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Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something


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Rping will start in the interrogation room where the two Beta's and their Alpha are trying to get information from the five freshly created Wolves are in their territory. The three Pack Wolves have no idea what happened to them and can not explain why they can't remember their night of changing or who changed them.
Sin sat in his chair across a large iron table. The room was not exactly designed for so many people to be inside of it at once. The alpha took a long slow drag from his cigarette, his mismatched eyes never leaving the lot before him. At first glance, the alpha didn't exactly look like a threat. Although he was tall, he wasn't particularly buff looking. He just seemed average, a medium build guy who looks like he could easily be enjoying a nice coffee at a coffee shop. Not one to be the ring leader of an underground wolf pack. Beyond his general appearance, he was a very handsome face. Long fingers and a sort of dark charm about him.

He ran a hand through his black hair and finally spoke. "So. Tell me. What are you.....outsiders doing in our territory? People have been killed for less you know. Are you from another pack? Is this a declaration of war?", he let each question linger for a moment before asking the next. He wasn't stupid, the human world was expanding to fast, the werewolves were being pushed further and further underground. Seattle was one of the last places where a wolf could roam free in the nearby woods. But even that was starting to become a problem. The local police had gotten word of large animals in the forest, and rangers were investigating. In truth, the pack was under a lot of stress, adding that with these unknown wolves, it made the alpha a very mistrusting individual.

He looked around at his betas and the outcast. "Someone please explain what happened here. Betas, where did you find them?", he looked at the outcasts, "And you guys. Where did you come from anyway? Your scent is...strange."
I raise my head, eyes connecting with his then lowering them. Something, whatever beast was inside me, told me he was stronger than me and I was passing a boundary by locking eyes. I had heard that before, that Wolves keep their head low away from their leader, the...Alpha? Is that what he was? An Alpha? Geez, if only I had watched a few more movies on that kinda stuff.

"Outsiders? Where are we? I've lived in Seattle all my life, so if we're anywhere out of it, you've dragged me here. And that's not my fault. And by the looks of this place, it does look like you've killed a few people. War? Man you guys are serious about this stuff, huh?" she laughed, looking around. Then she caught on. Pack? "A Pack? Like, as in Wolves? So, you're a Wolf too?" Sarah sat up, eyes on his chest, that being the highest her Wolf would let her look.

"Listen, buddy, I have no idea what I am anymore. I go out for a drink with my friends and the next, I'm lying in the center of the forest with those four," she points to the other Runaways. "Listen, maybe someone did this to me or some weird ritual was performed, I don't know. All I know is that I blacked out and I woke up with the second voice in my head."
Astraia had little sense of what was going on in the current situation so she tried to understand by letting the dark haired guy and Sarah talk. Maybe she could get some answers from listening for now. For some reason, though, something about the guy made her want to keep to the shadows, to stay unseen- to cower. He seemed to exuded power she'd never encountered before and the voice in her head, her... wolf, told her that she was right to feel that way. Her thoughts started to stray to plotting a safe escape for her and her friends. So far she didn't trust the unfamiliar people. She stayed with her arms crossed and somehow managed to look as if she had better places to be and she that wasn't trying to figure out the quickest and safest way to get her and her friends out of there.

Something Sarah said caught her attention and made her stop her plotting. He can change too? She thought. That may explain his weird vocabulary. The guy whom Sarah was speaking to said things like, pack, territory, and betas. Him saying betas especially confused her seeing as she's never heard it used unless someone was talking about a new video game.
"A-Astria, is it? Tell the big brute that we have no idea as to what's going on! Everyone's got the same answer; we don't remember! Something inside is telling me not raise my voice at you but I'm sorry that I'm kinda freaking out! You got us in some basement right after we woke up with some weird trick to turn into some oversized dog and now you're trying to question us on topics we don't know!" she looked slightly desperate, panic in her eyes. Then she closed then, took a deep breath and sighed. "Sorry. I-I got carried away. I'm just trying to prove our innocence," Sarah spoke softer.

"Beta means second in command," Sarah responded suddenly, not knowing exactly where the answer came from. No one had spoke yet she knew it was from Astria. "God, did I just read a mind? You...Can you help us? At least just get a hang of it then we'll be out of your hair- excuse me- fur and off your territory," she bowed her head.
Astraia could clearly hear the panic in Sarah's voice, but she didn't move until she heard her answer her question. The question that she had wondered in her head. When she heard Sarah's answer, her eyes grew wide and she was momentarily confused. Had she really read her mind? Her brow furrowed and she felt a headache coming on. This was starting to get a bit much.

