Aron the Aron
Lord Commissar Secretary of Floor Gang
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Lady Aria d'al Brakava of Lancaster
Cornet of His Tierran Majesty's Royal Dragoons
Evelyn lingered for a moment longer in Aria's arms, taking in the comforting words that slowly helped her regain control over herself. No longer did her mere presence feel like a freezing winter wind, as it was reduced to a slightly chilly feeling, only a couple of degrees colder than the regular outside air.
After she felt a bit more like herself, she pulled away from the embrace slightly, enough to be able to look the dragoon in the eye. Despite Evelyn's blue eyes looking as bright and piercing as always, there seemed to be a lack of passion behind them. The same passion that had made the girl so eager to debate with Aria, and the same passion that was driving her desperate journey to get back home.
"...Let's go." She said quietly to the cornet, not much emotion, negative, nor positive, left in her voice.
"We shouldn't make the journey any longer than it already is..." She added, clearly looking tired already, despite it just barely being past noon. The incident with the bandits had taken a clear toll on her, both physically and mentally. With that said though, it was much too early to camp down, as they had just barely made it out of Noringa. If they stopped here for the day, it would take them ages to reach the outpost.
It was hard for Aria to ignore how blank Evelyn's eyes felt past the light. There was little weight behind her gaze, the spirit inside having died in place of her life. Some part of her felt that Evelyn would never recover from what she had just borne witness to, but the optimist inside said that she could bounce back with enough time and help.
"Alright. Let's get going."
For now though, Aria would broker no argument. She still had her duty to her nation, and the sooner they got back on the road, the sooner they could leave behind this gorefest of a battlefield. Standing Evelyn back up proved easy when she offered no resistance, and after a quick trek to retrieve the shield and carbine Aria had dropped, the two ladies were on their way back to where the rest of Aria's Dragoons were waiting.
Throughout the walk back, Aria unintentionally kept calling attention to the fact that she had killed. She had spent the trek back wiping her bloodied sabre and shield with an old rag, the same sabre and shield that she had used to brutally end the lives of multiple bandits just minutes ago. Her sabre still had the same menace despite Aria wiping away the evidence of her callous bloodshed, and the conspicuous splatters on her shield were more uncomfortable reminders of what happened.
Not even her pistol and carbine had gone untouched. Her pistol had burn marks near the bore as she poured black powder and lead shot down the barrel. Her carbine was far worse; the dagger-like bayonet was completely red, and Aria had been particularly slow and careful in wiping and reloading the piece.
Thankfully, the quiet walk back had been mercifully short, and farmgirl and Dragoon were back in the company of Aria's rank-and-file troopers. The four Dragoons that had helped lay down and spring Aria's plan had already cleaned, reloaded, and stowed their equipment away on their horses to continue the trek back. And conspicuously enough, the fifth and final Dragoon of Aria's sextet patrol was with them... without the farmer he had been tasked with escorting no less.
"Trooper Campos." Aria only nodded back at her the salute she had been given. "I recall tasking you with escorting the farmer who sent us here, Trooper, and don't see a farmer next to you. What happened to him?"
"Lying on the side of the road, Ma'am. Bastard tried to grab my rifle when he thought I wasn't looking." Aria let out a loud "Tsk" when her suspicions were confirmed. "Then he was in with the bandits we found. Go figure." The fact that even the farmer that had pleaded for help turned out to be in with the bandits was just another punch to the gut for Evelyn, who had urged Aria to act...
"Bandits, Ma'am?" Ah, that's right; Aria's fifth Dragoon hadn't been made privy to everything that went down.
"There were never any hostages, just a crudely planned ambush by some bandits." She sighed out, seeing her faithful steed ambling forward to meet her and Evelyn. Serendipity had the sense to lie down when he saw the more despondent Evelyn, garnering a smile and a pat on the nose from Aria. "Good to see you Serry." She said softly, turning her head to Evelyn. "Hop on; you look like you need some time to yourself."
And with that, Aria gave Evelyn some time for introspective thought and reflection... Well, not totally alone...