Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]


The Painter of Thoughts
ThunderDire submitted a new role play:

Arcane High School (school of elementals) - What element are you? Fire, Wind, Water, or Earth...

As a elemental, individuals from around the world are required to go here. Mortals are unaware so until they can control there powers they will not be permitted to leave. By the law. Students here have 4 types of powers, they can have fire, water, wind, or even earth, which they are born with. They must stay on campus, if some sneak out there powers can be taken, and sometimes even expelled. The head of schools choice. Yet are students are sneaky in a sense that there is a secret place under...
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Hi! "Smiles" So once we get a few more people will start the rp, maybe in a Hour or so. :D  
or we can start now if you wish?
The new uniform finally came in. After putting on the uniform, Olivia noticed that it matched her socks. "I sound like a normal teenager thinking about things like this." she giggled. It was finally time to leave. She took up her belongings and made it to the car that was waiting for her.

"We're going to miss you Olly." her brothers told her.

She smiled, "I'll come back in full control of my powers. Then I can truly belong to this family."

"You've always belonged here." the oldest cried. Olivia got into the car and continued to wave until her brothers were out of sight.

"No turning back now." she sighed as the car came to a halt. She got out of the car and stood at the front gate. "Office first," she took one last deep breath before taking that final step into the gates.
Xavier woke up very early to catch the car that was coming to fetch him. He putted on his new uniform and looked himself in the mirror. He didn't know what to feel, he was both happy and sad of leaving the village he grew up in. "Too many bad memories..." He said to himself. When the car finally arrived he hugged both of his parent for a long time. "Goodbye mother. Goodbye father." His mother was crying but his father seemed proud of him. Finally he let go of both of his parents and entered the car. While the car drove off he looked at the village one last time. As soon as the village was out of sight he felt deeply asleep. The driver woke him up and with a yawn he got out of the car. He looked at the entrance of the High School and after some minutes he finally walked through the gate.
As soon as she had passed the other edge of the gate, Olivia bumped into a strange-looking man. "Sorry," she mumbled and walked towards the front doors.
Xavier looked at the girl who just bumped into him. "It's okay..." He said in a rather careless tone. He opened the door for the girl.
"Thanks," Olivia replied and walked inside. The hallway had beautiful ivory columns that seemed to stretch down every hallway. "Wow," she whispered. A lady approached her.

"Hi," The random lady said, "If you're looking for the office follow me, Terri."

"Okay..." Olivia replied and followed the lady to the office.

"Take a seat. The dean or headmaster, whatever he calls himself, will be with you shortly."
Claire putted her uniform on. 'A new step in a new life.' She tought. She decided to walk to the school. That's what she did. She quitted the appartement and locked the door behind her. She gave them to the owner of the place. "I wont need them anymore," she said, going away. When she finally reached the school, she entered in and looked around her. Not that she was impressed, she just wanted to see her new environnement.
Xavier entered the school. As soon as he saw the bathroom he entered it. He washed his face repeatedly and looked at the mirror to fix his hair a bit.
Claire needed water. "I knew I forgot something!" She looked around her, trying to find what she was looking for.
Xavier finally came out of the bathroom. He looked at the other students passing by, he wasn't used to such a large quantity of people around him. He let one of the student pass into the bathroom.
Claire wasn't used to so many people around her. She looked on her handbag and found the water bottle in it. She drinked it all up. "Finally I did not forgot it..." She putted the empty bottle in her bag again.

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