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Active [Arborhaven, Ryke] – How to travel betwixt Space and Time 101



(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild looked to the weird blood mess pooling underneath her, grumbling as it seemed the mighty unstoppable power of friendship wouldn't work in this situation. Huffing softly, it clearly wouldn't take barely a moment for her to be free. Grumbling quietly, she knew that bad people would always just be bad people. Either way, she wasn't looking to refer to Stinklady as anything she expected, nor would she have any interest to 'obey'. Turning her attention to the hurt Siegfried, Gunhild would choose to shrink small and head on over to the knight hoping that he was... okay after what just happened.

"Sink? Sink-Sink-Sink-Sink? Abhwabhwabababhawha" Gunhild would sit next to him, tilting her head and asking softly as she began nonsensically babbling to see if she would get a response. Sitting up and staring at him, she'd use her weirdly extensive knowledge of physical and natural methods of [Medicine] to poke at Siegfried's body for medical examination, and to see if thoroughly prodding certain pressure points could help him feel a little better after getting sucky-wuckied like a yummy juicebox.

"Ababababawhabhabhwabhwabhwahbwa~!" Gunhild blankly continued, trying to make sure Sink-Fries was okay. If he died on her watch, that'd be bad. Not because she let someone die, but because Sink-Fries is a friend of ReguLady. And ReguLady would be the big sad to not have any Mister SoggyFries left. Somewhat glancing at the others and the blood-person, she'd wonder what the plan was... considering it felt like cooperation was not really going to truly happen. Or at least, barely trustable cooperation.

She could hear some other new person talk about coming from Japan, glancing at him only for it to seem he wasn't anything recognisable or special.
"All peopleses Japan... " Gunhild grumbled, why was that place so popular? Miyuki wasn't even from Japan, but her species originated there. Japan this, Japan that. Gonna make a Gunhild have a JaPanic Attack. Though, considering there were like a million new random people present she didn't know, she just focused on Siegfried for the moment, giving small looks to Ceylan and Hathaway in case any of the good boyes present could do any of that funny healy-dealy nonsense.

1. Size Change (E) + Energized (E) (2' size)
2. Medicine (B) to check out Siegfried's condition and to see if she can do any funny helpful poking of pressure points and stuff... because Gunhild knows how to do that for some reason.

Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord], [Adventurer F]
Language: Common


Their last gambit didn't gain them much in settling the situation. One thing was for certain, this monster had them outmatched in strength and speed. It was almost frustrating how she was able to toy with the group with little resistance. Worst of all was Siegfried being bitten by the Blood Seamstress. "I'm coming!" Hathaway called out to the man as he rushed to his side.

Although on closer inspection, Hathaway didn't notice any serious injury on Siegfried. Never the less, he used his [Accelerated Healing Rays] to release a healing ray of light from his hand and upon Siegfried's shoulder. While staring at the woman, the priest quickly wiped away the blood on his cheek and listened to Kasai's tip off. She was a vampire. All the more reason to rid these lands of her presence.

Hathaway wanted to settle this here, however he had to come face with the facts that a number of his allies had lost the desire to continue the fight. The young man heaved an annoyed sigh of resignation and regained his calm demeanor before before speaking, "..It appears to be settled then. We'll be accompanying you to this destination, Odile. How long this temporary truce lasts depends if you can behave yourself." Hathaway spoke without any remorse in his tone.

Hathaway knelt down beside Robert and helped raise him to a sitting position, "Sir! Wake up! This situation is,...well the situation is manageable is all that can be said.. In any case we'll protect you to the best of our capabilities." He spoke hesistantly, but he had to wonder if it was better to let Robert sleep for his own sanity. He then stood and looked around the group, "Everyone, I assume we're all in agreement to this arrangement? I sympathize with any skepticism but I think this is the best we can afford at the moment. We'll need to work together to keep a close watch of Odile, at least for now."

While stretching his legs in trying to calm his nerves, Hathaway's eyes wandered to Kasai. "You're someone that can't mind their own business. That's an admirable quality in a Hero and in my line of work as a priest. You have good eyes as well. Kasai, was it? If you're what you say, then I'd appreciate your help in this mission of ours." He managed to show a reassuring smile after giving his offer. They'd need all the help they could get with this assignment and not to mention they would have a better chance at striking Odile down later once their business was done.

"My name is Hathaway Peacecraft, though according to those in the know, it isn't safe to utter our names beyond this point forward once we reach the entrance. So I won't be repeating it much hereafter. I hope we can count on you." Hathaway held his hand out towards Kasai for a handshake.

  • Accelerated Healing Rays - Intelligence C, Staff Catalyst D, Healing E, Light Affinity F, Magic E - Hathaway releases a ray of light that heals the targets wounds - Grade E - Targets 1 - Range 5ft - 1 Post Duration - 1 Post Cooldown
Aethelred — C-grade Character
Titles: Human
Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy slifer37 slifer37 Kenju Law Kenju Law Cutiefly Cutiefly
Red forced himself to remain perfectly still when Odile clamped down on his shoulders, her eyes alight with the same manic energy that had just toppled Siegfried in a single blow. He could smell blood on her breath—a metallic tang that made his stomach twist—the scent clinging to her like a perfume. Calm down and play along, he repeated silently, aware that a single misstep might set this unsettling vampire off again. But just as his mind was racing, trying to come up with anything to delay the inevitable, Odile released her hold on him before going on beside herself about the procurement of 'noble blood'. Wait a minute... she has been going on and on about Rose Bertin this and Rose Bertin that for a while now... maybe there's more to this than meets the eye?

Robert had mentioned the name of the merchant association he was affiliated with previously, after some interrogation from the others, but Red hadn't really thought much of it. However, Odile's excited rant about THE 'Rose Bertin' suggested there was more to that name than just a merchant association. Is 'Rose Bertin' actually a person? he wondered, swallowing hard. The vampire seemed hell-bent on meeting them, and the way she spoke made it sound like this Rose Bertin was someone worth chasing, rather than just a label for a guild or brand. Maybe Robert has not been entirely truthful with us after all...

Red let the question rattle in his mind for just a moment longer—Is 'Rose Bertin' really a person, or something else altogether?—before squaring his shoulders and turning to face Odile. She looked downright pleased with herself, as though she'd already arranged a future teeming with glamorous gowns and royal blood. Meanwhile, Robert lay slumped in Red's peripheral vision, unconscious and oblivious, which only fueled Red's uneasy suspicion. He's been oddly cagey about his so-called merchant association. Surely, there's more going on here than a missing daughter and a few questionable deals.

Slowly, Red lifted his gaze to meet Odile's. I'll be honest, he said, voice strained but steady. I've barely heard the name 'Rose Bertin', other than what Robert shared. To me, it sounded like some fancy brand or merchant guild—until you showed up wanting to meet them in person. Now I'm starting to think Robert left out some pretty important details. He glanced toward the fallen merchant and pressed his lips into a tight line, the knot of doubt in his chest growing. Could he have hidden the truth so we'd sign on without asking too many questions?

He stepped aside, edging closer to Robert's prone form without turning his back on Odile. Look, I don't know if 'Rose Bertin' is a master seamstress, a noble patron, or someone even bigger—but I do know that if you keep going around crushing skulls and biting knights, you'll leave a pretty big mess in your wake. His tone sharpened, but he forced himself not to sound accusatory. After all, she could fling him aside as easily as she had Siegfried. You're not going to get that fancy meeting if Robert ends up too broken—or dead—to make introductions, are you? He let the question hang, hoping it might sink in behind her manic grin.

A muscle twitched in Red's jaw, and he pushed down the urge to snap at her. Instead, he laid out a pragmatic offer: Help us find Robert's daughter before the trail goes cold. If she's as big into fashion as he claims, she'll be connected to whatever secrets are buried under that guild's name. With his free hand, he gestured faintly toward the others—Ceylan casting healing magic, Rowan trying to maintain control of the unconscious thugs, Gunhild fussing over Siegfried. We're in no shape to fight you off if you go berserk again. But if you calm down, we can all walk away without more bloodshed, and you'll get your chance at a genuine meeting with the people who matter. Your precious 'Rose Bertin' might be more than a name on parchment—but you won't find out unless Robert is able to stand and talk. Holding Odile's gaze, Red dared to hope the vampire's thirst for status might eclipse her thirst for violence—and if it didn't, he'd at least bought the group another moment to think.
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Rowan Thorn
Rowan looked to the psychotic Odile, who seemed to be crushing everyone in battle. Thankfully, Ceylan and Hathaway could heal, so she could do other shenanigans. While they took care of the heals, maybe she could take care of Odile long enough to either run or enough to finally defeat her. It was a risky move, but she might be able to do something to Odile. Odile hadn't focused on her at all, seeming to be obsessed with Red and fashion. Maybe it was because he was pretty, considering she seemed to be taking special interest in him- enough to want to grip his chin in some sort of power move. Though from how she was, it seemed to be because Red was a humanoid male. Everyone seemed to be incredibly speciesest in this town.

So she decided to act. Hopefully, this would buy them the time they desperately needed. While her focus was on Red, she cast outward at Odile, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. A barrier would appear on Odile as her hands went back to her sides, tightly shaped around her body as skintight as possible to prevent movement- using the barrier to hopefully make her pass out. If not, then if anything, hopefully it kept her standing in place, and more importantly, unable to move to cast.


1. SleepyTime Barrier- Magic B, Barrier C, Selective C, Range C, Energize D, Duration D, Targets C, AOE E, Incapacitate C- The barrier causes a KO to Occur- C Grade Barrier- 6 post cooldown
Time: 14:25
Weather: The air is cold and scentless; the sky is partially covered in clouds.
Location: Southern Ryke, Arborhaven, Alleyway

  • Language Keys:
    Please remember to use the following when your character is speaking a language. For your characters to understand what other characters are saying they must possess the [Language] skill according to the following language.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • {"Sylvan"}
    • <"Beastial">

Aww~ is your pride hurt Mr. Man?
  • Siegfried Variation (Piano Ver.)
    Siegfried stared blankly at the monster. He'd been bested in a single bout, one without a weapon no less. Any normal person would be able to describe how they felt, but Siegfried was not that normal person. He was a stranger to both this body and world, everything he felt was beyond him. The answer was simple, "I was slower than that fiend." He uttered. He failed to consider the limitations of his body and how incomparable it was to his previous body, which although defective and imperfect for a unicorn, was still far more illustrious than that of any mortal creature.

