Anime RPG (Open To All)


Junior Member
This is a thread where your charrie can be anything or have any power. Just fill out the bio, and jump in. :)







Power/What Creature?:




My charries

Name:Kyle King



Appearance: guy fire manipulator/Razgri47/Dolls/AnimeGuySteampunkWorker.jpg

Power/What Creature?:Fire controller

History:Nobody knows...



Kyle walked down the street, his hoodie up. He had a lit cigarette in his left hand that was almost out, so he dropped it and focused on its heat. There was a small pop as the entire cigarette lit on fire, and Kyle stepped on the flames to put it out as he continued down the street.
Name: Gabbo (what else? :) )

Age: 18

Gender: girl

Appearance: girl in my avvie

Power/What Creature?: vampime, also shadow controller

History: noone knows..(mysterys!)

Other: none
Ooc:Accepted, of course! :)

Ic:Kyle glanced down the street, looking out for any prying eyes as he took out a small piece of gold. 'the goblins will pay for what they did.' he thought bitterly.
Gabbo sighed as she walked across the street. 'I wonder what Dad's doing now...' she thought. She had run away from her father long ago...
Kyle glanced across the street at Gabbo. 'Where have I seen her before?'

Ooc:We should do this as a run off from our other anime one, just several years later xD :)
OOC: OK, how about the babay was born, but it died. :) (the thing i said isnt happy, but im happy)

IC: Gabbo continued to walk, not noticing Kyle. A 10 year old was behind her. "Gabbo, when are we going to go home? I wanna go back to-" "DON'T SAY IT, LYNX!" Gabbo screamed at her. "I...I'm sorry...I just...don't say his name, Lynx. Just...don't..." Lynx nodded, grabbing her older sister's hand.
Gabbo looked up from her black-and white-plaid converses. "Huh?...K-Kyle? No..It's not possible...not after..." "KYLE! Oh course it's him, he's right there!" Lynx screamed and ran towards him and hugged him.
"I didn't die. Leon-you remember him? My tribe of Flame leader-came and told me right when I was about to die that he was on his last fire. He has lived ever since the first human has, and he said it was time for him to die. He gave me his fire. But I was in a coma for several years. I just woke up yesterday." Kyle replied. He smiled at Lynx and said "Hi."
"But...Kyle..if you're back, I have to tell you something...AND ONE FIRE? crap, you're gonna die soon, we need to get you a few more..."
"What do you have to tell me? And don't worry about me. I can live with one fire for over four hundred years, remember, as long as I keep out of danger." Kyle replied. 'Not likely though.' he thought. 'Trouble always seems to find us.'
Gabbo sniffed and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a piece of faded paper: When everybody else is gettin' outta bed, I'm usualy gettin' in it, I'm not in it to win it (etc., etc.)
"hmm? What song?" Lynx said, trying to read the scrawly written lyrics. Gabbo nodded. "I kept it. Through the war(she's a vet) through everyday..." she sobbed and hugged him. SHe began to hum this song:

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