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Fantasy Ancient Order of Angels

"Before you reply though, I think I must say something." Mort said with a smirk as he held up a single hand. He could feel them a pair of entities that had the last grains slowly being rung out of their containers. By agreement of both sides, of him and the One above the angels, two old men, both very troublesome would die this night. He felt it like he felt all death, be it plant, animal, human or angel and demon.

He grined even more when he looked at the ultimate cause of the death about to occur, something he needed to announce before anything else. "Two men would die this night, they are different from the other millions who die for they are exactly where the angels are gathered. This will be our stiking point, and I will transport anyone willing to join me. What say you, Horsemen?" He demanded in the voice befitting his station as he waited once more.

He dared not tell the that the angels, no matter what, would not die that battle, hurt and broken beyond repair, maybe, but not killed. No he would still have a little fun with them before their hour had come, then, after torturing every holy part of their bodies, he would extinguish their souls.
Gil glared at Sora with aggravation. His abuelo quickly answered, "Archangels are the most powerful among angels. Their power is unmatched. The original Archangels were sent here at the beginning of humanity. They were sent with the mission of not only protecting the humans from demons but to hide the fact that angels and demons even exist." Gil peered over to the fact that Heru was now laying on the floor. "My my my he must have certainly be in a hurry if he had to atralproject like that." He said then was interrupted by his abuelo, "Gil I did not give you back your memories to have you act like this. You may be very knowledgeable but that doesn't give you the right to ignore me or interrupt me while I talk." Gil looked over his shoulder at is abuelo. "I didn't ask for my memories old man. I also heard everything you said years ago so why do I need to listen to the explanation again. That makes no since to me." He then looked over at Heru. Where did you go? I know you can hear me. Do you need help old friend of mine? Gil thought.
He sighed in response to Heru. "I just don't like being threatened. But I need to rest and eat anyway, so I'm going. If you find out what the demons are up to, call me. I apologize for the outburst.." John watched Heru walk away, then he signaled the cab driver to pull away. His fingers moved to the crystal hanging from his neck as he prayed silently. Lord, please tell me what to do. Guide me in learning my path, in discovering my gifts. The crystal started to glow slightly, and John fell asleep instantly. In his dreams, he was suddenly in a massive library like nothing he had seen. The architecture was mostly white, with high angles and crystalline shapes, as well as massive windows. A foreign word entered his mind, as if planted there by an outside force. Caelum. He wasn't physically there, though.. he was sort of floating above. He saw a baby, and he was being held by a beautiful female angel in hymnal form with long, red hair.

The angel whispered to the sleeping baby softly.
"My Uriel.. I wish I could raise you.." Tears of golden light streamed from her eyes. She spoke a bit louder. "Uriel, if you're seeing this.. you're an adult, and by now I've been dead your whole life. The demons have probably come to Hominibus. If I come back from this, then I will have erased this message and you will never know." The beautiful angel took a deep breath and continued. "My name, son, is Ariel. Your father is a mortal named Stephen Griffin. The demons have taken his soul to their realm. I'm going to Infernus, and I will bring him back." She said, sounding one-hundred percent sure.

"I believe you will inherit my ability to control light. Its greatest abilities are for creating illusions. I wish I could tell you more, but I must go. I can't let Steve suffer anymore. I love you more than you will ever know."
She kissed the baby's forehead, then looked right at John's consciousness and smiled. He could feel pure love and joy radiating from her. He woke up crying and calling for her. "No! Come back!" He yelled, then realized where he was. The cabby was staring at him in the rear-view mirror as if he were insane. He just smiled at him sheepishly. "Sorry."
(Had a big freaking post to put up, aaaaand... draft didn't save when I went out this afternoon <.< I'll rewrite it tomorrow and place it here ^_^ )
"I understood that part but do we get armies or something?" Sora asked. Sora disliking Gil interrupting the conversation, he made the ground shake under Gil shake like an earthquake under Japan using his Ultra Vibrations. Though somewhat 5 feet from Gil wouldn't feel a thing. Sora also caused the same vibrations under Heru. Kori felt one of the three strongest demonic presences sky rocket. The enemy may be preparing to attack. "We are running low on time people!" Kori warned. Outside the temperature was dropping, Kori was trying to make as many people as possible leave. One by one did people began leaving. Now it was only the library staff and the angels left.
The dean of the school opened his mouth for the first time of him standing there. "The staff can now leave enjoy your night." He then turned back to the conversation. "Ok guys I have a little information for you. The demons that are here are the four horsemen of the apocalypse. They are chief demons. They are the third from the lowest class of demons. Don't get that twisted however. They are very powerful. The are the first class of demons to actually control any demons of intelligence. "

