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Realistic or Modern Apartment building 200



Patrick "Trick" Andy Howard





~sexual orientation~



Trick is calm and level-headed, usually allowing others to do as they will, so long as they aren't harming anyone or infringing on standard human rights. He is an easygoing individual. Almost nothing gets to him, and he's usually pretty lenient as far as decision making goes. He's almost always impartial in matters where innocent things are involved, preferring to be a mediator rather than anything else. However, when things he is passionate about come into play (such as feminism and social justice), he will step up and try to prove himself right by many means.











being forced to make decisions



Born to a middle-class white family, Trick didn't have a very difficult childhood. He dropped out of school at seventeen and immediately found hardship trying to make it in the real world, but was successful within a few years of trial and error with jobs and schedules.

~job title~

Cashier and poet at the book store by day

Cashier at Pussy Liquors by night


He has a self-done septum piercing and several ear piercings, also done by himself at home.​
oli said:



Patrick "Trick" Andy Howard





~sexual orientation~



Trick is calm and level-headed, usually allowing others to do as they will, so long as they aren't harming anyone or infringing on standard human rights. He is an easygoing individual. Almost nothing gets to him, and he's usually pretty lenient as far as decision making goes. He's almost always impartial in matters where innocent things are involved, preferring to be a mediator rather than anything else. However, when things he is passionate about come into play (such as feminism and social justice), he will step up and try to prove himself right by many means.











being forced to make decisions



Born to a middle-class white family, Trick didn't have a very difficult childhood. He dropped out of school at seventeen and immediately found hardship trying to make it in the real world, but was successful within a few years of trial and error with jobs and schedules.

~job title~

Cashier and poet at the book store by day

Cashier at Pussy Liquors by night


He has a self-done septum piercing and several ear piercings, also done by himself at home.​
4 or 8

Alexander James Hamilton





~sexual orientation~



Alex as his friends call him, is silent, calm, and intelligent. He is always writing, reading or thinking. He is even well know to mumble and talk to himself. He tends to be in a world of his own, and a person usually has to gain his attention before speaking to him. He tends to be shy, rarely speaking around girls.

He loves to care for books, and can find almost any book without much trouble. He can easily become over excitted when someone speaks to him, sometime stuttering or not speaking clearly. He has a tendency to dress sharp, usually in a suit or some other formal wear.



Classical music


Learning new things

Hearing people's opnions about things




Loud people


Unhappy people


Alex had a quite life. His classmates ignored him in school, and he spent most of his time in the library or at home reading a book. Coming into the adult world he knew he would have to work with books. He quickly found a small privately owned book store looking for new people. He moved into an apartment nearby an happily began his life on his own, choosing not to go to further schooling.

~job tittle~

Book store worker





Hellfire said:
Alexander James Hamilton





~sexual orientation~



Alex as his friends call him, is silent, calm, and intelligent. He is always writing, reading or thinking. He is even well know to mumble and talk to himself. He tends to be in a world of his own, and a person usually has to gain his attention before speaking to him. He tends to be shy, rarely speaking around girls.

He loves to care for books, and can find almost any book without much trouble. He can easily become over excitted when someone speaks to him, sometime stuttering or not speaking clearly. He has a tendency to dress sharp, usually in a suit or some other formal wear.



Classical music


Learning new things

Hearing people's opnions about things




Loud people


Unhappy people


Alex had a quite life. His classmates ignored him in school, and he spent most of his time in the library or at home reading a book. Coming into the adult world he knew he would have to work with books. He quickly found a small privately owned book store looking for new people. He moved into an apartment nearby an happily began his life on his own, choosing not to go to further schooling.

~job tittle~

Book store worker





apartment 4
name: Valentina Rose Coretti

Nickname: Val, Tina, and Rose

age: 19

sex: female

sexual orientation: heterosexual

Personality: She's helpful, dauntless, confident, and sometimes stubborn when it comes to things. Valentina is very blunt towards others and because of her bluntness she often gets into trouble with the wrong group but she knows how to handle herself pretty well. She is rather loyal to all her friends and family. She can be a bit harsh, and rough around the edges but once you get to know her she is a pretty friendly person but doesn't like to show it at times so that people don't take advantage of her or so that they don't think shes too 'soft.'


  • wine
  • reading
  • cooking
  • writing
  • coffee


  • spiders
  • arrogant people
  • loud noise
  • drugs
  • liars

Apartment: Second floor apt #6

bio: Valentina was born into a Italian family who loved her and care for her. Valentina had a very strong relationship with her father more then her mother but don't get her wrong she loved her mother with all her heart but her father was the most supportive person in her family and he taught her how to cook a few family dishes as well as her mother. She was sort of a 'daddy's girl' Valentina's father wanted her to go to culinary school but she didn't want to and didn't think cooking was write for her. Valentina had a huge argument with her father and they didn't speak for a few weeks until he apologized to her for not being considerate of her choices in life. Valentina later on at the age of eighteen she moved to a very lively town and wrote her first novel and then she became a publicist and did a few journal column for the newspaper and as a gift from her to her father she wrote a cook book with all of her families recipe's and sent it out to her father and a few weeks later the cook book spread and sold like wild fire.

job tittle: Publicist/journalist/food blogger





side note: She has an older brother as well as a younger sister
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sprouhtt said:
name: Valentina Rose Coretti
Nickname: Val, Tina, and Rose

age: 19

sex: female

sexual orientation: heterosexual

Personality: She's helpful, dauntless, confident, and sometimes stubborn when it comes to things. Valentina is very blunt towards others and because of her bluntness she often gets into trouble with the wrong group but she knows how to handle herself pretty well. She is rather loyal to all her friends and family. She can be a bit harsh, and rough around the edges but once you get to know her she is a pretty friendly person but doesn't like to show it at times so that people don't take advantage of her or so that they don't think shes too 'soft.'


