Angeloids on earth (Zhia and Bluegem, French-Frey too! ^^)


One Thousand Club
Anyone may join too

(main character) wants only to live a peaceful life as he's tries to make it through high school. Of course in actuality his life is anything but quiet and peaceful especially ever since he met (angeloid). She fell from the sky and claimed him as her master. While he is okay with these terms he treats as a friend and helps her to live a normal life on earth (or as normal as possible).

~Angeloids were created by angels to be servants just to be clear ~




Species (angeloid, human, or angel):

Abilities (if any):



Name: Summer Kay

Age: 16

Species (angeloid, human, or angel): Human

Abilities (if any): N/A

Background/Personality: Shes from a small, close family. She is the older child and has to deal with her younger sister who is a freshman. Because she plays softball and soccer she is closest with the people in those groups. While she is never without someone to talk to, she doesn't have an enormous group of friends. She is optimistic, driven and courageous. She has a tendency to get herself into situations she shouldn't be in, especially if someone dares her.


Character 1:

Name: Skye

Age: Unkown, Human age: 15(maybe 16)

Species (angeloid, human, or angel): Angeloid

Abilities (if any): Flys, (will make up others later...)

Background/Personality: A type Alpha created by Arathel an angel from Synapse. She is quiet and sort of naive. Lives mainly to serve Summer who she chose as her master when she fell from earth, but is learning to be more independent.


(angeloid form)


(Human form) She looks different because (most) humans can't see her angeloid form so they see this which is similar (but supposed to look more human- use your imagination):


Character 2: (won't lie, frey your character was the inspiration for this character of mine)

Name: Elliot

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species (angeloid, human, or angel): human (I might change it so he's secretly an Angel but i don't know yet..)

Abilities (if any): none

Background/Personality: He hangs around Tyler and the other guys who play sports. Even though he doesn't play, he only does martial arts outside of school, he still takes interest in it. He pretty cool but is sort of quiet which is why he's not as popular among the group as he could be. He plays guitar and likes to write poetry/songs. He hides the fact that it's something he's actually really passionate about but doesn't hide it completely. He uses it to complete his "charismatic" image.




(I'll start, lol starting posts are always the hardest, sorry if I control your character a little here I won't do that too much)

Skye awoke to the beautiful sunlight shining in from the window. She could hear movement downstairs. Master is up already. I should go see if she needs my assistance. Skye thought to herself. She got out of bed and walked downstairs to see her master, Summer, making breakfast. "Good Morning. " she said
Summer turned briefly in greeting as she said, "Morning." Her eyes then drifted back to the stove top where a pan sat with eggs scrambling inside. I wonder if she wants breakfast, she thought, does she likes eggs? Hope so. "So...Want some breakfast? I'm doing eggs, but we may have something else in the fridge." Summer said, angling herself to make eye contact again.
Skye looked at her. Should I say yes? She wondered. I suppose so... She nodded. "Yes. Thank you." She went and sat down at the table, deciding that was the appropriate thing to do. If I'm going to eat I should sit at the table. Like the humans do. Skye thought. Ever since she fell from Synapse- the world of the angels- she was always trying to get accustomed to the ways of the humans.
Okay then. I'm gonna need more eggs, Summer thought as she nodded and set the spoon she'd been using to stir on the counter. "I have school today, then practice until around 5," she said as she walked to the fridge. Opening it she continued, "I'll be home at about 5:30." She pulled out the half empty egg carton to open it, struggling briefly with the Styrofoam while she wondered, what is Skye going to do? Summer placed two eggs out on the counter then asked, "What are your plans for the day?"
Skye stared at her. Plans? She thought. Do I have plans? Skye stared for a moment more and then said, "I don't know." Should I make plans? Is that what humans do? It must be- Summer does it everyday. "I guess I'll stay here..." Skye paused for moment. "What is school?" she asked curiously.
Summer picked up the spoon and flipped some of the eggs over to keep them from burning. How do I explain school? she wondered as she worked at the eggs. "Well, umm..." she set the spoon back on the counter and turned back to Skye, "its a place where young people go to learn things I guess."
Skye's eyes grew wide. A place to learn? It sounds amazing. New knowledge always fascinated Skye, she liked to learn and there was so much to learn. "Do all humans go to school?" she asked. "Could I go?" She added in thought not realizing she'd also mumbled it aloud.
As Skye was asking her question Summer had turned back to the counter and started to crack the eggs. The question startled her at first but her thoughts quickly settled on, well its better than sitting at home all day, I guess. How could we explain it to the teachers though? Summer finished cracking one egg into a bowl and then turned, "I would love to say yes. I would, but I don't know how teachers would react to a new student. I mean, they need birth records, shot records, and other stuff that we," she used her hand to motion to the herself and Skye, "don't have." Then an idea dawned on her, Perhaps I could convince the office that she's just new to the area and doesn't have her paperwork. She quickly amended her statement, "I maybe able to get you in for a few days. I'm sure we can work something out then if you still want to go."
Skye smiled, nodding. "I want to go." she said. She didn't want to sit around the house, she wanted to out and do the things all the other humans do. Even if for just a few days...Going to a place humans go to, interacting with them, it all seemed amazing. I want to go. She thought again to herself.
I hope I haven't just done something terribly stupid, Summer thought as she turned back to the stove. "Well then, I'll finish up breakfast then we can eat and leave," she said stirring the eggs in the pan. She reached to crack the remaining egg when she wondered, does she have clothes to wear? Surely she wont wear the clothes she is. How can I word this? "So uh...Are you going to change clothes or...?" She said, keeping her eyes on the process of egg cracking to hide the embarrassment of asking such a thing.