    Siegfried forced a smile when approached and prodded by Gunhild, "You need not worry Lady Gunhild, it would be pitiful if one such as I uttered aught from such a minor assault." He'd state, 'minor' in that no bones were broken and none of his vital organs were wounded rather than in the fact that Odile had seemingly quite literally gnawed out a chunk of Siegfried's flesh. He stood, clutching the handle of his lance, before flinching slightly when Hathaway came up to him,

    Siegfried would've sighed, but he forbore, only because he hated when air went in or out of his body. "Your reverence, I prithee you save your magic for those who need it," He gestured at Robert with his palm open, "That man himself seems more dead than this body of mine." He would blurt out, looking at Robert with a blank stare, not unlike that of someone who forgot why they were pouring water into a kettle.

    After Hathaway made his way to Robert, Siegfried approached Odile and extended out his hand, "Your prowess is nought to make levity of and I have learnt to better hone my techniques. You have duly bested me Lady Odile, I look forward to our next clash." He smiled, waiting for her to shake his hand. It was part of chivalric creed to be courteous to women, be honourable and generous and be merciful to all. More importantly, it was also of chivalric creed to never once turn your back on those whom deem themselves your foe.

Fräulein Odile Von Rothbart
[The Black Swan]
Odile's Theme 2
"Oh, stop it~!" Odile fanned her hand at Kasai dismissively, "To make a list of mine accolades is of great unneed!" She bragged, the accomplishments being her criminal titles. "Nay, withal I wouldst calleth not the disciplining of cygnets and the felling of swans; abuse or murder—frankly, I find thine allegations offensive... Tehihi~" The woman giggled, covering her smile with one of her hands.

Luckily for Ceylan, his prayers would be answered and his abilities would prove awe-inspiring once more as the blood whirled around the neck of body, the bits of brain and eyeballs slowly forming back into something recognizable to doctors and alike, the shattered pieces of the skull clipped together, teeth clicking into place and eyeballs being blood by strings into their sockets. Then came skin and hair, stitching together seamlessly over the skull as threads unravelled into the messy shape of hair on the goon's head. Life shined in the goon's eyes as he sprung up and breathed in, a gasp leaving his renewed lips. "What— I... I..." He looked at his hands and began to cry.

"What an aweful spell!" Odile leaned over Ceylan's shoulder, a grin wide on her face as she looked at the man, "O, whomst was to know that a mutt can be of such use! Keeping mine feast so fresh after I hath spoilt it so unbecomingly!" She'd laugh, she was blatant in her intentions. The man was crying like a child saying goodbye to his parents on his first day of school. She walked around Ceylan and sauntered toward the man whom cried on his knees, "That is a sound most hideous that you make." She said in a low voice, leaning down to the man. He looked at her, a mere glance and he wiped his tears and stopped crying.

"Keep but thine eyes upon the other bloodbags, yes?" She asked of him and he lowered his head in hesitant submission. Whilst that happened, Raguenel woke up due to Hathaway's incessant words. The merchant had a penchant for fainting when afraid—unalike the actual cat, who walked over and began licking the merchant's hand. His eyes fluttered open and he held his forehead. Instead of questioning Hathaway he looked upon the scene before him, trying steady his breath slowly.

Siegfried was trying to show some form of gratitude to the woman, who smiled at him. Her smile was wide, but not too wide. It was the same smile you found on any other lady of high standing, what was unsettling was how her expression never changed and never once did she blink. Her eyes stayed wide open. She pulled Siegfried's outstretched hand by the wrist, pulling him down to her level and then patting him on the head like a dog. "What impeccable etiquette~ Now hath thee nought once ruin that handsome face with the motions of speaking and thou wouldst be of perfect excellence—" She turned away from Siegfried, who stumbled as a result of her sudden pull and push; she looked at Ceylan, who she knew of from Siegfried's perspective, "Verily strange is it not, how a dog owns a horse!" she laughed—her eyes barely twitching—as she held her stomach. "Oh, how I couldst guffaw forever~" She wiped metaphorical tear from her unblinking eyes.

She looked back at Aethelred, "Forsooth! How couldst thou not be but informed?! Fie, yet when one espies thine outfit, I cannot but blame thee that thou art ignorant of THE great Rose Bertin! The one and only whomst shalt sew and design masterworks so diaphonously divine they seemst themselves woven by the fingertips of the gods!" She clasped her hands again in a manner of prayer, praising the supposed Rose Bertin, "A las, thou art correct in that regard—" Her smile widened as she gazed at Robert, who sat beyond Aethelred. "'Tis not within mine nature to be like you feeble bags of blood. My essence is screaming, ripping me up from the inside and pulling at everything that is me to viscerate aught that shares not the same—the ecstasy, the exuberance—oh how words cannot describe the feeling I'd be blessed with, if only I acted alongst mineself. A las, a las; tighten the threads, lock the shackles and bury the seeds; for once they snap and crack, they will blossom into bloom most awfully delighting." Her eyes were somewhere else and she looked as though she were about burst like a balloon filled up too much with water. Her voice was high and low, soft and loud, singing a song that was flat without rhythm or melody.

Her hands were digging into her shoulders and her eyes were widening so much they seemed like they could fall out of their sockets. The edges of her mouth stretched and stretched to the point were it seemed her cheeks were being ripped into. Her breathing was unsteady and she trembled violently. Like a madwoman on the verge of attacking whatever suddenly moved. The cat, whom had not once been threatened before, stood high on all four legs, his eyes never once leaving the woman. When Rowan suddenly casted her spell, it all stopped abruptly. Although there was no barrier around the woman and her brooch seemed to glow a familiar crimson for the briefest moment.

She heaved out a sigh. "I am myself most envious of thee. Of ye who never once needs but lust for that feeling, to be addicted to it. Yet you art to be most envious of me, for I know it alike a lover." She still wasn't looking at anyone. She then pointed to a black door further down the alley, "Tis unruly to be so not early, shan't we be off?" She looked at the rest of the group briefly before she began making her way to the door. Whether it was Rowan's interference or a sudden bout of self-control, everyone was certainly in danger and could've suffered a great deal if Odile did listen to whatever it was inside her.

Monsieur Robert Raguenel
[Spineless Father of an astronomically wayward Daughter]
The cat began to calm, once Robert picked himself up. His eyes were wide and he held his mouth. He seemed as though he were about to faint once again, but kept himself from it just barely. "I... I do not believe I have it within myself to continue alongside you all..." He admitted, "P- Please accompany that... thing and return to me... M- my daughter..." His breaths were unsteady but he breathed in and then out. Trying to regain what little composure he had within himself. "Please let Till accompany you, I am sure he will be able to pick up the scent of Ivan while you lot are on your ways there. Again, I apologise from the bottom of my heart that I cannot bring myself to come with you. I will pray the gods will return you all safely." When the man said that, the same cat let out a loud "Meooow!" as if to protest against something.
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From: Microsoft CoPilot
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}
Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae

Things had gotten pretty complicated. Seeing the girl/woman/lizard worry about Siegfried, he wondered if he should interfere. Then again, Siegfried seemed 'alright' enough, considering the situation.

It seemed his fellow priest had settled on making a deal with Odile. A dangerous and potentially lethal thing to do, but perhaps the closest thing to a 'good' option they had. Or more likely, the least-bad option available. It was ironic to hear so many people introduce themselves, after having been told not to do so, yet Siegfried had already called out 'Ceylan' before as well. They were likely doomed already, with the vampire knowing most of their names by now. He doubted Odile's was real enough to hold any weight, for that matter.

If there was one good thing, one point of justice, in the world, it was that he was able to revive them man that'd fallen. Yet even there, Odile started talking. That said, he wouldn't stand for it. “All of you, just go. If you are grateful for having your life back, please consider this to be your chance to turn it around and work for the greater good, rather than merely for your own shady gains.” He'd tell the man and his allies.

As he did, he'd openly stare at the vampire. “This creature is not in charge here. If she disagrees, she'll have to try fight us all yet again.” He stated, as he knew their chances were slim, but even so. He'd not let his actions get entirely dictated by a creature like that. He'd rather die.

As for the older man, he sighed. “Your absence would've only further complicated matters. We'll handle things. somehow.” He'd try to reassure the man. “We'd gladly have him on board.” He'd reply, as though it was feline of all things, the cat did seem to have more to it than it first let on. Perhaps, should the cat act as well, they might be able to overwhelm the vampire when needed.


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Having been able to check up on Siegfried, it felt like he was good... enough, for the situation despite the condition he hzd suffered. Grumbling quietly under her breath, she quite wished that she just stayed at home by now, yet here she was stuck on another pointlessly dangerous quest getting herself into trouble. Despite the man claiming it would be pitiful to utter aught from a minor assault, it appeared as if he would go on to utter a lot more than just 'aught' to the foe he had been so swiftly bested by.

"Why'ses do's... " Gunhild grumbled, sitting and holding a clawed hand to her face as she slowly shook her head in disappointment. The rather demeaning response he had gotten in return was only something to be expected by such an evil loose cannon this strange woman appeared to be. While she wanted to believe better of Siegfried considering he was good friends with the prettiest birdie Regula, the lizard was beginning to question his capabilities, or whether it lied in his thought process the issue.

"Okies... so's... do... do's?" Gunhild quietly questioned to herself, hearing that the man wasn't going to be coming along with them. Father of the year, that must be. Rolling her eyes, she didn't trust being able to fully rely on the help of this evil stinklady in the first place. If wherever they were going could be filled with more people like this, she wondered if the other people she found in her company were even the slightest bit prepared. Sighing that this was a fate she had resigned to, a smol and shrunken Hild quietly and complacently scampered to the back of the group deciding it might as well be the best place to be. Plus, it gave her a chance to keep an eye on everyone and any suspicious followers behind.

