Aron the Aron
Lord Commissar Secretary of Floor Gang
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Lady Aria d'al Brakava of Lancaster
Cornet of His Tierran Majesty's Royal Dragoons
"...And bringing me directly to the scene of the battle doesn't invite any trouble at all..." Evelyn muttered back, sarcastically emphasizing her words as she lightly stretched her back in attempts to not make it feel so stiff. She was not pleased at all with having been dragged out onto the site of the battle, almost to the point of anger. However, this was not the time to be angry and argue, she knew that much at least. Whether Evelyn could actually stick to that thought was a completely different question altogether.
"What if it isn't sturdy enough? What if they get inside? What if they start shooting at me? What then?" Evelyn questioned as she placed a hand against the outside wall of the toll-house, as if that would somehow reveal to her how sturdy the building was in an instant. It seemed like her questions were more motivated by trying to poke holes through Aria's ideas, rather than trying to work out solutions.
"They won't." There was a certain sense of finality in Aria's tone the brokered no argument, like as though her word was rule of law because she willed it to be so. Her face had settled into a stern frown when she turned to face Evelyn, one that was clearly at ill ease with everything going on, but determined all the same. "I won't let them get anywhere near you, even if I have to fight the Calligians myself, even if I have to fight with my bare hands."
She always looked so resolute, so certain of herself that it beggared belief. Either she was insanely naive and arrogant about her own competencies, or she was capable of backing her words up. And considering she had rode into a bandit ambush and walked away with nary a scratch on her armor, she was certainly not left wanting for martial skill...
"The River and Bridge are to our advantage; the Imperials would have to cross the bridge to come to us, and the river's too deep and wide to safely cross. They'll have to either turn around, or fight on our terms. Failing that, we have contingencies." Aria patted the satchel that she had been carrying with her, conspicuously rattling the sounds of what vaguely sounded like hollow clay or porcelain. What did she have in there?
Evelyn wouldn't get her answer though; the sound of galloping hooves on dirt stopped her from being able to ask any questions, and prompted Aria to look over to the entrance of the tollhouse's broken door. It certainly couldn't have been Calligian raiders so disconnected from their main force, so that only meant one thing: "Looks like my Dragoons are back from searching the other side of the river."