An Alternate Ending


Black Market Witch
Buildings are burning. The air was filled with nothing but smoke and screams of pain. Those still alive were clutching onto the corpses of loved ones. The streets were painted in blood and ashes. And with one final roar, the Dragon, the very embodiment of evil, left the charred remains of a village along with his minions.

The images faded to reveal the reflection of Dahlia, Amia's Eternal Queen, a title she had earned because of her ageless immortality and beauty. But today her face was full of worry. Her golden hair, which usually fell to the floor in gentle waves, was unkempt from sleepless nights. Her emerald green eyes were dark from stress.

Dahlia turned away from her magic mirror, a large antique oval mirror with a gold frame, to look out her window. For hundreds of years now, she had turned Amia into the ideal kingdom. Now the Dragon was loose and her kingdom was deteriorating. "This has to stop now," she said, "Before it's too late."

. . .

Dahlia stepped out of her castle to greet an immense crowd of aspiring warriors. Each one was waiting to see who would be the heroes who would bring peace back to Amia. Two servants brought out Dahlia's magic mirror. She stood between the crowd and the mirror and proceeded to speak.

"My people. Last year, our chosen heroes betrayed us and let loose the Dragon on all of Amia. For almost a year now, we have lost our homes, our businesses and our loved ones. But today, we can end it all. In a few weeks, the winter solstice will bring about the longest night of the year. This is our only chance to defeat that monster and take back our country." She then turned to face her mirror. "Now show us who is strong enough to put that demon back to rest."

The crowd waited in anticipation as what looked like fairies made completely of light flew into the crowd and chose this year's White Knights.
Hanna had just gotten dressed when she looked out the window and saw something that would haunt her nightmares for life, the forest around her was blackened and barren. "The Dragon." She gasped. She looked at the sundial kept on the porch and realized she was late for the choosing of the White Knights! Hanna grabbed her messenger bag, and Iris jumped in. She climbed down from the loft and ran down the path.

The path through the forest was enough to make Hanna cry. The trees burnt, the ground still hot with embers, the sky rained ashes. If it wasn't the destruction of everything she's ever known or loved, it'd be pretty. It was quiet, peaceful even, but then Iris jumped out of the bag. "Iris! Stop! If you go off and get killed it's my life too! Get back here!". Iris turned and trotted back to Hanna's side. Hanna clutched Taryn, her lightning sword (in dagger form at the moment) in her pocket, and walked to town.

. . . . .

When Hanna got to town Queen Dahlia was adressing the people, as everyone lay in wait to see who would be the White Knights of this year. Hanna stood towards the back, barley able to hear over the chatter of the people telling about the troubles the dragon has brought them.

And then, it got silent as little balls of light flew over the crowd. These are what chose the White Knights of the year, Hanna knew. They were so magestic. When one of them started floating over towards her.....
"Are you listening to this?" Dean scowled from their vantage point on the surrounding hills high above the spectacularly lavish ceremony. He was garbed in full armour and his sword hung glistening from his hand. The three of them had been poised and waiting for a few hours and they would likely wait quite some time for the ideal moment. Although this waiting was really trying to Dean's patience he knew that he couldn't be hasty. He definitely had to wait until this year's White Knights were at least chosen.

By this time Dean was pacing impatiently and no consoling from his team could make him calm enough to wait. He was a man of action and waiting had never been his style. Sometimes he wondered why he was leader because he was often impulsive and brash, but he suspected that it was because he was willing to do whatever it took. He watched the orbs of light picking the volunteers as they had chosen him just a mere year ago and a definite thought struck him. This group would not reach the dragon. He glanced beside him at Anna and at Darla and he knew that they could do it. He had faith in this team and their mission. Whatever it took.

"After Dahlia hands out the bracelets... this seems to be as good of a time to strike as any. We'll let them know right from the start that they won't be reaching that dragon. Anna? Darla? What do you think?" Dean asked in a whispered voice.
Darla was watching the scene intensely, her hand gripped tightly around her sword's handle. All she wanted to do was take it out and strike the Queen, the fifthly liar. She could barely watch the scene without writhing in anger. What fools they were, all of them done there. Especially the ones that would be chosen to fight the dragon.

Darla turned towards Dean, though she kept wanting to watch. But Dean was their leader and so she would listen to him. She nodded at what he said, agreeing with him. They could not reach that dragon. No matter what kind of hope or ideas they had swimming around in their heads.