(I'm assuming Skye is wearing one of two things: pajamas or clothes from synapse. Sorry if this is Bunnying, the controlling others characters thing, but it is logical sorta)
(You weren't bunnying at all, sorry I should've said more on my characters appearance before)

Skye looked down at her clothing. Humans don't where clothes like these. She realized. But she didn't have anything else to where. "Can I..." she started then paused wondering if it would be okay to ask to borrow clothes from Summer. It would be okay right? I can ask master something like that. She thought. "Can I...borrow..some clothes from you?"
Of course she doesn't have clothes moron, Summer thought as she turned to look at Skye again, its not like she was carrying luggage when you met her. "Not sure it will all fit right, but sure. Stuff for school is in the dresser in my room," she said then turned back to the counter retrieving a fork for the eggs from a drawer, "Anything in there is fair game." She began to beat the eggs with the fork turning to see if Skye wanted to say or ask something.
Skye couldn't help but smile. "Thank you." she said delighted.

(sorry it's such a short post but I wanted to tell you this. I have a friend who may want to join, that's cool right? She'd prolly join in once our characters got to school and be Summer's friend or something.)
(yeah thats fine, just so long as she knows I'm new and such)

Summer turned back to the stove and stirred the eggs in the pan again. Realizing they where ready she pulled out a plate from one of the cabinets and scooped the eggs out. She set the plate on the dinning table and then poured the new eggs into the skillet. I really hope I don't regret this, she thought as she added pepper and salt to the eggs.
(kay cool)

Skye sat there happily and watched Summer cook. I'm going to be able to go to school, just like a human. she thought to herself smiling. She was happy to do the same things others do and be normal. School will be exciting and fun. Perhaps she'd make friends. To be able to have more friends would be awesome. She looked around and waited patiently for Summer to finish cooking.
Summer turned the heat up underneath the skillet before tossing the dirty bowl and silverware into the sink. Hopefully she can keep a low profile in classes, she thought as she pulled down a plate for the next serving of eggs. She flipped the eggs briefly before going back to the sink to rinse off some of the eggs from the bowl. And hopefully she doesn't ask ridiculous questions while I'm not around, her thought continued as she stirred the eggs again before scooping them out onto the plate. She retrieved two forks from the drawer and brought the plate and silverware over to the table. Sliding one plate, now with fork, towards Skye she sat and began to eat herself.
Name: Tyler Foley

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species (angeloid, human, or angel): Human

Abilities (if any): N/A

Background/Personality: Tyler, or Ty as his closer friends call him, is one of the more popular boys at school. He is involved in baseball and plays some piano. Despite his popular status, Ty has secrets. He hides his poor upbringings and good grades in hopes of being socially accepted by his peers. He isn't always the mean one - He'll put up a front, but he knows when enough is enough. He and Summer have been friends since freshman year - met out on the fields during their practices one day (if that's cool) and has grown close.



Other: He's single and ready to mingle....but with Summer's new 'friend', things may get interesting....
Skye picked up the fork and looked at curiously remembering that's how humans eat their food, with utensils. She began eating the eggs just like Summer did. These are good. She decided and continued eating until there was nothing left. Now I put the plate here. She thought as she walked over to the sink and set her plate down. Now she had to get ready for school. She headed upstairs to Summer's room and looked in the dresser. Master said I could wear anything. She thought and picked out something she thought a human would wear, A pair of jeans and a pretty green shirt, and changed into it.
Zhia said:
Skye couldn't help but smile. "Thank you." she said delighted.
(sorry it's such a short post but I wanted to tell you this. I have a friend who may want to join, that's cool right? She'd prolly join in once our characters got to school and be Summer's friend or something.)
I will!
Summer smirked at Skye's behavior in the kitchen. Quick learner, she thought, at least she didn't have to ask how to eat. She finished up her breakfast and placed her plate in the sink as she heard Skye go up to change. Summer collected her things for school, cell phone, keys, backpack, and softball gear. She shoved her cellphone into her pocket after checking the time. It was 7:30 and the pair needed to be leaving. She pulled on her backpack and called upstairs, "We need to be heading out!"
Skye rushed downstairs. "Okay." She tilted her head looking at summers backpack and softball gear. "Why do you need all that?" she asked Summer. Why didn't she have those things? Were they human-only things? 
(er kinda it's Skye's first day but i guess it can just be the first day in general too)
"Well the backpack is for papers and stuff, and the other has my things for softball practice in it." Summer paused as she pulled the front door open, "We'll get you a bag later for now we need to go or we'll be late." Hopefully there aren't any overly ambitious teachers wanting to do work today, she thought as she held the door open, keys in hand.

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