"Thank is Izel you are a grand assistant." Gil's abuelo replied. "Oh did I mention that Izel here is my assistant. He is the angel with the duty of protecting Spain." He then turned his attention to Gil. "This means when you become the full Archangel he will be under your command. However don't be rude to him." Gil looked over at his abuelo. "Whatever do you mean by be rude. I'm not rude I just don't have time for insolence." Gil's abuelo nodded with confirmation, "That is very understandable but there is a certain way that you have to handle things. You better start learning how to do that now or the demons will smite you."

Gil continued to stare at his abuelo with no expression on his face. "Right, we will see how far there that will go." He then looked back over to Heru's body and felt a little shake come from the floor. "How dare you get angry at the fact that I spoke to my abuelo when you interrupted the conversation in the first place. I am well aware of your abilities." He snapped his finger and darkness began to quickly wrap around Sora and lifted him into the air. "Try to vibrate out of that. Darkness cannot be shaken off of you. So no matter how much you struggle you won't escape. I demand an apology." He spoke to Sora while still looking over at Heru's body. The floor is so dirty why did you tell me you are about to do that? Darkness began to wrap around Heru and lifted him up delicately and placed him on a nearby table.
"Oh no i'm suspended in mid air, nah I'll get out of this. I've never tried vibrating out of darkness but if it's holding me right it's solid!" Sora explained with a smile. His hand vibrated intensely, it blurred and gave off a high pitched sound. He cut the darkness and made a landing like a super hero in a movie. "No apology for you." Sora said to Gil. Then Gil Grandfather's words made the wheels in him think for a moment. "This means I have angels under me as well. Is there a way to like communicate and indentify subordinates?" Sora said to the Abuelo.
As Heru began walking toward the door as the cab drove off, Heru began thinking to himself. Maybe I was a bit to harsh on him, I mean he did fly half way around the world to be here with me that's.......His thoughts were interrupted by the bright light coming from the car. What's that? he said to himself as his eyes began to widen. Heru stood there and chuckled. He walked over to the wall and leaned on it watching as the car drove off into the distance. He grinned. ahhhh....his mother came to him. She'd be proud if she was still around. I remember when my ancestor came to me and told me about myself. Its funny cause my Grandfather told me it was a dream I have yet to understand. When the car was no longer in sight Heru got off the wall, he looked straight up in the air. It took me awhile but I understand now and I won't let you down. Heru pulled out his phone and he noticed that his phone no longer had a signal. This strange to him because just a few minutes ago he had plenty of signal. He began to move just a few feet from the door to see if he could catch something but it was to no avail. As he stood there he also notice a very strong odor. Sulfur? I was always told that if you smelt sulfur then that means........Heru immediately tried dialing John to alert him. He had already forgotten that he had no signal. He could then hear Gil in his head and tried to reply but nothing was going through. Why can't I get back into my body.

