Anime Highschool

Name: Tanaka Ryuzaki

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (optional): Doesn't really care

Role: Student

Appearance (anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30fc8e4d_TanakaRyuzaki.jpg.6cc529215f2239b58d5c7775a6dccf8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59083" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30fc8e4d_TanakaRyuzaki.jpg.6cc529215f2239b58d5c7775a6dccf8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c31454061_TanakaRyuzaki1.jpg.9064d0ab77dcb4c2092fd6e8d91ca08f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59245" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c31454061_TanakaRyuzaki1.jpg.9064d0ab77dcb4c2092fd6e8d91ca08f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c3145870f_TanakaRyuzaki.jpg.9c001911d5d8826c36317a8f38b23a0e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59246" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c3145870f_TanakaRyuzaki.jpg.9c001911d5d8826c36317a8f38b23a0e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c3145b899_TanakaRyuzaki3.jpg.88dc992423d41f10bc24e5b7329e5a4c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59247" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c3145b899_TanakaRyuzaki3.jpg.88dc992423d41f10bc24e5b7329e5a4c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ryuzaki is a fairly quiet guy but he's not shy; just don't give a shit. He's also a big smart-ass and doesn't really get along with too many people. Yes, he's got manners to learn. He can also be a little bit of a flirt when it comes down to it.

Background: Ryuzaki always got into a lot of trouble growing up, his father would beat his mother and Ryuzaki wasn't allowed to do anything about due to threats towards 'killing his mother.'

He was forced to get a job as soon as he turned 15 years-old to help pay bills.

He eventually got fed up and began to act out towards his father and they got into a huge fight. Ryuzaki got sent off for a year to a children's punishment camp; after returning he found out his mother was in the hospital and his father in prison for 4 years. It's been two years since his dad got arrested and his mother still lies in a hospital room stuck in a coma.



- To run

- Pissing people off

- To be alone

- Sleep



- Animals

- Loud people

- Sweet things

- Putting a lot of effort into things

Classroom (All classes are A-2): A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts): I'll figure it out

Other: Ryuzaki is 190 cm tall and always looks pissed off.

Name: Miyamura Sato

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (optional): Straight

Appearance (anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/original.jpg.43a4d5165a54ae33422177ba2d03c04b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/original.jpg.43a4d5165a54ae33422177ba2d03c04b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Personality: Miyamura Sensei is a big flirt but very fun-loving. He's not really a fighter either, he'll most likely get himself in trouble then come up with some random way of escaping.

Background: He attended the same school he's teaching at now. He's been married and divorced due to his love of women. He has one older brother, Miyamura Akashi, who also works at the same school as a history teacher. Sato also despises his older brother due to certain family reasons.



- Sweets

- Cats

- Sake

- Women



- Cigarettes

- Manly women

- Men who are bad to women

- Men who date a lot of women unless it's him

Classroom (All classes are A-2): A student counselor but he takes over for teachers when there are none to teach class. (Mainly because I have no life so if no one's here to play the role then I'm here...)

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts): Lives at home

Other: He's 182cm tall



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Aiko Naomi Ueno



Aiko Naomi Ueno





Sexual Orientation:




Aiko is a bit below average height, standing at 5'2". She has short, dark brown hair and one section in the front reaches down to a little below her shoulder. Her eyes are a soft chesnut color thatt often appear a lighter shade in the sun. Her skin is rather pale and most of the time, her cheeks are red from blushing. Her structure is quite petite and has soft features.


Aiko is discreet, innocent, and slightly timid. She is very kind, taking care of others when they're wounded or ill. Generally, she opts to think carefully before acting. Aito shows signs of having a lack in self-confidence and often needs the support of her friends. She also works well with her classmates, though has a tendency to do all of their work for them, which means she gets taken advantage of often.


Aiko comes from a very kind and sucessful family. They own several bakeries that are quite popular. She was raised to be proper and a lady, having good manners but not being restricted from the things she wants to do. Even though she was a free child to do what she wanted, she often stayed in her home or went where the others were going, but never by herself. She had several close friends and a lot of others that she'd converse to from time to time. When her little brother came, not much was different. He grew up as well as she did, except he grrew over protective of her, even if he was the younger sibling.





