Anime Highschool

Hey guys I'm back! Can someone catch me on what's happening right now? I would read the whole thing but there's like 60+ pages since I last rped >~<
Uhm... Right now, they're all at a karaoke bar. Just pretend you were there the whole time? All I really know is Aiko is singing and thats about it. @AceXCrossix

OH! And there's a lot of ships.
You should also let someone give you a more detailed summary, there's been a lot of stuff going on ^^
Thanks lol c:

After school ended everyone just kinda dispersed and Suzumaki, Jean, Yumi, Connor, and Jethro all went to Aaron's mansion to do homework and stuff.

Most of everyone else stay back at school to hang out; we also have new students.

Aiko called up Jethro while we were at Aaron's and invited everyone out to karaoke so Suzumaki, Jean, Jethro, and Yumi all met up with classmates at the school getes. Suzumaki did something weird to get everyone's attention and then they headed to karaoke. We've got the biggest room at the Karaoke place.

Connor stayed back and Ryuzaki was going to but then Emiko persisted that he go so he did and he's now standing with Yumi. And Jethro is standing right outside the karaoke room in case Yumi needs something.


That's the best I can do c: lol
Oh and Matoko and Riika are fighting and are also one of the famous ships that have sailed if you know what I mean. ( ;) )(>u>)

Juvia just entered the room a minute ago and got into a fight over cheesecake with her twin sister lol.

Akima is still at school talking to Miyamura (The math/student counselor) @SirDerpingtonIV

But she hasn't replied lol.

The nurse and someone I don't remember the name of were playing pranks on Riika and Makoto which is why they're fighting now.
I totally just fell asleep out of nowhere last night, I'm so embarrassed ugggggh >//~//< *hides face* Sorry guys!
Aiko X Koichi is currently the most realistic ship, followed by Matoko X Riika, and then there's of course the famous Jethro X Yumi X Ryuzaki triangle.^^
Yeah, the beauty of love that soon morphs into a dark pit of rage, jealousy, and maybe even DEATH!

Ryuzaki: Isn't that too much?

Suzumaki: *stares at Ryuzaki*

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