Heru began feeling multiple auras headed in their direction. He even felt auras coming from inside Damn! I got to get in there. Heru then ran over to the door and stopped. He closed his eyes and began focusing just like his Grandfather taught him. "If you focus and just relax you can accomplish anything." He said mumbling the words of his Grandfather. Heru then slowly brought his hands together. He started to think about what he was trying to do. He started to envision it. He then opened up his eyes and the door flew open and wind began entering the building causing the door to slam against the wall making a loud noise. Heru then dashed into the corridor yelling "They are headed toward our direction! We must beat them to that monastery at once!" Heru was then met with the sight of seeing Gil picking up Sora. "What are you doing Gil put him down." Heru began to take stance. He saw the dean standing there but paid him no attention. Heru was getting ready to free Sora but his movement were paused when his Grandfather blurted out "Enough!" Heru looked at him strangely and then looked back at Sora. He also noticed a strange Australian boy standing there watching. Who is he? He has quite the amount of aura coming from him could he be.....Another thing that was strange was that Heru was near his body but wasn't going back into it. "What kind of phenomenon is this." He muttered to himself.
Yuri would sit down on one of the chairs as he hears the commotion of Heru and the others and he sat there as he hears about the demons going too the monastary he stands up and says "sorry for interrupting but if thats true about the demons heading towards the monastary we must reach there first...we fail here and all is pointless,we need too reach the monastary at minimum time and we are angels we treat ourselfs us as brothers and sisters and angel always knows whats right and whats wrong"he says lound and clear as if the demons reach the monastary,ho knows what might happen
Lilith nodded slowly. "I had hoped so. I was only able to locate my elite soldiers, unfortunately, but I suppose the rest can be easily replaced." She walked over to a pew and climbed onto it, sitting on the back. She waved a hand at Urobach dismissively. The huge fire elemental relaxed visibly. "I'm not entirely sure." She turned her head towards Urobach. "What were you looking for, my dear?" He seemed puzzled by this question. "I.. can't remember. I woke up near this church and something made me come in. It... It wasn't here. He said he would punish me if I didn't get it.." The large demon seemed terrified. "You will protect me from him, won't you my Lady?"

The Centurion of Lust smiled comfortingly at him. "Yes, of course I will. Who is he, by the way?" He opened his mouth to speak, but then fell to the ground, screaming and clutching his head. Liquid magma oozed from his eyes and ear holes. She jumped down and walked over to him, concern evident on her face. She brushed the hair from her face and knelt beside him, stroking his head. His screams had stopped. The hot magma didn't burn her slender fingers. "You feel better now?" Urobach nodded and slowly started to get up. Lilith stood as well, and turned back to Sloth. "Someone stronger than any demon I know of won't let him speak his name." She chewed on her lip thoughtfully. "My Lady Sidwy may be able to tell us something, if you feel like teaming up."
Gil sees Heru get ready to free Sora. Sora cuts the solidified darkness around him. "That is an unusual mistake on your part my child." Gil's abuelo states. Gil quickly replied, "That wasn't a mistake. I solidified the darkness so he wouldn't have to gut his own body to release himself. If he had to do that he wouldn't much use against the demons now would he? I was also just showing him no matter how much he tries to hide his power I am still aware of it." He then looks over to Heru. "You would really hold your power against me or are you just itching for a fight my friend?" After the statement made by the boy with white hair about the demons gathering, Gil looked back over to Heru. "Well friend shall we have a race? I think it's time for us to have a little fun."

Gil's abuelo quickly yelled, "You cannot rush into things like this. I don't know how much of your memory has come back so I don't know how ready you are." Gil answered, "All of it has come back. Also I have the added intelligence that has been gained over years of my true self being locked away." He snickered then waited for Heru's response. "So I am waiting my friend."
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Sora said "Cut the act, like I cut your darkness. Either solid or not I would've got out. You two have become arrogant together. Anyway back to what Heru just said, I'm bored sitting around but what's so important at the monastery?" Sora was considering telling elaborating on what his explanation of how he would escape but no one has time for that.

Kori replied to Gil "A little bit of both, you heard what the old man said, you haven't ascended yet so I can defeat you no doubt. Anyway I can sense the demons preparing to attack us. Most likely they're after us by the way this feels. We have very little time, if any of you were listening!"
"He didn't mean that I haven't ascended. He meant that he didn't know how much I remembered. At the age of 9 my grandfather locked all of my angel memories into this locket to protect me from fate itself. That was a poor choice on his behalf. Also Heru and I both ascended at the age of 7 so you shouldn't think you know everything. I wasn't even talking to you in the first place I was talking to Heru."
"Well maybe you should make it cleae as ice then, hahahahahaahaanaa. I can't believe such arrogance is what I serve under, this makes me consider whether I should follow you or not. You don't get what I mean by ascended, you're lacking in brain power at the moment." Kori said coldly. The temperature inside the library drop 20° quickly.

