+++And Then Everything Stopped+++

Grace giggled as she realized he had blushed after saying that, "Thanks, your cute when you blush," she said smiling a turning a light shade of pink.
Alex took out his phone and started typing in a message, party. tonight. 75 Bakers Drive. Spread the word. Any and everyone's invited it was short and simple, nothing more. He was having a party and wanted everyone there, even if he didn't know them, he would by the end of the night depending on how many people showed up. He added all of his contacts, which was probably at least half of the people in town under the age of twenty, and pressed send. He was hoping people would show but you could never really tell, but it didn't matter, the people who knew him would show and that was a fair few. People didn't always know him and he never really knew them but he knew of them so it made no real difference, he wasn't socially awkward and made friends easily most of the time. Putting his iPhone away he plugged in his ear buds and started skating down the street, there were just a few last minute things he needed to pick up at the store but other then that everything was all set. Since he lived on his own no one was there to say he couldn't have a party, any besides, his neighbors wouldn't call the cops if the noise was kept at a respectable level, but then again he didn't care if they did, they had before and he would just say things got out of control and that he was really sorry.

Claire smiled as she kept walking, she was out in one of the many fields of the town with her camera, taking pictures of the sun and different pieces of nature she thought would make a nice photo. But her music and focus was disrupted as she jumped and pressed the shutter, growling she pulled out her phone with a sigh, it was a stupid text from Alex saying he had a party on tonight and it had ruined her photo but she forwarded it to everyone she knew anyway. His parties were always good and promised a bit of rebelliousness. Of course she wouldn't call them friends, more acquaintances but that was good enough for her. Putting her phone back in her pocket she stood up and dusted off her cut off shorts and started to walk again, she had enough photos for one morning and it was a little chilly anyway. But she heard the sounds of little feet running through the field and some yipping. Looking around she saw a pair of dogs and smiled, turning on her camera again and starting to try and snap a few pictures of them as they played, but she didn't disrupt them instead she just kept going, heading back. As she left the field she saw the brother and sister of whom she knew the names but again didn't really know them, she saw them around from time to time but was always too shy to speak to the girl when her brother was around.

She thought he was cute and she always acted weird around cute guys and she didn't want to make a fool of herself, but it didn't matter anyway, he would never notice her, no one ever really did. But she was determined to make a new friend this summer and there was the opportunity of speaking to August, so why not? Claire started walking towards the brunette, her own blonder curls bouncing around as she did so as she bit her lip when she approached, giving a small, shy but friendly smile to them both. "Hi, uh, I'm Claire," She said, trying to sound calm.
"Yeah I live a couple blocks away from here. You from around here?" she said with s small smile on her lips as she played with her fingers in her lap.
Tammy glanced over at Sam as she made herself remove her gaze in his direction. She yawned a little and checked her phone; it had just buzzed with a be text. It was from Alex, and he said here was a party. His parties were always promising to be fun, and extremely rebellious. She slipped her phone back into the pocket of her shorts and regains he stance on th wooden bench. Tammy looked up as she hard a voice, "Hi!! I'm Tammy." She responded, glad she now had someone to talk to. "Sit down." She added, gently tapping the bench with her hand. She hasn't really talked to Claire before, all she knew about her was that her brother was Alex, and that they went to the same school. She wondered if she would actually go to Alex's party or not; seeing that she may or may not have any plans. Tammy turned her head slightly as she saw Sam walking back, but she remained focused on Claire. She didn't want to seem rude, allotted all that had just met a few moments ago.
"That's cool. So were do you go to school, I haven't seen you around much," she said as she stops playing with her fingers and puts them on the table.

