Apocalypse 101


This will be the main thread all relevant posts and information will be put right here.

The year is 2014, technology has not advanced much since last year. Most of the electrical systems and power grids are down but some places still work, specifically the ones with generators (Schools, public buildings, etc.). You start alone but can run into any character at any time. We should all start in the same town. It is going to be a town of moderate size 20k-30k people and multiple buildings and streets. You can start wherever you want within reason((for example: you cannot start in a fortified bunker or in a castle with a lava moat lol)) What you have and pick up will be what your charcater carries. I'm going to try to keep a night and day cycle. Obviously there will be more zombie activity at night. Try to keep it as real as possible while in character. The zombies are mostly shamblers and stupid. There are a few runners but again, they're dead, so treat them that way lol.
Fey rode along the road on her motorcycle as fast as she could, weaving between the parked cars and wrecks. She briefly thought about how she should have put her hair back, annoyed by the whipping sting of it hitting her cheeks and face. She took a moment to push back her hair, clenching her eyes closed as she did. When she opened them, a zombie was right in front of her. She swerved, only for her and the bike skid on it's side across the road and into the ditch. She was struggling to get off the motorcycle, only to realize she was pinned down from the bike. She heard the ambling moans and growls of the thing making it's way to her, and knew from experiance soon the noise would attract many others. In a burst of strength and adrenaline, she shoved the bike off of herself and ripped the baseball bat off the side of it. She turned, doing a spiral kick to the thing knocking it back. Then she brought the bat down on it's head as hard as she could, crippling it instantly. She turned, hooked the bat back on it's side, and yanked the bike back up. She slid on it easily, and started it back up. She pulled her hair back with a hairtie, then took off cursing her stupidness as what just happened sunk in, she quickly found an empty house to stop at and stay for the night, as she tried to control her shaking and her shock.
Sam sat in "her" house. At least it was hers before all this. She always joked with her friends if an apocalypse happened she was going to sit around and pretend nothing was different. And that is exactly what she did, with a few exceptions. Her windows had boards nailed sloppily to them and her front, back, and garage door had at least 7 locks on them. Her pantry was stocked with canned foods and jugs of water as she had ran to her nearest Walmart when everything went down. She had a gun, a small pistol she had taken off an officer when scavenging one day.
Fey parked the motorcycle out front, and slowly studied the house as she got off. She swung her bag on her shoulder, then grabbed her baseball bat. She noted the windows had boards nailed to them, and there wasn't a movement or sound coming from inside. Hoping to god there were no zombies, she went up to the door and tried to turn the handle, to no avail. Locked. ”Hello? Anyone in here? If not i'm going to break down the door!” she warned, backing up to do so not expecting any answer.
"Who is itttt?" Sam hummed coming to the door. In Sams time of solitude she can slowly become slightly insane. She ran to the door unlocking it except the top chain lock and peaking through. "Oh hello!" She said "what do you need?"
Alteriel peeled out of his drive-way in his 4-door honda. How could things have gotten so bad so quickly. There was fire everywhere, people dead or dying and the dead were getting back up! He shuddered remembering the scene at his home not ten minutes ago. It was like a horror film. He had prepared some basic food and water, about 20MREs and about 3 gallons of water which now sat in the back of the car in the trunk. his 12-gauge was there too but he only had 12 shells left. Pressing on the gas pedal to move through the corpses his took a deep breath to gain his composure. He had heard rumors weeks ago about a plague crossing the southwest but he quickly flipped the channel. He saw someone standing idly in the middle of the road and slowed down to see if they needed help. Shockingly the man's arm was gone! Alteriel sped up immediately and rammed into the guy flipping his body up over the car. His tires didn't stop but his car certainly did. He slammed right into a large tanker truck a little ways ahead out him, "SHIT!" He hollered and jumped out of the car. He opened up the back seat and dropped it down to grab his 12-gauge from the trunk, "Shit shit shit." He said as he quickly loaded four shells. He cocked the gun and flipped off the safety. He felt something like he had in the prison just this morning, something was behind him. He turned around and raised the gun just as the one-armed zombie attempted to fall on him, "FUCK!" He yelled pushing the thing off of him and kicking it in the gut to get it back. Blood and flesh oozed down his hands, "Don't move!" He said as the zombie stood back up and came towards him, "I SAID DON'T FUCKING MOVE!" He said screaming the order this time as he backed away from his car and the leaking tanker. HE was a goo 150 feet away now but the zombie was to it's feet and shambling towards him again, "I warned you!" He said and fired the 12-gauge. The shot was loud enough to be heard a few blocks away but what was worse is what came afterwards. The flak from the shotgun ignited the oil that was leaking from the tanker, "SHIIIIIT!" He screamed as he 180ed and started sprinting. The fire reached the tanker and a massive explosion took out a huge chunck of the building next to it. Alteriel jumped and flew through the air like an action movie star only when he landed he landed right on his left ankle. The firey explosion created a massive blockade and Alteriel rolled onto his back and sat up rocking slightly holding his ankle, "fucking hell..." He thought to himself while regaining his composure.
Fey stared, surprised. ”Er.....hi. Mind if iI....come in?” she asked, shocked. Since it all started, she hasn't seen any survivors other than herself.

