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Fantasy Ancient Order of Angels

Vesper throws her hands on her hips and gives a snotty look towards the angel on guard. She then turns her head after getting hit in the back of the head by the marble. "Hey, you can just..", Vesper suddenly notices the shadow's focusing around the body laying on the ground. "Ooh, What do we have here." Vesper hops over using her wings to float and land by the body (Gil). "Wow, so much power. Just only if he could harness it. I wonder if i can connect to his mind." Vesper gets on her knees, lays her hands over him and creates an orb of light. "I'm not sure how well this will work." Vesper's orb fades and a wave of energy created by light and dark colliding, shoots Vesper across the room. In mid-air, she stops herself right before hitting the wall. She lower's herself down to the ground. "It's no use, his minds won't let me." Vesper says while panting a little.
"Mind explaining who you are and what you're doing here? I get you're angels but that's it." Sora said. He laughed out loud when Vesper was blasted back by Gil(s). Sora was planning on clocking in some last minute training after this. He made this plan after seeing a poster of the Flash on the wall. Something about the Flash well a few thins came to his mind and he wanted to try one thing in particular.

Kori didn't see anything strange yet but he attentively watching for the enemy.
"I'm Vesper, The one and only. Archangel of the Sun and Lunae over there is the Archangel of the moon. We were hand picked from God to protect the world from being enveloped in complete darkness. So that Demons can't be at full strength in this world." Vesper said proudly, giving Sora a thumbs up, while walking alittle bit closer to Gil's body."Think of it as God's constant blessing and promises being fulfilled every second. But as to why we're down here, we seen alot of Demonic activity in the world. Alot more than normal, so we decided to come on down to give you guys a hand. We also saw this guy's power radiating, so he needs to get it under control or me and Luna aren't going to be the only one's barging through the roof" She studied the shadows that were enveloping Gil for a moment. She noticed an older man standing around Gil's body looking worried. "Hey dude, you look like you have some attachment to him. You should probably know more than anyone, what's gunna happen once his minds finish clashing?"
"I am his abuelo, Don Vincente. I honestly cannot tell you. I didn't realize my selfishness of wanting him to bee normal could do this. However I do think with him being the twilight incarnate that you to may be able to help. You two are young looking but I know your true age and I do trust you to help." Gil's abuelo answered the Vesper.
Sidwy stood outside of the monastery, blinking in slight surprise. Only moments before, she had been standing in front of an condominium door, knocking almost furiously when Mort's summon had enveloped her and she materialized by him, along with War and Famine, both of whom looked equally as surprised. She stood by, listening as he gave a rousing invitation for them to join him in a shaking-up of the normal, so to speak. She knew it must be an excuse for him to collect more souls, but her Conquest personality writhed under her skin, ready to be released on the world again, so she agreed. "I'll follow you into this, Death, just try not to bite off more than even you can chew. I don't know what would happen to the balance of existence if you of all beings was put out of commission by an unexpected hit. I demand a plan for this before we go through, or I'll make and follow my own, separately." She didn't think it necessary to tell him that she already had several Centurions working under her already, rooting out the source of these disturbances. That she would save for her own knowledge, she always had a backup plan.
By this time, Noel had already investigated the scene to no avail, and was making his way to the monastery. Somewhere along the way, Iris had fallen behind, however. That couldn't be, he thought. She was too resourceful to have simply fallen behind. She was up to something. However, Noel was unaffected. While he did not trust many people, the few minutes he spent with Iris Vegner told him everything he needed to know. Getting back to the task at hand, Noel realized time was becoming an issue. With every second, the energy around his destination grew more negative. It was a signal of a mass of demon energy that was only increasing. He couldn't waste any more time.

The moment he could, he turned into the first empty alley he could find and, in a blur, left the ground. He had launched himself roughly 75 feet airborne. At the climax of his arc, he performed a brief spin maneuver, shedding his image to revert back to his kimono and katana. As Noel began plummeting to the ground, he unsheathed his katana and, with unimaginable speed, cut through the air, revealing a tear in space. He passed through this distortion, seemingly disappearing from the realm. However, he would not be home for long. This was his way of expediting his trip, while throwing all caution if revealing himself to the wind. Fortunately, there was no one around to see this phenomenon occurring.

Noel would reach the monastery within the minute.
(Oh sorry was at work hope i dint miss anything important but im going too wait a litel)
Finally an answer. Mort thought with a pleased smile as he looked to Conquest with a pleased expression. She was arrogant to be sure, but then somethings had to come before the war, they were unleashed in sequence for a reason after all. And she was a woman, in all his knowledge he could not call himself someone who could understand them. Only God the Omniscient could do that.

