An Elven Stature


Elder Member

Valkyrie sat quietly in the trees above the forest floor, whittling away at a piece of Ruhn tree wood. She smiled to herself as she held out the stick she'd carved.

"Lle maa quel [You are beautiful]" she said to her creation.

Valkyrie stood up and tucked the to-be arrow into her carrier. She climbed further up into the gnarled, old tree, looking out around her at the beautiful forest before her very eyes.

"Vanima... [incredible...]" she whispered, the gentle breeze blowing through her shining hair.

The animals scattered around below her, gathering food, making shelters, surviving and thriving. The abundance of Nature around her made Valkyrie's heart glow with hope and pride for her people.

"Aa' lasser en lle coia orn n' omenta gurtha! [May the leaves of your life tree never turn brown!]" she called out to the forest, revelling in the whisper of the wind through the trees.
A rushing sound rang through the forest, and a surge of water pooled through, sending smaller animals scampering, knocking a few of the weaker trees over, but for the most part only causing superifical damage.

The water pooled out and soaked into the forest, a small puddle unusually stayed, refusing to soak into the ground.

As peace returned to the forest a small rabbit curiously returned to the area, creeping towards the puddle curiously.

Touching the puddle with it's nose, it pulsed slightly and then a young looking female head and arms flowed out of the puddle, head resting on the arms with a slightly dazed look on her face.

"Oh...hullo bunny." She said with a dreamily, shaking her head a little.

The rabbit was slightly startled at first, but despite being wild it happily sat whilst she patted it's head and stroked it absently.

"Dont suppose you know where I am, do you?"
Valkyrie listened carefully, hearing the sound of distant movement.

However, it was not that of the regular forest animals around the area.

Valkyrie climbed higher into the tree and then out onto a far branch, sitting with her left leg hanging over the edge.

She could see far out through the Ruhn forest from her perch.

"Mani naa ta? [What is it?]" she asked herself, seeing a glimmer in the distance.

Curious, Valkyrie swiftly jumped from her branch over to the tree in front of her, making little noise.

The birds watched her as she climbed from one tree to the next in a precise and agile fashion.

She came to rest near a large puddle of water on the forest floor. It seemed a small bunny was drinking from it.

Valkyrie was confused.

"Mani? [What?]" she asked herself quietly.

What hadn't the water been absorbed into the Earth yet?

She watched in amazement as the puddle moved, as if someone was there.
The girl in the water r rested a few moments idly stroking the rabbit, before gently setting it on its way with a pat on the rump.

"Alright, lets see if I can manage to pull myself together then." She mumbled to herself.

Gradually she reformed until she was in the form of a fairly short girl, and after a few seconds colour gradually worked its way up her like an artist inking in a picture, untill all but her hair was solid-or at least, looked solid.

Her hair flowed down to shoulder height and then stopped, even though the water was clearly flowing, and even made a pleasant tinkling noise as it cascaded over her shoulders.

"Oh, cool." She said, examining her arm. "Looks like im still all here..."
Valkyrie watched in shock as the puddle rose to form a young, humanoid female.

Her eyes flashed over the creature as it stood there looking over itself.

"Mani...? [What...?]" she hissed to herself.

Valkyrie crouched in the tree, confused.

She was unsure of whether to jump down and confront the creature or be on her way back to the village to warn the other Elves.

She decided on confrontation.

Placing a hand on her trusty bow and wishing herself luck, Valkyrie jumped down before the creature with grace and stood tall above it.

"Putta. [stop.]" she said authoritatively. "Amin sinta lle? [Do I know you?]" she asked, cocking her head.

Before the creature could respond, Valkyrie leant forward with haste and asked another question.

"Lle quena i'lambe tel' Eldalie? [Do you speak Elvish?]"
((Im happy using actual Elvish for phrases and whatnot, but for long unconventional phrases etc I cant translate or you ok if we do; write in English in normal font, they are speaking English, write in English in Bold, they are speaking Elven but translated?))