Helping Others




Mean People

Animal Abusers

Continuous Sounds (Tapping of feet/pencil, etc.)


People Who Tell Her She Can't Do Something



Dorm Partner:

Koichi Ichikawa

"Wh... What?! T-that's... g-gr-great!"

"... I mean, it's great because he's my friend and all..."


Aiko works at a bakery closest to the school.

She has a natural affinity for animals

Aiko is really good in all subjects, but she's taken a liking towards Math the most, making it her best subject that she normally get's 100's in.

Her little brother and Hajime is strangely over protective of her, even though they're both younger.


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Name: Miyamura Akashi

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Doesn't care


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Murasakibara_Atsushi_full_1125717.jpg.f2b23a382faaa1271f7e0f676c343fc0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58324" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Murasakibara_Atsushi_full_1125717.jpg.f2b23a382faaa1271f7e0f676c343fc0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Personality: Akashi is rather quiet and a bit of a sarcastic asshole all the time. He doesn't see the need to "chit-chat" when more important things can be done. He's always busy and never stops working; call him a workaholic. He gets pissed when his work is interrupted. He has no feel for romance either but doesn't care about the gender either. Opposite to his brother; he stays out of trouble but when he's in it, he'll knock a person's teeth down their throat.

Background: He grew up with his brother and their grandparents; grandmother died when he was 15, Sato 14. They both went to school together, ate together, practiced their club activities together, they did everything together and now they work together. they don't always get along though. You could say Sato hates Akashi a little because he always got more than him growing up and even now he gets a better pay.


His younger brother (No not incest)

- Work

- ???

- ???

- ???


Being interrupted

- Being ignored

- Being controlled

- Being tired

- Being worthless

Classroom: A-2

Dorm Partner: Lives alone

Other: He's 193 cms tall and very intimidating. He always has a low voice.



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Name: Kenichi Mitsurgi

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/277248.jpg.9aa7d400536dc98b5fb944d95acf2672.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58337" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/277248.jpg.9aa7d400536dc98b5fb944d95acf2672.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Imagine he is wearing regular coach gear, with a bamboo sword)

When you first meet Kenichi he looks approachable and nice, which he is unless it's class time then he'll beat you with his bamboo sword adding two more laps around the gym. Kenichi isn't too strict of a gym teacher but he will push you to your limits. He's all about competition and teamwork. So most of the sports he makes the students play are kendo, track, and etc. Other than the usually shouting gym teacher, he's pretty cool, funny, and is there for his little soilders.

Class teaching: Gym


- He's best friends with Omi Gur?n

- He likes to call the students little soilders and give them weapon nicknames. (Ex. Jean is Javlin)

- Out of school he's a kendo teacher.

- When he's really excited he gets louder than he already is. So try taking someone who speaks at a volume of 8 and triple it.

- When he was young he used to hate gym because he was quite scrawny and weak, but after years of training in kendo he became stronger



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Greetings fellow professors, my name is Miriel Warren.

It's very rude of you to ask but I'm
26 years old.

You can clearly tell that I am a

I suppose I can submit a picture to you...


My personality? Why that is a strange question that only my friends have the right to answer here are a few things they have told me...

I am VERY intelligent, sometimes to the point that it alarms people. I strive to solve all the mysteries of this universe and love scientific research. I love long walks in laboratories and can be known to ramble on. A lot of my friends have noticed that I tend to linger on various experiments and projects I am researching. I have a vast vocabulary which I hope will not disarm you or the students in which I shall be teaching.

If that is all I would like to finish this as quickly as possible and get to the young minds that require molding.

I seek to teach
Science and English to the students of Class A-2.
Name: Hayate Gorou

Age: 64

Gender: Male

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/IT8R9DV.png.40de772803fd3fd2eee6ccd0390cbd4d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58379" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/IT8R9DV.png.40de772803fd3fd2eee6ccd0390cbd4d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Hayate is a loud old man with no mercy. If your grades are bad then you better have Gurin Sensei help you out; he favors him for some reason.