She uncrossed her arms and walked over to where Sarah was and stood next to her. She wanted to look the guy straight in his eyes, but she was still unable to so she looked down at the table. "Look, eh... mister, everything she's said has been true. We don't know what's happened to us or what exactly we are. I mean, we have some idea, but come on. First we're human, then the next thing we know we're... not?" Astraia closed her eyes and wearily rubbed her forehead, trying to alleviate some of the pain in her head. "I agree with Sarah. Having some questions answered and lessons taught would help a ton. As she said, we'd all be out of your... what did you call it? Territory? Yeah, we'll all be out of your territory quick as The Flash."
The two siblings stood, in a relatively similar position, with their arms crossed. The brother, Malcolm, looked decently more serious and solemn than his sister, Alysia, but she did however not look exactly friendly and approachable at that time. They watched silently, standing off in the darkness yet still in a protective stance of the alpha, as they had been born to do. In a way, they looked like body guards. Malcolm more so, him being a fair amount taller than Alysia, but she too possessed adequate defense resources.

Malcolm began to pace a bit, not moving too far away from Alysia, who was currently watching the alpha interrogate the outsider. Her brother hadn't shown a hint of mercy or care, but Alysia genuinely looked concerned for the female's well being. No doubt if she said something Malcolm would nudge her in the rib with his elbow, and even if he tried to be gentle she wasn't exactly looking forward to a bruise on her side the next morning. So she remained standing, watching, her electric blue eyes, darting from one speaker to another, illuminated in the weak light.
Sarah resisted the sudden urge to growl. Ugh, would it always be like this? "Listen, we're innocent people who got mixed up in something that they weren't suppost to. I mean, look at us! Do we look like spies from another Pack? Or people who would turn into dogs? I mean, work with us here," she spoke, standing as well. She supposed the two...twins? They looked alike but she would call them brother and sister for know. She supposed the two siblings beside him were what he called Beta's. See? She knew things.

"Ask them!" she pointed to the two gruff and tuff kids beside him. "Ask them where they found us. How they found us. We were disoriented and freaking out. To add on, those two came strolling from the shadows like Vampires," Sarah shuddered, realizing if Wolves were real then so might be those Vampires.
Sin had simply sat aside and watched the exchange. He was gathering information, as he always did. He noted how these outsiders acted, how unstable they were. It told him many things, he didn't need his wolf to tell him that. These...these strays couldn't even control their own wolves it seemed. Something that was taught to pups before their fifth birthday if they are born into a pack. He took another slow breath from his cigarette, letting the smoke drift out from between his lips. He glanced at his betas, more-so, Malcolm who felt the need to endlessly page. Sure, Malcolm was a security beta, but did he really thing Sin couldn't handle a few new werewolves? Sin rose from his chair when Sarah had her outburst. A huge hush fell over everyone, and with one step after another, Sin crossed the room. His gloved hand sliding gently over the table as he walked to the other side. He eyed the outsiders, one by one, and stopped in front of Sarah.

Sin let out a single growl. Such a sound who's power was unmatched, and even the room seemed to shutter at the sound. It wasn't particularly loud as much as it was packed with a rumbling, primal power. An alpha's voice was their most important attribute, because it was by sound and thought an alpha commanded it's pack. The growl was easily enough to scare off any small pest, and sometimes it even sent experienced wolves scurrying back to their dens. Sin took a final drag of his cigarette, and now it was finished. He put it out in and ashtray. The whole time he had smoked it he had observed, but now, now it was time that he spoke.

Sin stood over Sarah, or rather, he towered over her. Power was always at play within the werewolf world. Weakness meant death, and disloyalty was unheard of. Even lawless werewolves found it hard to resist the urge of the pack. Even those omegas who lived a sad life of banishment longed to return home. So, where in the world did these runaways fit? And more so, if a werewolf was going around doing this, why? Sin cleared his voice and spoke, "Well. It seems your no threat for the time being. So. Sit down for some hard facts. My name is Sin. And the Seattle that you've lived your whole life living in is nothing but a lie. This is the territory under the pack known as the Clearwater tribe. As alpha, I have taken the name Clearwater as my own surname. While in the streets, you may not approach me, and you must continue your lives as they were before. Drawing suspicion to yourself is dangerous and WILL get you killed. Do not ever refer to us or yourself as...dogs.", he spat the last word out as if it was repulsive, "We are a noble creature and we deserve such respect."

