An Alternate Ending

The town of Mapplegrove is in an almost natural state of constant disrepair and unrest, always looking about twice as gloomy as any outlaying slum in the capital would , this was most likely due to the local crime syndicate The Fire Brands which facilitated an intricate systeam of slanderous loans, share cropping and black market dealers, allowing them to eventually take control of the town completely storing up all of the wealth into the western district that to this day are filled with massive mansion`s which loom over all other buildings giving off a sense of helplessness and oppression to the people unfortunate enough to call the town home with their mere presence.

anyone passing by
Mapplegrove should be weary of both their backs and their coin purses

Randal- royal officer of her graces yearly census


guarding the gate where two guards clad in trench coats and armed with wooden bolt action rifles, they both stepped up to Kevin, dully blocking entry to the town; it was painfully obvious that not even the
White Knights would be regarded highly in such a place

the guard left of Kevin of Kevin was the one to speak
"The toll is 5 silver coins are you paying or not? "
"I'll pay it." Verjouhi said, giving the coins to the guard absently. Enough for all the White Knights, not just Kevin; he wasn't exactly poor, but he knew towns like this. To get information, flash a little coin, get attention. It was why he kept most of his money hidden in Sunfire's saddle, away from prying eyes. "Where's a good inn in this place?"
Dei looked on as Anna dared to asked him to leave. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at Dean.

"That could be of use..."

He said sensing something that might be of interest as he slowly reached behind his back and gripped the handle of his sword and suddenly drew his sword as he brought it to point to ground below him. He slowly began walking towards those of Cerberus, as he left the shadows of the trees coming out into the open space they were in, his red eyes now fixed on them but not saying a word.
Aran grabbed his coin purse from his pocket and placed it in a pocket under his Jacket. He looked around, Wasn't a very Nice town He thought to himself. He looked at the white knights. He had no idea why Kevin wanted him along, They only just met Aran not that long ago.
Hanna felt uncomfortable in this town, she stroked Iris' ear and closed her satchel. She pulled it closer to her, not trusting anybody but her fellow white knights. She had very little coin to spend and was thankful of Verjouhi paying it. "Thank you."
Ciara picked up Keiran and made sure he had his scarf on and her coins were in his scarf. Ciara had the scarf made as a gift for him and to hold her money in a secret pocket since she didn't really have any where else to keep it. Her coins were safe and sound but she kept Keiran in her arms not trusting him on the ground or on her shoulders, especially because he would get her, or even all the white knights, in some kind a trouble.
Dean watched Dei draw his sword slowly and as he watched intensely he felt his fingers slide along the hilt. He indulged himself by drawing his own sword and he murmured slowly with a slight smile, "Only fools draw their swords so readily." and he laughed distractedly. Blood was pulsing through his head and he licked his lips eager to fight. He was aware that he was calling himself a fool, but when the shoe fit...

Besides, he had been drawn prematurely from his last fight and there would be no interruptions from this one hopefully. He was certain that the White Knights were leagues away so he didn't have to worry about that archer who could have killed him if it weren't for his healing ability. He twirled the sword in his hand as he watched Dei to determine whether or not he would live up to this promise of a fight or if he would flee.
"Any are fools who do as they please without realizing the possibility of consequences."

He looked at Dean carefully.

"I both expect and want results, but more importantly I was interested in your reaction to see if my little... impression of you is right."

Dei did not attack, but simply stood there holding his blade pointed to the ground, easily allowing for a first strike without a chance of blocking from his blade.

He was curious to see how this one would react, those others had simply retreated and refused to fight. He seemed more willing. However that was irrelevant, the truth is Dei wished to know the limit of the ability he had felt, he needed to know if it may be worth his while. So drawing his sword in an unnecessary manner was appropriate.
Kevin thanked Verjouhi. He was born on a farm so he wasn't exactly rolling in the green unless it was grass.

. . . . .

Raiden's feathers ruffled. He was on edge. His yellow eyes stared at Dei with a dark intent. Anna held Raiden back but tightened the grip on her spear. This was a battle between men, which meant that there was a lot of pride on the line. Dean wouldn't like it if she got involved. Still, they didn't know what this man could do and heaven forbid if she let him kill off one of the few people she could tolerate. She kept whispering the incantations under her breath just in case.
Mar turned in time to see Dei standing in front of Dean, seeing that both men have already drawn their swords the boy retrained the Judge`s sights, aiming for the demons sword shoulder; "just say the word" Mar said, bracing for combat.

while it was true that the demon looked both menacing and aggressive it seemed as if he had no intent to take action against Cerberus at the moment, it felt almost as if this stranger was testing them.