Class teaching: Principle

Name: Takanashi Mei

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2fe962f9_TakanashiMei.jpg.2f7db83ffbf5c8dd784b71ee8cc73686.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58390" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2fe962f9_TakanashiMei.jpg.2f7db83ffbf5c8dd784b71ee8cc73686.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Mei is a quiet and generous teacher who's all about high school romance between students. She's also a major drama queen.

Another thing is that she's French, grew up in America, and learned Japanese to become an English teacher.

Class teaching: English Language



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name: "i'm tachibana chihiro!"

age: "i turned seventeen on february fourteenth! people still call me kiddo, though!"

gender: "a-ah, well, i'm something you call a demiboy. i'm a boy, but like, not fully?"

sexual orientation: "a-ah! i, um, demisexual."

appearance: "um,,,, okay. i have this, like, white-blond hair? my eyes are really weird, like, lilac, and my brother says there's no way i own a brush because my hair always looks like i rolled out of bed and rubbed a balloon on my head. i have a something like a kitty smile, and one of my teeth pokes out when i'm excited. i'm like, really short, maybe 158 centimeters? i wear a lot of clothing that are too big, and i have a lot of hats. in fact, i wear a hat everyday!"

personality: "well, citing my big brother, i'm a total dork? everyone i've ever known calls me a really big marshmallow, and i'm not really really sure how to take that, haha. i'd like to believe i'm friendly, though? i've never gotten angry, i don't think, and i try my best to like everyone! maybe i'm a bit smothering in affection, though? i can try harder, i bet, but maybe it's just my nature? um,,, please take care of me!"

background: ",,,, my family is crazy. my mom is a retired a-a-adult f-f-film actress, but she's a director now, and,,, my dad works in the yakuza? they were busy a lot when i was younger, so my brother and i got a lot of free reign, since the clan didn't pay too much attention to us. since we didn't take much interest in either of the businesses we were raised in, a lot of of our time was spent with each other. we went adventuring when i was about eight, and we came across a bakery. me and my brother really like sweets, so this was heaven in itself, but then we met our own personal angel! aoki ueno-chan, she's the friend we made! she's the daughter of bakers, and we began hanging out with her more and more often!"

likes: "oh, gee, too many! i like cute things, small things, soft things,,, cartoons, knitting, hats, reading, animals, sweets, and i hope i like my classmates!"

dislikes: "not too much, i think. i don't really like spicy food, or people being mean, or um,,, loud noises. i reallllyyyyy don't like loud noises."

classroom: "a-2!"

dorm partner: "um,,,, i'm not sure!"

other: "ahh,,, my big brother is a teacher here!"




name: "hey there! i'm tachibana nagisa; who're you?"

age: "i'm obviously twenty-two, you dip."

gender: "well, see, in my pants, there's a nice li'l joystick, and that makes me what you call a male."


appearance: "i, my dear, have looks granted by the gods. i'm supercalifragilisticsexyandiknowsit. i mean, just look at me. are you seeing this? blond hair, pink eyes, a darling baby face? you can't say no to me. so maybe i'm not a big buff dude with huge hams for limbs, but my precious milky white skin and small frame makes me a sure favorite. i'm approximately 152 centimeters of pure hunk, and my fashion choices are pure conventional big sweaters and hoodies, whatever jeans i deem worthy to be placed on my godly lower half, and sometimes, i'll even add a bow."

personality: "i feel obligated to say that perfect is my most prominent personality trait. i'm humorous, playful, kind, and totally the best person to roam the face of the earth. okay, so, maybe i'm a little too heavy in my jocose nature, but hell, i'll be damn--, er, i mean darned if i won't do my thing here. sure, i may tease my students a li'l too much, but i normally mean well! i'm laid-back, free-spirited, and totally prepped to party. like, if my students don't love me, i dunno what to do with them.


class teaching: "i think i'll be teaching music and art for the a-2 dorks, right?"



Hajime Sizuki



Hajime Sizuki





Sexual Orientation:




Hajime has fair skin accompanied with very short, navy-blue hair and radiant, red eyes. She is said to look very masculine. In fact, Hajime was mistaken to be a boy by many people when she first enrolled into high school, due to her looks and her uniform. She is usually seen wearing khaki pants and a white shirt with a red tie with thin orange lining that goes up to her chest. She wears a blue blazer over it and wears brown shoes. Hajime also sometimes wears a blue ribbon on her head to look more feminine.