He turned to the betas. "If I can not get answers from them. Then you two tell me where you found them. In town? By the river? The west meadows? I need details. If this is the beginning of something...we have planning to do. But at the same time", he looked at the runaways. "We can't let you run a muck of this empire we have build. It takes hundreds of years to acclimate you human life, to keep out existence hidden, and I won't be the first alpha to let this peace slip from between my fingers."
Malcolm inhaled the scent of smoke. He could smell the nicotine, giving his heart a bit of a rush, as it always did. Occasionally he'd have a cigarette, or even a cigar, but what he particularly enjoyed was the scent. Unlike Alysia who had once found it hard to properly contract oxygen with such a substance in the air, but since she was a beta and practically had to be at the Alpha's beck and call 24/7, she had gotten used to the scent of Sin's habits, and it was virtually second nature to her now. Of course getting outside after being stuck in a room full of smoke was still just as refreshing as it had always been.

"Do not refer to us or yourself as dogs." The Alpha commanded.

"We are noble creatures, and we deserve such respect." He said, the words coming out in such a forced way it seemed as if he was trying to remove poison from his tongue.

Alysia acknowledged every word with diligence. The sound of Sin's firm voice replaying like a broken record in her mind, on a continuous loop that only made her sympathy for the stray grow. Her expression softened, while Malcolm remained solemn, his posture erect in an earnest manner. Sometimes Alysia questioned if he would ever show his emotions to anyone besides his family, because she'd seen them, alright. But she averted her attention the the priority at hand.

Then she saw Malcolm step forward, his strong facial bone structure illuminated, and he spoke.

"We found her in a clearing in a forest earlier this evening." He said with a deep voice, his chin lowered.

So he could just blurt out and say whatever the hell he wanted to, and she couldn't talk? Alysia glared harshly at Malcolm, and if it were possible there'd be daggers shooting out of her eyes and into his back. The nerve of that kid. When this was over he'd never hear the end of her disapproving opinion.

The growl from the Alpha sent an immediate shudder down her back, a warning that this was a dangerous path she was treading. But Sarah kept her head as is. She wanted to lower it, to shake and beg and whimper. Such...odd desires. Sarah shook alright but she kept her head in place, lowering her eyes. It was probably a defiance to what he wished but that was her. She would bow at no man. At no woman. No matter if it got her killed.

"Listen. I understand that this is...an odd bunch you've been presented. Sure and I understand that the term dog offends you. Sure, I can comply. But you expect me to walk around now, act like you or this entire...whatever this is doesn't exist, to not pretend that being like this affects my daily life?! I should go to a doctor and just submit myself as a lab rat, maybe that way I'll die knowing another species would be discovered, but I won't. You talk about respect for your kind. I'm your kind as well. Where's our respect. You see, I know you guys are afraid that we might screw up your little world here but trapping us in some dungeon and growling at us, knowing it has this kind of effect on us, is not respect," she dared raise her eyes, the Wolf inside her burning and scratching to get out. Sure, this'll get her in some deep shit with the master Wolf but too bad. She would go down kicking, more like scratching and biting, then go down peacefully.
For the first time since she found out she was no longer human, Astraia felt fear. It came in the form of a cold that was so gripping it caused her to forget about the pounding headache she had. The growl that he let loose seemed to resound in her and shake her bones. Her dark brown eyes had grown wide at the animalistic sound that he made. She new that what she just witnessed was just a small glimpse of the power the man held and she made a mental note to try not to do something too dumb around him. At least until he was used to her and the rest of the people who came with her.