"Come now, Conquest..." He began with a smile, one so gentle and pure that he might have been mistaken for an angel again. "When have my machinations ever failed? More importantly, when were they ever made known to anyone but myself before I explicitly revealed my plans or when they are much too late to stop?" The question was left to be pondered by all remaining as he waved a finger through the air, writing down a rune which would serve as the center of the portal, one stable enough to be kept open even after he and Conquest had reached their destination. It was made so, just in case either other Horsemen or Centurions could follow and join in the clash. Through it would be a battle, the first battle in the war to come, it's end deciding a great deal of how both parties would react.

He stepped in first, his human form retained as he emerged from the portal to a strange scene. There were angels and some archangels still in the rooms, all fledglings he summarized. He shook his head, that was not exactly fair to them as all were children in his eyes. he may not have been there where they were born, but he was old before they were even a thought in the imagination of the angels. They say that in the beginning there was simply God standing in the midst of the storm of chaos. That was not exactly true, the part about that particular scene being the beginning. They were both there when the chaos started after all, they caused it.

But again thoughts were drained from his mind as he smiled at the two old men in the room. "Jiddoh, I believe your grandson calls you, and Don, I'm afraid to say it's time for both of you to go." He preemptively raised his hand before any of them could violently react. "If anyone in the room has any qualms about this, please understand that this, death, is a natural occurrence. I have come only for them, as is my duty, so please come peacefully and all of you may yet return to Caelum, and not only those who are given the eternal reward."
"Bastard!" Sora said getting up and assuming his hymnal form. His blade glowing. "Heru!" Sora called out loudly. Sora said to Mort "Damn demon!" Sora said "Everyone outside!" Sora flew up through the hole in the roof made by Vesper. Kori looked through the whole after Sora came out and felt it one of the four strongest energies of the demons. Kori took off to get Heru. "Heru Heru, Horseman attack!" Kori shouted.
Heru looked up at Kori and saw right in his eyes and he knew what was going on. Death is here.....Heru shook his head and looked at the ground, I knew this day would come I can only do it at certain times, well I guess this time would be now as I don't think it their time to go yet. Heru looked up and his eyes narrowed it was like his body had completely stopped right where it was. All of a sudden Heru was right behind Mort looking at him began his job. "Mort is it?" Heru asked. "My.......my........my death himself. I can't believe!" He uttered. It almost seemed like Heru was a bit fascinated with him. "So Mort your one of the four horsemen hmmmm?" Heru Chuckled. "I don't think it's wise to take someone before their time. I mean the old man still has a lot of years left but hey who am I to plead?" He continued. All was quiet not a sound was made during this moment. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. "Well I won't stand in your way." He commented. "The wages of sin is death right?" Heru said as he closed his eyes. Heru smiled and his eyes began to bleed. This blood was pure. It was holy. Heru pulled out his Rosary, got on his knees and he spoke. "Purify their souls.....protect them from any wrong doers....protect their souls from those who trying and rob them and protect them from the ones who seek evil."

Heru's Grandfather eyes widen as he looked at Heru on his knees. Heru then took his thumb and slid it down the trail of blood on his face. He then put it on his forehead. He got up and walked over to his Grandfather and placed his thumb on his forehead and Don's. He then turned to Mort and began to explain. "During the times of Moses Egypt endured 10 plagues. These Plagues were to warn the Egyptian people to let Moses's people go. Pharaoh wouldn't listen so God made it to where all first born would die. Long story short God told Moses to tell his people to put Lamb's blood on the door to keep them safe." Heru closed his eyes and then opened them up and looked Mort in the eyes and calmly stated. "Go home horseman your business is not with us I have marked them." He looked up at the two and ushered them toward the door. "We must go." Heru said. Before Heru left the room he turned to Death and said "We shall meet again my friend although next time I will not be able to stop you, as it will be their time to go." Heru turned around to everyone else before he walked out with them. "Everybody leave now this is the Horseman Death he is not to be underestimated. He will end your lives in an instant if your not careful." Heru then turned to Gil and muttered "Lets go." and Heru walked out the door with the two men.
Yuri would hear him as he raises his head,he would get up From the chair he was siting on,as he Pick his bag and followd Heru and the other 2 men as Heru was right in all means about the horseman,as he followd he would be silent and only follow as he would not speak in any mean as he has no question or any word too say about what happend as he would say in his minde We might have a chance with him around and i respect his bravery as he would look foward and follow.