1. Special Movement (Quadrepedal)(F) + Size Change (E) + Energized (E) (2' size)
Aethelred — C-grade Character
Titles: Human
Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario slifer37 slifer37 Kenju Law Kenju Law Cutiefly Cutiefly
Red watched Rowan cast her barrier spell at Odile, only to see it simply… vanish. Did she just nullify it somehow? he wondered, a chill running down his spine. The others were trying to hold themselves together—Ceylan was still reeling from his own exertions and tending to the newly resurrected thug, Gunhild had shrunk back down and was grumbling about the madness of the situation, and Siegfried was putting on a brave face despite his still-bleeding shoulder. Meanwhile, Robert’s shaky admission that he couldn’t go any farther didn’t come as a surprise. He looked absolutely terrified, swaying on his feet as if the mere act of standing drained his last reserves of courage.

He glanced at Odile, who seemed more interested in her internal drama than in continuing the fight—at least for the moment. She rambled about 'tightening threads' and 'burying seeds,' her tone manic. Even the cat, Till, arched its back and glowered at her from a safe distance. We are walking on eggshells here, Red realized, carefully adjusting his grip on Robert’s arm so the man wouldn’t collapse outright. If Odile flipped again, it would be ugly; they had already seen what she was capable of in a mere heartbeat.

Pressing his lips into a tight line, Red guided Robert a couple of steps away from the vampire, giving the merchant room to catch his breath. We’ll handle it, he murmured, voice low enough that only Robert and the few nearby might hear. Till can help us track Ivan. Just hang in there, okay? A faint smile tugged at his mouth, but he couldn’t muster genuine reassurance, not with Odile looming like a thundercloud about to burst. He gave Robert’s shoulder a pat, then gently released him. If the merchant wanted to find a place to rest—or flee—he wouldn’t be stopping him. We might be safer if he’s not actively in Odile’s line of sight, he reasoned.

Despite everything, Odile suddenly turned away, pointing to a black door at the far end of the alley. She practically commanded them to follow, as if she were leading the group on some grand tour instead of taking them into god-knows-what dangers. With the vampire’s unnatural enthusiasm a jarring contrast to the general tension of the situation, Red forced his legs to move, stepping closer to Rowan and Gunhild who seemed wary about this new development. All right, he said under his breath, mostly to them, I guess that’s our invitation. He tried to keep his tone calm, but as nervous as he was, it did nothing to halt the sweat beading on his forehead—not with the thought of stepping into a shadowy underbelly alongside the woman who’d just nearly wiped them out.

Still, Red found a fragile thread of courage as he nodded at the duo. We keep our eyes open and stay together, he whispered, casting a worried look over at the rest, who’d be following behind. Maybe she really does know something about the merchant we’re after—and Robert’s daughter. If so, we have to see this through. Even if it means stomaching her… quirks. A shudder rippled through him as he recalled her casual violence, but he swallowed his unease. Right now, cooperating was their best shot at finding the missing girl—and staying alive long enough to make use of whatever knowledge Odile possessed

Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord], [Adventurer F]
Language: Common


"Well done. I have some ways to go before I'm at your level," Hathaway complimented Ceylan on his wonderful handiwork of bringing the grunt back from the dead. Such a feat was still out of his league. With his focus being split into that of a fighter, it was to be expected. Still, it was good to have such a reliable ally by their side.

That was in contrast to the unreliable associate they had just acquired. Like the others, Hathaway wasn't fond of this deal at all and found it completely reasonable for Robert not wanting to come with them. He was a civilian after all. Perhaps most shocking was how congenial Siegfried was being towards Odile. Even a priest like Hathaway wouldn't be so amicable with a monster.

"We'll accomplish the job to our up most ability. Get home safely! Let's be on our way, Till." Hathaway waved off Robert and proceeded to urge the cat to come along with them. Hathaway made his way towards the black door the Odile pointed out. "Remember everyone, no names beyond this point. Or so the Sir has told us." He informed the group as he walked down the alley.

"Odile, remember that we're keeping a close watch over you..."
Time: 14:30
Weather: The air dank and reeks of all kinds of herbs, leather and meat.
Location: Southern Ryke, Arborhaven, The Undermarket

  • Language Keys:
    Please remember to use the following when your character is speaking a language. For your characters to understand what other characters are saying they must possess the [Language] skill according to the following language.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • {"Sylvan"}
    • <"Beastial">

  • Siegfried was a bit disoriented, stumbling and almost falling over again when Odile dismissed his courtesies. He didn't understand what or why it happened, what she meant and the rest... Well, in truth did not need to know. In a field of flowers, a unicorn does not trample on dandelions just because they are weeds. Siegfried was physically incapable of distinguishing prejudice.

    He clutched the handle of his lance and kept his azure gaze fixed on Odile, she was a rose with no petals and only thorns. There was nothing to be gained from having her around, she was malevolent to no end. Siegfried ignored Robert. Siegfried ignored Red. His eyes glazed over Odile as she distanced herself. Siegfried approached Ceylan, "Ceylan, do everything within your power to never be within two horses' lengths of Lady Odile. If she comes anywhere near you, shout and I will joust." It was a serious request and yet Siegfried spoke of it as if though a joke and smiled even.

    "It would be dishonourable," Siegfried started again, looking at Odile who waved at them as she stood by the door, "but should I just attempt pulverizing her again? One cannot restore themselves twice so swiftly, I may have a chance." He said this in spite of his earlier failure to do so.

Fräulein Odile Von Rothbart
[The Black Swan]
Odile's Theme 2
"Hi~ther! Come ye lot or not?" Odile yelled from further down the alley, gesturing for the group to come and follow her. Turning to the door, the woman knocked. There was a code to the knocking pattern, which included knocks with half-second intervals, one second intervals a pause and then continuing.

.-. --- -- . ---
--- ....
.-. --- -- . ---​

"Come now~" She opened the door gesturing for the group to follow. The door was supposed to lead into the utility room of a bakery, but instead, when Odile opened the door, warm lights reflected onto her dead-white face. She turned, "Follow me if one wilt findst whomst thine seek." The woman stood by the door, holding it open. It seemed like Robert wanted to say something before they left, but held himself back, simply waving as the group walked into the undermarket entrance.

But, before Hathaway could enter, "Halt!" Odile stopped him. She put her fingers directly on her left eye, pinched and ripped it out from her socket. The black, empty socket did not bleed. It was a dark, empty void. Odile grabbed Hathaways hand and forced the crimson eyeball into his palm. "and now you've got MY eye on you~ HehehehHAHA~" She guffawed, before pushing him along into the door.

"Piggy to the Citadel Market" by Gilles Ketting
Dolls without sculpted Panties

After everyone had entered, Odile closed the door behind them. It was a seamless transition, the entrance behind them blended and dispersed into empty space, what they had entered was some sort of portal. It wasn't like the traditional portals, it was more like stepping into a room rather than being transported through time and space to a far location. The place that greeted them was dank, all kinds of smells mingled in the air and it was bustling with the soft murmurs of people.

Steps clattered along the way as everyone moved to specific places, they weren't wandering about and sightseeing—they were here for a reason, to buy something specific from a specific someone. Odile walked up ahead of the group, gesturing for them to follow her. It was better to follow her and keep your eyes locked on hers. There were many disturbing sites if you looked anywhere else.

There were what seemed to be pair of rival stalls opposite of eachother, both were butchers. One sold seafood and the other sold livestock meat. What was disturbing was that the seafood butcher was selling drained mermaids while the other butcher was cutting up and selling beasts, their glossy eyes stared blankly at you. They had quite the crowd gathered. One stall was selling flowers, of which the faintest scent made you feel light and airy. The owner of that stall was wearing some sort of mask that covered her mouth and nose, with thick goggles.

Another stall was selling paintings. Paintings of very beautiful people... wearing scarcely any clothing. Most of the images depicted Fae with long, almost translucent hair and eyes without pupils. Another stall were selling what seemed to be ancient tablets, depicting... something. Even from a far, Ceylan and Hathaway would recognize them as religious tablets, ones that you'd usually find in dilapidated temples. Scantily clad, ball-jointed women stood in an alcove beside one stall. They were reapplying pigment on their skin where it was chipped and flaking off, usually around their wrists and legs. One of the dolls pulled off her face, briefly revealing the hollow space in her head as she replaced it with a fresh one.

Another stall was selling dresses, dresses that you rarely found in this modern medieval era. "Ohhhh!" Odile ran off to the stall, grabbing the fabric of one of the dresses. "'Tis a genuine article, yes? How fine and well preserved!" she praised. There was an old woman at the stall who walked up to her with her hands behind her back. She seemed quite nice, the kind of woman who baked chocolate chip cookies for kids on her street—she wore an off coloured dress with a floral pattern and a stained pinafore. She would seem awfully normal, if not for the black eyepatch on her right eye. She and Odile began to converse, both were smiling.

At the back of the group, someone walked up to Gunhild. A tall figure wearing a cloak covering his entire body. He had a static smile on his face. Actually, his face did not move at all and his mouth stayed closed as he spoke. "Hello little girl! What is your name, do you know where your parents are?" He spoke in a monotonously cheerful tone of voice that came off as overbearing and he spoke loud enough for the rest of the group to hear. Loud enough for other passersby to hear. Gunhild would be able to feel multiple eyes on her as a result.


From: Microsoft CoPilot
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}
Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae | Hathaway Kenju Law Kenju Law | Gunhild Femboy Femboy

Ceylan was surprised to hear Hathaway compliment him. He shook his head. “It was only by the mercy of the gods.” He rejected the compliment. Especially as he hadn't been sure if it'd work himself. “Keep walking this path and I'm sure you'll find your own prayers answered in kind before long. Though if you wish for aid regarding the magical aspects, I would be willing to teach you some of what I've learned.” He'd offer instead.

He'd nod at Siegfried. “That would be my intention.” He didn't have to b e told twice to steer clear of the monster. He shook his head at Siegfried's suggestion. “No. Please don't. What you said about her goes for you as well. I'd rather not see you get hurt like that again.” He was quick and perhaps a bit overly honest in his reply, trying to dissuade Siegfried from such risks again.

Figuring it might be of use later, Ceylan quickly noted down the knocking patterns observed.

