Chitchat Anyone else here a fan of Star Trek?

There were absolutely female klingons in the original series. I think one or two appeared with Kang?

I'll have to double check which one. But there were Klingon females in the original series.
I'll check it out, too. I mean, it can't be that hard to find, right? But I know that early Klingons weren't especially done up.
alternatively, I would totes be willing to RP as an Orion.
There were female Klingons! Also, if we need to do the story a little different, we can! I mainly say this, because I have not found hardly ANY other Trekkies on here, so honestly? It may just be us.
There were female Klingons! Also, if we need to do the story a little different, we can! I mainly say this, because I have not found hardly ANY other Trekkies on here, so honestly? It may just be us.
Depending, I might be able to get in one or two more players
Also, Is the name "The planet of missing ships" be okay for the rp title? If you have any ideas that are better, please tell me!
Also, Is the name "The planet of missing ships" be okay for the rp title? If you have any ideas that are better, please tell me!
I think the name is less important than the narrative. As long as you tag it with Star Trek, you should get the interest of those that need be interested.
Alrighty! I'm going to rewrite the starter to add some things to it, then make the thread.
I like Star Trek…. For a few reasons… my dad got me into it. I like Klingons and Vulcans and androids…

Mr spock was one of my idols. I wanted to meet the guy who played him but he died before I could…

Data. From next generations is also one of my favorites.

Worf the Klingon from next generations. Also one of my favorites.

I liked Picard.

And t’pol. She was great. Also a Vulcan

Though I did like dr phlox. He was rather intriguing…


Im really shy about this subject. I got made fun of for liking it. Sorry i dont have much to offer.
I like Star Trek…. For a few reasons… my dad got me into it. I like Klingons and Vulcans and androids…

Mr spock was one of my idols. I wanted to meet the guy who played him but he died before I could…

Data. From next generations is also one of my favorites.

Worf the Klingon from next generations. Also one of my favorites.

I liked Picard.

And t’pol. She was great. Also a Vulcan

Though I did like dr phlox. He was rather intriguing…


Im really shy about this subject. I got made fun of for liking it. Sorry i dont have much to offer.
Spock, Kirk, and McCoy are such an amazing trio. I love all of them. Sarek too. I am more keen to the original series. It's my favorite and always will be.
Hehehe i remember that. I cant remember which movie its from tho
My OC (who is Spock's sister) loves McCoy. Everytime he shows sass, she does it too. Spock's like, "Winter, it is not logica-" Winter interrupts him, "Damn it, Spock! Let me sass!" XD
We can talk more about Star Trek! I could pm you if you'd like!
There were absolutely female klingons in the original series. I think one or two appeared with Kang?

I'll have to double check which one. But there were Klingon females in the original series.
Kang's wife was there. I think her name was Mari, Mare, Mar... something. That might have been the first Klingon female appearance in the star trek universe.
Forgive me in I'm betting in.

🤦‍♀️ and I see I was a few posts... a page... off when quoting. Sorry about that.

EDIT- MARA!! Kang's wife is Mara!! 😅 That was going to bug me. lol
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MARA!! Kang's wife is Mara!! 😅 That was going to bug me. lol
Original and Next Gen I'm solid on.
Deep Space 9, I didn't have tv most of the time it was on. Curranty in the process of watching.
I'm ok with Enterprise and Voyager.
Haven't seen much of Discovery.
LOVE LOVE LOVE Lower Decks, Picard (maybe), and Strange New Worlds
Haven't seen any of the Star Trek Prodigy. But that and Discovery are on my 'to watch' list.

@ Murdergurl Murdergurl

<--- Mara!
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<--- Mara!
lol. Not what I imagined. But I mean, the OG series Star Trek was pretty easy on the makeup with their klingons.

Like I had stated before, TNG Klingons are where it's at for me, personally. And I guess DS9 they were pretty much the same look/attitude.

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