the guard who took
Verjouhi`s money nodded his head in thanks as the guard to Kevin's right whistled, signaling an unseen operator to open the gates, filling the air with the sound of massive gears churning as they opened.

the guard spoke loudly so he could be heard above the noise ; " you`ll find the nicest anything in our western district, although i suggest you don`t stay here to long. this ain`t the ideal place to be sightseeing" both guards move out of the way allowing entry into the town, " welcome to Mapplegrove"

Dean angled his gaze towards Mar for a moment. He felt selfish, he wanted this fight all to himself so he didn't know how to respond to Mar's support. So he grunted, "One at a time Mar, otherwise he might not consider my victory a fair one."

His eyes then returned to Dei. He watched the demon intensely primed to respond to any movement, but the demon seemed content to wait and Dean realized that he was being allowed the first attack. Muscles in his legs spasmed and his lips peeled back revealing a wide threatening smile. He finally indulged himself by lunging forward and positioning his sword forward to move in for a straight jab aimed at Dei's upper abdomen.
Verjouhi nodded in thanks to the guards then looked at the group again. "No need to thank me...better out of my pocket than yours." He nodded for them to go in and waited till everyone was passed the gates before following, walking beside his stallion instead of riding. He didn't like towns as is, no sense in making himself seem better than others.

"Victory means nothing, only success..."

Dei swiftedly moved to the side to avoid the sword and brought his own sword forward with a thrust to make the two swords clash and try push away Dean's sword and make him lose grip as his red eyes focused on Dean's sword and strangely not on Dean. He knew Dean was not fighting at full strength, but just playing around and testing the waters as it were. He would do the same until it became necessary to do otherwise.

Pisces glowed excitedly as he spoke so only Dei could hear him in his head.

"Finally, a battle. I can't wait, it's been a while since we have had some fun. Especially since those other creatures wimped out on us, these guys seem like they want to play!"

The soul began laughing to himself.
Mar takes a few steps back so he could both get out of the way and get a better view of fight as Dean denies his offer for support, acknowledging that the situation had become a duel between two honor bound men he lowers his weapon but dose not holster it Mar preferred to be combat ready just in case the bout escalated any more than necessary,

duel or not if the boy felt like his old man`s life was in any kind of danger
you could be sure that he would be shooting.
Dean flicked away Dei's sword angling the blade to swoop through the air off to his side. He didn't want to waste his energy on an forthright test of strength and he certainly didn't want to lose his grip even if he proved to be stronger. He glanced at Dei's red eyes for a moment as he swung forward into another attack. He didn't particularly like the fact that he had seemed to have become the aggressor, but a sense of lust over fighting had overcome him so he could ignore that he felt more tactically assured when he was the defender.
Dei jumped back to avoid the next attack, but didn't counter this time or step closer back into sword range as he saw Mar take a step back.

"Do not think this is a battle of honor or a simple duel between two. It is only a mission where success matters..."

Terra came out and flew above Dei's palm as he then pointed it at Mar and fired it towards him. It didn't matter if it hit, made him fall over, did only a little damage or a lot. He had proved his point and knew it would be enough to provoke them into realizing this was no simple battle between two men. He was no man...
Mar quickly did a full on dive to his right rolling with it so that he landed his feet, during the process he made contact with the ground hard enough to lightly bruise his shoulder, setting his gaze at the projectile soul that was launched at him made the boy understand that human honor did not apply to beings like Dei more than his words did. with a fluid movement he loosed an inaccurate revolver round encased in electricity that left trail of energized light following in its wake at Terra before Mar drew the jury from its sheath on his back taking up a defensive stance , boy, revolver and katana where facing the soul as if he was anticipating a follow up attack from it but at the same time Mar was moving every metal atom he could directly under Dei`s current position "mind telling me what this "Missions" purpose is exactly?" Mar inquired sounding genuinely interested rather than angered still facing the demons soul, if this beings mission was to kill off Cerberus he did`nt seem to be off to that good of a start.
Terra was hit by Mar's bullet, but thankfully his souls ability was defense and the bullet ricocheted off. However it was it was still enough to send Terra into an uncontrollable spin as it went flying around while spinning, before stopping and slowly returning to Dei's hand.

Dei looked directly at Mar as he asked his question.


