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Futuristic Arcadia: Heroes World Brave

"Trust or not, that is your choice," Burvin shrugged. "The General is offering a truce in order to converse with you. I'm sure he would like to address what happened in Atlas City, and... Sasha's... role with Fang. Perhaps you can come to an agreement. Perhaps not. That is not my place to decide." Burvin extended a hand to Henry. "But the alternative is to be left here with SINS, and very likely never see your friend again. What is your decision? I will not take you against your will."
Henry looked thoughtful for a moment. "If it'll get us somewhere..." he muttered to himself. Sighing, he grabbed Burvin's hand and pulled himself up to his feet. "Alright, let's try it your way. You pull any tricks though and there'll be trouble," Henry continued. "You able to pick up the rest of my friends too?"
Surgut, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

May 16th, 2045

Peter winced as he watched Lady Liberty crash to the ground. That was... Unexpected. Honestly, he should have anticipated the Ruskies would at least have a somewhat competitive team to Epilektoi, but he also didn't expect to literally have one of the team face off against their literal opposite in terms of powers.

"Hey uh, you doing alright Lib?"

Her eyes flared up in hatred at the commie that DARED to disrespect her.

"I'm- Fine Agent, I can handle this myself."

Her fist exploded in flame as she swiped a punch at Krith. The roaring flames themselves may have grazed him and left a slight singe, but before any real damage could be done, his light wrapped around Liberty's fist and sent it crashing into the solid concrete floor.


As Lady Liberty made another swipe that failed to land, Peter nodded his head and began walking away, in the direction of the hallway with his 'friend' from The Brave.

"Yep, you've uh... Definitely got this Liberty." He shook his head as he walked away, rolling his eyes, as he buzzed someone on the comms system. "Justice, can you come provide some assistance to Lady Liberty?"


Marshal Justice froze for a moment, as if his mind had just been shaken out of a stupor. He held a large, fleshy object in his right hand, shaped like an oversized gavel, with the head of it planted in the... Well... The head of a now-deceased Fang soldier.

He'd forgone the helmet that the SINS agent told him to wear earlier, allowing the 'white locks' of what appeared to be a judge's wig to crown his head. Of course, said wigs are usually made out of hair. Whatever he was wearing seemed to be a strange, bleached white, fleshy substance as well.

The comms device in his ear crackled to life, as the SINS agent's voice came through. This meant they must be close to each other. Hearing the orders come through, Marshal Justice began lumbering away towards his next mission, before replying-


"A-FFIRMATIVE!" The coarse voice shouted over the microphone.

Peter grit his teeth in a mixture of irritation from that response, and concern seeing Lady Liberty's struggles, as she continued to figure out how to fight back without using more light. What a dumpster fire this was becoming, should have just let Valor laser the whole place into a crater.

On the plus side, all the armored FANG soldiers were still barely staggering back to their feet, so they weren't gonna be much of an issue.

The bumbling, semi-temporarily-blind detective of The Brave, stumbled down the hall in a vain attempt to avoid any more conflict.

Before she could get any further, a hand landed on her shoulder.

"Long time no see friendo~" He leaned in to whisper. "Believe it or not, I'm actually here as a friend... There's things to discuss."

Klaus ran through the hallways of the underground bunker Fang had tested them in. He'd managed to spot the SINS agent on the cameras as a small army spilled into the hallways. "I can't worry about him now. Gotta take the -" He skidded to a stop when a man appeared out of the shadows before Henry. He took a moment to observe a few hundred feet away before slowly walking up to Burvin. "We're a bit protective of those on our team, so please understand our hesitation to take you at your word after all this simply." He cut in, gesturing to the bunker around them.
Akiko froze.

Oh boy, was this the voice of someone she did not want to hear right now.

"H-hey buddy," she said rather loudly, temporarily forgetting the situation she was currently trying to escape from. "I hope those things are the non-threat kind...."
Burvin appeared in that moment, silently but instantly taking the attention of both Peter and Akiko. Burvin's eyes widened and he instantly grabbed Akiko. Despite his former denial that he would force anyone to go with him, Peter's presence... rattled him. He activated his power without thinking, dragging Akiko with him through quantum space. The jump was instantaneous, as it always was, yet Burvin still had time to realize that he'd underestimated Peter's reaction speed.

