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Fantasy Arcana Officer Academy Lore



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Since the beginning of the world's foundation, the world has been divided into those who could use magic and those who could not magic. Beings who can use, command and control magic are called Mages. Those who do not have magic are called Nomage. Those who can use magic have an edge in life compared to those who cannot use magic. Because of that, there was much discrimination towards Nomage with the Mage often looking down on Nomage thinking that they were better. The discrimination was more noted in the more powerful mages and the royal family that they belonged to.

That all changed 50 years ago when the power shift changed for the Nomage. This change was done by a man named Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison was a Nomage but he created new technologies using sources of magic to power it. He called it Mana Tech. With Mana Tech, the Nomages were now able to use magic just like the Mages. Having faced discrimination from the Mages for so long, the Nomages declared war against the Mages particularly those of the ruling royal family.

The war resulted in a split in the country. The Nomage were able to drive the Mages out and establish their domain. They named their domain Utopia. While the Mages called their domain, Arcana. With the Nomages hunting down magical creatures for their source of magic, they continue to improve their Mana tech. They made an even bigger breakthrough when they discovered that if they could kill a Mage, they could extract their magic and turn it into weapons. This further increased their weapon development to a point where the Nomage could use magic even though they were not born with it. It has been rumored that after killing a Mage, the NoMage can take their magical abilities and the spells that they learned throughout their lifetime and use it as their own.

With the toll increasing in number on both sides, the 12 ruling families of Arcana decided to create an Academy to train soldiers so that they could join the war. They enlisted all children with great magical abilities and potential to attend the academy. Little do they know that NoMage has learned about this academy and started to implant themselves within the academy to spy on them and learn their magical secrets to foster and improve their technology.
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Mage are magical beings who are born with mana which is the magical energy to cast spells and use magic. Their mana capacity is determined at birth. The bigger their mana capacity, the higher the level of magic they can use.

Royal Families: The Royal families are those mages who belong to a bloodline. Those who are born into the Royal Family have a greater mana capacity and therefore are considered to be the strongest Mage throughout the entire land. Because of their great magical power, they are the ones who are always at the top with leadership. Most are prideful because of the privilege that they are born with. There are 10 ruling royal families and each family controls and governs Arcana.

  • Solvaris: This family is the ruling family the presides over Arcana. The head of the family is the Emperor or the Empress of Arcana. They are the figurehead and is the one who create the laws, and mobilize the army and lead the domain.

  • Noctisveil: This family is responsible for operating from the shadows. They specialize in intelligence-gathering and they have secret agents working for them everywhere.

  • Drakthar: This family rules over the army of Arcana. There family consists of mages whose strength is unparallel. The family prioritizes strength and believes that the weak serve the strong.

  • Sylvari: This family is responsible for the agriculture of the land. They ensure that the food is provided throughout the domain. The families are more connected to nature and the land.

  • Pyrelis: This family gives inspiration to others and leads with persuasion and the ability to take action. They are more popular with the people and have many connections through their ability to talk their way through with charm and persuasion.

  • Zephyron: This family consists of members who specialize in learning and researching mana as well as developing new spells. They are the ones who also determine which spells or magic should be forbidden or limited.

  • Obsidian: This family is more religious and maintains faith in Arcana. They help sponsor the churches and move according to visions and prophecies.

  • Auric: This family is responsible with trading and commerce. They make sure the economy of Arcana is stable and look for ways to increase the revenue of the domain.

  • Tenebral: This family is concerned about uploading the law in Arcana. They stand for justice and punish those who break the law.

  • Historia: This family controls the history of the Arcana domain. They are tasked in documenting history as well as keeping records of all knowledge within their vast archives and library. This family has access to all the knowledge, literature and history and determines what is made to available to the public.
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Nomages are beings who were not born with any magical abilities and, therefore, cannot perceive, manipulate, or wield magic in any form. In a society ruled by Mages, the non-mages are severely disadvantaged. They are subjugated to discrimination by the Nomages. Most of the Nomages that live in Arcana work for minimum wage or live as slaves to the Mages.

There are some Nomages that are called by a different name due to their circumstances.
+| Nullborn: Is a term for Nomages who were born to the Royal Family but were born without magic. They are considered to be a disgrace of the royal magical family and are almost immediately exiled from the family. The royal family makes every effort to wipe them from existence. They even make the drastic step to erase the Nullborn from their memories as if they never existed.​
+| Familiar: This is a term for Nomages who decide to enter into a magical contract with a Mage. By entering into a magical contract with the Mages, the Nomage are bonded to the Mages and live to serve them. The Nomage can even perform magic if the Mage decides to channel magic into them.​
+| Disenchanted: This is a term that refers to a Mage whose magically abilities have been taken away from them. Essentially they become a Nomage. This usually punishment against Mages who break the laws of Arcana.​
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Throughout the world, there are holes in the ground that open up into the Chasm. The Chasms are underground passageways beneath the world. The Chasms are theorized to be created by a large concentration of mana in the environment that imploded upon itself. The Chasms are filled with magical creatures and rare resources, and treasures. Many people venture down there to collect the so-called resources at great risk. The Chasms are endless. One can venture deeper into the Chasm, however, the difficulty of the magical creatures that are encounter becomes stronger.


