The vault door slid open, the thick metal surprisingly smooth even as the clanking of machinery echoed into the hall. On the other side, about a football field's length away, Jacques stood, facing the door, his back to the gaping slash of vortex energy that could only be the Sliver. The once smooth glass that had covered the Sliver was nearly gone, cracked and broken. A hole in the world had formed, but not yet connected to its destination.
The hangar appeared to be a perfect cube, extending another football field past the Sliver in every direction, with the small observatory lab to the right side of the vault door. It was completely empty except for the Sliver and the machinery surrounding it.
"Koschei and friends," Jacques sneered sarcastically, raising his hands. "I would never have guessed the General would send you after me. Honestly, I don't know what you hope to gain here. You couldn't stop me in Atlas City from taking Koschei, and you won't be able to stop me now that I have nothing to hold me back."
"An apt way to put it," Sasha said, his expression grim and cold. "Nothing will be holding us back either."
Jacques frowned momentarily, then his mocking smile returned. "Then come and die! I only need to use one finger for the likes of you." He raised his index finger of his right hand and pointed it towards the Brave. "Now, which one of you shall I kill first?"
The hangar appeared to be a perfect cube, extending another football field past the Sliver in every direction, with the small observatory lab to the right side of the vault door. It was completely empty except for the Sliver and the machinery surrounding it.
"Koschei and friends," Jacques sneered sarcastically, raising his hands. "I would never have guessed the General would send you after me. Honestly, I don't know what you hope to gain here. You couldn't stop me in Atlas City from taking Koschei, and you won't be able to stop me now that I have nothing to hold me back."
"An apt way to put it," Sasha said, his expression grim and cold. "Nothing will be holding us back either."
Jacques frowned momentarily, then his mocking smile returned. "Then come and die! I only need to use one finger for the likes of you." He raised his index finger of his right hand and pointed it towards the Brave. "Now, which one of you shall I kill first?"