Anime Highschool

[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]*happily squeals and cuddles you both* It was good! I was in the local town with a friend, and we bumped into his girlfriend. I ended up third wheeling -_- Then it wasn't so good xD

Aw the third wheel is no fun! But at least it started it out good.
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]*happily squeals and cuddles you both* It was good! I was in the local town with a friend, and we bumped into his girlfriend. I ended up third wheeling -_- Then it wasn't so good xD

I'd say, as long as you had some fun, it wasn't a waste of time. ^-^
Aero said:
Aw the third wheel is no fun! But at least it started it out good.
Yeah, it wasn't the best xD At least I had my phone with me; I just played on my gameboy emulator on it *giggles*

BobbyW said:
I'd say, as long as you had some fun, it wasn't a waste of time. ^-^
Mmm! So I'm not too fussed ^w^ He was happy, so I was content with that
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Yeah, it wasn't the best xD At least I had my phone with me; I just played on my gameboy emulator on it *giggles*
Mmm! So I'm not too fussed ^w^ He was happy, so I was content with that

I won't be very active today :(

I'm going to meet some friends from the summer camp in an hour or so, so no posts anytime soon. Feel free to use (not abuse pls) Koichi-kun
BobbyW said:
On another note, do you guys remember/know the anime Case Closed?
I've never heard of it... :o Is it like Ace Attorney? It sounds something like it!

Corgi said:
*huggles corgi* Ssssh, it's okay... We all make that mistake sometimes... *pats*

Wataru said:
I won't be very active today :(
I'm going to meet some friends from the summer camp in an hour or so, so no posts anytime soon. Feel free to use (not abuse pls) Koichi-kun
Awwww, okie! Have fun!
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Hey Aero can I use that picture for Jean!?

Yeah sure I don't mind :D

BobbyW said:
On another note, do you guys remember/know the anime Case Closed?
I know about it! I watched the first two episodes.
Well it has a few things in common with Ace Attourney. The story is about a kid named Conan, that basically solves crimes, most of the time murders. It's pretty old, but still pretty cool. ^-^

@Leaf Fi
BobbyW said:
Well it has a few things in common with Ace Attourney. The story is about a kid named Conan, that basically solves crimes, most of the time murders. It's pretty old, but still pretty cool. ^-^
@Leaf Fi
But he really isn't a kid, he's a teenager in a kid body xD
BobbyW said:
Well it has a few things in common with Ace Attourney. The story is about a kid named Conan, that basically solves crimes, most of the time murders. It's pretty old, but still pretty cool. ^-^
@Leaf Fi
:o That sounds awesome!


Aero said:
But he really isn't a kid, he's a teenager in a kid body xD
That sounds interesting! xD
Suzumaki: Oh my gushers! I'll never drink coffee again!(TAT)

Ryuzaki: How can coffee even do that to someone?!(>n>)

Miyamura: Oh my...(':3)

Akashi never says anything xD

Also, for the record, I was goi ng to have Aiko go and save you... I had a long paragraph typed out >~< (just so that you know that those two can't be absolute devils)
Aero said:
But he really isn't a kid, he's a teenager in a kid body xD

[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]
:o That sounds awesome!

That sounds interesting! xD

And, the people don't know that it's him, who is solving these crimes. He is using a specially designed voice changer, disguised as a bow tie, and acts as if his uncle, who is actually a privat investigator, is the hero.

^-^ it's pretty cool, you might enjoy it.
BobbyW said:
And, the people don't know that it's him, who is solving these crimes. He is using a specially designed voice changer, disguised as a bow tie, and acts as if his uncle, who is actually a privat investigator, is the hero.

^-^ it's pretty cool, you might enjoy it.
It sounds sorta like L in Death Note! I'm definitely gonna watch it now! xD Thanks for suggesting it to me! *huggles*
Corgi said:
Akashi never says anything xD
Also, for the record, I was going to have Aiko go and save you... I had a long paragraph typed out >~< (just so that you know that those two can't be absolute devils)
Aww I'm sorry...if you want you can still put them in there somehow lol...unless you're talking to someone else other than me xD (:3)
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]It sounds sorta like L in Death Note! I'm definitely gonna watch it now! xD Thanks for suggesting it to me! *huggles*

*Returns the huggle*

It does kinda xD

Yup! Have fun with the series. ^-^
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Aww I'm sorry...if you want you can still put them in there somehow lol...unless you're talking to someone else other than me xD (:3)

I should've probably tagged you in it, I was talking about you cx. I'll get my characters to meet your soon.(o'v'o)
Okay ^.^ @Corgi

I can never stop laughing at Sato and Omi xD

Miyamura: Don't be rude little missy....(' :| )

Suzumaki: Bwahahaha~!!(@V@)

Ryuzaki: Dude, be quiet! (>n>)

Akashi:...*clears throat*

Me + ^Them^: *Stares at Akashi* ('A')

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