Sam looked into the Cafe and noticed that Tammy was about to sit with a girl that he recognized from school. He wasn't very good with names, but he knew she went to school with him. Either way he was still wanting to get a drink so he walked inside, and got into line. He looked around and saw that Grace was also there talking to a guy, he saw him run a hand threw his hair and Sam sighed. IT wasn't like he liked when his sister talked to guys, or dated them, but it's his job as the older brother to protect her. The line moved and he was up at the cashier, "Can I get a water?" he asked and the cashier nodded as he placed in the order. Sam kept an eye on his sister, and the other was still looking at Tammy, "She's beautiful," he thought to himself as he waited for his water.
Tammy turned her head around, she had seen Sam again, and she wanted to get a closer look at him, she knew him from somewhere; school. They were in a few of the same classes together. She turned back to Claire, making sure that she was being nice and welcoming. She didn't want it to seem like she had anything Bette to do, or that she want interested in their conversation. Because she was. However, she did look back at Sam a few more times, looking at his body and figure. She turned her gaze away though, and looked at Claire. When she looked at Sam again, their eyes met? She felt her cheeks blush up, and she slowly snapped her eyes away. He looks great. She said to herselfand really cute. She told herself as she made her eyes stay on Claire.
Melody blushed again, quickly looking away to hide it. "Oh, um, sure." She said softly. She rarely did anything with other people, usually keeping to herself and reading books almost all day, so she barely knew how to react to his question. "That sounds fun." She gave a small smile.
Dylan noticed her quietness, and her blush as she turned around. "Great." He sad with a happy little smile. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, so just tell me if I am." He told her kindly. He didn't want to be awkward and too straight forward towards soneone he had literally just met.
"No, no. You're fine." She insisted. "I'm just... Not much of a socialite, I suppose." She smiled a little. "I usually just sit around and read all day. Lots of people make fun of me for it." She shrugged a little, as if the teasing didn't bother her at all. "So I'm not used to making plans with people. Especially with people who asked me first."
Dylan sat down, he looked over at her. "I don't ink you should be made fun of for reading." He told her as he looked at her and then the ground. "Well, I'll have to make sure you have fun tonight. Because no one deserves to be made fun of for doing something that they love." He said to her with a soft smile. He stood infront of her and held his hand out, "Come on, I have to take you somewhere." He said with a smile.
Melody blushed. "Thanks," she said with a cute grin crossing her face. He suddenly stood and held out his hand. Tilting her head to the side, she took it and let him help her up. She stuffed her current novel back into her bag and slung it over her shoulder as she followed him. "Where are we going?" She asked curiously.
Dylan smiled, he looked back at Melody, and then ahead of them. "Somewhere." He responded with a little smirk. He was very excited to take Melody to a special place. He navigated them through the crowd of people, and down an alley. He stopped in front of a bounce house. He turned to her and smiled, "Surprise!!" He said as he opened the door for her.
"Me too, but you don't look familiar," she said thinking if she had seen him around school she would have remembered his face. She looked over and she her brother standing there getting his water, and looking at a girl that seemed a bit familiar to her, "Probably goes to my school," she said in her head. She caught her brothers eye and smiled at him, he smiled back as he walked over to a table and sat down.

Sam met Tammy's gaze, "She's beautiful," she turned away quickly as Sam just smiled in her direction. He looked over at his sister as he grabbed his water and meet her gaze, she smiled at him and he just smiled back. He walked over to an empty table for two in the middle of the cafe, it was a couple tables away from Tammy, he didn't want to seem like a stalker and sit in the table that next to her. He kept an eye on his sister who was very indulged into the conversation with a guy that looked somewhat familiar to him, "Probably went to school with us," he said to himself. He looked over at Tammy once again, she was still talking to the girl from before, Claire was her name. She went to school with him.
((So, um, am I allowed to role-play here? If so, can someone explain all that has happened so far. If not, well, I'm sorry for posting.))
([MENTION=4406]Nikki Rodgers[/MENTION] - I'll help you out:)

Corey smiled, "Awesome!!" He said excitedly, he looked back at the courts and then back at Charlie. He wondered if he was keeping her back from anything. "So uh..... You want to go get a bite at Panera?" He asked her nervously. He had no idea where he was getting all of his courage from, but he liked it.

Tammy noticed that Sam had sat down a few tables away from her. She looked at Clare, and then she said goodbye. It seemed like Claire had to be somewhere else. Tammy waved and then leaned back in her chair, she looked over in Sam's direction, and winked flirtatiously. She giggled to herself, and got up, she picked up her empty latte and threw it away. She made sure she walked by Sam. She dragged her hand across his table, letting it go over his. She pulled her hand off of his table, and then let it fall to her side. She looked at him, then slowed her pace down a little.

(Aria; You have to make a character forum. First :) )

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