.-. --- -- . ---
--- ....
.-. --- -- . ---

With that done, he'd eventually follow through. He was a tad grossed out when the monster suddenly handed Hathaway her eye, but that alone didn't prepare him for the many more gross things he saw. The selling of the meat of sentients had his stomach nearly empty itself instantly. He desperately looked away from it, trying to focus elsewhere.

The sight and scent of the flowers sold was disturbing, but not nearly as much as the first sight. The paints, he honestly didn't care about. The religious tablets, he was more surprised about than anything, as he wondered why there would be a demand for such things in a place like this. The construct-looking women were another thing that disturbed him greatly. It didn't take him much time to figure what those might be used for.

Upon seeing some folk approach Gunhild, he instinctively ([Daddy]) grabbed her hand. “She's with me.” He'd then pull Gunhild closer. “Stay close, or grow bigger again.” He'd quickly tell her, suddenly remembering she could just do the latter. This place had already gotten to him badly enough for him to start acting on (wrong) instincts.


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild stuck close as she followed the group through the seamless transition into the rather dark and disgusting location they had appeared to be transported to. At this point, she was pretty quickly beginning to question whether she should be trudging around a location like this with her bare claws, and that was something for an unhygienic being like her to take concern over. Not trying to smell too hard for she wasn't exactly a fan of the things she could smell, she kept most of her focus on following her frens for it would prove atrociously terrible to get lost in a place like this. Though, she still had to find that special gift for Miyuki, the lizard didn't believe that it would probably show up here anytime soon. Such a suspicious and untrustworthy location wouldn't have anything amazing for the likes of her Purpy-Floofa.

Taking a look around, not much caught her interest. It was all just quite weird, or things she had very little interest in. But, one thing did quite frankly arouse her interests in a significant way. Just what were those beautiful figures? Gunhild hadn't been tempted by the delights of the flesh in this world, but considering she had been rather starved for something unique or interesting, she couldn't help but turn the other way this very moment. How it was all kept together in such good condition, to contemplate how soft and tender it may all be, and where all the feeling could coalesce into one unforgettable experience. It felt too attractive, too alluring, the prospect of what she had saw. It felt like destiny that Gunhild had to try it, although the group of frens she was with didn't seem to find the absolute beautiful samples they had on display as delectable as she did.

Oh but how intriguing their curves looked, to get ones' own grubby little claws all over those beautiful bodies for her own twisted desires, they looked just ripe for the taking... Gunhild's truly masterful and precise mouthwork felt like it had been waiting her entire life for this moment, to truly test her skill, to taste and endeavour the deepest depths of depravity, and to experience something completely out of the ordinary! Eh... but there were other matters, she'd have to settle on forgetting that idea.

Grumbling quietly, she looked back once more.
"Maybes others times... " the lizard quietly muttered to herself. It was a shame, those beasts and mermaids, it was a weird interest but she was curious what they'd taste like. Meat was meat, and cooked meat was yummy. Food for thought, literately.

Following further along, her focus would be distracted by a complete stranger. He was... not very boosting to her confidence, he was extremely creepy and weird in fact. Especially since they were following the weird blood-lady, Gunhild didn't want to deal with more weirdoes.
"Uhms... " Gunhild mumbled, shrivelling up a little, that one guy did say to never say ones' own name... though wouldn't it be rude to not introduce herself? Gunhild was Gunhild after all. It'd be a crime if she didn't insist upon that fact.
"... no... knows... " Gunhild muttered quietly, before hearing and seeing someone else step to her side to cover for her. Looking up at Ceylan, she hadn't exactly expected anyone else maybe except for Siegfried to step up for her, not entirely sure his reasoning for so suddenly caring for her so much but appreciating it nonetheless with a small cheerful smile. For the moment, she quietly scuttled behind him as a source of protection.

"Buppy... " Gunhild quietly murmured, resting her hand in his as she scooted next to him, hearing him mention about staying close and growing bigger. Seeing as it felt like she could trust him, she followed suit and used her [Size Change] capabilities to change to a more fitting size. Big enough to not be seen as some little babi-smol, but not big enough to cause trouble or attract attention. Also big enough to rest on Ceylan.

Having grown larger, the lizard would rather clearly stumble a little bit towards him, given she wasn't perfectly designed for walking upright like normal people but trying her best, leaning forward and pressing herself against Ceylan's back as she rubbed her head against and on top of his. Nuzzling and quietly purring, she murmured.
"Buppy! Gunhild thankies... " she mentioned softly for helping her, what a good buppy. At least there was one person she could trust in this group of new frens, outside of Siegfried, considering she kind of watched him get his butt so easily whooped. Maybe she could rely on Ceylan to do the speaky-thingies, since this easily felt like a place Gunhild could end up getting into a lot of trouble...

1. Size Change (F) + Energized (F) (5'7" size)
Aethelred — C-grade Character
Titles: Human
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Faynorae Faynorae slifer37 slifer37 Kenju Law Kenju Law
Red's stomach churned the moment he passed over the threshold. One second, it looked like a simple bakery's storage room, and then—bam—he was stepping into some hidden underworld that assaulted his senses with blood-tang air and feverish lamplight. He shook off the disorientation quickly, turning his wary gaze on Odile, who stood holding the door for them, grinning like the whole place was her private showroom.

He caught only bits of Siegfried's voice behind him—something about not wanting Ceylan within two horses' lengths of Odile. It sounded like good advice, honestly. Red's gaze flicked to the white-haired knight, noticing that he still clutched his lance so tightly his knuckles had gone pale. Not that Red blamed him; the vampire had literally torn out her own eye and pressed it into Hathaway's hand. The memory of that made Red's pulse pound. Just keep your cool... we need her for now, or at least we can't risk losing track of her.

The Under Market stretched out like a twisted carnival of nightmares. Rows of shabby stalls presented everything from embroidered dresses to severed mermaids, from half-living dolls to stolen relics. The dull roar of bartering was undercut by the occasional whimper or hiss—an uneasy soundtrack that sunk into Red's bones. He forced himself not to stare too long at the butcher shops. The vacant, glassy eyes of creatures behind the counters threatened to empty what little remained in his stomach. Don't get sick, he reminded himself grimly. You have to keep it together.

His boots crunched over damp stones as he followed Odile, who had breezed ahead to coo at a rack of ornate dresses. The vampire's sudden shift to mild-mannered shopping would have been comical if it weren't so grotesque to see her white hair spattered with old blood, her half-blinking socket hidden by the angle of her face. In the corner of his vision, Red spotted Siegfried hovering near Ceylan, protective as ever, while the doglike priest tried—and mostly failed—to hide how horrified he was by the marketplace. Even Gunhild, who normally trotted around with childlike enthusiasm, clung to Ceylan's side as though she feared the stall owners might carve her up next.

Before Red could dwell on that thought, a cloaked figure strode right up to Gunhild, addressing her far too loudly about her name and parents. The man's fixed grin and overbearing tone sent a chill through Red. It was the type of voice that wanted to draw public attention—exactly what they didn't need here. He tensed, expecting Gunhild to snap out some clumsy retort, but Ceylan was on it in a heartbeat, gently claiming the lizard-girl as his own and pulling her away.

Red let out a low breath and made his way closer, doing his part to flank them in case that creep tried anything. Easy, he murmured, casting a measured look at the stranger's mask-like face. He didn't like the hush that seemed to fall around them, or the shift in other passerby's attention. A handful of them were leering or curious—none of them, by Red's guess, had kind intentions. We're in a hurry, he added in a polite but firm voice, then turned partly away to make it clear they had no interest in a conversation. Sometimes ignoring these types was best.

At the same time, Red's thoughts were racing. We can't keep letting Odile drag us from one stall to the next. Tiphaine could be anywhere down here, and every second we linger, we risk drawing more attention. He glanced ahead, where Odile was chatting up the old woman with the eye patch. That alone set off alarm bells. Could be another monster, or just a shrewd merchant—here, it was impossible to tell.

He took a step forward, lowering his voice so only his companions might hear. Sticking together might be our best bet. Let's try not to get separated. If anyone spots a girl with a cat, speak up right away. His gaze settled on Ceylan, Gunhild, and Hathaway in turn, then flicked to see if Siegfried was within earshot too. And keep your ears open for mention of 'Tiphaine' or 'Ivan.' Enough folks here like to gossip, if the price is right.

Odile's bright voice floated from the dress stall—apparently, she'd found something that met her bizarre standards. Red set his jaw. Let's see if we can steer her back on track, he whispered to his companions. The sooner we find Robert's daughter, the sooner we can get out of... whatever this is. And, if it came to it, they might have the chance to leave Odile behind in this den of horrors.

He offered Gunhild a small, reassuring nod before easing forward, weaving through the shifting crowds. Odile, he called out quietly as he approached, though he kept just outside arm's reach of her. We don't have time to browse. We came here to track someone down, remember? We find the girl, and you'll have your chance to meet Rose Bertin—probably with fewer... distractions.

Part of him doubted this place had any notion of 'fewer distractions,' but he had to try. Because if they let Odile lead them by the nose all night, who knew what nightmares they'd stumble into next—and there was no telling if any of them would survive another of her vicious 'moods.'

Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord], [Adventurer F]
Language: Common


Hathaway was caught off guard by the eyeball landing in the palm of his hand. He was repulsed the sticky feeling of the moist ball in his hand. It took almost everything he had to not immediately toss it away in repulsion. It was thanks to his training as both a Priest and a Monk that he managed that self-restraint. "Grr...y-yes....How hilarious of you...perhaps you should go into comedy..." He managed speaking somewhat calmly and sarcastically to Odile before squeamishly handing it back to her.

The ordeal was so disorientating that he couldn't exactly remember the knocking pattern that was necessary for passing through the door. Hathaway would have to lean on the others for that information later. He would flick away whatever moisture was left on his hand while taking in his surroundings and walking along. "By the way, I'd certainly appreciate that when we have the time," he answered to Ceylan's offer while still keeping his eyes peeled.

What Hathaway saw was truly despicable. The many vendors were showing off some unpleasant wares that varied. In order to not be distracted, he tried to focus on the mission at hand. His eyes came up on what looked to be tablets that had some religious significance in nature. "I've got a feeling those tablets will just find themselves hanging on some rich aristocrats wall." Hathaway commented to Ceylan.