Peter had also grabbed Akiko, and now the three of them were reappearing in front of the other Brave... and Fang's leader, the man known as the General.

"Shit," Burvin spat, teleporting behind the General, sweat pouring from his face. "Sorry, sir, I screwed up."

The General seemed not perturbed in the slightest. He was quite tall, and physically he was quite well built. His uniform was impeccable, his posture dominating, his hair black tinged with gray, and his eyes steel blue anchors. He radiated a calm that perhaps was not felt by all those present.

"It is fine, Burvin," the General said, glancing at his subordinate. "You may leave us."

Burvin wasted no time, teleporting with only the slightest disturbance of air. The General turned his attention back to his collective guests.

"Mr. Radovan, unexpected though you might be, I welcome you as well," the General said. "And you, Ms. Shinigami, welcome to this meeting as well. Please, have a seat, all of you, and we can begin."
Henry too ka seat and glanced up at who he could presume was the leader of FANG. The old man seemed to have calm demeanor, but not a relaxed one. It was a demeanor befitting one who had seen too much. But as he spoke, Henry couldn't help but question, "Begin what? I don't think there's too much to talk about. We're here for our friend. And he's here..." he nodded to Peter, a...human who's demeanor would give the most cold-blooded of monsters pause, "...because your agent committed an atrocity. One you need to answer for, if I may be blunt."
"You're wrong on both accounts, I'm afraid," the General said, staring at Henry with an unwavering gaze. "You are here because I am offering the chance to say goodbye to your... friend. Something that should have been granted initially. Call it a peace offering if you will, but it is a farewell and not a rescue you are entertaining at this juncture."

The General leaned back slightly. "As for the incident in Atlas City, I also do not have any reason to answer for that crime. My government will. This will be swept under the rug with fancy talk, apologies, bribes, and false promises, so we can return to the cold war that our two countries propagate. This is something that Mr. Radovan should be rather familiar with. However, if Mr. Radovan so wishes, he can attempt to enact the price on Jacques himself."

The General's eyes turned to Peter, with a near imperceptible smile. "Dare I say, Jacques would enjoy the challenge. And it would be entertaining, if fruitless."

"But back to your original question," the General continued, after a slight pause. "We are beginning a negotiation where both of our groups agree to halt all terrorist activities within each other's borders. You will return to the United States. Fang will remain in Russia. I have hopes that your farewell to your former comrade will give you sufficient peace of mind, although if you wish to bargain for more I am willing to listen."

"Terrorist activities?" Henry frowned. "You're the only ones who have committed terrorism. You came to Atlas City and..."

The General held up a hand. "I apologize but... Were your actions here sanctioned by the United States of America? What authority did you have to come to my country and begin attacking the agents of a foreign nation's government? Please, feel free to correct me, but I was under the impression that your arrival here was contrived from an emotional response to the returning of Koschei to his proper place within Fang."
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"You have to look at it from our perspective, then," Henry answered. "Your crew barges into Atlas, one of your agents, regardless of who has to answer for it, or how much you wash your hands of the blood on his hands, still came in and killed people, unlike us, and you go and kidnap our friend. Our team isn't under the supervision of any one government, not the US or anyone. We serve the interests of all nations, the Earth itself," Henry continued, staring directly at the old man.

"And the needs of this planet are greater than any one nation. I'm sure Koschei understood that. It's why he joined up with us."
Akiko was silent, eyes staring off into the distance as she listened to them speak. Having been caught off guard, the detective had been brought here against her will and with Peter of all people. Henry was there too but she knew she could easily fight him bare handed if she needed to. Not that she did, she just knew for her own sake.

Sasha had joined them but the General's little tidbit about him saying farewell... It didn't sit well with her. No smile, no smirk, no sign that she was at ease was visible on her face. She almost looked bored as she rested her head on her shoulder, sitting back in her seat, legs crossed over one another. There was a silence, almost as if the General was waiting for someone else to speak. Akiko gave a long sigh.

"We need proof of what you're saying," she said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world, even as she clenched her right fist, nails digging into her skin. Her conversation with Sasha, on their ties to their organization, echoed in her head. "Of Sasha willingly saying goodbye anyway."
The General smiled slightly at Henry before turning to Akiko.