'I think that sounds like a very good plan."
Anna sat down while watching the ceremony. Her cloak covered most of her face as her eyes followed the lights below. Her spear was propped on her shoulder, while the other one was occupied by a large white owl. After hearing her teammates' words, the owl hooted and flapped its wings. She turned her concealed face toward her teammates.

"Raiden is right. We need to wait until they are off their guard the most. We need to be smart about this." Her eyes scanned the area below. There were guards at every corner and every space in between. Much more than what was there last year. Plus there were at least 100 potential knights gathered together. Even if Cerberus were the strongest warriors last year, 3 against 100 . . . it was obvious what would happen.

. . .

Kevin was cheering with the best of them when Dahlia had finished her speech. He was celebrating so much that he didn't notice a ball of light fly right at him. It struck him in the face and he fell flat on his back. He groaned as he sat up and when he opened his eyes, the ball was floating over his chest.

Forgetting the slight pain in his back, Kevin grabbed the light and jumped back onto his feet, holding the orb in the air like a trophy. "Yeah! Eat it weaklings! I'm the strongest! Haha! "

A large man near him turned to the werewolf. "Shut up!" He had a scowl on his face.

"You want a fight?!" Kevin shouted with a huge grin on his face. Then he hit his chest with his fists. "Well, come at me, bro!"

The other man then charged at the blond boy, confident in his size and strength. But soon, the man was flat on his back with Kevin sitting cross legged on his stomach. In a disappointed tone, he said, "You know, I expected a little more out of you."
As Ciara sits in the shadows with her eyes closed and Keiran on her lap she waits for the white knights to be picked. After waiting for a moment she hears some commotion and looks over to see a blonde boy she doesn't know knock down a big man then sit on his stomach. "Well, isn't that interesting," she said to Keiran who lays sleepy on her lap.

While she watches some of the balls of lights that were left she didn't notice one flying towards her then, at the last second, Keiran barked at the light. Startled Ciara looks at him and asked, "What is it boy?" right when the light hit her.
SMACK! "What was that?" Hanna sat up to face a crowd of people cheering looking at her, when she looked down she let out a cry of shock. Floating by her chest was the ball of light... She had been chosen! "I'm a White Knight!" Hanna yelled with excitment. A couple people around her chuckled, looking happily at her, while others looked grim, as if they didn't like this year's bunch.

Iris climbed out of Hanna's messengerbag and looked at the light, she pawed at it as if it were a lighting bug. Clearly disinterested, Iris settled down in a spot in the sun and yawned.

Hanna looked at her fellow White Knights from a distance, "They look nice." She thought, "That werewolf boy looks pretty strong, I wonder where the other one went..." Hanna looked around for the other White Knight that would soon join her in combat with the Dragon.
Slamming into the ground face first, Ciara groaned slowly getting up feeling some pain in her shoulder, as she looked over to check her shoulder she noticed one of the ball of lights floating next to her. "Am I chosen?," she asked herself then heard a snicker like sound from Keiran, she glared at him for a moment but noticed a few people smiling at her. Now she was sure she was chosen and looked back at the light and decided to go with it then question it.

She stood up and walked out of her shaded spot with Keiran close behind. As the sun met her eyes she squinted and searched for the other white knights wondering if she would be able to get along with them.
(I realize that we can't wait on one user forever so this is what's going to happen. We're going to continue. Whenever Cookies come back, if he's still interested, he will be able to integrate back into the rp as if he was there the whole time. Meanwhile, I'm probably going to add another White Knight because it is imperative that the Knights outnumber the Cerberus. If anyone is okay with having another character, I welcome the help, but I'm not forcing you.)

As the White Knights were chosen, Dahlia called the chosen warriors to stand before her. Giving them a warm smile, she said, "You warriors are our only hope now. Please accept these as a token of my gratitude for your help. It is but a trifle compared to what you are giving Amia." And with a wave of her hands, the lights that had chosen the Knights flew to their wrists and changed. Now on each Knight was a golden bracelet, with a large gem (of any color you want) imbedded in the gold. Then she turned to the crowd. "Now my people, show your thanks to this years White Knights." The crowd exploded in applause.