When he finished speaking, Astraia steeled her nerves and crossed her arms again. 'So his name is Sin Clearwater,' she thought as she returned her expression to her previous slightly exasperated look. 'And his pack is called the Clearwater tribe. At least we have some answers and he doesn't plan on killing us.' She knew that Sin was more than capable of killing all of them and she was more than a little happy that he had yet to decide to. When one of the betas stepped forward and spoke, she looked him up and down, getting a proper look at him. Earlier she had been too flustered to pay attention, but now that she looked, he seemed to be around her age and had the face of a model. As she looked at him, Astraia's expression of exasperation slipped off and was slowly replaced with curiosity. Was everyone of power so young or was it some werewolf trait that made people look it? She averted her gaze back to the large iron table as she listened to Sarah converse with Sin again.
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This one had moxie and spunk, both of which in private Sin would have respected. But not here, not when the outsiders could feed off her rebellious energy and when his pack could see him be looked at in such a way. Sin, needless to say was a strange alpha. When pack business was not needed, he spent all his time away from the den. But, when he put his alpha face on, it was like he was a whole different person. His pack really didn't know to much about him either. And there were a few of his secrets that he kept only to himself. A darkness and distance always surrounded him, but right now, he couldn't retreat to it. He couldn't bow-out and turn tail like this. Not when this outsider was speaking in such a way, not when his own wolf was getting agitated by it. That scratching she felt of her wolf, it was multiplied with him. Even his years of self control were starting to run thin as she mouthed off. He should have gotten rid of her long ago, which left the question of why he even let these outsiders live. Any other pack would have slaughtered them without this interrogation. Without a single hint of regret, but Sin didn't. These outsiders didn't understand how lucky they were, or even that they were quickly approaching the end of their rope.

Sin turned around, his eyes flickering between human and wolf. This was his absolute last straw before someone got their throat slashed. As human as the werewolves try to appear, they are little more then monsters who wear human skin. That primal hate and rage bubbling under the skin every second of every day. He felt a pounding headache quickly coming over himself. For an alpha, he held a lot of power, but do to an illness, his body could suddenly get very weak. Only a select few of his pack knew about it, and he certainly never showed it. Sin gave one last inch of rope to Sarah as he spoke his closing words. If only she knew how far she had truly strayed. Sin didn't rule by fear, he ruled by respect and with the ability to demonstrate his dominance. Down here, the laws of humans were worthless, all that reigned in the den, the only thing that really mattered, was pack law.

"Your damn right I expect you to live a normal life. Injuries are dealt with within the pack. Sickness, birthing, it's all handled in here so you DON'T become a lab rat. As for respect. That is something you earn. Not even the pup of a great Alpha is born to nobility. Respect is earned by working hard and proving yourself. Not snapping back at me like a child. I suggest you listen to your wolf. It will stop you from getting your throat ripped out. Until further notice you are forbidden from leaving the den. If you prove you can handle your wolves we'll let you go. If not...well. There is a reason why only 1 in...", he looked over the group, "5 created werewolves live to see their third full moon. Your not the first of your kind we've seen. If you want to be a werewolf, act like it. If you want to give up, I'll have no problem putting you down. The laws of humans mean nothing to us. That urge you feel, that scratching, pulsing, burning desire. That is what rules. We can do thing humans can't. No matter what, you'll never be human again. You'll always be a werewolf.", he stepped back to his side of the table, "tell death.", he sat down once more. Even in the pale light, it was obvious he was getting paler, not quite a sickly pale, but he was quickly approaching that point.

"Malcolm. Please got get something for them to eat. Alisha, please come here", he gave direct order to his betas. However, he didn't even look at them. He knew they were good, loyal wolves. They didn't need to be babysat, they did as they were told. Because of this, Sin took good care of them, and they got to do things some of the other pack didn't. Loyalty pays off here. Just like in the wild. Appeasing and alpha and proving yourself raises ranks, disregarding orders lowers it. If you piss off an alpha to much, you might become an Omega, pack-less wolf, or worse, just killed.
Sarah was a bit...tiffed off. Even her Wolf wanted him to turn around and listen to her scrabble for the last word but she wouldn't. She didn't want to tell him he'd regret trying to make her look like a fool. She wasn't going to hurt him, just prove him wrong. Show him she was more than Pack worthy; she was Alpha worthy. She wasn't going to kill him for it, like she'd read Wolves did but she sure would gain the trust of the Pack and maybe make herself Alpha. Beat him out of his job. She was a good leader and she knew it. Sure, this sounded near insane and her Wolf totally disagreed but she'd give it a go.