Hathaway honestly didn't have much of an opposition to Odile doing her own thing for the moment so long as they looked like they belong. Hathaway was prepared to step on to assist Gunhild, but thankfully his ever reliable allies made sure he didn't need to do anything. "Right, eyes and ears at full attention. Especially when it comes all these suspicious fellows." he replied to Red

Faynorae Faynorae irlVector irlVector Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario
Time: ???
Weather: The air is dank and reeks of all kinds of herbs, leather and meat.
Location: Southern Ryke, Arborhaven, The Undermarket

  • Language Keys:
    Please remember to use the following when your character is speaking a language. For your characters to understand what other characters are saying they must possess the [Language] skill according to the following language.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • {"Sylvan"}
    • <"Beastial">

just don't stand anywhere near her pretty please. :(
  • He repeated himself again, "You will never once find yourself within five horses' lengths of Odile? Say you promise." The amount of horses changed, less because Siegfried wanted to make sure Ceylan was far far away from Odile and more because he didn't care for the difference between five and two, it was the same to him. Siegfried's tail flicked the floor at Ceylan's next response, "I understand." He'd nod, "I shall make for certain that your eyes never again falls upon my wounded self." He'd say with a wide smile.

    Siegfried, contrary to every other normal person anywhere near Odile, did not at all react to Odile's display of her bloody sense of humour. He didn't know that humans, beasts and alike don't tend to take out their eyeballs and he entered the door as though entering any other room, without any comment or stumble. It was less disorientating than that of the portal.

    Siegfried's gaze never once left Odile and he kept standing beside Ceylan as they made their way through the market. The gallant, rather coldly, did not show any reaction to the dead bodies of sentient beasts and mermaids. They were just that, dead bodies. Nothing of meaningful essence was left behind once someone died, only but the vessel for that soulful thing stayed; but it was merely that, a hideous, vague and shallow vessel.

    Much to Siegfried's chagrin, Ceylan walked off to Gunhild in order to help her. In spite of understanding Ceylan's intentions, he still did not feel pleasant toward it. Siegfried quickly situated himself beside Ceylan and looked at Gunhild, "Ladu G—" Siegfried stopped mid-sentence, almost forgetting the rule. It wasn't by Ceylan's word so it was easier for Siegfried to forget. "You are fair, yes?" He'd ask Gunhild while glancing to Ceylan momentarily and then to the tall figure with the unmoving face.

"Piggy to the Citadel Market" by Gilles Ketting
Dolls without sculpted Panties
Once Ceylan stepped in, everyone averted their gazes, some people seemed to let out a disappointed sigh even. The tall figure stood upright, his eyes staring straight ahead of him as though he were wearing some sort of mask. "I see. Goodbye then." He said, his head turning away as his body shuffled away in a manner that made it seem as though he were hovering.

Fräulein Odile Von Rothbart
[The Black Swan]
Meanwhile, there were many eyes on red. Some people were writing on piece of parchment, which they quickly folded into their pockets or bags. Other people were trying to step closer whilst others were off running somewhere. They heard him. Thrice. Tiphaine. Ivan. Robert. Odile immediately turned to red, dashed faster than he could see and shoved a finger against his mouth to stop him from speaking. "Nuh uh uh~♪" She sung, "Speak aught more and I will sew those lips shut." She stopped him before he could even call out to her by name, she leaned closer and her smile faded; "I would not be the only one ending up in those stalls if you continue spitting so arbitrarily. Got it?" She pulled her finger away and turned back to the path outline by stalls, vendors and crowds of buyers. "Follow me. Speak nought." She said with her smile once again stretching across her face.

As they moved through the crowds, Odile would finally come at a stop. It was a bigger stall, it looked almost like a tent of red fabric, with large dividers and a painted statue of a woman laying on a rock. Long blonde hair cascaded down the statue's base as she covered her face as though she were covering her eyes from the light. Long, sculpted ribbons of fabric layed over her body, covering her like a mummy wrapped in chiffon. The fabric was painted to seem translucent. She had no eyes. There was a rubesque woman, with half her face all melted and dried into the frown she made when screaming in agony as half her face was being melted off. She was sitting on a chair beside it, smoking with a long and thin glass pipe. A lavender mist poured out from the pipe like an upside waterfall. It smelled like frolicking through fields of violets just after the first rainstorm of summer.

Her groggy eyes glazed over the group as she took a long drag out of her pipe, the mist left her mouth as she spoke, "What is in a name?" She asked, as if there was an answer she was looking for. Her voice sounded like stepping on gravel, if not a bit too shrill. Despite not asking anyone in particular, Odile spoke up: "That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet." She said and the woman gestured for the group to pass the dividers. "Go in... Take all yourself." She said as though she were about to fall right asleep. But she didn't. Her eyes stuck on everyone as each person entered.

It was a small room, of curse, since it was a tent. It gave everyone privacy from the rest of the crowds outside. There were two tables and a hutch in front of the screen. Various glass bottles and vials filled the case, filled with cerulean liquids and an assortment of skulls of various kinds of animals... Goats, lions, deers, rabbits and birds all of vaguely identifiable species. On the tables, in birdcage-like cases, were particularly scarce and rare materials. There was a jar of decaying wolf-fangs and a faintly glowing pale powder. One case had a small vial of sparkling liquid that was almost so clear that the vial would seem empty if it were not tilted in its case. Various vases with scratches or cracked ancient images etched onto them, had red roses growing out of them. A paw's worth of claws; a variety of jewels, large and small, raw and refined; a single golden poppy growing in a glass case; a large feather white feather... yet nothing resembled a unicorn's horn or a dragon's scale.

Most concerningly was what looked to be a doorway into a very, very dark room which made it seem almost like a endless black abyss, framed at the end of the tent opposite of where the group had entered. There was supposed to be a carpet on the floor, but all that remained of it were long, large scratches which dragged from the middle of the room into the black abyss. Next to those long scratches was a pale, small hat with large fluffy feathers and roses pinned onto it. "What a foreign taste in decor." Siegfried commented, before picking up the hat and placing it on the table. Meow! sounded out the small, grey cat. He sat by the doorway, sniffing it. As if to say In here.


From: Microsoft CoPilot
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}
Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae | Gunhild Femboy Femboy | Aethelred irlVector irlVector | Hathaway Kenju Law Kenju Law

Thankfully, Ceylan didn't know about some of the more questionable thoughts going on in Gunhild's mind. He was just glad she'd gotten out of trouble. Yet as she was growing bigger whilst still holding his hand, then started to rest on him, it got a lot more awkward a lot more quickly. “Ehm... well done. Good girl.” He'd compliment her, as he'd try to create a bit of distance again. “Try to stay like that, that should stop others from trying to do the same.” As she thanked him, he sighed. “Try not say that name again. You don't know how many hear have sharp hearing” He'd urge her, hoping it wasn't already too late, as she'd ended up identifying herself, no matter how softly. It felt bad to push her away in full, but also awkward to keep her around like this, so he was a bit stuck between a Gunhild and Gunhildless place.

He was quick to agree with Aethelred. “I agree. I'd rather not be on my own in here.” He wasn't even the most worried about his safety. He was the most worried about loosing his cool and summoning entities that could wipe away this entire market and all those in it. “Careful with the names.” He'd add to Aethelred. They might not be theirs, but sharing names of the ones they were looking for might be equally problematic in the future. Ceylan was glad Aethelred was the one putting Odile back on track, as he'd rather not try doing such a thing himself.

Having nodded at Hathaway's acceptance of his offer, he'd nod. “It'll be my pleasure.” He'd state, as he could already think of a few chants, prayers and runes worth sharing. Although the tablets, truth be told, didn't bother Ceylan all that much. “Their misappropriation is a problem, but I'll admit it's one of the least concerning sights I'm seeing here.” Should Hathaway pay attention, the 'meat' on sale was clearly what bothered Ceylan most, followed by the Constructs with very disturbing places of wear-and-tear on them. The 'paintings', religious tablets and 'plants' didn't seem to faze him as much, though it was clear he had no particular like for them either.

As for Siegfried, Ceylan was surprised. “I cannot promise such a thing. I can only promise to try it.” He'd say, not wishing to promise something he might have to go back on. “Trust me, I have no desire to go any closer to her than absolutely necessary.” He'd add, trying to ease Siegfried's mind.

At the next bit, he shook his head immediately and vigorously. “No, no, that's definitely not what I meant. I meant to say I don't like knowing that you'd be getting hurt in general, but if you do get hurt, there's no need to hide it. If anything, I'd want to know so I could ease the pain and heal you, or know how to help prevent it.” He was quick to stammer, fearing the knight would otherwise thoroughly misunderstand in a way that'd have far-reaching future implications.

By the crowd's reactions, it seemed Ceylan wasn't the only one worried about names. Even Odile seemed worried about them. A smile showed. Perhaps that knowledge would be of use to them later.

He'd follow along in silent contemplation. Trying his best not to let the scenery get to him. He had no clue how to interpreted the scene the vampire let them into, so he let it be. The woman that let them enter sent a shiver down his spine. “A golden poppy.” He'd point out to Hathaway. Seeing the latter's religion, it would likely be of even more significance to him than it was to Ceylan.

“If only it were mere decord.” Ceylan uttered, upon seeing the scenery. The cat confirmed it soon enough. They'd have to go in there to find whom they were looking for. That said. “Did you happen to see a Unicorn Horn or Dragon Scale?” He'd ask Siegfried, their original goal still in mind.

He'd pick up the hat. “Perhaps this belonged to the young miss that we are looking for?” He asked aloud. “I don't really know much about designs, but this does seem 'out there' enough for it to have been hers, from what I've gathered.” He'd ask the vampire if it was the 'Rose Bertin' style, but he'd hate to ask her. Or interact with her. Or acknowledge her existence.


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

The weirdoes in masks had left her alone, though their abrupt dismissal of interest did make Gunhild quite curious as to what their motivation was. It only seemed interesting and fun that such a bunch of strangers would have so much interest in her, why would they not want her if she wasn't a child? Did they really want to adopt an super-duper uber-none-can-be-cuter bestest-goodest Gunhild still in her diaper days? Understandable, Gunhild knew that many would want to do that. She should figure out how to make Egghilds at some point, she'd be sure someone like Miyuki would commit self-nuclear detonation via love-based ignition over the sight of freshly hatched Smolhilds. Plus, she was getting old...