Sam pondered wether she should or not. She may be loosing it, but she knew better then to just trust people. She stared at the girl for a moment. She looked safe, and Sam could take care of her self if anything went bad.

"Sure! My name is Sam"
Fey's head did a turn at the sound of a huge blast. Immediatly her curiousity kicked in. ”Be right back Sam. I need to check to see if anyone's hurt from that blast. Oh, and i'm Fey.” she said, heading to her motorcycle and attaching the bat to the side again. She paused, looking at Sam. ”Wanna come?” she asked, waiting.
(my bad I didn't know we were close!)

Sam jumped hearing it. She kicked into normal mode. Her insanity would come and go.

"Please." She said her tone less chipper then before. She ran into the house grabbing her gun and sticking It into the holster on her side.
Fey waited for the girl, patting the place on the bike behind her. ”Don't worry, i'm a pro at this.” She said grinning. She immediatly sobered. ”If there are survivors, we'll need a way to pick them up. My bike only holds two. Got a vehicle we could bring too?” she asked suddenly.
"In the garage, but if I open it you better be ready it's pretty noisy" She said calmly "It's a bug so space will still be a little tight, but it's on a full tank"
((It's a fairly small town lol)) Alteriel shifted backwards shuffling on his backside, "What now genius?" He asked himself as he pulled his .38 caliber handgun from its holster. He saw five of them and they were closing in around him. He fired one shot and missed, "Fuck!" He said loudly scooting back more. He breathed out as they came closer. He fired again this time hitting one right in the forehead. Shifting targets he fired again bloing the other one's head in half. He swapped target again and attempted to fire but his trigger jammed, "Damn it." He said re-holstering it and pulling the combat knife from his boot, "COME ON THEN!" He said taunting them.
Fey nodded. ”You can follow me in it, just be ready for anything.” she said getting off the bike, grabbing her bat. ”Kay ready, you can open it but iI doubt it will attract any zombehs. The blast probz attracted them all.” she said getting ready anyways. Better safe than eaten.
Sam ran to the garage door and slowly lifted it open. The door let out loud groaning noises, but all the zombies in the area didn't seam to notice. She pulled a pair of keys out of her back pocket and hoped in her older model bug. It was a blue convertible. Her dad had modified it so it was now a automatic.