Sora said "Did it just get colder in here? Is the thermostat broken or is it?" Sora looked to left at Kori. He does remember Kori's hymnal having ice like wings or something. Is Kori going to start Ice Age, no way he wouldn't do that. But then again you never know.
Yuri gets up and yells "Everybodi stop this..we are fighting agains the clock and we have limited time..dont you understand that demons are here and there going too kill us and the humans..and our mission is too protect them...and look...were wasting time...is we die or fail say goodbye too the humans and everything....we have short time now and its better too put it too good use"he says hopin they understand...we are fighting we die or we live
Heru looked at Yuri and nodded at him in agreement. "Your absolutely right my Australian friend." Heru says as he turns to everyone else. "We must stand together as one if we are planning on putting a stop to this." He continued. Heru felt it get cold in the building, he knew where the power was coming from so he walked over to Kori. "Kori is it?" He asked. "You don't have to make everything cold my friend. We are no threat to you were on the same team. I'm Heru Chidubem by the way." Heru said calmly with a grin. "Sora and Gil there is no need to waste your time fighting each other." Heru looked down at the ground and began addressing the two, "I'm very disappointed in the both of you instead of working together you fighting but to what reason?" Heru turned around and started for the door, leaving his lifeless replica on the ground. He felt that with all the fighting going on they are sure to loose in a battle. "Jiddoh I'm going for a walk I'll call if I need anything." He uttered. His Grandfather nodded and watched him leave the room. Heru talked loudly with disappointment in his voice as he left the room. "Gil, we will have fun as soon as you learn to get a handle on your attitude. Your an Archangel we have to set an example. Heru walked out closing the doors behind him.
At the moment that Heru closed the door, Gil's body hit the floor with a thud and his locket around his wrist popped open. Gil's abuelo ran over with much concern. "I didn't think all of that would happen. I guess I should have gave him the locket a long time ago. Now it is like a fusion of two different people. Who knew it would have that effect?" He looked over to Heru's grandfather. "My old friend, don't be upset with me. I know I went against our agreement of not locking his memories away but I didn't want him to suffer. Gil had already gone through so much with his life. I just wanted him to have some type of normality." He then look back over to Gil's unconscious body. "Come back my child finish the mending of your mind and come back to us. We need you."

Gil's hand moved a little in response to his abuelo but then continued to lay there unconsciously. The shadows in the room began to creep around Gil and began to cover his body as if a big blanket was being held over him to cast the shadow. Once there the shadows formed into an oval shape around his body still cloaking him. The moon began to shine through the window and a thin silver light began to outline the shadow formation over Gil. "I didn't think this would happen so soon either." Gil's Abuelo sat in wonder.
Kori sighed and the temperature in the room went back to normal. Kori replied to Heru walking out the door "I'm Kori." Kori then went to sit on the roof. But he didn't he stood at attention on look out in his hymnal form.

Sora sighed, I'll drop it especially with the enemy closing in we just don't have time. Then Sora saw Gil pass out and shadows began to wrap him up. Sora asked "What's happening to him, are the shadows mummifying him? Should we wake him up?" Sora had a slight idea of what this may be but kept it to himself.
Gil's Abuelo replied to Sora, "No the shadows are protecting him while the light is trying to heal him. His abilities are more than I could teach him. He is actually the twilight incarnate. His father gave him the abilities to control darkness. That was my son. His mother gave him the ability to control light. With him being their child he inherited the abilities of both of them." Gil's abuelo looked over at Sora. "What is happening is he is battling with his own mind. I sealed his memories of anything other than human existence into his locket to give him peace in his life. However now his brain is basically split into two and they are trying to mend. Apparently his memories while still absorbing knowledge began to develop a personality on their own and that is the personality we just saw." He then looked back down at his grandchild. "I wonder what is going on in his mind right now. Also what is going to come out of the mixture of the two."
babyjoker36610 updated Ancient Order of Angels with a new update entry:

