Angeloids on earth (Zhia and Bluegem, French-Frey too! ^^)

"I'd like to talk with them," Summer's mom said standing up. On the walk to the two girls she picked up the phone from a end table and made a motion to give it to Skye. "Mom, they just moved in they don't have their phone line in yet. And service is spotty in their building," Hopeful Summer waited to see if her mother would put the phone away. "You're new in town where'd you move from?" the mother asked, putting the phone on the arm of a chair near them.
"A small town that's really far from here. I don't know if you'd know it though..." Skye said, using the same excuses as she had at school. Summer's mom looked suspicious, Skye hoped she wouldn't question her more.
Summer stepped in when her mom didn't do her usual spiel on the house, "So if its okay I'll give her the tour and then we can do dinner?" Her mother was still obviously wanting to ask questions, and Summer imagined that she would have, if Summer's dad hadn't come through the door. She said, "Say hi to your dad and give her the tour," on her way to the kitchen. Summer let out a breath when her mother was out of the room. Hearing the sound of a brief greeting she assumed her dad was still in the entry. She headed that way and caught him pulling his sports coat off. "Hey dad this is Skye," she said motioning to Skye, "She's staying tonight."
Summer's dad nodded, he was less uptight than her mom. "Nice to meet you Skye." He paused looking at Summer. "I assume your mom approved this, right?" When she nodded her dad walked off to the kitchen. Skye sighed relieved that she wasn't further interrogated.
(Time skip to the morning/school? There's opportunity for more awkward questions to Skye, but not much else)
(yeah true sure let's skip, since frey isn't on it's hard to skip to school though unless they just don't talk to Tyler or somethin and that could work but is a little odd...It's a long time to skip but what about to after school?)
(ehh I'll just skip to school)

The next day at school was similar to the previous day but they were, in some classes, starting to move on with other things. They got their textbooks and were told a more in depth over view of how things would work that year and what they'd learn. Skye was completely fascinated to hear about everything she got to learn. She smiled excitedly listening to the teacher talk. She looked around and wondered why everyone else wasn't just as excited.
Tyler was sitting in a chair in the waiting room. His hands were clasped together tightly, and he was biting his lip. They had been there for hours, longer then his mom would say it would take. Every time he heard footsteps he'd look up, but the person would only walk by. He stared down at the ground.
Summer simply went through the motions the next day, there was no need to really be excited anymore. The first day excitement of seeing friends had worn off and now it was just boring class work. Summer was just waiting for her last class of the day. She would get to practice for the first time, yesterday everyone had dropped off equipment, and they'd all talked but today they would actually practice. That was all she had to look forward to in the mornings classes.
In the halls when walking towards their next class, Skye looked around for Elliot. She hadn't seen him yet and wondered where he was. Perhaps she'd see him in their next class
Footsteps slowed towards him and he finally looked up and stood. The doctor murmured something slowly to him and he tried to understand. A huge wave of relief went over him as he was told that everything had gone ok - but dread filled his heart again at the next thing the doctor said.
Tyler and Elliot had both been strangely absent from classes that morning. Summer assumed they both had reasons, and while she wished she knew why, she decided it was none of her business. The whole day was quite a boring one, at least up until lunch.
At lunch Skye was surprised to see Elliot since he hadn't been in class. "Hey," he said smiling. She smiled back a little. "Where were you?" His smile faded a little. "I had somethings to take care of. Why? Did you miss me?" He winked at her then looked at Summer. "Hey Summer."
Tyler was led into the ICU, where he went into the recovery room. He sat down on a chair and took his moms hand from where she was laying. "Don't do this to me now, mom...." He whispered.
"Hey Elliot, what've you been up to this morning?" Summer said trying on the best smile she could muster in the face of boredom. Playing with what food was left on her plate she thought, where's Tyler? He was talking like he'd be here yesterday.
"Just busy with things at home. It sucks that had to be late today but whatever." He said. A few of his friends sat a t a table across from them. They looked at him surprised, normally he would've sat with them.
Summer gave a wave to a friend who then sat down across from her. They both started talking about the weekend, Summer made sure to introduce Skye and Elliot to the other girl, but their conversation was quickly back to what the two of them wanted to do.
The doctor came back in. He talked to Tyler about numbers, figures, probabilities, stuff to worry about, stuff to be hopeful for. He should plan ahead, prepare or the worst. At his age, he could legally live by himself, yadayadayada. Tyler came in and out of the conversation. He didn't want to think about any of that stuff...
Elliot looked at Skye. "Has everything gone well so far today?" He asked. She nodded. "It's been really exciting. We get to learn so much here." Elliot laughed softly. Skye's naivety was amusing, cute really.
Tyler sat down outside the room while doctors did some tests. He held his phone in his hand, debating. He called the school and told them where he was and what had happened. After a few sympathetic words, he hung up and sighed.

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