Anime Highschool

Aiko: *Sits and watches everyone sing but doesn't herself*

Hajime: No way! I just came to protect AIko >~>
Aiko: O-oh! Hi... *Looks down and tried to think of what to say because of the 'poison' incident*
i'll just let Matoko break into the Steele mansion, kidnapp Aaron and his friends, and force them to a Karaoke bar! it'll be great fun!
Aiko: N-n-n-no th-thanks. I'm n-not a really g-good singer...

Hajime: *Smacks Jet in the back of the head* No touching either of them. *Intense glare*



Adjusts her glasses."I hope all of you have finished your homework."

Currently I am:

The time of day is:

RyanJXavier said:
Jet: Did it in class yo. *pauses and looks at Hajime* Relax I won't hurt them...You got nice eyes, ya know? You should glare less often so you can show it off in its natural state
Hajime: W-what?! I-I do not... *Blushes furiously*

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