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Ara - Fate Core

Kai & Gawaine

Kai doesn't even need to look very hard to see that Quicksilver seems to be quite the amused wolven, though right now she's shooting him a glare, "Hey man, don't be saying our order's name lightly, we're a bunch of scary motherfuckers who go after motherfuckers who think themselves untouchable," she holds up a finger, "and you know what? The Relentless himself is the scaries motherfucker who's ever lived..." she interrupts herself with a drink from a bottle of wine that seems to have suddenly appeared in her hand, then letting out a burp, "...SO don't think you can fuck with us got it!?"

Quicksilver flicks a wrist and a knife goes flying past Gawaine's face-who to her credit, quickly leans out of the way of the attack just before the knife gets to her. Quicksilver blinks, "Okay, so you two might have some good reflexes, but that was only a warning shot wasn't meant to hit ya," she takes another swig of the wine, "If I wanted you dead," she pauses, holding up a finger as she concentrates on finding the right words, "I'd sure as hell would find a way to make it happen," she says, motioning forward with her hand for emphasis.

The wolfess reaches into the wagon again and grabs a wedge of cheese out, giving it a sniff before stuffing it into her pocket, not giving a care in the world that she's pretty much stealing from the person right in front of her. She points in the somewhat general direction of Karus Court, waving her arm around a fair bit, as she walked over to Kai (causing Gawaine to hide behind him), "So my brother's that way right? What're we waiting for? Lead the way bucko!"

Kai notes that she's probably quite drunk right now, but probably still quite dangerous.

Karus Court

The white pack lunges forwards jaws sinking into the flesh of the great beast's left foreleg, some of them starting to claw their way up it's flesh. The great beast simply lowers in preperation for a pounce, giving the two controllers of the packs just enough time to glance at eachother. It pounces at the controller of the white pack and in the same action shakes off most of the white beasts trying to climb it, even crushing a couple underfoot.

The white controller screams out in pain as he's pinned by the great beast's paws. Gasps ring out from the crowd, breaking their silence. The great beast's heads rear up to bite at the pinned mage, but then a black beast races in and grabs their cloak pulling them to safety as the heads lunge and just fall short of biting the fleeing pair. The crowd screams in excitement!

Cax grabs his master's arm as he lets out a wordless yell of excitement as well. Cyrin just leans fowards intently watching the action, so drawn in that his hand sit idle where he was so intently writing an account of this a moment ago.

The black beast brings the white controller to the black controller who helps his ally get into a riding position on the beast that was dragging him before mouting another black beast himself. The white controller raises his hand as the white beasts try to regroup, the ones that were injured running along on what are clearly broken legs, seeming to be immune to pain.

The great beasts just tilts it's heads curiously before charging at the controllers! They spilt and run in opposite directions as the white and black beasts, now moving as one do their best to scramble up the great beast as it turns to chase the white controller riding away from them.


It's a drawing of Railyn, wearing what she was wearing a few towns ago and labeled with her name... someone's been tracking her appearently.

The kids are frozen in terror that is reflected upon their faces.
Kai smiled brightly seeing Gawaine dodge like she did.

Nudging her with his elbow and whispering to her.

"Yer doin good! Keep at it!!"

His bright smile was short lived as it turned into a aggressive smirk as he looked down at Quicksilver...

"Hehehe... Ye, the boy's somewhere over there... But you know I can't just letcha walk all over us like a bitch eh?" He put his face up close to Quicksilver, looking into her eyes and shootin' her a almost seductive smile.

"How bout this Missy? Since yur clearly bein a disappointment tah your stupid, oh so Scaaaary and " respeeected" ol' order, and that cher stealing our damn food, MY wine, and threatenin' our driver here.

What dontcha go ahead and teach me what for, like a good ol bar brawl!"
Kai stood up straight, again making a mocking gesture.

"IF yahs so scary as yah think yah are, I'll personally show yah where yer lil'bro is, I promise yah as a man'o my word."

He placed his hand on Quicksilver's chin, forcing her to look up as he made her look into his eyes, giving her a seductive look before chuckling to himself and flicking her head upwards gently. (Think like when a villain or some forces a damsel in distress to look at them by grabbing a hold of their chin but gently)

He kept smirking challengingly at her, waiting to see what she does...

Boy I wanna tap that ass... But... Damn this bitch is too rotten for my tastes... But hopefully Gawaine'll getta see some more "visual" demonstrations, and maybe even impress her for later too... Hehehe... He thinks to himself.

(Trouble making hedon gogogo and anything to identify body language and so on so on unless we're just gonna totally abandon the fate core system altogether (which I wouldn't mind))
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