Hajime is described as masculine and aggressive. Hajime is very loyal towards her friends. She is mostly portrayed as serious, focused and somewhat mild-mannered. When others compliment her, she reveals a more feminine and emotional side. Furthermore, Hajime is a shy individual and becomes greatly flustered and embarassed. She is also rather frank and direct, never hesitating to speak out her mind. Hajime can also be playful and cheerful at times, proving that she can be sociable. She is dumbfounded by the concept of love. On the contrary, Hajime is quite knowledgeable in how to confront her emotions and how to act accordingly with it.


Hajime is a foundling who was taken in by Max, who is her adoptive father; as such, she does not know her true parents. When Max first met her, he mistook her for a boy, and so gave her a boy's name and raised her as such - which led to people mistaking her for one at first sight, even to the present day, although it was said that her friends are the only ones that know Hajime is a girl. Even after ten years, Max still hasn't realized that Hajime is a girl.

Hajime and Aiko are childhood friends and she has tried to keep a ten-year old promise of becoming strong to protect Aiko because of Hajime's little brother. Because of this, she went as far as to abandon her own femininity to protect her.




Cute Things

Aiko Ueno


People (Other than Aiko)

Worthless Things (i.e people, objects, etc.)




Dorm Partner:

Maya Grayson


Hajime's pretty smart but she often doesn't try since she's to keen on protecting Aiko, and so she doesn't have the best grades.


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Name: Maya Grayson



Sexual Orientation (optional):straight

Appearance (anime):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ff86d39_images(17).jpg.10b4997405249e0f7179d9d55a3234f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58438" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ff86d39_images(17).jpg.10b4997405249e0f7179d9d55a3234f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Many would say Maya was cold hearted and careless but she grew up in a violent family.

Background:grew up in a violent family, nothing more, nothing less.

Likes: Maya enjoys being alone and in silent places. She liked to draw to get rid of stress or sit outside.

Dislikes:she hates loud and annoying people, that's pretty much it.

Classroom (All classes are A-2):A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

Other: she has the same problem as Juvia. If you run to her or simply go to her at a quick pace... excpect to be punched.



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Ringo Kobayashi






Sexual Orientation:




Ringo stands at 5'10" and has white hair that, under the light, shimmers light pink and blue. He doesn't know why it happens, but he still goes along with it. His eyes are very strange. Occasionally they're blue while other times they're pink or purple. On a rare occasion, they're all three mixed but still their seperate colors. He has tan skin that at times can look more pale. Under his lower lip he has two beauty marks side by side. He always wears flower crowns no matter what. Mostly ones that are his favorite colors, which would be his eye colors. He often wears over sized seaters over his button up sweater and jeans.



Ringo is really kind and caring. He cares for others well beings which was why he decided to become a nurse. He can occasionally become super shy when he's complimented or if there's an awkward situation that he's a part of or near. He doesn't talk to much but he doesn't talk to little. He adds comments here and there and makes sure he doesn't cut others off. He's a pretty cool go and a very good listener. Ringo can easily relax and often welcoming others.

Class Teaching:

Nurse Assistant

(He's also on the welcoming comittee.)

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Ichikawa Koichi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_static_7y8htqrnqp44ssggo4g0ksgw4.gif.1c2513e7b333802b2a0c59e4e5d5769e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58684" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_static_7y8htqrnqp44ssggo4g0ksgw4.gif.1c2513e7b333802b2a0c59e4e5d5769e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Male ♂