"I'm gonna guess you've done that math, huh?" she muttered, almost bitterly. How would he know? Has he turned Humans to test them? Did he turn them. "Astraia," she spoke softer, looking her in the eyes. She had heard her little comment about him not deciding to kill us. "Don't get your hopes up," she spoke gravely, seeing as the one was...difficult. Although, her Wolf felt...empathy for him. Something seemed to be sick about him. Not cool, actually sick. As if he had a fever. So maybe this was why he was being so standoffish. Or maybe it was just an Alpha thing.

"Hey. Sin, if you don't mind me calling you that," he inner Wolf rolled her eyes at the show of submission, "you alright? Might sound odd, or maybe it's easy for you Wolves to smell, but you smell sick. My Wolf at least said you were. I don't like the smell," she narrowed her eyes, watching him. Sarah sat close to Astraia, ready to snatch up her right hand girl in case the guy gets angry at her and lunges.
Alysia tried her best to wipe out any opinions she had lingering in her head and focus on the subject at hand.Although the fiery ginger seemed to be taking the lead in the argument, Sin quickly snapped his place as number one back with his response. Typical alpha behavior. He was born in such a way that everything he did, he'd naturally be the best at. No questions asked. At least, that's how Alysia viewed the situation.

Obediently, Alysia moved forward at the Alpha's request. Malcolm had already hurried out of the room, with a glance at the two runaways, the redhead with the cherry lips in particular. With that he was gone.

As Alysia awaited Sin's future orders, Malcolm entered the room again with two bags of cheap potato chips and bottled waters. He placed them in front of both of the hostages, holding his intense dark stare on the girl he'd been looking at earlier before pulling away and returning to his initial stance, only now he stood behind his sister who was now beside the Alpha.
Sin was expecting a cocky response from Sarah again, a snippy comment that easily could get her killed. She may be strong enough to be an alpha, but there was a critical element that she lacked. That was the common sense to fallow her wolf. As for her butting him out of his spot, she would have to kill him for it. Sin was not new to murder, and even the cold blooded kind. He had done what he had too to save his pack more then once. Even when they had to go west and completely obliterate another pack down to the very last pup. It was that sort of thing that no one understood about being an alpha. The choices they make could kill everyone they hold dear. That your only as good as your last choice, and loyalty meant more then life. A world Sarah had barely dipper her to into, and to think of such a position at the gate, it was alarming. Such thinking is worth killing someone over.

However, what she did say surprised him. It wasn't a secret he got sick often, but his pack didn't exactly know why. He made sure to keep up his alpha status even when he was bed ridden. His smoking had nothing to do with the illness, despite popular belief. He leaned back into his chair, crossing his arms as he dropped his voice into a low, somber tone. "Don't worry yourself with my condition. It your own that you should prioritize..", he turned his head to Alysia. "In the main bathroom medication cabinet there is a cigarette box, please bring it to me. Also, I'm going to leave you in charge of watching them for the night.", he looked at Malcolm, "You know. Chips and water isn't much of a dinner. And also. Stop the staring you know much much I hate that intense glare of yours...", he raised an eyebrow. There was a decent sized kitchen at the den, stocked with a wide array of food, so, bringing something so small seemed odd.
Sarah looked at the food and shrugged. She wasn't one to eat a lot. She honestly could survive on that water. Her busy life as a previous self defense trainer kept her on her toes, even after she had retired out of the army. Way too much of the dirt. She could kill but she didn't like the blood on her hands. She could lead a team but couldn't bear the thought of losing. No, that was her downfall; her own doubts. "Right now, it my priority. Seeing that I'll be in this...den for a while. I'd like to say that my captures health is an issue. Don't want to die down here because you went to the hospital and forgot about us," she teased softly, sitting back in her seat.

This man...he was odd. Right now, she was itching to shift or change or whatever it was called and speed past him. He was sick; take advantage, was what her Wolf said. Either take him out or sneak around him. And sneaking will be hard. But she wouldn't kill him. Nope, no way. The blood on her hands would give her nightmares for much too long.
Sin rolled his eyes. "Don't pretend to care if you don't girl. Besides, I'm not going to die any time soon.", he noticed that her eyes started to linger toward the door behind Sin. His lips pressed into a thin line as he tapped his finger on the table slowly. "Running will get you killed. Until now I've been pleasant. You take one attempt at that door and I will drop you. Never underestimate a werewolf. I might look sick, but I assure you I am well enough to out speed you and beat you by pure power. You won't be here long as long as you behave. Otherwise, we have much smaller accommodation for ruffians. You want to call your wolf a dog? Then I'm sure we can find a dog cage for you. Stop digging your own grave, your on my last nerve."

