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Goldenhill - Tavern
Form - Beast
The Plains dog seemed pleased with the answer the hyena gave. He well knew her people should never be underestimated and he found her casual bluntness likeable.
It was then the serpent merchant approached and offered her own skills. Ayi was happily surprised and it showed in his sun-gold eyes.
"I know of some of yours to be very good healers, and clever enough in their own right, if you have even half the wit I have seen in your people then we would be lucky to have you." He glanced at the others then to let them know he was not even over-selling the facts. It was the dragon girl's turn to speak next and her excitement earned a warm and caring smile from Ayi with a nod of approval.
It was the lioness, stoic and stubborn that (to his surprise) seemed the most resistant. He blinked at her curt answer, a bit taken aback by the apparent arrogance of the gesture in her taking her leave. He cracked a wide smile, white teeth shining under black lips, then he began to laugh.
He laughed loud and long at the lioness' back, it would have made a hyena proud.
"Ha! What is this? I thought your people knew how to pick your fights? Else pick your allies when they fell into your lap?"
He was grinning at her, his eyes filled with genuine amusement, "If you go about believing everyone is at odds with you, one day you will wake up and find it true. You know exactly how far you'll get alone, so come, let us all go to the tavern."
He stepped to Zafina even as she tried to walk and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, ready for her to lash out at him though, if she was of a mind.
"I will buy you a drink and you think about what I am offering, yes? Whatever your demons you can do that at least."
If she turned around in that moment she would see one of his best and most winning smiles. Years of chasing his oath had tempered his soul fire into a hearth-like warmth that spread from his eyes to sooth minds and moods.
Ayi felt he should at least give her a chance to change her mind. She would be a good asset, but they could do it without her too he decided.
He stepped toward the tavern, a gesture made with his long staff, his necklaces of bone and tooth cackling merrily at his neck as he walked.
"Come. Let us all go."
Ayi walked on then, leaving the others to make the choice and follow or not.
The tavern was well-stocked with Raan, either just coming from the square else locals who seemed slightly disgruntled with the sudden influx of strangers.
Ayi paid them little mind and found places for all he'd encountered, whether they would come with him or not.
He glanced about the room and found a couple more faces that looked promising, mainly a pair of bears that would add substantially to the muscle of their little team.
"So," he said to the band, his expression was one of polite curiosity, "tell me how you've all come here, why do you wish to take on such a strange and possibly dangerous endeavor? There are easier ways to win coin surely, and some of you don't appear to even want it."
CrimsonEclipse DergTheDergon doneanddusted StoneWolf18
Mentioned: Ridge Maxilgal
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