One Thousand Club
The moment fractured.
"You have suppressed this part of your memory, Mordecai. Are you sure you want to proceed forward?"
The voice was calm, patient, endless. It was not urging. It was not condemning. It simply was.
The fog began to rise, curling from beneath the crates, from the cracks in the marble, from nowhere and everywhere at once. It moved with purpose, not suffocating, not consuming, but present, waiting; hiding what was inside of the crate.
"You have chosen to forget. It was safer that way. To lock it away. To leave it untouched. But here you are."
The air grew thicker, dense with something unspoken, something pressing in from all sides. The memory sat in front of him like a wound that had never closed, the edges raw, waiting for him to tear it open.
"Do you seek truth? Or do you seek justification?"
The fog tightened, the weight of the question settling in his bones.
"Because once you see, once you remember, there will be no turning back."
"You have suppressed this part of your memory, Mordecai. Are you sure you want to proceed forward?"
The voice was calm, patient, endless. It was not urging. It was not condemning. It simply was.
The fog began to rise, curling from beneath the crates, from the cracks in the marble, from nowhere and everywhere at once. It moved with purpose, not suffocating, not consuming, but present, waiting; hiding what was inside of the crate.
"You have chosen to forget. It was safer that way. To lock it away. To leave it untouched. But here you are."
The air grew thicker, dense with something unspoken, something pressing in from all sides. The memory sat in front of him like a wound that had never closed, the edges raw, waiting for him to tear it open.
"Do you seek truth? Or do you seek justification?"
The fog tightened, the weight of the question settling in his bones.
"Because once you see, once you remember, there will be no turning back."