"Interesting that you would choose to ask for proof," the General said lightly, unblinking in his gaze. "Koschei's duty is here with Fang. Doesn't his time with you prove that he might wish otherwise? That he might indeed agree with you, that his duty is to the planet as you put it? Regardless, I have asked Koschei to speak his mind, without fear of repercussion. It will prove nothing but perhaps it will give you some form of consolation."
Klaus watched the exchange between The Brave and The General in silence. Something didn't add up, and he worried how Peter would react to their involvement should The Brave force the issue. The fact remained that they wanted Sasha and were not leaving without him. However, taking him by force seemed like it would cause an international incident; it didn't seem fair. "We didn't come to say goodbye or for some back-handed consolation. We came for Sasha. He's part of something bigger than Fang now. Shouldn't that mean something? Doesn't his involvement in protecting the world outweigh the needs of one country?"
"But who makes those decisions?" the General said, his voice firm but without any hostility. "You? Are you going to march to the capital of Russia, of the United States, of Japan, of every nation across this large earth and proclaim that they set aside their pettiness and selfishness for the sake of the world? Do you think they'd agree?"

The General slowly shook his head. "Perhaps I am too pessimistic. But I've been in this position a long time. I am not allowed to have an opinion on whether Koschei belongs with you or with Fang. I only have orders I follow, and my orders are that Koschei returns to Fang."

The General cleared his throat. "So, with that being said, are you ready to see him now?"
Klaus crossed his arms, unsatisfied with the response he'd been given. "I won't try to understand twenty-first-century politics, but when did the desires of the individual cease to matter? Who cares what the nations want if the individual wants something else, something more? Who are they to stand in the way?" He cast a glance at Peter as he said the last part. "We are ready to see him; it's what we've come here to do, after all."
"We don't need to proclaim anything..." Henry remarked to the General, folding his arms and leaning back in his seat. "We're just gonna save 'em all whether they like it or not," he smiled. He then nodded at Klaus in agreement that the Brave was now ready to hear what Sasha had to say.
The General stood and walked to the door on the side of the office. He opened it, the door swinging outward.

"Koschei," he said, and a few seconds later, Sasha stepped into the room. Although it had not been long since the Brave had seen him, the difference that time had taken on Sasha was clear. Dark circles rested under his eyes, his skin paler than normal, and his hair was flat and lacked its normal color.

"Mr. Radovan, may I suggest that we adjourn to the waiting room, to discuss more confidential matters?" the General said. "I can grant you 10 minutes, Koschei. I trust that will be enough."

"Yes," Sasha said softly, his eyes jumping from one Brave member to the next. "Thank you."


Jacques stood with his back to the room, his eyes gazing out at the perpetual winter the base was shrouded in. It was still afternoon, thus the view was quite clear and spectacular. But Jacques' eyes couldn't focus on it. No, his thoughts were still on Koschei. Everything about Koschei grated on him. It was hatred, pure and simple, yet Jacques had never met the man before. This was... instinctual.

It stirred within him.

Ah, so that was the source. Jacques was intrigued, but he'd given up on curiosity when he'd accepted power. One could not serve two masters and Jacques had made his choice without ever looking back.

"Sir?" a voice came from behind him, and Jacques turned his head to see one of the lower officers behind him. He wasn't alone, however. A handful of soldiers, in full military gear, were gathered behind him.

"What is it?" Jacques grunted, turning to face the group. "What is this?"

"Jacques," one of the military men said, stepping forward. His insignia designated him as a Captain, the leader of the unit. "You are being taken into custody pending an investigation into your actions on foreign soil. Upon review, the President has decided to investigate the matter fully, and as such, you are being placed under arrest. We're here to escort you to the capital, where you will undergo trial."

"Is that right?" Jacques asked, and although his words were calm, his eyes had begun to burn with a fanatical light. "Tell me, have you made the General aware of this yet?"

"We were told the General was in a meeting," the captain said after a moment. "We left a message but moved to detain you first."