He said strictly. He hated to be this way, a real prick, but, it had to be done. If he had to choose between his pack and the feelings of some strays, his choice was obvious. He had made mistakes, terrible ones before. He let a stray by him, and it ended in the death of his best friend. He had no trust for strays, they were walking hazards. "If you want, feel free to change. It's a safe place after all. Eventually, you'll find your wolf form easier to control, and more pleasant to be in."
She flinched. "Glad to see I'm under such kind rule," she tried for being sarcastic but it actually sounded hurt. Her life had never been threatened, even as she stood out in Iraq and was shot at. Out there, you killed for a cause. This guy...she lowered her eyes, giving up. "Naw. I'm not hungry and I'm certainly in no mood to change," she muttered, mostly to herself. She had yet to turn into her Wolf and wished to keep it that way. She was scared mostly but she wanted it to be...special. Not cornered in a basement with some sickly yet snarling Alpha on her back.

Sarah turned away, not wanting to look at him. He had no reason to act like this. He should know some newbie Wolf wasn't going to go for the kill of try to hurt his Pack. She was only scared and so was her Wolf. Slightly claustrophobic too. She honestly just wanted to be out in the fresh air, to not be cramped in a room full of anger and fear and some other sick scent all mingling together.
The alpha said nothing while his betas were gone. Simply sitting quietly in the silence. He looked over at them for a moment, and then back at the door. The chicken smelled good, but the alpha was much happier to receive the box. He took it from the sister, and nodded to them both. "Thank you.", he put the box in his front pocket. It contained his medican, but he would wait to take it tell after he was away from here.

Sin stood up from his chair. He felt he had gathered the information he needed. Now, it was time to form search parties and alert his pack of a new danger that may be on the rise. He turned away and let himself change. Despite how ass-holish he seemed to be, he wasn't a bad guy. He was just doing all he could do to try to keep his pack safe. He wanted nothing more then their happiness, and for them to be able to live the nice lives they had earned. Not to be forced to flee and live in the frozen tundra of Russia like so many werewolves had been forced to do. Being compromised spelled death for any werewolf pack.

He let his form complete fall into his wolf form. It was a single, fluid motion. No pain, no snapping sounds, like he was really a wolf. And, it was also apparent why he was an alpha. He. Was. HUGE! A massive black wolf with the signature mismatched eyes of his human form. A real giant among wolves, where anyone's head could have easily fit in his mouth. A one man army, who could fight off any foe. His paw was easily the size of a medium sized baseball glove, and his fur was black as night. He turned back once to look at the outcast, letting out a small whimper, and bowed his head. It didn't take a werewolf to know it was a humble good-bye.
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Both Alysia and Malcolm, nodded simultaneously. Alysia lead the way, opening the door, which gave way to a small sliver of warm and comforting light for just a moment, until they closed it behind them and the darkness in the room returned to it's full state.

"Way to screw things up." Alysia hissed at Malcolm, who looked a bit flustered.

"I didn't think he wanted a proper meal for those outsiders." Malcolm protested, glaring at Alysia.

"Whatever, she said, cut off by the two turning their separate ways, Alysia to the brightly lit bathroom and Malcolm back to the kitchen.

Malcolm started off towards the fridge, and removed the leftovers of a small chicken. He washed his hands, and put pieces of the breast into a microwavable bowl. When the timer went off, he removed the bowl from the oven and moved the chicken to two plates, drizzling some already heated gravy on it. As he walked back to the fridge to get a few baby carrots for the side, Malcolm wondered why Sin had cared for the runaway's meals. Maybe it was just an alpha thing. There were so many things he had yet to discover about their leader.

Meanwhile, Alysia in the bathroom had opened the medicine cabinet and was hurriedly searching for a pack of cigarettes upon Sin's request. She spied a box of Newport and quickly grabbed it, shutting the cabinet silently, and flicking off the light switch before leaving the room.

The two entered around the same time. Alysia first, both with their order's requirements met. Malcolm carefully set the plates on the table in front of the young women, and returned to stand behind the alpha, only his gaze now on the floor.

