An Alternate Ending

(Umm.. so yea, you can take me of the RP because im never here and dont dont really wanna read all the threads so yea)
Dei looked up as he saw Mar's attack attempt floating about him.

'An interesting technique' He thought to himself.

It suddenly came crashing down as Dei lifted his hands to catch it as it slammed into and began pushing him down, his knees wobbled as it came crashing down on him crushing him into the ground as it slammed into the dirt itself kicking up dust and laying flat on the ground in it's newly formed and snugly fitting crater, surely crushing the demon.

It seemed only a few seconds quite before the metal boulder Mar had to used to crush their foe began to wobble a little and shake, sounds could be heard as the large structure shook more and began to slowly lift up. It lifted higher revealing Terra Dei lifting it up with his hands surrounded by the new rocky armour that had thick wrists and knuckles. He continued to push as he lifted it up higher and bending his knees back up like a weight lifter lifting up a very heavy weight as he managed to stand back up to his full position with the boulder above his head.

"That was not the best idea, you see this form, this soul's power not only grant me the ultimate defense, it increases my strength greatly! Now for you to take your 'gift' back! Catch!"

With that he used all his strength and with a great huff threw the large structure back towards Mar, returning it to it's master as it would come crashing down on him.

(Sorry about that amdreams. I say make Ciara or Hanna the leader since they are most active, or maybe both. Dual Leadership! Up to you.. Anyway, bye TerraDawn. Sorry our characters couldn't have met...)
"well now Dean i do believe that`s the last well be seeing of him" Mar announced tiredly,fearing the old man would be cross with him for intervening with his fight he was about to say something to take his leaders mind off of it before he turned back to what should have been a grave marker with a gasp

"Now that's just unnecessary " the boy said quietly beholding Dei`s feat of strength

eyes widened in disbelief as he saw his own attack being thrown back at him; " you expect me to CATCH that thing!? are you INSANE!?" he said raising his voice, a rare occurrence for him. This demon seemed to have a horrid sense of humor, high tailing it to the right he barley had time to retrieve his katana from the ground and get away from the boulder, failing to prevent his creation from bearing down on the tip his left foot the boy sucked in air through gritted teeth in pain. Mar wrenched his shoe from the massive alloy and looked down, the soft ground took most of the weight away from his foot, sparing his toes from a beheading. Attempting a step forward did not produce good results, Mar`s foot exploded with pain as he fell onto the ground with a yelp , he still had his foot but it was definitely broken.

"one more try" the boy thought smiling despite the pain he was going through, he had one last trick up his sleeve, still on the ground Mar let go of the jury and raised his palm; controlling large forms of metal takes an unholy amount of energy, the stress only being increased if said metal was far away, but the demon had been kind enough to take some of the burden off of this next little trick; the alloy made a sound similar to multiple blades being sharpened at the same time as the side of it facing Dei formed into millions of tiny needles; "but Mr. Demon I put my soul into making this for you. i thought that was what you where after so i insist.... Keep it!" the boy reached deep into his energy reservoir and released a massive jet stream of electricity which slammed into the boulder launching an almost constant suppressive hail of needles charged to a deadly voltage at the demon making a deafing sound like a high piched machinegun battery. as much as he wanted to see Dei become a pin cushion Mar could`nt keep his eyes open as his vision gradually faded untill he was unconscious due to over exertion.
Anna continued studying the fight. This demon seemed to be able to combine with these souls to gain new found abilities. It was certainly something she had never seen before. And he was strong. Mar seemed to be using up all his strength from the get go against this man. It was a rookie mistake. You never charge first with all you've got.

When Mar had fallen unconscious, Raiden ruffled his feathers. The owl broke free of Anna's grasp and flew for the demon in a fit of anger. Anna was starting to worry for her comrades. Mar was already down, Darla was nowhere to be found and Dean's regenerative ability could only go so far.
"MAR!" Dean howled seeming to forget all about Dei and everything that he had just witnessed him do. He had spent his time in quiet observation trying not to feel overwhelmed by the fact that he didn't know how to wound the demon. He knew without even needing to try that his sword would not be able to pierce the thick armour that the demon had gained.