Wait, was she getting old? What was young or old? She could swear she'd been pretty big as long as she could remember. Well, no, she was quite smol when she first met Miyuki, though she was also grey and skinny and extremely rough-skinned and a whole lot of other things. And she hadn't grasped how 'words' worked, wasn't that a trait of younger people? She couldn't speak perfectly now, did that mean she was still in her much younger years? But she met a very young Miyuki, but that Miyuki could speak fully, so was that smoler Miyuki an old Miyuki? But that was when the Floofa was all skinny and cutting-board shaped... though didn't kitsune have some weird thing about their tails, but Miyuki had always had nine tails-

Honestly Gunhild quite easily blanked out for a moment as her primitive brain struggled to comprehend thoughts that she shouldn't have been thinking, feeling like that once she came back to realising that she could swear she heard Siegfried about to say her name but must've mispoke or something as she very clearly heard him say "Ladu G". She was already confused, now she was more confused what a Ledoo was. Was that some slang or language that was used in this location? Some... weird foreign insult?
"Yesses?" Gunhild spoke softly when asked if she was fair. Gunhild... kind of just went along with it, she was pretty sure she was not a fair, though she did go to that one fair at the Barony so maybe that's what he meant. Maybe he meant it as a compliment that she was big and pretty and made everyone happy and have fun. Yes, she was a fair. The bestest fair.
"Is fair, is do, good do, yesses" she'd agree, though the reptile would feel good puppy Ceylan make distance between them.

Hesitating a little as Gunhild clearly made little reaching motions with her clawed hands like she was deciding whether or not going back to him was a good or bad do, she could only surmise that he didn't want to be that close to her after causing trouble, and that she was gonna do the rule thing of saying names. Seeing as calling people anything was bad, she just whined a soft, high-pitched noise quietly as she lowered her head and sat to the floor dejectedly.
"Yesses... " she'd mumble quietly, even though she was called a good girl it felt like she was still being rejected for being her.

Shrinking to a slightly smaller size for convenience, she'd rather disappointedly follow along as their trip lead them to further trailing the vampire. Whilst they had the time to think-
How did one 'tell the time'? You tell it yes and no? Did you just say what the time was and that's what it was? Then why did some people read the time? If it was written down, did the moment it was read mean that the current time became that time? See, stupid smartpeoples things made no sense at all.

But they'd finally were entering some tent thing, and there was a weird lady watching them go in. She stopped and looked at the lady for a moment, tilting her head before chirping a cheerful noise and smiling at her. Giving a little tailwag, she'd briefly mention.
"Hellos" Gunhild would softly say, before catching up with the others down the tunnel of void. Where they went, there was a lot of stuff. She didn't know why any of this stuff was here, but the one thing that did catch her eye was the pretty feather.

Scuttling over to it and standing up to lean close, the feather pretty blatantly reminded her of Regula. Was this some special item, it looked like a normal feather. At least as normal as feathers were, Prettybirdie ReguLady had like... she wasn't exactly sure how many feathers were in the valkyrie's wings but it had to be a really big number. Maybe that was why Prettybirdie didn't like their wings being touched, because they're valuable, ah silly fancypeoples and their concerns for overly rich and valuable things. Gunhild would never understand, it should've been the personal value that counts. But if Regula had a lot of feathers, shouldn't she be super rich and popular? If feathers really were beeg valuable, shouldn't Regula shed feathers at some point and then sell them and be UBER rich? Eh, she didn't know, she was Gunhild.

"Wat dis?" she'd ask allowed as she pointed to the feather, though soon enough she'd start pointing around to the gems and claws and seed and everything.
"Wuh dis? Wuh dat? Wuh dat? Wuh dis? Wuh dat?" she'd start firing to anyone who'd give her an answer as she pointed at things, questioning what any of these mundane objects were here for.

1. Size Change (F) + Energized (F) (4'1" size) + Special Movement [Quadrepedal] (F)
Last edited:
Aethelred — C-grade Character
Titles: Human
Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Kenju Law Kenju Law slifer37 slifer37
The iron tang of caution still lingered on Red's tongue, pressed there by Odile's cold touch and her sharper words. The warning echoed in his mind: Speak nought. For someone who typically relied on words to de-escalate tension and navigate unfamiliar terrain, the forced silence felt like a blade pressed against his instincts. His jaw tightened beneath the ghostly imprint of her finger, but he gave no outward sign of protest. This was not the place to test limits.

His gaze swept across the tent's interior, cataloging the haphazard collection of relics and oddities. Claws, bones, powders… objects that hinted at power or significance he lacked the knowledge to grasp. The pale feather caught his eye briefly — not for what it was, but for the stark simplicity of it among the more grotesque curios. Gunhild's childlike curiosity manifested in an endless stream of questions, each punctuated by an eager claw indicating a different trinket.

Wuh dis? Wuh dat? Wuh dat? Wuh dis? Wuh dat? she chirped, bouncing from one object to the next.

Red offered a faint smile, though his eyes remained wary. Probably ingredients, he answered softly, gesturing to the powders and preserved claws. Alchemists use things like this to make potions... or curses. Some might just be collector's items. His gaze flicked toward the pale feather. As for that? Could be from a rare bird. Or someone with an expensive sense of taste.

From across the room, Siegfried's voice broke the quiet. What a foreign taste in décor.

Red allowed himself a dry chuckle. A matter of perspective. In a place like this, taste and terror go hand in hand. Still, his attention snapped back to the abyss. The dark yawned at the far end of the tent, a perfect void untouched by the dim glow of lanterns or the sharp scent of lavender smoke curling from the vendor's pipe. His instincts prickled, the kind of sensation he'd come to associate with words losing their effect — when reason faltered and survival instincts whispered for him to find the exit.

His hand shifted at his side, fingers brushing the empty space where a sword would normally rest if he were more confident in martial skill. Instead, he planted his feet and let his focus settle on the subtle details: the deep scratches that carved through the floor, the faint scent of disturbed earth mixing with the herbal smoke, and the small grey cat poised at the abyss like a scholar hovering over a page.

If only it were mere décor, came Ceylan's voice.

Red gave a slow nod. Exactly. Places like this don't keep decorations without purpose. If it's here, someone thought it worth something.

The cat meowed again, its nose twitching toward the black void. He stepped closer to the others, voice low enough to avoid curious ears beyond the tent. The cat, Red said, trusting that simple observation to carry more weight than idle speculation. It knows something. Stay sharp. His eyes lingered on the deep scratches clawed into the floor, following the jagged lines as they vanished into the darkness.

The unknown, it seemed, was calling. And it left its marks behind.

Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord], [Adventurer F]
Language: Common


Hathaway began to take up defensive measures once eyes started leering their way once Red casually listed a few names. It was ironically thanks to Odile that things didn't get out of hand. The priest calmed himself down with a deep breath. 'I suppose it was a good thing after all that we brought her along' Hathaway thought to himself while watching her maneuver through the area with expertise of one who was used to this place.

As the group made their way under Odile's lead, Hathaway and the others took notice of the odd items on display. Here and there were strange oddities that he couldn't make sense of the nature of. Yet just as Ceylan called them out, Hathaway's eyes landed on the golden poppy contained within one of the bottles. "Yes,...I think I can understand why people are drawn to these places. There are plenty anomiles you wouldn't find anywhere else." Hathaway commented, truly enchanted about the mysterious object that symbolised his very faith but he was well aware that they still had a job to do.

Hathaway's eyes were taken away from the golden poppy by Red mentioning the cat. From the looks of it, the feline found a lead on the girl's trail. "We appear to be getting closer." He commented, getting closer to the doorway. The priest made sure to keep his senses sharp as Red warned. Anything could be beyond this door after all.
Time: ????
Weather: The air is dank and reeks of all kinds of herbs, leather and meat.
Location: Southern Ryke, Arborhaven, The Undermarket

  • Language Keys:
    Please remember to use the following when your character is speaking a language. For your characters to understand what other characters are saying they must possess the [Language] skill according to the following language.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • {"Sylvan"}
    • <"Beastial">

(british accent) You ever get that feeling of Deja Vu?
  • "I pray thee do," Siegfried said to Ceylan, frowning. He couldn't at all understand why Ceylan could not promise him such a thing. He wanted Ceylan to be entirely safe. That gave him all the more of a reason to kill Odile as soon as he had the opportunity. He felt himself quite unpleasant knowing that Ceylan has to be anywhere within her sight. Perhaps it was a better idea for him to carry Ceylan and retreat from this venture in order to ensure his safety. Siegfried would have done exactly that if it weren't his decree to never once retreat when in the face of adversity.

    He smiled when Gunhild replied with a yes, "That is good." He would say before proceeding without a glance back at her.
    "Is it not?" He'd question Ceylan with a doe-eyed expression, "I have seen nought of the sort," Siegfried looked around more properly. In response to Gunhild, "That feather can be of [Eden]'s vassals, maybe a pegasus or an angel," He commented bluntly without any explaination to his claims, it was comparable to when you asked a child to describe their fantastical drawings or what they were doing with their toys; it was nonsensical and overdramatic. Siegfried's tail flicked, the faintest expression of disgust had ungracefully made his eye twitch. "The nails of a lion." He claimed and looked at the vial of pristine liquid, "Tears—"

    "Hm?" He had not picked up a hat, the hat was no longer on the table. Looking around, he spoke: "What a foreign taste in decor," Siegfried said again. Again? No, not again, this was the first time he said it. It was first time that everyone had heard it as well. And Siegfried did not pick up an ostentatious hat. There was never a hat on the floor in the first place.

"Piggy to the Citadel Market" by Gilles Ketting
Bleeding with Glamour
Odile was gone. There had never been an Odile in the first place. The cat was licking itself and walked up to a closed door at the end of the tent. Meow! it sounded out, again. Although not again, it was the first time it cried out, as if to tell them something about the door that was... Why is there a door there? There was always a door there? There was no scratches on the floor either and the carpet was pristine. Although, you could have sworn it was red, probably. It's blue now and always has been blue.