Flow looked up at the tall Elf who landed infront of her, slightly startled but completly unthreatened, despite the Elves slightly offensive, or at least wary, stance, and commanding voice.

Remaining with her arms by her sides in a completly relaxed and open posture, Flow replied.

"Vedui' [Greetings], saesa omentien lle [Pleasure meeting you.]" Florences Elvish was slightly stiff and formal from only really using it on special occasions or with visitors, but was clear and fluent, and she talked with a warm lyrical voice, filled with enthusiasm and joy in a way that was hard not to get caught up in.

She looked Valkyrie straight in the eyes, full of innocence, wearing her emotions and intentions clear to see.

"Manke naa lye?[Where are we?] Something broke a dam, and there was a big flood. I tried to keep the water pushed back, to stop it from hurting the trees and the animals. I stopped it mostly, but I fainted and was washed away here."

She stopped and studied the Elves face for a few seconds.

"I do not know you personally, but I am your distant kin, I am Naiad." She said her race, and the fact she was distantly related to Elves with pride clear in her voice. "In my home we have lived side by side with Elves for centuries, and we share many customs with one another. May your rivers run freely, and your lakes stay clear." She said with an curtsey that was suprisingly elegant and graceful for the bubbly young girl. "No, wait, that doesnt make sense for you, um-" She paused breifly to think of a more suitable greeting.

"Aa' menle nauva calen ar' ta hwesta e' ale'quenle."[May thy paths be green and the breeze on thy back.]
[[That's a good idea xD Yeah, we'll do that c: ]]

"A Naiad? The Elders have talked about your kind before. A very rare kind, this day, correct?" Valkyrie asked.

She relaxed, sensing purity in the being before her. A Naiad. She'd been told about their kind before, how they were pure spirits of the ocean, the rain falling from the sky to purge the Earth of its blood, the river running through the mountains.

When she was younger, her Mother would tell her stories of the only Naiad she'd ever met. A strong elder referred to as Duin'elen, which was old-Elvish for River Star.
Bromin and Rock were walking from the dwarfen city and they are lost."Where are we Bromin" said Rock."I don't know Rock if I did we won't be lost right now" said Bromin.Rock started to look around then he noticed something.Rock saw a puddle turned into a girl and then saw what looks like a elf falling from the trees and started talking to the girl."The h***"Rock."What Rock"Bromin asked Rock."Look over there Bromin".Bromin looked over to the direction that Rock was looking at."What the h***" Bromin said."Should we investigate"Rock asked Bromin."Yes maybe one of them knows on how to get out of here"Bromin said,Then the two started to walk over with their weapons out just in case this goes bad.
(Awesome :) )

"We are small in number, yes. Our race is all female, and we are quite sedentary in nature, so we rely on travellers to propogate. Birth rates are fairly low in the first place, and well...travellers are a lot less rare nowadays. Humans seem to have lost their appetite for exploring, and a lot of races are too caught up fighting each other to travel or send merchants through neutral territory." She trailed off slightly, then perked up again.

"We don't age and were pretty hard to kill though, so we arent exactly in danger. What clan of Elves are you from? Actually, where are we? I have no idea how far I washed away...I've never actually left my lake before you know...Im still pretty young."

She looked around to examine the forest, taken in by its beauty, then noticed a large golem and less large, but still quite large for a dwarf, dwarf.

"Are they your friends?" She questioned Valkyrie.
Bromin and Rock are walking to the elf and the girl and Rock says to Bromin"I think they notice us Bromin".Bromin then noticed that the girl started to say something to the elf he then said"well this might go bad really quickly"Bromin said."Do you have your hammer ready"Bromin asked."Yes its ready for crushing Bromin"said Rock.Bromin and Rock finally got to the two women.Before introduced himself he looked back at had look on his saying "if this goes bad you better have that hammer of your ready,got bud"Rock nodded at Bromin.Bromin then looked at the two women and said "good day ladies Bromin Ragil and Rock.Proffesinal bounty hunters at your service"Bromin said.
Valkyrie stood tall, eyeing up the creatures before her.