The hood was down and she patted the seat next to her turning the key in the ignition. It took a couple of goes to get the car started.
With a nod Fey hopped back on her motorcycle, keeping the bat in hand. She started it, listening to the beautiful purr. She looked at Sam, and nodded again before taking off and heading towards the blast. Soon they came up to a flaming vehicle, and a man surrounded by zombies. She rode the bike in close, hitting them as she went by making sure to aim for the head. She smiled as they crumpled, and turned her attention to the man. He was actually using a knife to attack them. Wow. She couldn't decide if that was brave or dumb, but didn't need to when a zombie attached itself to her bike. She hit if off, screaming obsanities as she did.
Sam drove fast keeping up with Fey. She had a hard time focusing. It had been a while since her last as she called it "moment of clarity" were her thoughts weren't just a jumbled mess. She wondered it Fey had noticed her odd behavior. As the got closer to the explosion she could see the man and was debating whether or not he was bitten when Fey's bike got attacked.

Sam quickly threw her car into park and jumped out she reached in the back of her car grabbing the bat she had clumsily put nails in at the start of the apocalypse and went swinging into the horde. She alternated between her gun and bat while in combat. Her face and body became splattered in blood as she nearly knocked a zombies head off it's body. She was kind of a tank when she wasn't insane.
Alteriel shuffeled back defensively as one of the zombies fell next to him. He quickly stabbed it in the back of the head killing it instantly. The other started to fall on him but he shifted in time to place himself upon the one he just killed. He kicked the newly stabbed zombie to the ground just as the last one landed on top of him, "Fuck!" He yelled jamming the blade of the knife up into the upper teeth of the zombie. It was surprisingly strong for something that looked dead. He heard noises around him a motorcycle and something that sounded like a rumbling train. He ignored them and brought his knee into it's abdomen flipping it over his head backwards. Using his own momentum with the zombie's momentum he managed to flip with it putting him over the zombie. He then thrust the knife into the head of the zombie and pulled it out panting heavily. He looked around and saw one woman swinging wildly with a nailed bat and another knocking zombies off of her motorcycle, "What the hell..." He said out loud sitting atop the zombie's corpse.
Fey saw Sam jump into the fray, and cursed loudly. She ended up hitting a zombie and flying off her bikehitting the ground with a tuck and roll. She jumped up, landing near the man. ”I swear if you cock eyed, momma's boy, smells like liver, arse get me killed, i'll kill you.” she growled, grabbing a zombie by the head and using her boot to yank it off while avoiding the teeth. She threw the head at another that was too close for comfort, knocking it back some. She eyed her bat still attached to her bike, and did a couple front flips to get to it so she could get around the zombies. She grabbed it, and whirled around cussing some more putting sailors to shame.
Sam continued to fight off the zombies. She kept her mouth closed shut making sure no blood entered. She gave a zombie and elbow and then quickly shot it in the face.

"We're here to help!" Sam shouted over all the grunting.

A zombie took her moment of explaining as an opportunity and pounced on her. She wrested it, it's mouth snapping toward her face trying to get a bite. She reached for her gun and BAM shot it right between the eyes. She pushed it off of her.

"Please head over here so we can leave!" She said motioning toward her car
Fey hopped on her bike and headed over to the bug. ”I'm Fey...” she stopped a moment to hit a zombie through the mouth and out the other side with the end of the bat. ”And this chaos monkey is Sam.” she finished, yanking the bat out of it's head. ”Hop in so we can leave this party, as much fun as it is iI don't think we're welcomed.” she added, grinning at the man.
Alteriel stood up and held his clearly injured ankle, "Fuck." He muttered as another approached him. He slammed his shoulder into its gut knocking it to the ground. He hobbled over to it and slammed his foot through it's skull. Breathing out he looked around and saw his shotgun lying not too far away. Knife in hand he hopped over to it on his good foot. As he moved forward he brought his knife across the top of the head of one of them and nearly cut it's head in two, "You can't stop me..." He said reaching down and grasping his shotgun tightly pulling it up to his chest. He watched the two as he approached the car, "Agreed." Was all he could spit out in response to Fey's comment and he clambered into the passenger seat of the bug.

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