Battle Rules for RP

The time is coming were battles are going to be taking place. So were going to put rules in place so everyone will be on the same page.
Anime Style Battling

  1. Battles should last atleast 10 to 15 posts between the participants under no circumstances should the battle be less than that unless a participant retreat, dies or kills themselves.
  2. Battles should be 1 x 1 unless you choose to take on more opponents or you have sustained to much damage and need...
Read the rest of this update entry...
John could feel the gathering darkness as well, although he felt there was little he could do. He hadn't had much rest since essentially teleporting across the world. When the cab arrived at the hotel he changed his mind. "Forget the hotel.. take me to get some food please." To his astonishment, his words came out in perfect Spanish, in the local dialect and a perfect accent no less. The cab driver stared again, then shrugged and smiled. "Yes sir, no problem." Then the taxi pulled out and made a few turns, and after several minutes reached the restaurant, a small grill. John pulled out around three twenty dollar bills. "I don't know the exchange rate.. please take this, I don't have any euros." The cab driver smiled again. He took the money and nodded again. "Thank you, sir. Have a blessed day." John opened the door and climbed out.

The grill was open, but just barely. The sun was just beginning to climb overhead. He frowned, though.. he could feel the darkness gathering again, and it seemed even darker than anything he'd felt. He shivered as if someone stepped on his grave.
The temperature seems to have dropped rapidly.. He shrugged and walked into the grill. He found a seat, and a woman came to get his order. "Yes, can I have.. uhh.. the sopa castellana and.. cordero asado?" The woman nodded and walked away. In about fifteen minutes she came back with a bowl of soup. John thanked her and picked up a spoon. He ate all of it in around five minutes. He ate a piece of bread and drank a whole cup of water while waiting for the lamb dish. When that arrived, he wasn't quite so hungry, but he still wolfed it down. He paid the server and told her to keep the change.

He decided he needed to get back to the rest of the angels and quickly walked out the door. Then, his strength renewed, he hid behind a tree and made sure no one saw him. His wings appeared as he entered hymnal form. He flew towards the University Library as fast as his wings would carry him, ready for battle if necessary.
"Luna, I see a lot activity due east in the university. Let's go check it out.", Vesper shouts to Luna as she shoots right past her, crashing into the roof. "SKYLIGHT ENTRY!",Vesper is starting to becoming engulfed in flames she created. Vesper's crashing down, floor after floor until reaching her destination. She lands on one knee and head bowed, like a stereotypical superhero pose. She raises her head up dramatically saying, "Boom bah da boom.." Vesper pauses for a moment and then jumps up in the air, kicking her feet up behind her and pulls hands down in front of her with clenched fists. "Most perfect entrance EVER! Luna! Hey, Luna, Did you see that?! I'm definitely going to use that more often!" Vesper yells up her giant hole in the building , completely ignoring the existence of everyone else in the room.

(sorry it took so long to type this small paragraph, my internet crapped out and the site never saved my previous post
:P )
Kori saw a mass of flame descending fast, it didn't feel like an enemy but dodged it none the less. He looked into the whole it burned a froze away the remain the flame burning on the hole. He saw a weird pair of angels seemingly oblivious to their surroundings. Kori called down to them "I've seen better!" Kori then returned to his post onguard.

Sora looked at the strange new arrival strangely. Sora found a marble and plucked it at the superhero imitating angel. "Hey you're disturbing something important!"
Lunae was starting to notice a group of power rising in the university. "Luna, I see alot of activity due east in the university. Let's go check it out." Vesper quickly stated in an all serious manner. Lunae rolled her eyes, knowing Vesper's seriousness is an act, and changed her path to the university once Vesper took off. Lunae quickly followed calmly but still cautious in case anything were to happen. She uses her wings to descend down the "skylight" that Vesper had just put in. "When will she ever stop being so reckless?", Lunae asked her self. "Most perfect entrance EVER! Luna! Hey, Luna, Did you see that?! I'm definitely going to use that more often!", Vesper shouted up at Lunae was just coming down to her floor. "Yes, Yes. Very cute. But next time, Let's just use the door."

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