+++And Then Everything Stopped+++

Jordan pulled an old grey tanktop over her self; she slid into jean shorts and walked to her bathroom to get ready. About ten minutes later, she emerged with her hair in a ponytail and herself satisfied with how she looked. She made herself a bowl of cereal, and walked out onto their porch steps. She closed the door behind herself and sat on the lawn with sunglasses over her eyes. She ate casually as she looked up and down the street that went by her house. She finished her breakfast and washed her dishes once she was inside. She remembered the date and sighed to herself. She wished her mom and dad hadn't been in the crash. She walked out of the front door and began to walk down the street.

As she walked, she readjusted her sunglasses and pulled her headband back, keeping her loose hairs out of her face. She looked behind her and saw John. Not wanting to be weird, she looked to the cafes and softly hummed a song. She made her way to the Robertson Cafe and sat down on at a table in the front of the patio. She ordered an iced chai, and relaxed as she watched the day wear on.
Feeling as though John had over extended himself walking too much, he sat down, his right thigh throbbing. He ordered a coffee, a cafe latte. He rubbed his eyes, trying to shake away the tiredness he still felt, he checked the time he was unsurprised by the time. He often slept very late or very little, often both. Before the crash he had a definite sleeping pattern, 2100 hours sharp to bed 0600 hours up. Had been since he was 7.

He saw Jordan look at him, he looked back at her. He hated being stared at, especially with pitying looks. Like he was an inspiration just walking around. He hated that. He groaned slightly as his thigh murmured to him.
Jordan paid the waiter and began to stand up. She tried not to look over at John, she guessed it was hard on him to have all of this attention drawn to him because he survived the crash. She squeezed by all of the pushed out chairs and made her way to the side walk. "Excuse me." She softly as she cut infront of John's bench. She smiled a friendly smile and made her way down the street. She purchased some flowers from a floral shoppe, and began to walk to the cemetery.
Sam chuckled, "Aren't I supposed to open the door for you?" he asked her as he walked inside. The smell of fried food hits him, and all of a sudden he starts craving some bacon and eggs. He walks over to the waiter.

"How many?" the waiters asks politly.

"Just two," Sam answered as he grabbed Tammy by the waist and pulled her close to him kissing her forehead.
Tammy giggled softly, "Not today." She told him with a wink as they were welcomed by the waiter. She smelled the delicious fragrance that waivered around the room and felt herself smile and her stomach growl. She blushed softly when she felt Sam's arms around her waist. She smiled softly and pecked the tip of his nose, then kissed his cheek. She laid her head on his shoulder as the waiter came. She took his hand and walked to their seats. She sat down in a chair, then looked up at Sam, waiting for him to take his seat.
The smell of cooking started to remind him of the tragedy, of the aftermath specifically, the immediate aftermath. Feeling his heart race and his bloodstream filling with adrenaline, he got up noisily, scraping the table against the floor and his stick making metallic bangs against the furniture. He hobbled off, his coffee not yet arrived. He had not been out for weeks, stupid stupid, should've stayed in bed. He scolded himself with. He should go the cemetery, that girl went their and he needed to see someone too. He limped in the direction of the cemetery, crossing streets dangerously, swearing at cars that almost run him down.
Jordan walked through the gates, zipping her sweatshirt up. She walked down the path, but her attention was drawn to the streets. She saw the guy from earlier, and jumped when she saw him swerving from the cars. She ran to the gate and looked at these as he got onto the sidewalk. She didn't want to seem rude, but she was concerned about him. Even if they didn't know eachother. "Hey, are you ok??" She asked him curiously.
Sam smiled, he was going to ask her to be his official girlfriend. He loved how she took control at times, and then was shy when she wanted to be. The waiter came and lead us to our seats. Tammy sat down across from were he was going to sit down. Sam took a seat, and the waiter placed the menu's in front of them.
Tammy smirked as the waiter placed the menus infront of them. She looked up at him and then down, "Thank you." She said to him politely. The waiter left and she then examined the menu. "What are you going to get?" She asked Sam curiously. She knew what she was going to get, so she closed the menu and rested her elbow on the table. She sat back in her chair and smiled softly as she looked at Sam. She really liked him.
Dylan whistled as he walked down the sidewalk, he approached Amelia's home, and looked up at her. He then looked down and continued walking.
"The helicopter crash." He blurted out. Obviously he wasn't in his right mind, he was inches from a flashback. "You were there... you lost someone, right?" He asked Jordan feverishly.
Jordan looked at him and then at the cemetery, "Yes, I lost my brother and my parents." She told him, smiling softly. She could tell he had been injured. And then it struck him; he was one of the only people who survived the crash. "I'm Jordan." She told him.
"I'm sorry for your loss." He said genuinely, now catching his breath.

"I'm John." He panted. Holding out his left hand. "Can I come with you, I want to pay my respects."
Jordan nodded and brushed her hair behind her ear, "Thank you." She said to him, as she stuck her hand out. "Nice meeting you." She responded with a soft smile. "Of course you can come with me." She told him as she stood by his side. She then began to walk at a steady pace.
He walked beside her. After a few gut wrenching seconds of tension he asked.

"Were you there, when it happened?"
Jordan nodded, she looked at the path infront of them and then at John. "Yes, I was in the back seat of my brothers car when the helicopter crashed." She told him. "I got pieces of metal stuck in my sides and legs." She added. "You were there, weren't you." She asked, knowing that he had been.
He nodded. "I was hitchhiking, when it came down." He rubbed the ridge of his nose, recalling it perfectly. "I remember the court case, it was one hundred meters from me. Almost took my leg of, severed my femoral."
Jordan looked at him as they walked, "Wow." She said, looking at his leg and then at the ground. "You're really strong." She told him softly. She rounded a corner and got to the C's. "I'll be down a little ways." She told him as she made her way down the path. She found the graves of her parents and sat down in the grass next to them. She laid roses and flowers on their graves and 'talked' with them.
"Damned lucky is more like it." He then thought about how he wished he was the one who died. He went to the grave he needed to go to. He knelt down in front of it, there she is. The girl I loved, still do too, dammit, if I hadn't changed places with you. First time he'd been here since the funeral, he was still in a wheelchair then. She was an only child, and, it was his idea to hitchhike and go backpacking, he forced the point to her, he convinced her, she didn't really want to go, he dragged her along he felt. He put his right hand, his thumb and pointer finger over his eyes, he was crying. He should be the one in the ground, not her.
Jordan walked over to Harry's grave, she knelt down beside the tombstone and rested her head on the cold, hard rock. "I'm sorry Harr." She whispered, "You shouldn't have died." She added as she closed her eyes. She had forced him to take her to the movies. He told her he wasn't feeling good, but she made him go. Why couldn't she have been a normal teen and walked. She should be the one to die. She looked at her flowers and placed them at the head of his grave. She sat up and hugged her knees as she finished her 'conversation' with Harry.

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