Angels & Demons: South Korea

I love everybody's posts, lol! This whole game has been one big laugh-fest for the most part. Ahhhh, Min--"Hot guys! Hot guys everwhere!" Too bad two out of three are gay (lol, isn't that that so true of real life?) and even though Andrew swings all ways, I'm pretty sure he has a big boner for Yu Yu. Sorry, Min!!!! If we don't get another player for her to ship with in the near future, I may just make one. I feel bad for her, lol.
Agh, I was trying to work in the actual formal introductions because Yu Yu and the girls still never actually exchanged names in all the chaos, but I couldn't get it in there organically. Maybe that's good though. Since we added Amber to the mix we'll need everyone to go around the ice breaker circle anyway, so that should create a good opportunity. Minhyuk can't keep calling them "the Angel" and "the drunk girl," lol!
You can post. He can catch up. We'll assume he's still groggy and out of it until he says something. Just don't have any of the characters leave the room before he's alive. That'd be rudes, lol. "Sorry you're unconscious, dude, but we gots ships to steer. Byeeeee!"
Starry Night] [URL=" said:
@Kade[/URL] lol we all love the Kookie monster. Who doesn't love him? xD
He got a little sick and the entire world cried like he was dying, lol. Ahhhh, good times. I also loved the Tae pic. Taekook is life....and also simultaneously death. I love it but it kills me but I love it, then I cry.<--actual process when I'm looking at anything Taekook.
Because the golden maknae is life, we can't live with him being sick lol and I know what you mean about Taekook. I do that sometimes but I just love seeing Taekook. I was just watching one of those videos and was fangirling about it xD
I Agree, everyone loves Jungkook, J.Kook you baby! I just want to mommy the crap out of him. He is by far my favorite BTS member-Not in like a I crush on you way either. He's just my favorite.

Also- Min Ah- She'll be okay single. She's used to it. I think she knows she's not exactly the most attractive person! I'm also think about adding a full angle or full demon with a similar personality to MiMi. I did try to threw something in there about the lamp thing though.
Nooooo worries. (and secretly laughing because Andrew didn't even acknowledge that Minhyuk had his head on his shoulder, like, "Eh, kid hugged me earlier, so I guess this is just normal now," lol!)
HI EVERYONE! So I've been away since I couldn't find the charger for my laptop, but now I come back and find nothing, which is very surprising for me. It's good that it's not me holding down the rp, but I'll be really sad if this dies out :( Looking forward to your posts, guys!
I know, I was hoping someone would reply too. I assume people are all out playing Pokemon. That's having a severe effect on all my RPs. :(
LOL... I wish it was pokemon keeping me away... no, I was being stuck in the middle of the god-forsaken farm lands with no cell phone reception, not internet connection! I couldn't even play Pokemon if I wanted to. Oh and I did forget my laptop, but it wouldn't have mattered. Because I had no internet, I had to catch up my real life work before I could jump on and even say hi. Still not caught up but posted and saying Hi anyways!
Lol, everyone was just gone at the same time. Well that's good. I was starting to think this batty-bananas little game got abandoned. Glad that's not the case!
;____; Everyone posted so quick! *hugs everyone* I'm about to board a plane. I might post once I'm in the air. If not, definitely tonight once I get to my hotel.
Kade said:
;____; Everyone posted so quick! *hugs everyone* I'm about to board a plane. I might post once I'm in the air. If not, definitely tonight once I get to my hotel.
My plane didn't crash or anything, lol. My parents pretty much kidnapped me as soon as I got into the city, so I've just been too busy to post. I'll be home by Sunday morning though, so I'll probably post then.
Kade said:
My plane didn't crash or anything, lol. My parents pretty much kidnapped me as soon as I got into the city, so I've just been too busy to post. I'll be home by Sunday morning though, so I'll probably post then.

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