Raiden provided a welcome reprieve and Dean used this time to haul Mar off of the field. He deposited Mar's unconscious body into a bush hoping that somehow everything would work out. At the very least he could go forever so long as he didn't receive a mortal wound. Dean quickly sheathed his sword with a low mutter, "Useless." and he quickly located an identical pair of small knives. There had to be gaps in the armour. He would find them and the knives would exploit them. Unfortunately that would mean having to get in close, but Dean knew that this was necessary unless Mar's attack worked.
The needles flew for Dei as he raised his armoured wrists up as shields to block the needles as the clanged against the armour, bouncing off and falling to the ground. The needles making quiet ringing sounds as they dropped against the ground one by one.

As Dei moved his arms, it was shown he had not been fast enough to block the needles initially as a few had sunk into joints between his armour. He pulled one of the needles out as his blood dripped along it, burning the needle slightly. He dropped the needle to the ground adding one more ringing sound. Brushing the whole attack off as nothing major.

As Mar fainted he huffed. Not very impressive, he had interesting abilities but was weak of soul.

"He weak... we need more strong opponent, opponent with much power!"

Terra said to Dei within his mind.

Soon a strange owl began charging for Dei, he swung his arm towards the creature, his swing was so slow and heavy but even though it was a light swing it carried much power and one hit might just send that owl into a burst of feathers.
(Heehee I was hoping you'd do that . . . *evil smile*)

Raiden took the blow from Dei's sword and fell to the ground. It didn't seem to do much damage but he did lose some feathers. Just as the sword made contact, Anna snapped a branch in her hand. She stood up and started walking to Dei. The hood of her cloak covered most of her face but it was obvious that she was angry. Her voice seemed to be laced with poison as she spoke up.

"How dare you hurt Raiden like it was nothing. That's the problem with humans and the like. You are so full of sh*t that all other living creatures are seen as below you. You sacrifice them without second thought to a god that doesn't answer you. You hunt them for sport. Like you're the only lives that matter."

Anna was very passionate about animals, ranking them higher in her heart than almost every human or humanoid in all of Amia. The hood lifted enough to reveal her right eye, which was blood red in color. She held up her hand to reveal a deep blue gem imbedded in a white glove. Muttering the same foreign words as before, she glared at Dei.

"All you people should just burn."
Then out of the gem came a scarlet form that flew up and manifested itself as a flaming bird, a phoenix perhaps. The air around it grew hot and a few of the foliage nearby were catching fire.
Upon reaching the inn, or what could have been considered an inn at one time, Verjouhi stopped and rolled his shoulder as he thought. He shook his head, looking at Kevin and saying, "Get some rooms for everyone..." He gave the man a small pouch from his pocket. "That should be more than enough to get them. I'll be in soon...and feel free to get some decent food ordered." He walked around back to stable his stallion, thoughts elsewhere.
(I know, that is exactly why I did it that way!)

Dei couldn't be bothered as the bird went flying. He then saw the girl come to him angrily and preached to him.

"Humans, animals. I don't care, they are of no difference to me. I don't care about any of the, hunting animals or humans. If they get in my way, it doesn't matter if you are human, animal, werewolf or god himself, I will remove you and complete my mission. As for God, me and him aren't really on speaking terms anyway."

As she showed her gem and it glowed, he looked at it curiously recognizing it as holding the energy of spirits as her spirit burst out.

"So I see you use an ability similiar to mine. But you do not use souls, you simply use spirits. Beings with no bodies, similiar to souls except they were always just energy where as souls are the energy of living beings. But I can already see the difference. You made a deal with them to use their power, you do not truly control them, you did not take their power but simply share it and seek their assistance. You can not truly wield the power of a soul or spirit if you will, unless you take it, bend it to your will, make it yours and consume it!"

Dei said the last part in a dark demon like voice with his red eyes fixated on Anna and her spirit, as the seemed to stare right into them.
Dean smirked, "You've made a grave mistake, friend." he smiled and laughed with an edge of hysteria creeping into it. He was glad that Anna was invested into this fight, that would be the edge that Cerberus needed considering that Mar had fainted and Darla had vanished. He made a note to pick his fights a little more carefully, but he was still excited over this fight.