Alysia approached Sin, and held out his cigarette pack with a little bit of a sense of pride. She liked earning her loyalty, and so did Malcolm. Betas took pleasure in pleasing the authority, or hierarchy in any case.
Astraia was impressed with what Sin said about respect being earned, but not with the fact that he was putting Sarah and her under house arrest. She could feel the wolf in her become unsettled at the mere thought of having to stay down there longer than she had to. A frown promptly found its place on her face as she and she sat down in the seat next to Sarah. When she heard her name softly called, she looked to Sarah and was again surprised by the words that had left her mouth. She had forgotten that her companion could somehow read her thoughts. She nodded once to show she understood. She was right, of course. They couldn't be so prepared to let their guard down around these people. From what she's heard from Sin, she knew that he'd do anything for his pack and get rid of anything, or anyone, he felt posed a threat.

Hearing Sarah comment on Sin's health caused Astraia to take a deep breath in to see what she was talking about. Now that she was aware of it, she smelt something that had a sharp, sour scent to it that caused her to wrinkle her furrow her eyebrows. 'Can all animals smell things like this?' she wondered as she watched the guy she was looking at before leave the room. She watched the brown haired girl he was standing with walk forward and to stand next to Sin. She and the other beta had yet to be introduced and she was made a mental note to ask them the moment she had an opportunity.

When the second beta entered the room again and approached Sarah and her, Astraia watched as he set the food he had got for them down. Her own gaze was unwavering as she met his intense stare, but looked back down at the table when he moved away. She again silently listened to the exchange between Sin and Sarah until she heard the sound of a chair scraping against cement. She looked up in time to see Sin change into his wolf. "Oh. My. Goodness," she said in amazement as her eyes grew wide at the sight of his wolf. When he let out a whimper and dipped his head, she hesitantly raised her hand and said, "Bye?"
Sarah took a look at him and sighed. She bowed her head, reluctantly, and then turned back to her companion, Astraia. She wanted to shift as well but...she felt as if he would feel intimidated. No way was she going to say anything. She couldn't risk the Wolf turning rabid and snapping at her. Sarah stared at the food with an almost disgusted look that he'd offered it but meekly nodded her head in thanks. When he turned his back she slid the plate over to Astraia. She wasn't hungry. She knew the Alpha would see her turn down of the food but she needed to make a statement.

Her stomach was silent at the time, not even the smell of food stirred her Wolf. I think I'm scared. She thought to herself, realizing in horror what could happen if he smelt it on her. He'd tear into her, the image almost vivid in her mind. She knew he'd kill the weak link, someone afraid of the Alpha was dangerous. So she faked a smile to Astraia and went back to staring at the wall.
Astraia hadn't noticed the two betas leave the room, so when she heard the clack of a plate being set down in front of her, she slightly jumped in surprise. She quickly looked up and saw the young man set down another plate in front of Sarah before turning away and going to stand next to Sin. 'If it turns out that werewolves can also teleport, this experience may end up being a lot better than I thought it would,' she thought. She had never heard of werewolves being able to teleport, but she knew that if they could, if she could, she would definitely use the ability to her advantage.

When Sarah pushed her plate towards her, Astraia furrowed her brows in confusion and concern. She knew something was wrong, her wolf was telling her something was wrong, but she wasn't sure what. She looked up at her friend, silently asking what was the matter, but Sarah just smiled. Astraia was hungry, but she didn't want to eat Sarah's portion. When she looked down, Astraia grabbed the water bottle that she was provided and opened it. The whole experience, from waking up to find out she was no longer human to bring interrogated by the Alpha, was weighing down on her, making her weary and tired. 'I wonder how these next few days are going to go,' she thought while taking a sip of water.
"Rough," Sarah snorted. "You think we're gonna pass through this like it's elementary? No, ma'am, they're gonna tear us up, but if I have to, I'm gonna be sure you're the one in five that lives through this," she muttered, her eyes still on the wall. She could hear the girl's voice clearly now, as easy as if she was talking. That was how she thought in the army, in the gym. The other one is to survive and if you're lucky, so will you.

"We should find another room. I ain't staying in here one more second than usual," her vision getting darker as her breaths became a bit shallower. The claustrophobia was slightly getting to her, her steps slightly...agitated. She started pacing, her Wolf howling and pawing just at the top of her skin, ready to unleash and bolt.

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