Everyone repeated what they said, repeating the motions, althought without any regard to the... Someone. Who lead them here? There was a gap in everyone's memory as to how they had gotten here, but they knew exactly why. You know you walked through a door, Gunhild was called out by someone, who asked for her name... Blank... and now you were here. The shelves displayed empty vials. Someone, came out from the door, closing it behind them and not allowing even the slightest glance at inside. "Languidly excited I am indeed to meet ye" He said a tiredness in his voice that could only be a result of sleepless sleep.

Wickwheat | Tumblr
Merchant of Mystical Wares
[Don Innamorato]
He yawned, opening his hand in front of his mouth to cover it. Both of his hands were scarred all over, with him missing a nail on his left-hand's thumb and ring-finger. "Salutations fellows fair, I hear ye, hear ye. Yea—" He greeted them briefly, "What you seek—the horn and scale—was sought and has been bought by another." The man, who was supposedly the merchant in question, had answered Ceylan's question. He clapped twice, "You have till my star guides me astray from 'ere to take in for yourself aught that holds your eyes captive—that is, fourteen minutes and three seconds." He told everyone, looking over the group briefly. He stood between everyone and the door behind him, almost purposefully blocking them entering.

Everyone would feel a bit strange, as if something was off and wrong. As if there were somethings that were missing, despite nothing missing at all. An overbearing sense of deja vu. On the other hand, Ceylan and Hathaway, would find themselves with a bit more clarity, understanding what was missing from mere moments ago and what was not there mere moments ago. A doorway into a black abyss. An ostentatious hat. A woman wearing black clothes. Scratches on the floor. They would find themselves a bit confused however, not being able to understand whether or not their mind was making things up.


From: Microsoft CoPilot
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}
Mentions: Gunhild Femboy Femboy | Aethelred irlVector irlVector | Hathaway Kenju Law Kenju Law

Seeing Gunhild walk around, all curious, was almost endearing. Weren't it for the awful place and circumstances. “These are all things that might be illegal, or at the very least shady. There is a fair chance they were taking by doing bad things or are sold for doing bad things.” He would try to explain to her.

He'd not at Aethelred. “So it seems.” He just wished he could figure out exactly what it was that the cat knew. Was this where the girl they were looking for had vanished towards?

Hathaway's words confused Ceylan a little. “There are, although I feel like they are here for all the wrong reasons. Or perhaps by all the wrong means.” He figured Hathaway would realise that much with just a quick reminder. “This place seems very uncomfortable for many reasons.” He'd try put it to words.

“A Pegasus or an angel?” Siegfried's bold claim made him curious enough to attempt to [Appraise E] the feather. It wasn't high-grade, but perhaps with some Religion B to back him, he'd still figure it out.

That's when things got confusing. “What?” Did Siegfried just repeat himself? No. Clearly not. Or did he? “What?” He shook his head. Weird. “Where is...” Who again?

He looked at the man that suddenly greeted them. “Something just happened. What was it?” He'd ask. He found himself with just enough clarity to figure out there were magical hi-jinks going on. He just couldn't figure out what. “Who...” are you? That was going to finish his question. Yet he didn't. He did vaguely recall something about names being banned.

“Yes. The dragon scale and horn. We were looking for those.” He confirmed. “Did you overhear us just now?” He asked, as he didn't recall the man having been close when they mentioned it. Weird. “Who bought them? Do you know why?” He asked. “I mean, could you at least give us a description if you can't give us a name? I can pay for the information.” Not a lot though, but he'd try.

“What... what's with that time?” He was getting more and more confused. “Are we in some sort of Pocket Dimension? A type of magic?” He asked. He'd try to use his own [Pocket Dimension C] knowledge to figure that one out.

“We... weren't we here for another reason as well? Angel feathers... No...” He grit his teeth. This was frustrating. “Were we brought here..?” He asked aloud. Did they come here by themselves. “Wasn't there this terrifying woman... wait... wasn't the floor scratched? The cat..?”

There were some jumbled memories. Things that didn't make sense. Why did he think that? Why did he believe that? “Some weird abyss... The hat? Didn't I pick up a hat?” He looked around. He was far too young to go senile. There had to be more at play here. He just couldn't figure out what. Was his mind playing tricks on him?


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Taking a hasty look around as she questioned things, Gunhild would find herself getting an answer from Red as she looked to him with a curious stare, hearing about ingredients and collectable things and not really understanding a whole lot of it. Ingredients for food? None of these things looked like they'd be yummy in the slightest, and who would want any of these silly things? Scales, horns, claws? Gunhild had all the kinds of things like that, and infinitely better ones too. She didn't see any of these parts having a super cute Gunhild attached to them, so clearly they were inferior and no reason worth having. Then again, it was their loss, Gunhild was a free spirit who was tied down by noone. Except Miyuki, but not right now.
"Foodsstuffs?... No eaties, is grosses... " Gunhild mentioned to Red over it being ingredients, she wouldn't want to even lick anything there. Plus that feather sucked, Prettybirdie had all the way cooler feathers! Gunhild knew, Gunhild did a big knows. She had saw dems.

Though, Ceylan's input on them was a much more different story. They were ill-eagles? Sickly birds! Gross! And they were shady and bad, this was a no good do place, full of stinky bad stuff that a good Gunhild would want nothing to do with.
"Bads... bad do's... G-.... uhhh... uuuuhhhs... no likes bad do's... " Gunhild grumbled, lowering herself away from the items of interest as she withheld from saying her name, she really didn't want anything to do with them if they were that shifty as she'd been warned. Right now she wanted to just leave since this place seemed so hateful towards her. A lot of cringe stuff she had no interest in, and she felt like she was completely opposed from talking or doing anything. She did kind of want to talk about how potion-makings worked, she had found a cool potion from who-knows-where that she wanted to know how it was made or come into existence, since she only had the one. It could've come in handy some day, but this didn't feel the time or place to ask about such advice or share such details. She was collecting those items like Christmas presents, for when it really mattered.

Grumbling quietly, the lizard would scuttle across the blue carpet that had clearly always be blue, otherwise she wouldn't have possessed an overwhelming urge to roll around on such a pretty carpet. Looking around at the others she found in her company like a lost child, she'd have no real idea in the slightest what was going on as she just kept doing Gunhild things. Chirping and purring quietly, Gunhild would nonchalantly flop on the floor and start rubbing herself against the blue carpet, squirming around on her back as she acted like a bored kid waiting for their parents to finish doing the important chores on their day out.

Glancing over at Red and Hathaway for a moment, she'd wonder what they were up to before going back to her regularly scheduled floor-wiggles, pretty much idly staring up at her two temporary adoptive gay dads Siegfried and Ceylan, not really sure why they'd come to this weird shop or what they were exactly trying to buy. Maybe it was carpets. This was indeed a good carpet, a ten outta ten blue carpet, Gunhild would enjoy having a carpet like this in her room. Did she have a room? She didn't know to be honest, she often just went where everyone else was sleeping. That was average Gunhild behaviour. Though, maybe she could start putting these high quality blue carpets around, yes. Clearly, they were all on a group outing to shop for carpets, that made so much sense.

Trying to distract herself, she'd notice gay-dad #2 (Ceylan) having a very cool little floofer of a tail, squriming and wriggling over behind him as she'd lay on her back and start harmlessly swatting her clawed hands up at his tail, not touching but slightly close. Partially to see if she'd get his attention, or if he'd let him touch the tail.
"Touchies, touchies... " Gunhild mumbled, looking to Siegfried.
"Hellos agains," Gunhild would say to Siegfried, she didn't know why, she was just greeting him again. Just in case he forgot she was there. She was doing a good do, waiting patiently.

1. Size Change (F) + Energized (F) (4'1" size) + Special Movement [Quadrepedal] (F)
Aethelred — C-grade Character
Titles: Human
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Faynorae Faynorae slifer37 slifer37 Elvario Elvario Kenju Law Kenju Law
Something was wrong. Deeply wrong.

Red felt it like a splinter lodged just beneath the skin of his thoughts—an irritation that wasn't immediately visible but refused to be ignored. His mind tried to retrace the steps that had led them here, but the more he grasped for certainty, the more it felt like he was trying to hold onto mist. He knew they had walked through a door. He knew they were searching for something. But the moments in between—the exact details of how they arrived—felt slippery, indistinct.

His frown deepened as his gaze flicked over the tent's interior. The strange merchant stood where someone else should have been, but Red couldn't place who. The shelves were lined with empty vials now, but had they always been empty? The scratches on the floor—weren't they just there? And the carpet… had it always been blue? His stomach twisted. His instincts screamed no, but his own mind insisted yes.

He exhaled slowly, steadying himself. His thoughts felt off-kilter, like he had awoken in a house where the furniture had been shifted just slightly out of place—just enough to feel wrong without immediately knowing why. His attention snapped to Hathaway, who was edging toward the doorway with cautious intent. Closer, yes, Red echoed silently, but the certainty in his thoughts felt like a lie. Were they closer? Or were they simply being moved? The world felt like it had rearranged itself when they weren't looking.

Then Siegfried repeated himself. Or had he? Red's brow furrowed. The knight's words were identical to something he knew he had already heard. But had he? Or was that his mind playing tricks on him too? A chill ran down his spine, and then Ceylan spoke.

His voice was laced with confusion, grasping at something intangible—something that had been gnawing at Red as well. As Ceylan questioned the nature of the space, the missing details, the strange precision of time, something in Red's mind clicked. Not fully, not yet, but Ceylan's words didn't just sound like idle speculation. They sounded right.

Red took a step closer, lowering his voice. You're not losing your mind, he murmured, though he wasn't sure if he was saying it for Ceylan's benefit or his own. Something was here. Someone. And now they're not. He didn't say who. Couldn't. Didn't know.

But the merchant was here. With his tired voice and scarred hands, he blocked the way further inside. He spoke of the unicorn horn and dragon scale—their reason for coming here. Already sold to another. A convenient answer—too convenient.

Red's fingers twitched at his side. Who bought them? he asked, echoing Ceylan but with sharper edges. We don't need a name, just a description. What did they look like? He met the merchant's gaze, testing him, searching for any sign that this man was toying with them.

