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And then we were not

(That's fine, hope you have fun. Oh, and I like CCR, and I can play the right-hand part of a few songs on the piano--'Beyond The Sea', 'Chopsticks', and maybe one more--, I cannot play the guitar, that's only something my character can do, and I can play the kazoo like nobody's business. But then again, who can't?

Now, to respond to the RP---)

"I can play the guitar, and sing a little," she told him, rubbing the back of her neck. "But I don't like playing for people."
"TOO BAAAAAAD" he said running back up the stairs and returning shortly after with a guitar in hand and a huge smile on his face. He handed the guitar to ria and she took it rather unacceptingly. He ran off to a nearby couch and sprawled out on it and closed his eyes. "Okay, im ready." He said still smiling

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"Uhg. Fine..." Ria sat down crosslegged on the floor and checked the tunning of the strings. Then she started strumming an accoustic version of 3 Doors Down's "Every Time You Go" (here it is, so you can get an idea--)[media]

"I savour every minute,

that you're here, that you're here with me.

Close my eyes and remember,

every breath, every memory.

Through all these sleepless night alone!

I still feel you.

Across these miles away from home!

That I never get used to--!

Every time you go,

you take a part of me, a part of me with you!

Every time you go,

I feel it in my soul,

every, every--!

Every time you go,

half what I used to be, when you were in my arms!

Every time you go,

you take a part of me! A part of me with you!"

She kept her eyes closed through the entire song, enjoying the music and the calm feeling it gave her to play it. Only opening them when she finished.

Chad clapped happily and cheered loudly. Then he got somber and and it showed on his face."you know what i just realized? If we never get out of here, we'll never hear a new song we didnt write ourself." He looked to the ground and a second later looked up and was cheerful again "oh well, its worth it to be here with you." He said "okay, its my turn" he said moving his way over to the large grand piano in the room. (I dont really play piano) and he started to play bleed like me by trapt."have your nails scratched the deepest

Have you broken skin this time

Made your mark and took me deeper

As you drown me with your eyes

Held my hand over your mouth

As you scream at me to feel

Felt my scars with understanding

But i cant promise anything

Can you tell

That i picked my poison well and i have no more to sell to you

Is it really that important that i settle down

Is it really that important that i have my doubts

I reach for the one who bleeds

I reach for the one who bleeds like me" he continued to sing and a tear traced its way across his face when he finished. "That song gets me every time"

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Ria walked over and sat next to him on the bench, right after he started playing.

And she saw the tear when he stopped.

That song gets me every time."

"How come?" she asked him softly, wiping the tear away with her finger, resting her hand on his shoulder.
" a few years back i tried to kill myself. Im not sure why i did and i wasnt sure at the time either. I just started to get really sad and i sank into the darkest place ive ever been. I didnt really have a reason. Either way that was the song that was playing when i said "F%&* it" and took a bunch of pills. The somg doesnt make me sad, its just that when i hear it i feel an echo of the pain i felt then." He smiled and started to play the piano feverishly and sang "great balls of fire" to change the mood (i sing that one at karaoke :)

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Chad didn't seem to want to talk about it, so Ria joined in, blaring the words.

She watcvhed him as he played. He looked so happy, just to be here, to be alive. And maybe to be with her.

When the song ended, she made Chad scoot over and she started playing (I can't really) "R.E.S.P.E.C.T" by Aretha Franklin.

"I'm about to give ya,

all my money.

And all I'm askin', in return honey,

is you give me, my profits, when you get home!

Yeah, baby! When you get home!

Ooh, your kisses,

sweeter than honey!

But guess what?

So is my money!

All I want you to do for me

is give it to me when you get home!

Yeah, baby, whip it to me!


Find out what it means to me!


Take care of TCB!

Ooh, a little respect!

Whoa babe, a little respect!...."
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She finished that song and immediately started another--

(Couldn't help it, it's so perfect♥...)

"All my bags are packed,

I'm ready to go,

I'm standin' here outside your door.

I hate to wake you up to say goodbye.

But the dawn is breaking, it's early morn,

taxis waitin', he's blowin' his horn.

Already I'm so lonesome, I could cry...

So kiss me and smile for me,

tell me that you'll wait for me,

hold me like you'll never let me go...

I'm leavin' on a jetplane!

I don't know when I'll be back again.

Oh babe, I hate to go."
The day turned into night and chad and ria sang and laughed. They ate food from off the tree. It was late and chad said, " we need to rest up, we got a big day tamorra. We have no idea what we're getting ourselves into. At any rate i'll walk you to your room. Chad and arlandria walked up the winding stairs and chad snatched her up and kissed her passionately, maybe a tad longer than he had thus far. He released her and smiled as he rested his forehead against hers and said "g'nite" before sitting in his chair outside her room.