Entrances to the Chasms are spread out throughout the world. If there are Chasms, usually cities or towns are built around it to allow for any adventurers to go in and collect what they want from the Chasms. The following are the known Chasms:

+| Academy Chasms: The academy chasms is located below the Academy. The Academy Chasms are used for training for students as it allows the student to gain real life combat experience within the Chasms. It is a known fact that both students and professors lose their lives in the Chasms.


Magic is the supernatural or mystical force that allows individuals to alter reality, defy natural laws. Magic can be executed by drawing up magical formulas in the air with wands or fingers and/or by incantation. All magic is powered by mana. Without mana, magic cannot be used. Spells have 2 categories which are the lower tier spells and higher tier spells. Lower tier spells being able to be cast quickly and with less mana consumption. Higher tier spells involve drawing up complicated magical formulas or longer incantations and require higher mana consumption, but once cast, the spell is powerful and deadly.

There are 8 types of magic. There are:

+| Elemental Magic: The caster can cast spells that control, produce, or manipulate the elements found in nature, such as fire, water, earth, air, and lightning.
+| Mind & Perception Magic: The caster can cast spells that allow one to manipulate the mind and perception. This can be simple spells like telekinesis, telepathy, or illusions. More complicated spells can be mind control or being able to see into the future.
+| Healing and Support Magic: The caster can cast spells that allow one to heal oneself from injuries or sickness and disease states. The caster can also cast spells that allow one to enhance their physical abilities, such as strength, speed, and dexterity.
+| Dark and Necro Magic: The caster can cast spells that allow one to manipulate the darkness or the undead. Some spells can be shadow manipulation, being able to communicate with the dead, or raising the undead. It can also be curse magic or blood magic. Usually, the higher tier spells of this category are forbidden to be used.
+| Time and Space Magic: The caster can cast spells that manipulate time and space. They can use spells that allow one to teleport from one place to another or create a pocket dimension for storage. They can use time spells to slow down time or reverse it. This category of magic is more difficult to use and requires ha igher understanding.
+| Transformation and Shapeshifting: The caster can use the spells to change their appearance. Whether it is to be disguised as another person or to transform into an animal, or to transform oneself into something that they can imagine.
+| Summoning & Conjuration: The caster can use spells to summon magical creatures that made magical contracts with or to conjure objects or weapons. It is even possible for a Mage to designate a No-mage as a familiar. In doing so, the Mage can channel mana into the Nomage, allowing the Nomage. It also allows the Mage to someone the Familiar wherever they are to their location.
+| Energy & Cosmic Energy: The caster can cast spells manipulating raw energy. Whether it is to control mana itself or to convert mana into different forms of energy. This can be light energy, gravity, or aura manipulation. At the fundamental level, mana manipulation is a pretty common energy that almost all mages can use and cast. The other energy the Mages will need to have an affinity for.
Magic Affinity: Each mage may have a magic affinity to a particular magical category. If they do have a magical affinity to a category, it is encouraged for the mage to focus on that magic affinity as it will be the easiest for them to learn.
Side Note for those with no Magical Affinity: If the measuring device lists the mage as having no affinity, a Mage can practice in one type of magic where they get accustomed to that affinity, and when they are measured again, the measuring device will read that type as their affinity. This applies to Nomage who have Crests as well. Most of the time, they will be listed as having no magical affinity, but with practice, they can develop an affinity for a particular type of magic.​
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Mana Tech

These are devices, gadgets, and weapons that use magical components. This allows the Nomage to perform magic even though they are not born with it. Mana tech is varied. They can be used for practical use or can be forged as weapons.

The following are some of the common Mana Arms that Nomage utilizes:

± : Crests Using the blood of a unicorn, the Nomage can write a crest on their body and use that as a conduit to perform magic as a mage does. However, to use the Crest they must have access to an external source of mana. The external source of mana can come in all shapes and sizes. They can be objects that hold mana energy or they it can be something that can be ingested and absorbed into the bloodstream allowing the Nomage to perform magic. The drawback of using Crests is that the external source of mana that they use to perform magic cannot be replenished. Hence, the Nomage will need to have an external source of mana to perform magic. Since high-level spells expend a lot of mana, Nomage with Crests can only use low to mid-tier spells since their mana source is limited. When mana is used and a spell is cast, the Crest appears on their body. And then disappears. It is for this reason that Nomage can have Crests written on their body and if they perish in battle or they were to die, the Crest will not appear again.

± : Regalia This is the Nomage most powerful Mana Arms. By extracting from the Mage their mana organ, they can manufacture a weapon that allows the Nomage to use all of that Mage's spells and mana reserves. Essentially, they can use the Mage's powers as their own.


Two main races are known in this world. There are:
+| Humans: Humans make up the majority of the population. Humans have a 50% chance of being born with magic or not. Statistically every 10 humans born, there is one that will be born without magic. Those who come from descendants of mages with high mana capacity are more likely to be Mages than Nomages. It is why Royal Family tend to look for a someone with high mana capacity to be a worthy suitor.
+| Elves: Elves make up the minor population but they are always born with magic 100% chance of the team. It is because Elves are believed to be more connected to mana and are loved by mana. Elves with high status and mana capacity marry into a Royal Family to ensure that the next lineage will have a higher probability of being born with magic.
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