He watched on the sideline carefully monitoring the demon. He was essentially just waiting for an attack that Anna couldn't handle to intervene and take the blow. He was more heavily armoured and he also had his regenerative abilities so he often intercepted blows for other members. Dean was also waiting prepared to attack Dei if his armour seemed to weaken or if he could spot a vulnerable spot. He licked his lips eager to see what Anna would dish out on him.
(Announcement to the White Knights: Terradawn101 has said good bye to us and has left. She will be missed. But do to the loss of a White Knight, Aran (AncientPredator) shall be taking her place in the Knights. As for leader, you can handle that yourselves. I don't really care.)

Kevin took the pouch and stared at Verjouhi. "Okay . . . ?" He watched the quiet man leave and wondered where he was going. But he was given a task and he had to stay focused. So he purchased the room as told and was amazed at the amount of money this man had. It was more than Kevin ever saw in his life. As he gave the room keys to the others. Kevin waited in the lobby for him to come back until his stomach rumbled. Verjouhi was gonna regret leaving his money with a growing boy. Kevin ran to the dining hall. "Meat!"

. . .

Dei's knowledge neither impressed Anna nor did it lessen her anger one bit. "You're mostly correct. Spirits are beings who've never had a flesh and blood body, true. And I can't fully control them, also true. But spirits never make deals. It is only those of flesh that require rules and contracts." The flaming bird bent its head down so that Anna could pet it. "Suzaku is here because he wants to be. There is no obligation and he can leave whenever he wish."

It was at that point that Suzaku rushed forward. The flames licked the trees around him as its body pf flames skimmed the ground. Anna herself was inside its body, unseen and rushing toward Dei spear in hand. The phoenix was her friend and so his flames wouldn't burn her. She planned on striking when he was distracted by Suzaku's attack.
"His choice to stay with you is still a deal, a deal made between the two of you to work together. Weather it bares rules or contracts is irrelevant, it is still a silent deal made between you, even you if it has been attempted to be disguised through friendship or anything as silly. The difference between you and me is the choice, there is no choice. If you want the true power of a spirit, you take it!"

He stood still as she attacked, seeming confident.

"Let lady come with weak bird! No power beat Terra's power!" Terra said to Dei in his mind.

Dei held out his hands to take the attack as it slammed into him and he skidded back, thankfully he was heavy and he didn't go far as his skin was slightly burnt by the power of the phoenix, thankfully his armour was built to take punishment, though the fire was have it's effect. Anna's plan worked as Dei focused on the Phoenix allowing her to strike with her spear straight and true, however if she just planned to strike with the spear it would fail as his armour was strong enough to prevent it from damaging him. Hurting Dei in a center frontal attack was not so easy, especially with only a spear not matter how strong or angry the opponent.
(. . . Damnit. I'm so sorry! >/////< Ugh. I am so off my game these days. "He will be missed.")

As Anna reached striking distance of Dei, she smiled as he was preoccupied with Suzaku. She held the spear tightly in her hand and, using the broad side of the blade, swung to hammer Mar's needles deeper into the joint in Dei's armor. She had no chance to check if it worked though, as her full attention was on Raiden who now laid on the ground. After her attempted attack, she rushed over and scooped the owl's body up and ran back to her starting point. She looked to make sure Raiden wasn't hurt.
The spear pushed in one of Mar's needles much deeper making it completely disappear into his arm so that Dei would not be able to pull it out without taking the armour.

He held his upper right arm as he needle pierced right through, creating pain. However pain was not enough to stop him, it hurt more than the damage it did and pain meant nothing to him, only his success.

"Focusing only on saving your friend, pathetic. You should focus on your opponent!"

He suddenly jumped forward, rolling into ball as he spun towards Anna like a wrecking ball. Not only did rolling up like this turn him into a dangerous steam roller, but it made his defense even stronger as now all the strong armour surrounded him on the outside, while the soft and weaker parts were now kept safe inside his round like state.

The rolling Dei continue to shoot towards Anna with full intent to run her over like road kill.
(We . . . should probably end this soon for the White Knights.)

Anna watch the incoming wrecking ball. As it came withing feet of her, a large ramp like structure jutted out of the ground to knock Dei off course. A large white tiger appeared behind the cloaked girl. She was growing bored of the fight. Not because the opponent was weak but because prolonged interactions with a person made her icky. Intending on ending the battle soon, Byakko roared, causing large pillars of rock and earth to protrude out of the ground with two purposes. One was to knock into the demon and hopefully cause some damage. The other was to remove the smooth surface ideal for rolling.
(Ok, I'll try wrap it up fast...)

