Ordinary animals, magical animals, or whatever your godly brain can come up with! If you've got any creature design ideas, feel free to lay them out here; Include a picture, description, and any details you like about said animal.
*Also please note that nothing exists in Universe rcz00123 if not created IC. While this thread may be used to compile ideas/plans, don't forget to rp out their creation.
Name: Guardian crab
Description: A carnivorous crablike creature roughly the size of an adult human that sometimes resorts to cannibalisms. Naturally aggressive it can nonetheless be trained to guard a certain location, object or person., Also its meat tastes pretty good.
Tiny dragons shaped like wiener dogs from past universes. While many know them for their cute waddling and loyalty to those who take them in, they also have the ability to spout small blue flames from under their scales, which help them show their moods to outside forces. If a flame is too hot, they are hostile, and will attempt to run away.
They live in caverns outlooking forests, usually with their litter, consisting of an average of sixteen dragons. Due to their size as pups, they can commonly get lost for days, becoming disconnected from their litters and possibly stumbling into other civilizations. Those who take a dragon into their home and care for them are likely to gain their trust, as a life companion.