piano again, happy that no one noticed the black scarf around my right wrist.
(Is it morning again?)

Brandon slept in and was lectured about missing chemistry again by the dean and teacher. He was given more homework and told to come to class tomorrow. Brandon walked toward his room and started working on the chemistry worksheets.

(phone is dying when I get back home I'll be back)
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When I heard the bell, I handed out my work to the teacher and quitted the class room, grinning. "Finally!" I said. I went to the library and handed back the book I borrowed yesterday. I looked out for an another one, with no romance involved in it.
As she was siting on the ground she closed her eyes, feeling the breeze. Listening to the branches blow. She was in peace. Feeling someone trip against her legs her eyes shot open. In shock she jumped from shock at the person on her lap. " OMG I'm soo sorry!" Leaning forward to him looking him over "are you okay??" She looked back up at him.
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Kato got up and rubbed his head. "Yea... I guess." he said. The two stared at each other in silence. Kato broke the silence "I have to go." he said and he took of for the water building.
Olivia had finished her class in the gardens about the wonder of nature and headed to the library to see if there were any good books to read. "I've read this one and this one too." Olivia sighed as she mumbled to herself. "No good boo-... Attack the Princess, sounds interesting..." Olivia checked out a book, sat down at an empty table, and began to read.
I finally forgot about reading. Playing piano what was I really wanted. I tried to find where they can have a room with a piano in. As I walked I saw my black scarf tied at my wrist and tought to myself that it was giving me a little style. I continued my research for a piano.
Looking at him bewildered she smiled "uh okay ... See ya later" she waved. Looking back down she smiled and blushed a little thinking to herself "he was actually really cute" getting up she began to walk back to her apartment.

I looked at Kato. "What do you want?" I said, looking hostile as always. I hided my right arm behind my back to hide my wrist.
Grabbing her keys, she opened her door. Walking into her apartment. Dropping her bag at the side of the door, she walked out of the living room to her closet. Taking her shirt and basically all her clothing except her underwear and bra. She grabbed a bare of dark red and black plaid pants and a black tank top. After changing she walked to the kitchen , making a bowl of popcorn. She flipped on her tv, beginning to watch a movie. She curled up in the corner of the couch. The bowl in her lap.

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