Angels & Demons: South Korea

Oh man, I think when they moved the site to the new server that it messed up the alerts. I'm going through a bunch of threads I didn't get alerts on. I was busy last weekend (KCON LA!!!!), but I'm back now!

It's not dead! We're about ready to move into phase two where shit's gonna start hitting the fan with the whole angel/demon reveal thing. I got some plans! Alterable plans, of course, because I have to see what you guys are doing, but plans just the same. > :)
Kade said:
Oh man, I think when they moved the site to the new server that it messed up the alerts. I'm going through a bunch of threads I didn't get alerts on. I was busy last weekend (KCON LA!!!!), but I'm back now!
It's not dead! We're about ready to move into phase two where shit's gonna start hitting the fan with the whole angel/demon reveal thing. I got some plans! Alterable plans, of course, because I have to see what you guys are doing, but plans just the same. > :)
If anyone can see this, I'm trying to get things moved over to the new server. Hopefully our coding won't stay jacked up forever. I'll let ya'll know when we're back up and running. 
Okay, gang, we're all set to go. Try to be patient with the coding problems; at least we're live again. Basically we need to get all our characters to their various homes/places where they're staying the night and we can start "phase 2" of this plot mess shortly after.
Another update: I found in the tutorials a way to expedite some of the code fixes. I'm going to go back through the posts and try to repair all of them as much as possible to at least make the game thread legible again. There's not much I can do about the character sheets, unfortunately. There's just too much coding involved there. Maybe that'll get fixed later. Maybe not. But the game thread is the most important anyway. Please bare with me while I tinker with some things to get everything somewhat functioning again.
Hey, guys! @Waitingforanending @Starry Night @djinnamon

Soooo, I haven't heard from   @Sparkly Bubblegum at all and did try to reach out. I think what I'm going to go (if you guys are still interested in playing) is just fix those last few posts on the game thread so they're legible and just adopt Andrew for myself for the time being. She can take him back if she returns, but I don't want to hold up the entire game any longer if you three still want to play. If you don't, please let me know so I don't waste more time trying to get it all back in order.

Thank you!
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I still wanna play! Don't let it die *cri* And also @Kade you're my most favorite GM ever, you're working so hard to fix things. Once I get my laptop back tomorrow I'll try to edit MiMi's posts. Honestly I really love this roleplay and don't want it to die. RN I'm at the airport using JetBlue's WiFi on my iPad lol. 
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I still wanna play! Don't let it die *cri* And also @Kade you're my most favorite GM ever, you're working so hard to fix things. Once I get my laptop back tomorrow I'll try to edit MiMi's posts. Honestly I really love this roleplay and don't want it to die. RN I'm at the airport using JetBlue's WiFi on my iPad lol. 

Oh, yes, that would be so helpful! I'll take me far less time to get things fixed if everyone can just go through and clean up their own posts. It's only three pages but it takes a little while to fix each post individually.

And thank you! I love playing with you guys a lot so I really don't want this to die!
Ah successfully edited 2 posts! Even changed the font and everything although I believe it's only visible to those who use Microsoft or Microsoft office idk, not sure. But anyhow, it's pretty easy. You can find the thread about fonts here. Still getting the hang of the new system and from what I see, the accordions are a mess. I couldn't even figure out how to do much. Had to go through so many tutorials xD
Yay! I think I edited all my posts. (Did I miss anything?) And for some reason I don't know, most or all of the posts on the second page seem to still have some form of coding like with some of mine you could tell where I separated into paragraphs whereas on the first and third page it was just all a jumbled mess. More examples are some of the fonts were still working, the BBCode was still kinda eligible and what I mean by that is it is still in the form where you typed brackets or whatever (E.g text ) to make the words do what you wanted it to do, I believe most images could be seen and with one of my posts I could see that the colors still worked from the BBCode format that I used to surround words that were being said by Mi Mi or her dialogue (whatever you want to call it) but on the 1st and 3rd pages, it's once again a jumbled, ineligible mess.
Oh, wow, I did not get notifications that you posted in here.

Ha. Go figure. The posts I had fixed prior to this latest "bug fix" are the ones that are all messed up now. So now I have to fix them all over again. *sigh*

Though to honest, I haven't heard from any other player in the game, so I think sadly it may be dead. Which hurts my heart because I was really enjoying it. :(
Oh! Okay, well that makes two. If we can at least get @Waitingforanending back in, I can puppet Andrew. I mean, I guess I can take over her character as well if I need to, but if I wind up taking over with that then I'll be playing three out of five main characters, plus the NPC plus I have a protagonist I want to get in here, and that's a lot. Idk. Let's give it 'til the end of the weekend to see what happens and I'll decide from there.
Ah! You're back now?!

Hmmmm....okay, well. This changes things. I was planning on doing an overhaul on this entire thing and starting over from scratch, maybe getting new players in (especially since our old posts are so fucked up now we can't read half of them). Buuuuut, if you're all back, do you want to just keep going?

I'll leave this up to you. Give me a minute to give this thing a makeover and start from the beginning, or just pick up where we left off and I'll puppet Andrew?

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