(Good night all might take time for mi too post as mi Job started hope you understand)
Lilith nearly fell over when she felt the Horseman of Death's portal rip open the universe nearby. She could feel familiar angels on the other side, and her eyes narrowed. What is he doing? Well, it doesn't concern me. I care little what happens to any of them. If I'm given a command, I'll follow it, but I don't want to engage them.. She ignored the portal for now.. Instead, a lone angel flying at high speed drew her attention. Hmm.. a straggler.. Her lips curved up in a smile. That's more my thing. I'll keep that one busy.. She could feel something approaching, something more familiar than any angel. Definitely a denizen of Infernus. I sure am popular today..

She shrugged her shoulders. "Urobach, Sloth, it seems we have company coming. While I enjoy hanging with you two handsome men, I don't really have any reason to stay here." Her fingers clutched the crystal heart around her neck. "I'm going to a party. Don't miss me too much." She smiled and blew a kiss to them. Urobach walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"We're coming with you Mistress." She nodded and focused on Death's portal. "Follow me then, boys. Time to introduce ourselves." The twenty elite soldiers, Urobach, and the Centurion of Lust exited the portal simultaneously. Just in time to watch Heru's theatrics. "Well, then, it seems I was a bit late to the party. I'm not sure purifying someone will prolong their life, angel.." She looked around, noticing a couple younger-looking angels. "Well, aren't you the cutest." She batted her eyelashes at them. "What are your names?"
"If that makes my job easier, then who am I to disagree." He said, grinning at Lilith. He is, after all, the Centurion of Sloth. Anything that makes his job easier is agreeable to him. "More guests?" He asked, "It seems that everyone wants something in here, both angels and demons." Auron made the storm stronger, hoping to make their deaths quick. Electricity is running through his body, making him an even more terrifying and intimidating. "Let's welcome them, shall we?"
Kori circled back around and joined Heru outside the library. Sora also came back down and noticed Lilith. "Hey it's her the demon from earlier!" Sora said loudly. Kori was flying a good distance above Heru still within regualr talking distance. "They may pursue, got plain?" Kori asked Heru. "I saw we got into angel mode and fly as fast as we can to this monastery you deemed so important earlier!" Sora said to Heru. He was walking infront of Heru and the two gentlemen but walked backwards with him facing Heru. Sora gripped his blade, he was already in hymnal though he didn't summon his wings. He was on edge ready for anything.
Mort sighed as he looked at the retreating forms of the angels. "You forgot to tell them, didn't You?" He asked, turning his eyes skyward with a wry smile as the full gravity of the thought dawned upon him. "They are mine to take, and You did not even give them so much as a warning." He mulled over about the little excuse of the angel, how blood was supposed to force him to pass over. That was an old command, and the blood of the Lamb would sate deaths appetite. The blood of pathetic, weak and arrogant Nephilim simply urged him to continue on with his mission, the one mission that had nothing to do with his own will.

"Why have you forsaken them?" He asked with the gravity of all his powers in his voice. At least the child was right in one way, he could extinguish them with a gesture, extinguish meaning to utterly destroy the soul of a being, to erase its existence permanently. But he had an agreement to only take them away, to separate them if you will, for a time before the apocalyptic war would be waged. They would meet again, after it is decided which side won out in the end, though the question of where was a mystery

With a gesture of a hand the entire world was in his plam, every life form existing known to him as he looked at the orb. He focused his entire power on the two to be taken and snapped his fingers. In an instant, all of death was upon them in all it's glory, inevitable, unconquerable, ultimately planned by the God above. His power flowed outward like one sent from on high, like all the plagues, all the catyclysms, all the massacres he commanded over the aeons, from the banishment of the fallen, to the disasters he allowed to kill to this day. All that represented him, the shadow, the sword, the cold, came forth to take the souls of the two old men, who's time had indeed come.

"Charged with the crime of blasphemy, of claiming to be equal to the Lamb, the second persona of the One who rules all of Heaven and Earth, you will lose both whom you marked with your blood" he spoke with finality, using the most efficient method to kill the two men.

He reached out his hand over the orb' the image shrinking until only two living beings were on it's surface, the souls of both men, and he shattered it.
After reading the comments and having much deliberation, we decided to dissolve this Rp. We appreciate you guys in making this Rp happen but due to all the turmoil we have decided to dissolve it. Thanks so much it has been fun.


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