He said answering the boy's question with a simple word.
Anna sat on the branch of a nearby tree. She was keeping an eye on the fight, though most of her attention was on Raiden. She had no place in her heart or mind for people. Still, she was wary of the man. What did he mean by souls? Raiden's golden eyes stared at Dei, studying him.
"Souls?! Stay away from the boy!" Dean shouted feeling a shudder creep up his spine. The newest arrival was giving him a strange ominous feeling and he didn't want any of Cerberus to get involved if this man's end game was souls. Whether or not he was serious or just simply crazy, Dean began to see Dei as more of a danger. All of his opponents had fought for something less tangible... be it pride or simply victory... but an opponent that was in it for souls was something that he had never known and it honestly frightened him. Dean wasn't religious but he knew the permanence and necessity of souls... and he wasn't willing to let anyone in Cerberus lose theirs.

He lunged forward brandishing the sword above his head and with a roar he slashed his sword at Dei.
Dei put his sword forth to block the attack and try hold the attack there holding the sword in front of his face and body. Holding it there for a while as Dean's sword pushed against his own, the two steels scraping against each other.

He still needed them to show him more

He then sent a kick towards Dean's side. Not waiting to see if he hit, if he hit he would simply use the recoil to bounce back and if he missed he would spin around and then his sword flying for Mar.
The kick hit Dean solidly driving the air from his lungs. The armour that Mar had just repaired held resolute and took the brunt of the blow although the kick would be sure to leave a bruise if his cells didn't repair so quickly. Dean had never received a bruise in his life although he had been cut and left with broken bones.

As a result of his healing factor Dean only faltered for a moment to catch his breath before he viciously tried to attack Dei again. He wasn't pushing himself to his limit, but he would push himself to exhaustion in order to fight this man. He was beginning to wonder if he had made a mistake picking a battle with this man and that maybe the White Knights were indeed smarter for avoiding such a battle. A battle where their souls were at stake.
Mar did`int consider Dei to be a threat so he was too busy mentally noting the properties that the demons souls had shown and making various hypothesis as to why a demon would need to gather souls as well as how his armour could store said souls assuming that Dean would quickly dispose of the demon to see the sword comming in time to dodge. "crap!" the boy testified before he raised the judge using its metal as a catalyst to increase the potency of two electrical blast of energy that he purposelessly made collide with each other to create a protective shock wave which would stop the blade just centimeters from his nose and dropped to the grass laden ground. Mar took a deep breath thankful that he was still able to take in oxygen

Dei had officially earned the boys full attention

The genius ran in a semi circle to Dei`s left flank firing 2 rounds on his way before he had the judge`s barrel a few inches from the side of the demons amour trained directly on where a humans kidney would be Mar was about to unload his remaining 4 rounds into the demon.

(are the white knights inactive or are they waiting on me?)

(p.s how do you set a signature?)

Dei did some quick footwork to try avoid the bullets, however 3 rounds still hit. Two grazed by his side under his arm while one shot right through his left arm.

He smiled as he jumped back, blood dripping down his arm to the ground below where it burned the ground like acid, boiling red. He lifted his arm and licked the blood with a slight smirk.

"Good, now we are getting somewhere... Now we can really fight."

He held out his palm as a tiny bit of energy could be felt emanating from it.


He called out as the soul known as Terra flew into his hand, energy began to leak from Terra as it surrounded Dei that pulsed outwards towards Cerberus. The soul's metal case suddenly cracked open as the energy fully blasted out and surrounded Dei.

Dei began to transform as his skin began to harden and darken. Suddenly his armour changed become like a rocky shell with the back becoming especially strong. All the armour became strong and like this dark brown rock. Finally two horns began to grow out of Dei's head as the swirled around similiar to ram crossed with bulls horns. Finally his sword changed into a giant cleaver form of itself.

He smiled in this new form.

Mar was thrown backwards at the pulse of energy that blasted out sending him roughly a yard away form the demon, landing on his butt for the second time today irritated him a just a bit but the real problem on- or out of his hands in his case.... he dropped the judge somewhere in the tall grass next to Dei (it still has a round left) .

The boy would have been terrified at his targets new form if it were`nt for one thing. the demon bled. wincing as he got up Mar checked the mass of the metal composites in the ground that he placed under Dei, currently it was about half of the demons size, considering that he seemed to gain the properties of the green soul via fusion Mar guessed that normal attacks most likely would have not hurt Dei`s new form much, if his revolver had no effect on the green soul he didin`t see his katana faring any better. it was time for plan B.

Mar plunged the Jury into the ground as far as he could feeling a good amount of energy being drained from him as he focused completely on rapidly raising the small boulder of metal. it shot up from the ground with a loud chunk noise as it flew directly above Dei`s head, raining dirt and loose grass every where upon ascension. hopefully, gravity would do the rest

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