"You are English speakers." she stated, squinting slightly.

These creatures are some she had not seen since being a young Elf. The Golem was a powerful being, not one to be messed with, and with such a large temper at best. Valkyrie knew she needed to tread carefully, as sometimes her mouth got her into a lot of trouble.

"Quel're, Hunters. I am Valkyrie Daeben born under the sign of Delimbiyra, Daughter of High Priestess Ballimes Daeris. It's a pleasure to meet kindred spirits."

She then turned to Flow.

"I see. We don't often send merchants through your lands, there's creatures in your paths that cause somewhat of a disturbance for us. If required, we are happy to send some of our more trained allies through your territory. However, we can discuss that later upon return to the Tribe" Valkyrie said, smiling at the young spirit.

She stood facing all three of the beings.

"Welcome to the Ruhn Forest."
"Pleased to meet you." Florence said to the pair with a polite nod to both of them, eyes lighting up as she studied them with interest, having never met a dwarf or a golem in person.

For the first time a little frown creased Florence's forehead as Valkyrie spoke to her in Elvish, and concern showed on her face.

"Ruhn?...I've been washed a very long way away, havent I." She said, biting her lip nervously and fiddling with her hair, which ran and splashed louder with her concern. "But I would be honored to meet your tribe."
Bromin was slightly really surprised that the two women haven't attack them at all even though he kept his serious face."Yes me and Rock here would love to come along,mostly because we need to resupply and we hope that your people would a way out of here"Bromin said.And Rock says "Yeah that would be highly appreciated"
Valkyrie placed a gentle hand on Flow's shoulder.

"Stay calm, young one. You are safe here, we have a large lake you can rest and replenish in if required. And don't worry, I promise that myself and my Tribe will get you home safely" she said, smiling sweetly.

Valkyrie then turned to Bromin and Rock.

"You can speak Elvish?" she asked, cocking her head slightly.

Valkyrie felt her day getting stranger as she watched the creatures moving in front of her.

'How strange' she thought to herself, observing the peaceful creatures. 'Such advanced and magnificent weapons.'

[The things I've put in italics on my own post is Valkyrie thinking to herself. Also, a note to Robin man, when we write in bold, it's our characters speaking in Elvish. When we write speech without anything extra, so just normally, it is English. Hope that makes it easier to understand ^^]
"Okay, thankyou very much." Flow said with a respectful curtsey, before switching to English for the benefit of their two new aquaintences.

"So, whereabouts are you two from? Have you been hunting bounties very long?" Flow asked, taking the title literally, then turning to Valkyrie.

"How far away are your kinsfolk?"
Bromin then looked at Rock then he counted with his fingers then he said "yes we have,we have been bounty hunting for twenty-six years and still going". Rock then said "we hail from the dwarven capital nogrod,which is just about ten miles southeast of here,at least I hope."Bromin turned around to answer the elf's question "ah no we don't speak elvish,and Rock doesn't know elfish either".Bromin noticed Valkyrie looking at his weapons "what you like my axes,perfect dwarfen axes made by the best smiths in nogrod."

Rock also answered the girls question especially since he noticed that she thought that they literally hunted bounties."No no what we do is that in every town,or city the guard will put up a criminal that they can't get by themselves.That's when they pay anyone who brought the man,or women in.And they usually want the criminals brought back dead because that's how it ends up.And that's what me and Bromin do for a living".Rock then looked at Valkyrie "so when are we going"?He asked.

(And thanks for the heads up StereoPoison)
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Valkyrie smiled at the Dwarf.

"If you are to return to Nogrod, please do send my compliments to your Blacksmitheries. The people of Ruhn would love to forge an allied exchange with your tribe" she said, her tone light. "We will be heading to my Village very soon, however please be patient as I have a few issues to address before we depart. I appreciate your co-operation."