"Good to hear," Jacques said, lifting his hands. "That gives me some time to work with."
Several emotions passed over Akiko's face when Sasha came into the room. Not a single one was of joy or relief to see him. Sasha's words were echoing in her head again.
Either way, they've found me and it's only a matter of time before they come to... fetch me.
Her eyes lingered on his face and the fist she had been clenching so tightly loosened.
Thank you Akiko, but I'm not worried for myself
She slowly got up and walked over to him...
We're more alike than you might think.
..And then raised her fist to punch him in the face.
Surgut, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

May 16th, 2045

Peter had just reached the detestable detective in time to blink, and see a Ruskie appear where a Ruskie had not previously been before. As he saw the man reach out to grab Akiko, despite his better judgement and general attitude on chivalry, Peter grabbed Akiko as well. Once more, just in time to blink, before finding himself in a completely new place he hadn't seen before.

There was another Ruskie now, a more important looking one, and one which Peter recognized from a few operations years ago. The General certainly recognized Peter.

His eyes went between the General, and 'Burvin', muttering to himself (quietly, but enough to Akiko to hear), "Teleporters, dime a'frigging dozen these days..."
For the moment, he decided not to say much, opting to let The Brave have their say. The General made some offer of the head-exploder, Jacques, as a means to square up the international debt. He mulled the idea over in his head, chewing and gnawing on the thought. Things were... Different now. Peter had some very unique options available to him. Decisions, decisions....

Finally, the General beckoned for "Koschei", and shortly after, Sasha entered the room with The Brave. There was a pregnant pause, the air seeming to stand still, along with The Brave. Whatever feelings Radovan had towards them, he could at least feel and understand the sensations running through them. What to say? How best to use this time? Is this truly goodbye?

Peter always had a feeling that "Koschei" was an individual of... Significance. All the more concerning, then, when looking at how he seemed almost aged at this moment. Had that much time gone by? No, certainly not. His perception of things was off, the good ol' newspapers, and the wonderful AG of the USA, were grounded ways to reassure him that Sasha's condition was not time related. Probably.

Whatever words The Brave thought of sharing, those quickly got interrupted with the heavy thud of the grotesque girl-ghoul's fist hitting Sasha's face.

Henry audibly gasped, and Peter offered his own neutral
"Huh", a little surprised, a little amused.

The General had mentioned Peter adjourning with him to a waiting room, but before he followed, Peter raised a hand.

"I appreciate the warm hospitality sir, but I have to impose on you. Y'see, I'm here under... Unusual circumstances. You needn't worry about any of that, save for one fact: I need to speak with the fine folks of The Brave, and with your Koschei."

He paused, allowing the gap in sound to ennunciate his intended meaning.


Peter approached closer to the General, giving a hearty, friendly slap on the shoulder to Henry, and stopping next to him, desiring clearer assurances from the General first.

"I can chat with them before, or after our more private meeting, but I do need to speak with all of them, and it would be ideal if it were together, and, I stress this again, private."

He looked up at Henry, locking eyes for a moment as he grinned, then looked back at the General. "Though I will say, depending on what it is you and I have to say to each other, I'm not opposed to The Brave being included. As far as I'm concerned, we're all friends here!"

Akiko blinked as she took in the sight of Sasha not even flinching at her swing. The detective bared her teeth and grabbed her friend by the shirt, hands balled up the fabric, holding a death glare as she looked into his eyes.

"what the fuck, Sasha!" She screamed, losing all sense of decorum as they were in private now, shaking him. "What the fuck? That's all you got to say for me? I threw my best swing you bastard!"
"Nice to see you? Nice to see you????" Akiko nearly spat in his face, still holding his shirt. "We just found out you're on a different team and you're not even trying to pretend that you're being held against your will here or blinking Morse code? You really just gonna up and leave us like that?"
Gently but firmly, Sasha gripped Akiko's hands and pulled them away from him. He looked down at her, his expression as blank as when he'd first stepped in the room.

"Yes," he said. "This is goodbye after all."

He looked at the others. "Thank you for making this journey for me, but I regret that my time with you has ended." Sasha's eyes turned to Peter. "Say what you have to say Peter."
"Wait, wait a sec..." Henr raised his hand in a 'hold on a moment' gesture. "Goodbye, for real? I think we're owed something of an explanation. Especially considering you seem to have left a trail for us to find you. You put us through all this, just to say farewell?"

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