Then there was the matter of time: Fourteen minutes and three seconds. The precision unsettled him. The sheer certainty of it, as if this world was operating on rules that weren't their own. Red swallowed. Fourteen minutes until what, exactly? he asked, his voice calm, but there was a thread of unease beneath it now. Does your 'star' dictate that we must leave by then, or is there something waiting for us if we don't?

His own words felt too familiar. Like he had said them before. Or thought them before. But that was impossible, wasn't it?

Then there was Gunhild. Gunhild, who had somehow found a way to exist outside the rising dread that coiled around them all. She had rolled onto the floor, delighting in the texture of the carpet as if that were the only thing that mattered.

The carpet.

Red inhaled sharply, gaze flicking to it again. It was red. It was red. It was— It is blue. It has always been blue. He clenched his jaw, unconsciously grinding his teeth hard enough that he would feel it later, eventually. He was certain. He was certain. But certainty was a fragile thing here.

Gunhild chirped, shifting against the fabric, staring at him now. She seemed to want reassurance, but Red hesitated—what was there to give? He nodded anyway, offering what little comfort he could. We're figuring it out, he mouthed silently, but her attention was diverted elsewhere before he'd even finished. A smile of self-pity crept up Red's face as he questioned his decision making capabilities at that very moment...

Eventually, he turned back to the merchant, the creeping unease making his skin prickle. We came looking for something, he said carefully, but this time the words felt… wrong. Like he had said them already. Yet, it seems we lost something in return. He nervously exhaled. I'd like to know what that was.

Because something was missing. And it wasn't just the unicorn horn and dragon scale.

It was them.

Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord], [Adventurer F]
Language: Common
"R-right, my apologies. I was caught up in the moment," Hathaway blushed abit in embarrassment after being subtly scolded by Ceylan. Trying to re-focus himself on the mission, Hathaway continued his hesitant walk through the door. Or at least he thought he was. No actually he was just standing there, not quite sure of what he was looking for. He placed a finger tip on his chin curiously, piecing together what he was doing.

"I must a have been daydreaming," Hathaway spoke to himself and rubbed his eyes. It wasn't until the merchant in front of him mentioned it that he put it all together. "Right,..the horn and the scale... It wasn't here after all.." he muttered with a lack of confidence. The priest turned away to look elsewhere. Despite his mind feeling like it was rocking seasickly on a boat, he knew there was work to be done.

Hathaway wouldn't allow a little mental fog keep him at bay. Still it made him sloppy, as he didn't question the merchant in the whereabouts of the one one bought the dragon scale and unicorn horn. Thankfully, his allies Red and Ceylan were attentive enough to follow up while he was distracted. Out of habit, he made sure to keep an eye that woman. "Oh yes, where's.....um," he was aware an individual in black cloth, but he wasn't able to place her name.

Hathaway was aware of the scattered thoughts and become more heightened of his surroundings. "True, I can vaguely remember her as well. If we both of us know about this mysterious phantom lady then we can't be going crazy. There's something going on here," he answered to Ceylan's mention of the woman that appeared to not just be in his imagination. "A pocket dimension? That's a possibility, it could even be the illusion from a spell," he added on to his theory.

"It's as you say, Something was plucked not just from our heads but reality itself," Hathaway replied to Red's assertion. "If we want to keep our minds sharp, I think it's best we keep sharing our thoughts like this. There's no fully telling what's been added." As he said that, the priest looked around and like the others mentioned, there was the lingering sense of maybe a missing cat and some scratches that lead to an ominous doorway.

Hathaway turned his attention even further downward to Gunhild. Hesitantly, and with a curious grin, Hathaway knelt down to pat Gunhild on the head in order to reassure them both, "You're very much real, yes?"

irlVector irlVector Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario Faynorae Faynorae
Time: ????
Weather: The air is dank and reeks of all kinds of herbs, leather and meat.
Location: Southern Ryke, Arborhaven, The Undermarket

  • Language Keys:
    Please remember to use the following when your character is speaking a language. For your characters to understand what other characters are saying they must possess the [Language] skill according to the following language.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • {"Sylvan"}
    • <"Beastial">

"Piggy to the Citadel Market" by Gilles Ketting

CEYLAN's Item Appraisal Results
Feather of the angel that greets people at DONOTLOOKDAMMNIT, Fred

This is the feather of Fred, the divine being angel. There is a memory attached to the feather in the form of a social media post with an image of the feather falling down into white clouds tinged blue by the colour of the sky. The caption reads: "Oh no, I lost another one of my feathers (Sad face)"

Meanwhile, Gunhild would find that the carpet/rug was indeed very, very comfortable. It may even be okay to use as a blanket instead of a carpet. The blue carpet had a brocade which depicted various images of lions and unicorns, one that stood out was of a lion chasing a unicorn and trapping it by the horn in a tree. Its all accompanied by golden borders of flowing ivy vines and flowers. Another thing that Gunhild would notice, beneath the rug and peaking out barely from its corners, were large and deep scratches dragged into the stone, that just happened to be covered up by this convenient placed blue rug.
Wickwheat | Tumblr
Merchant of Mystical Wares
[Don Innamorato]
Bleeding with Glamour
The man looked at Ceylan and the to Red without a clear shift in his expression. His eyes just sauntered betwixt them. "The shrewd morosis within your twos' questions answers the questions I myself would have asked if that I found nought a reason to ask, as of." The merchant said, as if to chide them. Although it sounded more like a lazy reminder. His gaze returned onto Ceylan, "Yet, as you have offered to pay... mhmm..." He hummed. He was thinking, it was evident by how his eyes gazed into space somewhere upward. "Half a human, I need. Aught a human will do, longst 'tis a human indeed—a las, not that human." He raised his finger slowly and pointed it at Hathaway, before swaying over to Aethelred, "Methinks you're an okay human. Will you spare your body for me? I only need half. For things. Then I will give you all the information you want. Or need." The merchant asked as though he were asking to borrow a pencil or a pen from the person sitting behind him, and he sounded like the type of person who wasn't going to remember to give it back.

And what half a human really meant was variable. Furthermore, he himself, appeared to be [Human].

"Ne'er did I say fourteen-minutes," He adressed Red, "I quoth that I did say: fourteen-minutes and thirty-seconds. One. Four. Three. Nought." His eyes wondered upward again, "You all only have ten-minutes now." Turning back to Ceylan, he was a again playing with a few tufts of hair on the side of his head. "And, you are not in a pocket dimension. I veritably would rather serve myself than serve other people. My darling bright angel... I hear her voice and it has become louder." Ceylan would be glad or confused to confirm that they were indeed NOT in a pocket dimension. "The star guides me to my bright angel, and the closer I am, the more clearly I can imagine the sound of her voice. Her voice, which knells like sweet silver-bells..." He seemed to drift away from the conversation, "Yes, my darling... She who is the fair sun, who arises and kills the envious moon. The brightness of her cheek would shame the stars, as daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright, that birds would sing and think it were not night... Yes, she who are far too dear..."

He looked back at the group, he was smiling a moment ago but that smile immediately faded when his daydream ended. "Leave you shall when I myself ask you to. If you do not, then you all will judge how romantic my poems are to my beloved darling for she only deserves words most mellifluous. My guard has repeatedly quoth that my poems are the cringiest of cringe, so cringe that her ears are on the verge of filing a legal complaint against her for having to listen to such cringe. Henceforth, I am of the opinion that they are not romantic enough, for her ears have not sued her yet." He said with an expression so blank you could mistake it for a canvas on an easel and in a tone so serious that you may think you were in a business meeting. He shrugged to Red's final question and averted his gaze. "What it is that you seek, is nought that I am privy to." The merchant replied, assuming the question for him.

Violence is not the answer. It is a question.
  • "You—" He walked up to Ceylan, ignoring the merchant because he really cared little if not at all, "Is aught awry? Is the something that I should do?" He asked, wanting to somehow ease Ceylan, but lacking the means to. Siegfried turned his head to look at the man that Ceylan had adressed. He was a person who seemed to sell the stuff, which meant he could be the villainous someone they were meant to fight.

    "Hark pecuniary person—" Siegfried approached the man, stopping only a few metres from him. He stood between the man and Ceylan, blocking his way in case he attempted to do anything. he remembered that he was protecting from someone. He didn't know who. Was it this person? Was it someone in there group. "Howsoever did you procure such sacred relics?" His brows were furrowed and there was a slight tone of interrogation in Siegfried's voice. He clutched his lance and steadied himself, he was ready to strike the moment the man answered in a manner that didn't seem morally sound.

    "Also," Comically, he shifted his stance into something more relaxed, despite still firmly holding his lance. "Can we purchase this rug? Our friend," He was referring to Gunhild, "seems to have taken quite a liking to it—" He briefly glanced to Ceylan, "What do merchants usually trade for rugs?" He glanced back to the figure he dubbed as pecuniary person, "Something trampled upon for something trampled upon, yes? I have a stones." Said Siegfried, naive of the cost of such frivolous things. He went from interrogating the man to asking for the price of a rug on a whim with his stupid feint smile.

    He didn't understand why everyone was questioning the time given by the man. It sounded perfectly reasonable. Although, he didn't at all understand how long or how short fourteen-minutes and thirty-seconds were, he just knew that they were numbers. He did not care either.


The cat meowed again. Louder this time. It was looking at the door behind the merchant, who had been ignoring said cat the entire time. It was trying to tell them something. Something about the door. Unfortunately, Siegfried did not speak [Domesticated Animal]

He looked at Siegfried, his expression unbothered. "Somewhere nowhere in a place of farewell greetings, yonder 'ere yet there wheresoever." He was looking somewhere away from Siegfried, "You must pay if you want an answer that makes sense and yet there is not something I want of you." The merchant said before pointing down at the carpet. "You can have the carpet as part of the payment for half a human. I have about..." His eyes dwaled to his hands, where he counted, silently mumbling what those with Heightened Senses [Hearing] would be able to discern as a nursery rhyme going along the lines of: "Red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo and violet...♫" Before looking up again, "I have about four other rugs if you take this one. Or five. Well, four." The merchant would concur, seemingly unable to conclusive decide if he has either 5 or 4 rugs if the group were to take the blue one.

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