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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool


was Acexcross



Kyoto High has just been recently built and students all gather in for a new start to their school year. Friends, enemies, and a love life will be made during this year and many more to come. Hope you have a great day.

FOR QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, AND NON-ROLEPLAY TALKS, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE USE THE OOC TAB. Other people who are monitoring this thread besides me are @Aero and @Suzumaki Arakai so ask them if you need anything!

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(I guess Im the first one to post)

Zack was nervous , he got notified that he was into the school , but he had no idea where his dorm was or who his dorm partner was
"We're leaving now!" Ryu told his parents as he grasp his sister, Kaede's hand and left. The sky was slightly dark as the breeze picked up. 'Maybe we should've brought an umbrella...' Kaede typed on her phone and showed it to Ryu. Her brother just shrugged. "Guess we'll have to run before it starts pouring," he suggested with a smirk knowing full well that his sister hated water. She gave him a look that says meanie and slightly pouted, crossing her arms. The cute gesture didn't go unnoticed by her brother though. "Geez.. You're such a kid," he said ruffling her hair before making a dash to the school, leaving his sister behind.

T-That bastard! Keade thought glaring holes into Ryu's back as he ran. Knowing full well that she couldn't catch up to him, she just walked the whole way to school hoping she'd make it before the bell.
Zack had gotten there early , sitting in a seat in the back of the A-2 class...
"Last hug!" Jean's mom exclaimed as she pulled her daughter into a hug. "Moomm, I'm already pretty late! I have to go." Jean said hugging her mother one more time. Jean's mother let her go and smiled tears in her eyes. Jean chuckled and rolled her eyes, "Mom I'm just going to High School like I did in Scotland. There's nothing to really cry about." She said. Jean's mom nodded, "Yes I know but you're seventeen! Three more years and you'll be an adult! Oh, and Ellie will be going to kindergarten! Then graduating then..." "Mom! Calm down." Jean interrupted chuckling a bit. Jean's mom nodded. Jean went up and hugged Ellie good bye, "See you later Batsy." Jean said. "See you Gee-chan!" Ellie said kissing her sisters ear. Jean waved and walked out of the door. 'Yessh they make such a big fuss about me leaving, I bet the school will let me vist at will.' Jean thought to herself. She looked up at the sky noticing it's about to rain. She quickened her pace to the school building.

Omi sat at his desk in the classroom. He looked at all the kids walking in. Some talking among one another. Some just sit at there desk alone, like the one student in the back with the Monster color hair.
Zack bored beyond all belief , so he reached into his back and pulled out his drawing pad and a mechanical pencil , the thing he was most worried about was how people would react to his skin color , normally it didnt bother him , but for some reason today , the thought made him nervous

Emiko tapped the front of her shoes and smiled. She grabbed her hot pink backpack and threw it onto her back.

"Alright, Fae-sama! I'm leaving!" she announced and heard her maid run down the hall with car keys and a rain jacket.

"Emi-chan, allow me to drive you." Fae-sama said and bowed slightly. Emiko frowned and put a hand on her favorite maid's shoulder.

"I can get there by myself. I promise, Fae-sama. I'm a big girl!" Emiko beamed and took the rain jacket. Fae-sama stood up straight and smiled warmly at the teenage girl in front of her.

"All right, Emi-chan. Just please notify me when you get to school. I'll have your things delivered to your dorm by the end of the day."

Emiko smiled and nodded, putting the rain jacket on and heading out. She stuffed her hands into her pockets and kept the hood down on her shoulders, only feeling a light sprinkle.

"Kazue better be awake." she said under her breath as she walked down the sidewalk and looked ahead of her. The sky was a gray color which indicated that it would rain sometime soon. She looked back in front of her, her mind wandering somewhere else as she walked.

"What the?" she asked as she ran into something.


Kazue awoke to the sound of his alarm clock and growled. He let his long arm search his bed side table as he slapped it a few times, his alarm clock getting away from him every time. Kazue groaned as he sat up, opening his green eyes and looking at his bed side table. He glared at his alarm clock and turned it off. He let out a yawn as he checked the time. Then his eyes widened. He was late and he and Emiko were supposed to walk to school together! He jumped out of bed and did a quick wash up, grabbing a pair of clothes and throwing them on. Was he glad that he took a shower the night before or what?