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"Oh come on now! You know with our chiviralry talk earlier that I'm not going to let you sit out in this hallway in a chair all night! Come on." She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the chair and down the stairs into his room. She closed the door and shoved a chair under the handle.

"There. Now were both safe." She ran and threw herself onto Chad's bed long ways, propping herself up on her elbow. "Although I have no idea where you're going to sleep now," she added grinning.

Leaning up, she took his hand and quickly yanked him into a sitting position on the bed next to her, before she layed back down, adjusting her head on the lumpy pillow. She wondered how Chad was going to deal with this new situation. (She's still in the bikini, just in case you forgot ;P)
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Chad didnt know what to do. He always was the sort of go with the flow kind of guy. She pulled him onto the bed but the only reason. She was able to pull him anywhere was because he let her. He trusted her and she didnt disapoint. She laid sprawled on his bed in her two piece bathing suit invitingly, yet there was something more... like a subtle fear that comes with trying something new. Chad laid down next to her and looked into her eyes. He moved the hair from her face with his finger and said, " i dont know what you mean about where im gonna sleep? Cuz im gonna sleep in my bed, now where youre going to sleep is up to you, and being the gentleman i am, id never kick you out. My, what a predicament you find yourself in. On the one hand you know you want to sleep with me tonight, to feel my protective arms around you while we sleep, but on the other, youd hate for things to get lewd" He smirked and ran his index and middle fingers from her knee up her side and when he got to her face he cradled her chin between his thumb and index finger. He pulled her into a warm kiss and he inhaled sharply as their tongues massaged each-other

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(Damn it. You're getting me hot you little shit... ;P)

Sandra reached up and laced her fingers into his hair, loving the weird sensation of Chad's tongue in her mouth. She wraped her other arm around his waist, wanting to keep him close to her body, keep feeling his warmth, and the closeness of being together with him.
Chad grabbed at her back as they kissed and the kissing became more frenzied. Chad rolled on top of her and after a second he jumped off the bed to his feet. He walked around in an erratic pattern while shaking out his hands and breathing heavily. "That was close." He said with a nervous smile.

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Ria just layed there after he jumped up. Her mind was kind of blurry, like she couldn't really focus. Her lips were puffy, tender from his kisses. She rolled over on her side watching Chad scruuy around the room, like a chipmunk high on coffee. It made her laugh it was so adorable.

"I don't know why," she said still laughing, "but I always think it's cute when guys do that, try not to go any farther. It's beautiful--" she cracked up. She might have seen Chad's face turn red, but she wasn't really sure. She calmed down after a minute or two and sat up.

"So, what do we do now. Because you
are not sleeping in a chair outside my room. And we seemingly can't sleep together because I'm seemingly irresistable." She closed her eyes and thought for half a minute, then stood up.

"Okay. I got it: You will sleep here--" indicates his bed with her finger"--and I will sleep in the room nextdoor. And so you don't have to sit in the hall, I'll lock the door and shove a chair under the handle. Sound good, luv?" She smiled at her bad fake accent, stood on the balls of her feet to kiss Chad quickly, yanked the chair from the door and ran into the next room, closing and locking the door behind her (unless you catch me before that, but I'm not expecting that).
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Chad let ria leave the room. He smiled as he watched her sort of prance out of the room. The potion sort of reminded him of a spooked deer. He waited for a few minutes before leaving his room and went next door. The door was closed and he could hear arlandria making noise in a far part of the room. He nocked and asked, "are you decent?" She replied immediately. "Ya!" And chad took one step back and micked the door open, breaking the lock and sending the chair tumbling and sliding to the left wall. He saw her face and was ashamed at how he'd startled her. "If i can get in, so can they." He said and walked over to ria and gave her a quick peck on the lips before scooping her up and draping her over his shoulder. She struggled and protested a bit, but chad walked with her out of the room through the obliterated door and into his room and he set her very gently on the bed. He went over to the door and locked it. "Besides" chad said "we know that there are magical beings here who dont even need doors, so, youre staying with me." He smiled and crawled onto the bed next to her. He he placed his hand on the small of her back and slowly pulled her close to him again. "Dont worry, I'll control myself if you do" he whispered with a smirk as he looked into the deep pools that were her eyes
Ria grinned and touched his cheek with her fingertips, stroaking the line of his jaw.

