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I know everything. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Amerikia1126 said:... HOW DID YOU KNOW!????
Ay, glad to hear that! At least someone had a good time!Amerikia1126 said:I had a good day.
Yussss. I love Zelda and his cute green hat. I also like Samus. He's so cool.Amerikia1126 said:Videogamezzz! Yay~!
Mario is my favorite pokémon from Halo, with his awesome portal gun and his keyblade.
(Please dont kill me...)
Amerikia1126 said:You are being amazing.
amybri18 said:*sees Amerikia found hidden message*
*looks through all of Skys recent posts in the OOC*
*finds nothing*
*goes to check the IC*
Found it!
"Crap... My cover has been blown. I am now a mysterious character, being mysterious. amybri found the secret message! Red alert!"
You have no idea how long it took me to notice that whole thing going on in there. I love random randomness, so i like this a lot!Amerikia1126 said:View attachment 198982
what goes on in the overview. technically the overview is a portal into another land with sub regions. but you can see it in the overview..... so yeah. that's a thing. xD
[is 99.69% sure that it was amy in there]
I'm also an idiot.
Sincerely, Sleepy Skye not getting enough sleep and being weird right now.
I'll just go now... Yep.
Should i post this?
Ah, screw it!