"Bye guys!"
Kazue said as he put his shoes on and headed for the door. Mrs. Suoh leaned against the door frame of the hallway and watched her son with an amused smile.

"No hug?" she asked him and Kazue turned to look at her. He couldn't help but smile at her. He sighed and walked over to her, hugging her close. Mrs. Suoh smiled and kissed him on the side of the head. She pulled away and looked away.

"You better hurry or Emiko will throw a fit." she told him and he nodded. He said goodbye again before walking out. He looked up at the sky and saw that it was about to rain. He also noted that he was earlier than Emiko. He sighed and before he knew it, saw short light pink hair rounding the corner. She looked like she spaced. Kazue grinned and walked over to her. She hadn't paid him any attention and ran right into him. She bounced back a bit and looked at him.

"What the?"
she asked and Kazue laughed.

"Mornin' Em!" he greeted her and hugged her tightly. Emiko glared and hugged him back, punching him in the arm for letting her run into him.

"Ouch." he feigned hurt and looked at her. Emiko rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand in hers.

"C'mon, Kazue. We're gonna be late." she told him and he nodded, following her to school. As they walked they talked about the normal things they talked about. Like the weather, who would win in a fight celebrity edition, food, and plans.

Jean stuffed her hands in her jacket pocket and started to hum Acute by Kaito, Miku, and Luka. Jean didn't mind the light drizzle tickling her nose. Though the darker the clouds got started to worry her.

Omi Gurīn

Omi watched the clock tick, 'Class should start soon.' He looked around the room, a few empty chairs were still left.


"As if Hugh Jackman would lose to Vin Diesel!" Emiko said and looked up at Kazue with a dumbfounded look. Kazue shook his head and flicked her on the forehead.

"Ow! Jerk!"
Emiko growled and brought his hand up to her mouth and bit it. Kazue yelped and pulled his hand away, holding it close to his chest. Emiko huffed and looked up at the sky, seeing the clouds grow darker. She bit the inside of her lip and looked up at Kazue, grabbing onto his arm and holding onto him.

"C-C'mon, Kazue-nii." she said and pulled him along with her.


Was this girl insane? Of course Vin Diesel could beat the snot out of Hugh Jackman! Man what was her logic? He shook his head at her and flicked her on the forehead. Idiot. When he saw Emiko lift his hand up it was to late. She bit him like a dog and he yelped in pain. He snatched his hand away from her and held it to his chest and shaking it.

"Now I have to get a rabies shot." he said and glared at her. He looked up at the sky and saw the clouds growing darker. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't a bit afraid himself. He felt Emiko grab onto his arm and start to basically drag him.

"Wait, Em! I can walk by myself!" he protested but found that the school was now in view. Hm....maybe I'll let her drag me more often. Wait, that's kinda weird.
Jethro left his house with no one to really say goodbye to. His older brother was already bringing their younger sister to school, his dad didn’t come home since the other night, and his mom left for work an hour ago. It wasn’t a big deal to Jethro though since it was almost like any other day. The teen adjusted his sleeve while walking down a path toward the campus. The only difference was that he was going to a new school. It wasn’t really his choice to transfer, but whatever. He didn’t mind the adjustment his parents made since the switch lowered his tuition. Within a few moments, Jethro entered the campus gates and scanned the front area. The place was alright. Still got time to check the lay out. Jethro thought to himself without looking at any watch. There weren't that many students on campus yet so he arrived to that conclusion based on his observation. This was where he would pull some pranks and parkour for the school year. He might as well familiarize himself with the area before most of the other students did.
(Srry fell asleep)

Len was getting his hoody on that was to big and sank down to his knees while walking out saying "see ya guys" to his family in a feminine voice and left packing a umbrella because the news said it was going to rain but he started to run since no one was around to see him so he couldn't get embarrassed, so after a couple minutes of running he made it to the campus. After he got to the campus he was amazed on how it looked, but it looked giant to him because he had the height of a 7th grader so he was like a little kid to everyone and he kept on walking trying not to get spotted.
Ryu let out a huff as he ran towards the school with a grin on his face. Secretly, he hoped there was a track ground at Kyoto High. There wasn't one in his old school and that slightly bothered him. His love for the sport was greater than anything.