  • wine
  • reading
  • cooking
  • writing
  • coffee


  • spiders
  • arrogant people
  • loud noise
  • drugs
  • liars

bio: Valentina was born into a Italian family who loved her and care for her. Valentina had a very strong relationship with her father more then her mother but don't get her wrong she loved her mother with all her heart but her father was the most supportive person in her family and he taught her how to cook a few family dishes as well as her mother. She was sort of a 'daddy's girl' Valentina's father wanted her to go to culinary school but she didn't want to and didn't think cooking was write for her. Valentina had a huge argument with her father and they didn't speak for a few weeks until he apologized to her for not being considerate of her choices in life. Valentina later on at the age of eighteen she moved to a very lively town and wrote her first novel and then she became a publicist and did a few journal column for the newspaper and as a gift from her to her father she wrote a cook book with all of her families recipe's and sent it out to her father and a few weeks later the cook book spread and sold like wild fire.

job tittle: Publicist/journalist/food blogger





side note: She has an older brother as well as a younger sister

your on floor 2 pick a number 1-10

Megan Sofia Harris





~Apartment #~

Second Floor Apartment 7

~sexual orientation~



To be revealed


Singing, Cute things, Animals, Dancing and Parties


Bugs, Spiders, Rude People, Getting Dirty or Bullies


To be revealed

~job tittle~

Famous Youtuber


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.a826b92e8fccde23e21f0e463a798413.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.a826b92e8fccde23e21f0e463a798413.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


None, she's too innocent



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Joséphine Davout





Sexual Orientation:



Joséphine is very outgoing, and finds it easy to start a conversation with strangers due to her French accent. She's more than happy to let running into some random person at a club turn into a night of adventure. But at the same time, she's equally happy to spend a relaxing night staying in playing video games and smoking.

One of Joséphine's favorite hobbies is shooting, and she has a safe full of guns that she likes to take to the range at least once a month. She's been known to be quite disappointed if she finds out that a new friend doesn't like guns. Her favorite song is Hurt by Johnny Cash and she'll always stop what she's doing to listen to it when it comes on.


French Food, Parties, Guns, Johnny Cash, Video Games


British Food, Country Pop, Tequila, Spiders, Old Movies


Joséphine, or Josie as her friends call her, was born in France, where she lived with her mother, father, and older brother until she was ten. Her father's business brought them to the US. Her family is very well off and she can easily convince her father to send her money if she needs it. She attended an all girl catholic high school where she took part in many school productions, including Beauty and the Beast where she played Belle. It was during an after hours party at the school that she realized she was bi.

Since graduating she hasn't really had much drive to do anything with her life, preferring instead to hang out and just enjoy herself. It was with this in mind that she got an apartment and managed to land a job as a pharmacy technician at Medi-Cap. Most of her free time is spent partying, shooting her guns, or playing video games.

Job Title:

Pharmacy Technician at Medi-Cap




Josie has piercings in her ears and nipples


Floor 2, Room 5

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You are excepted please remember you do have to go to work and that's it have fun I made a whole town for everyone to play in :)

Rosemarie Joanne Kruczynski

I'm just a fucked up girl who's looking for my own peace of mind. Don't assign me as yours.


Age: 20

Sexual Orientation: Undetermined

Job Title: Jobless

Character&Personality Traits: Impulsive / Independent / Sarcastic / Introverted yet Social / Mouth Like A Sailor

/ Vigorous Reader / Endlessly Interesting

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-10_12-10-10.png.e6f9652bde6ed84a771612a4a3279043.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105086" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-10_12-10-10.png.e6f9652bde6ed84a771612a4a3279043.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Brief Background: Rosemarie's parent's were , to put shortly, artists. This doesn't mean they were open minded-free spirted hippies though, quite the opposite actually. Her parents gave hippies purpose. Money crazed filmmakers would be the words to describe them, fucking posers would be another. Rosemarie had lived in California with a nanny till she 4, then moved to France with her parents until she was 14. When she was 14 she moved to New York and lived in an apartment alone at her parents request- a friendly emancipation. Her parents set her up with a funded bank account and a very nice apartment because what else could a young girl need, right? What about a little fucking guidance? The following year she dropped out of school as a Sophomore and picked up a few new hobbies, reading, alcoholism and pot-smoking. This might seem random and surprising but Rosemarie had always been a loose cannon and kind of a mess, this being her parent's reasoning. They said she was a distraction. She began using her parent's name to get her into parties despite her age but the parties were forgotten and seen as boring after a while. Her behavior led to a few problems, constant anxiety, Bulimia, suicidal thoughts and hypochondria. When she was 17 she was admitted into a Mental Hospital which helped her with her suicidal thought and eating disorder. Her anxiety is almost completely gone but hypochondria still lingers. She wishes for a fresh start at Apartment Building 200.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-10_12-10-26.png.fd0220f9f793b89ed93b6747b65d58b1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105087" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-10_12-10-26.png.fd0220f9f793b89ed93b6747b65d58b1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Daniel Deres





.:Sexual Orientation:.



Daniel is always up for getting in trouble. Doing things he shouldn't do. It's his favorite thing to do. For some reason it was what he did best.

He always looks forward to get into someone's pants if he can. He is often ignorant at times. He can be rude when first meeting someone but once you get to know him he is loyal and kind.


Parties, Sex, Strip Clubs, Drinks, Himself


Being joked with, Being betrayed, Being bested with, Those who oppose him, Those who betray others


Daniel dropped out of high school around 10th grade. He needed to get himself out of his parents house and live his own life. He didn't have much money so he decided to live at Apartment Building 200, unaware of what happened there. He now always gets himself in trouble since he moved there.


Cashier at Pussy Liquors






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