Koichi is that guy who brightens the mood, no matter the situation. Bubbly yet calm as a summer breeze, he will always try to put a smile on your face. Due to his peaceful and easy-going persona people tend to think that he is quite the procrastinator, rather than that the youngster will always do his best, even in things he is openly bad such as most of the school subjects. Highly sociable he has a welcoming and friendly aura, but can and will be moody sometimes, especially if you rub him the wrong way. Koi is not very fond of taking risky decisions, preferring reflecting for some time and doing the right thing, this will sometimes put him in difficult situations, along with him being quite indecisive when it comes to feelings.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/X2JgKNM.gif.6a0c0a102e393e36279909fcc5db37bb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58687" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/X2JgKNM.gif.6a0c0a102e393e36279909fcc5db37bb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ichikawa was always surrounded by music, since he was a child. His parents were part of a famous band in the 90’s before they decided to settle down in Kyoto and open an instrument store. The boy quickly inherited his parent’s passion for music and began to learn how to play the guitar, as he grew so did his love for music. Composing also came naturally, and then Koichi began to sing his compositions in festivals on the neighborhood and this made him quite popular locally, and eventually he realized that this is what he wants to do for the rest of his life.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/cdc0e97267bd8a7217b3c65a014a96d4.jpg.gif.69065510bf16ef37c88ae0b2a90d0ee3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58688" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/cdc0e97267bd8a7217b3c65a014a96d4.jpg.gif.69065510bf16ef37c88ae0b2a90d0ee3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>











Taking decisions in a hurry




Black and white movies

Dorm partner: Aiko-Chan


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/03a04bcc0171390d7a9af7283f91b8c0.jpg.3b29dfe449b505ba8780226f22146ba4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58686" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/03a04bcc0171390d7a9af7283f91b8c0.jpg.3b29dfe449b505ba8780226f22146ba4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Kuma Uzumati

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (optional): Bisexual, more interested in girls

Appearance (anime): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-25_21-33-16.png.f90c4609e14837d233ba07e3d30c8f85.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58789" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-25_21-33-16.png.f90c4609e14837d233ba07e3d30c8f85.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He's really laid back, pretty chill dude. Not the smartest guy ever, but has a huge heart and is willing to give his life for the one he loves. Even though he hasn't found them yet. He tends to be very childish, I suppose, but is serious when necessary. He's quiet, usually and can be very shy. But if you get to know him, he's a fun guy to be around.

Background: His parents are Japanese and Native American, hence the name Uzumati. His ancestors came to Japan a long time ago for a new scenery. He's an only child, and comes from a middle class family. He was never much of an intellectual, but has never gotten horrible grades. He used to have a lot of friends in Tokyo, where he used to live, but his parents sent him here so he could have a quiet place to study for the rest of school. He's into old video games, and prefers playing an old game on his NES rather then going out and partying.

Likes: Video Games, cold weather, nice people, animals, reading, drawing, quiet places

Dislikes: Loud people, math, rude and disrespectful people

Classroom (All classes are A-2): A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):




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RubyUzumati said:
Name: Kuma Uzumati

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (optional): Bisexual, more interested in girls

Appearance (anime): View attachment 134988

Personality: He's really laid back, pretty chill dude. Not the smartest guy ever, but has a huge heart and is willing to give his life for the one he loves. Even though he hasn't found them yet. He tends to be very childish, I suppose, but is serious when necessary. He's quiet, usually and can be very shy. But if you get to know him, he's a fun guy to be around.

Background: His parents are Japanese and Native American, hence the name Uzumati. His ancestors came to Japan a long time ago for a new scenery. He's an only child, and comes from a middle class family. He was never much of an intellectual, but has never gotten horrible grades. He used to have a lot of friends in Tokyo, where he used to live, but his parents sent him here so he could have a quiet place to study for the rest of school. He's into old video games, and prefers playing an old game on his NES rather then going out and partying.

Likes: Video Games, cold weather, nice people, animals, reading, drawing, quiet places

Dislikes: Loud people, math, rude and disrespectful people

Classroom (All classes are A-2): A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

You can join in whenever!

Name: Zoe Chester

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance (anime):View media item 1803

Zoe is a loner and likes it that way. She doesn't like to make contact with other people and tends to get scared if someone tries to flirt with her.

Background: Zoe grew up with her grandparents because her parents just didn't want her. although her grandparents were very loving and did their best to show her Zoe still wasn't happy with life.


- Animals






-bright colors

extra nice people

Classroom (All classes are A-2): A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

ZoeAliceChester said:

Name: Zoe Chester

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance (anime):View media item 1803

Zoe is a loner and likes it that way. She doesn't like to make contact with other people and tends to get scared if someone tries to flirt with her.