Silently, he made his way to class, already noticing students there. A teacher was in the class, looking at the clock. Ryu let out a huge sigh. This classroom is going to be so boring.. he thought aloud, taking a seat next to the window.

Kaede was having the time of her life just walking alone on the sidewalk. After the incident, Ryu never left her side and now, she was glad he did even though he probably haven't noticed. Putting on her headphones, she closed her eyes and started wandering into la-la land as she felt the coolness of the day pass through her. Suddenly, she ran into something. No, scratch that, someone. She stumbled back a bit and tripped over her own leg and landed her bottom on the ground. @Aqua
Aqua was wandering around smaller than most people with his cat eared hood up trying not to be looked at but that was kind of hard when he looked like a cute little girl. He was walking and was not paying attention when he knocked into someone, but of course they were bigger by a couple inches so it had to be a girl but all the while he got the shorter end of the stick and was sent on the ground landing on his but really hard and said "ow!" But he got up rubbing his but saying "s-sorry I-I didn't see you there" he said not trying to look.


The school gates were finally in Jean's veiw. Before stepping into the campus she stopped and surveyed her surroundings. 'The school doesn't look to bad' she thought to herself. She took a deep breath and walked through the gates. The drizzle started to turn into rain and there was some light thunder. Jean jogged to the door, hopping not to get caught in the rain storm.

Omi Gurīn

Omi looked at the students as they started settling down. 'Ten minutes till the bell rings' he thought. He let out a sigh, must've been really bored because he doesn't usually keep up with time since he's almost always late to events himself. 'And it's not like I'm going to tardy anyone on the first day.'
Kaede wouldn't have any of it. She had knocked a girl down. A petite one at that. Standing up, she bowed down and typed on her phone 'I-I'm really sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going..' and showed it to the girl before frantically running away. She hoped the girl wouldn't call up her buddies to beat the crap out of her for bumping into the girl. That would not end well. Kaede had hoped to stay invisible the whole year, but apparently that didn't work out too well. @Aqua

She tried to level her breathing hoping to calm her nerves. Maybe that girl wouldn't call on her friends. Maybe. If they did, there was no escape. And being a mute, that was even worse.

The brunette walked into class, shaking as she did so. She was feeling light-headed thinking about the possibilities but tried to push the thoughts away as her eyes landed on Ryu. It wasn't her to worry someone. Taking a seat behind him was all she could do.

"Where have you been?" Ryu asked his sister turning around to face her, but he already knew the answer. He left her back in the dust. Well, it wasn't like he intended to. He was just excited. Kaede gave him a blank stare that says 'Go away' and he did so without question. She had her reasons and he wanted to respect that. Little did he know, his sister was happy he hadn't noticed her shaking feature.
(Sorry I put my user name on accident XP)

Len was just standing there and tried to say something before she ran off saying in a low voice "b-bye then I guess" as he said shaking because he was alone again with people all around so he pulled his hood over his eyes walking to class silently, he was walking down the hall when people were staring at him more saying "why is a little girl here?" Trying to question why he was here, but he made it into the class not seeing the girl or her brother do to his hood being down and he took a seat in the back trying not to attract more attention to himself.

(You meanie you left that sweet little crossdresser there, and when he's dressed as a girl his name is Rin)


Jean walked into the class a little after Kaede. Jean looked around the classroom and at her new classmates. 'Everyone seems pretty normal, except that one guy. What's up with the black skin?' Jean thought to herself but decided not to ask him for he looked like he wanted to be left alone with his drawing pad. Jean sat down at a the second window seat. She liked being by a window and she's not to far in the back but also not in the first row. She looked at her new teacher who just sat looking at the clock. 'Five more minutes' Jean thought. So she took this time to stare out the window.

Omi Gurīn

Omi looked back at the students and blinked. 'I haven't realized how many more students came in' he thought. He took the time to survey them. A curly red headed girl with many nicknacks accessorizing her hair. Two students, who had some of the same features, must be siblings. One boy all the way in the back drawing with black skin, that's new. Finally a little girl? Boy? Hmm.
Riika patted her cat on his small grey head and smiled while she put her yellow scarf around her neck. She swung her bag around her shoulders and locked the door behind her once she stepped outside. Her parents were still sleeping and she didn't want to wake them up. It was just another day of school after all. A year she had already done, but Riika had to do it over. With big steps but no haste, she arrived at the front gates. The female rolled her yellow eyes and entered the school territory, walked straight to her class and sat down the same time when the bell rang. She hadn't even bothered to take of her scarf that still rested around her neck above her new school uniform. It was just school.