Valkyrie shifted her weight, standing towards Flow. With a look of concern, she addressed the young girl.

"My Village is about a mile back through the forest. Do you know where your origins are based?" Valkyrie asked, cocking her head.

'It'll be hard to get her back. Gods help us.' Valkyrie thought to herself.

She glanced up at the sky, watching the golden rays of sunshine filter down through the whispering trees.
"Umm...I know what the general areas called, as for where it is, its...over there?" She said pointing in the general direction she had washed up from.

"I think I got washed quite a long way away, there was quite a lot of water..."

She looked around and breathed in calmly.

"This is a very pretty place..."
Valkyrie looked the direction Flow was pointing.

"That way?" she asked, also pointing. "If you travel about a mile and a half in that direction, you'll reach the River of the Goddess Limlugnith. Her waterways run far and wide. However, if you traveled down the main vessel, then we should be able to take you back along it. Before we can do that, though, you must rejuvenate whilst we plan."

Valkyrie knelt down, drawing something in the patch of dirt.

She drew a long line with smaller lines coming off of it regularly.

At the end of each line, she drew a circle.

She pointed to the one nearest her feet.

"This circle is the Ruhn Forest, inhibiting our Tribe. Do you think you can point out which direction the water was heading for you to reach here?"
"Yeh!" Flow said excitedly, looking up as Valkyrie mentioned Limlugnith with a spark of reverence in her eyes.

"Thats our mom!...Well, shes not really our mom, but we call her beloved mother. If were this far down river, I should be"

She said, marking a point a fair ways down the map.

"Thats where the river runs through a lake."
Bromin looks at Valkryie "I'll tell the smithies the next time we return there"."Well we can also help with your issuses"."The sooner the better because we need supplies".Bromin then looks back at Rock "and besides Rock is on his last barrel of mead".Rock lifts up the barrel "uh yeah I need my mead".Rock notices Flows excitment and then looks at the map."Wheres that"?

(Sorry it took so long. And the short post)
Valkyrie nodded at Bromin.

She grinned at Flow.

"That's perfect, we can get you back there without much hassle!" she exclaimed, standing straight. She turned to Bromin and Rock.

"Rock, do not worry, we have a large meadery back at the Tribe settlement with many dedicated workers and enthusiasts. If you will all please follow me, we will now be departing back to the village."

Valkyrie turned her back on the 3 and began walking back in the direction of the Village.

"Make haste, the sooner we arrive, the better."
(Also sorry Ive taken so long, I should be on once a day now though.)

Flow trailed along behind Bromin and Valkyrie, examing the forest around her, taking note of similarities and differences between this forest and her own, feeling a gentle tug from an underground spring below them.

Having never seen anyone as vast as Rock, she studied him for a few seconds idly, then expanded herself to roughly match his size and stature, noting how differnt the world seemed from such a height, before reverting back to her normal size.

"How many people are in your tribe, Valkyrie?" She asked respectfully.
[No worries c: I've been busy too, just post whenever you can~]

Valkyrie continued on, brushing away branches and spiderwebs that occasionally landed on her.

There was a gentle breeze blowing through her long hair. It made her smile contentedly.

"How many people in my tribe?" Valkyrie replied. "About 5 families of three generations."

She looked up at the canopies of the trees.

"My Grandmother is the Village Priestess, my Mother is next in line."
Bromin looks at Valkyrie "if you don't mind me asking ,but how long has your village been here"?"I've never of any Elfs living around my home for miles".Well at least not for the last five-hundred years"."I find that a little odd"?

Rock starts talking to Bromin like he was a mad man "
doesn't matter how long they been living here as long they don't try to attack nogrod,plus if they have good mead,I will have no problem with them".Rock looks back at Flow making herself into his size then reverting back to her normal size."So what do think of being the largest thing in this forest"?Bromin looks back at Rock "well it never hurts to check especially the dwarfs had have with elfs".

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