Background: Zoe grew up with her grandparents because her parents just didn't want her. although her grandparents were very loving and did their best to show her Zoe still wasn't happy with life.


- Animals






-bright colors

extra nice people

Classroom (All classes are A-2): A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

Welcome! Right now, everyone is gathered in the front for a karaoke party! This first day of school is over so just pretend Zoe was there and got all the homework and stuff. Now you can either join the rest of the group to karaoke or go to your dorm room. (I'll give you a dorm partner soon hopefully. If not, lucky Zoe she gets a room all to herself xD ) . I hope you read the Overview to get the gist of things and so now join us and have fun!!
Name: Zane Grayson

Age: 19

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation (optional): Straight

Appearance (anime):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30df2048_download(3).jpg.1dd59cc64d4bf5ae6147598ba3308739.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30df2048_download(3).jpg.1dd59cc64d4bf5ae6147598ba3308739.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(*cough* ignore the fangs, the eyes are a north defect. *cough *)

Personality:Zane is one of those go with the flow kind of guys unless he hates what's happening, he's not afraid to point put the truth or say what's on his mind.

Background: you should be able to connect the dots.








*having to talk it out


Classroom (All classes are A-2): A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

Other: nurp




  • download (3).jpg
    download (3).jpg
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Name:Rin Fujisaki



Sexual Orientation (optional):Pansexual.It doesn't really matter for her.Love is love and it doesn't matter who or what you are as long as you love her and she loves you.

Appearance (anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/mhm.jpeg.004524d12ac14bae8eca3663a20956c3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/mhm.jpeg.004524d12ac14bae8eca3663a20956c3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Rin is very shy.People barely notice her and it makes her a bit upset.Sometimes,people don't even know who she is!If you take the first step in you two's friendship though,she will accept you with open arms!She will be very happy if she makes one friend.One.Friend.Anyways,She isn't all nice and sweet.If you mistreat her,she might snap.And let's just say you won't be able to see the sun rise the next day~

Background:Rin didn't live a very nice life.She had a brother,whom her parents always compared her with.Her parents had high standards and didn't want weak,quiet children.Amidst the pressure in her life,she maintains a positive attitude and a smiling face.

Likes:Nice people,Animals,Books,Music,the Piano,History,Science,Video games

Dislikes:Mean people,Bitches,Loud music

Classroom (All classes are A-2):A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

Other:She has a tiny curl that makes her aroused if you pull on it ;3







Class teaching:



  • mhm.jpeg
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[QUOTE="Zyra Charlotte]
Name:Rin Fujisaki



Sexual Orientation (optional):Pansexual.It doesn't really matter for her.Love is love and it doesn't matter who or what you are as long as you love her and she loves you.

Appearance (anime):

View attachment 135463

Personality:Rin is very shy.People barely notice her and it makes her a bit upset.Sometimes,people don't even know who she is!If you take the first step in you two's friendship though,she will accept you with open arms!She will be very happy if she makes one friend.One.Friend.Anyways,She isn't all nice and sweet.If you mistreat her,she might snap.And let's just say you won't be able to see the sun rise the next day~

Background:Rin didn't live a very nice life.She had a brother,whom her parents always compared her with.Her parents had high standards and didn't want weak,quiet children.Amidst the pressure in her life,she maintains a positive attitude and a smiling face.

Likes:Nice people,Animals,Books,Music,the Piano,History,Science,Video games

Dislikes:Mean people,Bitches,Loud music

Classroom (All classes are A-2):A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

Other:She has a tiny curl that makes her aroused if you pull on it ;3







Class teaching:


I'm sorry when I saw the curl part I just... Yeah. Welcome to our strange family! You can just join us at the karaoke bar and try to make friends or just stay at your dorm (your partner will soon come be patient with little old me please). Welcome!!
Sure, you can :) . My character is Jean just go and meet her there, she's by a girl name Suzumaki. @Zyra Charlotte
[QUOTE="Zyra Charlotte]i am listening to you guys -W-
....who is my dorm mate??

Zoe Chester

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