Around her were the others but there weren't really ones that cached her eye. Al tough she saw a couple of boys who looked liked they enjoyed fighting, like her self. She knew exactly what kind of aura hung around people who got them in fights more then once. She was one herself.
Omi Gurīn

Omi watched the white haired girl come in at the last minute. 'Well, time to start class.' He thought. He grabbed a lollipop from one of the drawers in his desk, then stood up in front of the class. "Good morning class and welcome to your first year of Kyoto High!" He said as he unwrapped his lollipop and put it in his mouth. "I am your teacher Gurīn-sensei and you will usually see me chewing on something, it's a weird habit of mine." Omi chuckled. He went behind his desk again and pulled out some forms. "These are your Dorm Forms. Each of you must pick out a partner to live with you in your dorm. You can have a dorm with the opposite sex if you like but no funny business," some of the students chuckled, "I will have someone hand these out while I do roll call." Omi said and set the forms on his desk. "So who wants to hand them out?"


Jean listen to Gurīn-sensei long speech about the dorms while still looking out the window. When he asked who wanted to hand out the sheets, she was going to raise her hand but she didn't want to act too much of a teacher's pet. So she waited.
Yumi, from the front of the classroom, immediately raised her hand. "I would, sensei!" She said proudly, beaming a smile at him. After all, if you didn't get along well with your teachers, your time here would be a lot harder. Hopefully the other students agreed.
Riika watched the teacher talk but everything he said didn't reach her. Some girl raised her hand. Riika watched the brunette and concluded that she looked nice. Not that she was going to approach her, she didn't care. Hiding her face in her scarf she breathed in the scent of her cat. It used to be his sleeping mat. With a grin on her pale face she sat and watched the papers being hand out. 'Ah the dorm thingy.' She scanned her class and looked for someone suitable, preferring a boy as she tended to lean more to the boyish side of her. Like games, action and food, all that one needed in life, but once again she didn't care even being alone would be good with her.
Omi smiled, "Ah thank you young lady." He said and handed the papers to her. Omi took out his attendance list and went down the names.

'I guess I missed my chance.' Jean thought as she looked over at Yumi and the Dorm Forms on her desk. Jean's name was the first to be called, "Here!" she said smiling and raising her hand.
Kaede gave a sigh of relief. Maybe she and Ryu can room with each other after all. She tapped his shoulders as a girl raised her hand to volunteer, giving him a knowing look. Ryu looked at her and just smirked. He ruffled her hair and said, "Sure thing kiddo. That's if you don't mind me beating you in a game," he says and smiled in triumph as he saw Kaede's pouting face.

'You're so unfair you!' she furiously typed on her phone and showed it to him. She knew he was referring to the games they played on the console. In every game they played together, he managed to beat her- even if it's by one point.

Ryu cracked another grin at his sister, then turned around to wait for the girl to pass him his papers. What's taking her so long? He thought annoyed, and it was shown on his face.
Riika gave up on trying to stay awake. The hot air and the silence in the classroom didn't make it any better. The girl had plopped down on her desk, using her scarf as pillow and looked sleepy to the girl who was handing out the papers. Her name wasn't named yet and the minutes looked like hours to her. School made her so tired..

'Riika' As sudden she had plopped down, she was up again. Her eyes sleepy and her scarf muffled around her mouth. 'Hmereh' She said her words being held back by the yellow fabric.
With a nod, Yumi hopped up from her seat and collected the sheets of paper in her arms. Her eyes flickered down at them, and a breath of relief passed her lips as she saw no names were written on the top. Firstly, she placed a page on her own desk and began her journey around the room.

"Here you go," Yumi would say with a gentle smile to every person she passed, hoping if any anxiety was within any of her fellow classmates, it would fade away. When she was half way through, her name was called out, and she twirled around to the front of the class momentarily, "Here!" She called before returning to the task at hand.

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