Dei went flying over the ramp as he became airborne and missed Anna and landed a few feet away as he rolled into a U-Turn and went spinning back towards her as the ground began to change, knocking him back and stop his roll as he tried to avoid pillars as he was losing his flat rolling ground.

Dei thought to himself.

"She has some skill, but either way it's not her ability we are interested in anyway."

He changed course and headed towards Dean as he rolled to him and was then forced to come out of all the ball thanks to Anna's second spirit as he did a jump from the roll to get over the last few meters to get to Dean.
Dean had been feeling anxious watching the fight but when Dei seemed to redirect himself away from Anna was when he felt a creeping edge of panic flutter through him. All he had was his healing and against normal aggressors that was far more than enough but he didn't have the fantastic abilities that could pierce the armor. All he had was an unrelenting determination at this point... and a handful of knives. But he supposed Dei had eyes and he had Anna.

"Bring it on you overgrown lump." he catcalled twirling a knife in his hand and he lunged forward clearing the rest of the distance between Dei and himself. As the distance between them closed he jumped and swung a knife forward aiming for his opponents exposed eyes.
Dei grabbed at Dean's arms with his overwhelming strength, trying to pin his arms down as he fell on him with an amazing weight that was crushing Dean. A normal person would have probably been crushed instantly by the weight and died. But Dean's ability would allow him to survive and take it.

As Dei was on top of Dean was when he started doing something truly terrifying. He began opening his mouth as Dean suddenly felt a horrible sensation, he began feeling weaker as if he was getting more tired. As Dei opened his mouth more it began to open up in an inhuman way with horrible mandibles and teeth opening up all over the place, making his lower face look completely in human (Think of a combination of Predator, Alien, Deep Rising, Blade III). Dean could continue to feel his energy getting weaker as it feel like it was being sucked out by Dei.

It started feeling worse, a feeling worse than dying as he felt close to that, but almost as if his very soul were being sucked out. His power felt drained as he could his life force slipping.

([MENTION=2001]amdreams[/MENTION] Sorry if this is a bit much, I can change. Just trying to end this quickly as per request. But now is a good time to stop him and quick before he finishes...)
((amdreams - I don't mind what Dei's doing as long as Dean pulls through :) Sadly I'm just flattered that he thinks that Dean's soul is worthwhile. I've also got nothing to add unless you want to hear about Dean trying and failing to escape underneath Dei's weight.))
(Don't worry I wouldn't dare kill or take a character's soul without permission, I hope he does fail. More incentive next time, just wanted to show off how he does it.. If your curious why he wants your soul, it's because of your unique healing ability, healing can be very useful. Especially for someone in his line of work...)
(Okay . . . ?)

Anna stood up to try to do something. Mar was still unconscious and now Dean was in a bit of trouble. As she tried to make her way to Dei, her vision became a bit hazy as fatigue was plaguing her. She had already reached her limit with her summons, having barely enough energy to walk, Raiden was down, and her spear wouldn't do much against this man with his armor and her current lack of strength. Still, she had to act or Dean was as good as dead. She didn't have much of a choice now.

She brought the gem up to her lips and began whispering the prayers. A blue light glowed this time. The wind around her became violent as a blue dragon, Seiryu, formed from the currents. The beast swooped around the battlefield as the members of Cerberus vanished, leaving a vast amount of broken trees in their wake.

Seiryu transported Cerberus to a different location. It was probably somewhere north as the air had a biting chill to it. The members fell into a meadow. After Seiryu disappeared into Anna's gem, she began violently coughing up blood. She still wasn't strong enough to handle more than two summonings a day, but she had no choice but to risk it. After a few minutes of coughing, her eyes simply closed. Her body was extremely fatigued now and she needed rest. Raiden, now awake, sat in the grass near her head as if trying to look after her. His feathered head rubbed against her own.
Dei's eyes opened wide in surprise as his prey had disappeared. His mouth began to close as it returned to normal, it's more human form without all the mandible teeth and creepy tongue. He looked around to see they were completely gone. He put the cleaver on his back as he smiled.


He split with Terra as he returned to normal and Terra went back into the armour.

"Awww.... me wanted to hit more..."

He had other business to attend to anyway, he thought as he began walking, continuing in the direction he was before he met Cerberus, a slight smirk on his face as he began to whistle a creepy song.

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