"Okay. If you can, my prudish self definately can." She kissed his neck once quickly, smelling his scent, and turned over, wrapping Chad's arm around her waist and pressing her back against him. "We should get some sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow..." she pulled the sheet up over them and closed her eyes. "Good night, Chad..."
"Sleep well ria." Chad closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, using arlandrias breath to lull him. Before he knew it, light creeped into the room and he awoke. He was holding ria when he opened his eyes. He smiled and rolled away. The sound of the bed woke her and the two rose and grabbed some cinnamon buns from the tree along with some other foods and stuffed them in a large bag. Chad also packed some bottles of water and materials to make fire along with a few other essentials. He dawned his armor and ria did also. He supplemented his hardened leather with chainmail and thick padded cloth. In addition to his short celtic gladius he brought along a roman gladius in leu of a shield. He fixed them to his back and practiced reaching for them. He preferred to dual wield, but found short swords prefferable to the task. Long swords require a lot of wrist strength to swing and even more to fend off a blow, so if he was going to use a sword to do both, a short sword was easier to use. He turned to arlandria with a razor sharp focus she hadnt seen from him yet. "Are you ready?" He asked. His eyes almost fierce. Then his gaze softened and he smiled caringly into her eyes. "God only knows how long we'll be down there"
"Yep. Let's go!" Ria had picked a curved, Arabian style blade, and strapped a few daggers to her thighs. They grabbed their stuff and headed for the dungeon. (I'm just letting you take the reins here♥)
Chad and arlandria made their way down the stairs and through the wooden door. Inside the door, there was a large rat, exactly like the one before. The carcass of the old one was nowhere to be seen in the large square room. The rat was on the opposite end of the room and hissed menacingly. Chad drew his swords with the sound of scraping metal. The swords made a subtle ping as they left the scabbards. The ping of a sword leaving its sheath is quiet but roars of blood to be spilt. Chad started toward the rat and slew it with a single hack. He turned around with a smile. "Lets go" he said happily and they walked to the door they hadnt been through yet, but it was locked. "What the heck" he said. "Wait i know where the key is....unfortunately." He made a sad face as he approached the rat. He searched its body then cut open its undrside and after some rooting around emerged with a large old-fashioned key. He slid the key into the lock and turned it. They walked through hand in hand to the next room. This room was a long corridor and at the other end was a wolf, red at blood growling angrilly. Chad turned his head for a moment and found the doorway theyd come through was now just a barren wall.

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"Damn, that's a big wolf," Ria whispered, drawing her sword. The wolf attacked, jumping forward, and Ria sliced it across the nose. It just growled louder, pissed. The next time it jumped, she dodged to the right, cutting upward and slicing it's neck. She stepped back and wiped the blood from her face.

"Told you your chivalry isn't needed." She grinned and led them farther down the corridor.
"Ha!" Chads said, "letting you handle that one WAS me being a gentleman. I cant very well have all the fun now can i?" He shot her a smile over his shoulder as he searched the wolf for the key. Behind the next door was a room and a long "L" shaped corridor leading to another square room. However the space was much larger than the ones before. The walls were of hewn stone but there were lanterns giving off more light than should be expected. They lit the entire space. Chad and arlandria walked through the space for 20 minutes before seeing 3 wolves near the door. " ill take two of them as i have 2 swords. Ill need you to be right on me to take the third" chad said. He ran forward yelling gradually louder and higher pitched as he crossed the room "aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA" he stabbed two in the chest simultaneously and as the third went to bite him, arlandria hacked with her scimitar, nearly decapitating the canid. Chad smiled and took his forearm and whiped the flecks of blood from her face. He kissed her mouth and they were caught up in a moment. That was the first time theyd fought alongside each other. Chad saw something glisten in the lantern light and found the key on a rope around one of the wolves neck. He ripped it off with a "thwick!" And forced it into the key hole. He opened the door and they walked inside only to find this door too, had disappeared behind them once they were through the threshold.

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(You mind if I pick the next creature we face? I'll write it, and if you don't agree, let me know. But whatever we fight right now, I got dibs on killing it.♥)

They walked through the next door, it dissappearing behind them. And there was the next creature: a huge brown bear, muck larger than normal, and it had bright blue eyes, which gave it a cute look. But that idea came crashing down when it charged them, teeth bared, growling and roaring!
(We can alternate controlling rooms. Thatd prolly make it easier and more fair. If u want you can control me during ur turn)Chad was on point and the bear rose up on its hind legs in front of him. It swiped at him with nearly 10 inch claws . Chad rolled out of the way, now behind the bear, he drew one of his swords and dragged the blade across the back of the bears leg. It crumbled to the ground and roared ferociously. It rose up again only this time on its remaining 3 legs. It was leaking badly from the cut but rushed at chad again. He rolled away again just in time to avoid the massive animal from barreling into him. Chad was closer to arlandria and he sidestepped over to her. "Youre up!" He said as the bear turned around and started charging.

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(Okay. You can control me with in reason on your turn--meaning you can't...deflower...my character without my say-so. I swear I won't if you won't. I'll write my post later or tomorrow, alright.)
(I promise to be a gentleman as always....but i hold you to no such standard *wink wink nudge nudge say no more say no more*)

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