Kevin stared into the scarlet gem on his bracelet. He could see his reflection inside it. "Awesome." And when the crowd was cheering, he soaked up the applause and smiled. This was going to be epic.
Dean scowled slightly, "Raiden should really be team leader I think." when he spoke he wasn't even being dramatic or bitter. If he could understand the owl in the way that Anna did, he would pledge his allegiance to Raiden immediately. He was starting to get impatient. He needed to reign himself in and think logically once again.

"I think that we could just waltz down there and simply announce that the White Knights won't be reaching the dragon. I'm not too sure, but I think that might be all we really need. The crowd becomes chaotic and we wedge ourselves into the brains of the White Knights. A little bit of psychological manipulation and if we escape without a scratch using the resulting chaos of the crowd I really think we could stay in their minds just long enough to create some real damage. Getting to the White Knights will be easy enough too if we blend with the crowd." Dean offered musing through the situation. In his mind what he was proposing went off without a hitch but he presented his thoughts out loud so he could receive scrutiny from the other members of Cerberus. Heavens above knew how many times that he would have died if it weren't for the team.

"Do you think Dahlia expects us?" he asked twirling his sword in his hand as he was wont to do when he was trying to propose any semblance of a plan that wasn't awful or would get someone killed.
Raiden hooted again. "He says he doesn't like the title." Watching him get tense, she said, "Look. It's almost time to strike. You won't have to wait much longer."

After Dean finished speaking, Anna held out a poster with a crudely drawn picture of the 3 of them. "Yeah. I think she's expecting us. Our faces have been posted all over Amia. We'd be lucky to make it halfway through the crowd. Besides . . . all of Amia knows us as the ones who unleashed the Dragon. They'd never listen to us." Anna sighed. It would be nice if that was all it took. But people were stubborn.
Darla watched in digust. If they only knew the truth. She torn her gaze away and turned her attention to her teammates. She liked Dean's idea but she also agreed with Anna's words. They were most likely to be expected to crash the party down there. But they had to do something. Just letting the new White Knights go without do anything but watching would not work in their favor. They had to think of a good plan.

"We just really need to avoid Dahlia. If we can mix with the crowd we might be able to call out without too much notice or even spread rumors through the crowd that may reach the newbies." Darla shrugged though. She wasn't one for plans.
"I miss anonymity. Everything was much easier when I could actually use crowds. Maybe we should just aim to spook them? Obviously we're not going to get much accomplished today, but the dragon is a long way away and we could still catch back up to the Knight later. I agree with Darla... we have to do something. You are aware of how patient I am right?" Dean smirked and he shook his head. He wished he hadn't drawn his sword because the weight of it in his hand was driving him mad.

"And remember. If anyone has to get hurt it should be me." he asserted. It wasn't that he was being selfless, although his team meant more to him than anything, it was because the wounds that took them weeks to heal took him just hours. Aside from the wisdom of his teammates he also attributed his accelerated regeneration for saving his life on numerous occasions.
Anna continued staring at the ceremony going on below. A devious smile showed up on the visible part of her face. "We just have to wait a little longer. Then we'll give them a show they'll never forget." Raiden flapped his wings and flew down to the castle below landing on a tall marble column.

She thought about what Dean said about him being the one to get hurt. "Why get hurt at all, Dean? If we use my spirits, we might not have to go down there at all." Of course, there were flaws in her plan as well. Although Anna was the only one who could attack long range now, it was a tiring process. She could only summon two spirits per battle before her head got dizzy. Maybe three if she was lucky.
"Well we certainly need to think of a plan before the Whities head off. I mean we could get them later. When Dahlia won't be there to protect her new little pets." Darla grinned and then shrugged. "It's just to you guys what you think is best for now. But we must decide before they leave if we want to do anything here."
Dean smirked at Darla finding her insistence humorous because the exact same thoughts were going through his mind. In reality there was probably plenty of time but his perception was that they were going to miss their chance to strike here.

"I suppose that makes more sense. You're sure that this won't tire you out too much? We might still need to fight if you send your spirits out." Dean asked and he sheathed his sword. The weight in his hand was driving him mad and the excitement of battle was something that he didn't need right now. Once the sword was tucked away he felt a little more clear-headed about their plans. He could withdraw his sword from the sheath by the time any threat became visible to Cerberus anyways.

"Just strike when you feel the time is right." Dean murmured, "Let them know that Cerberus still exists and we still oppose their mission."
(Moving on.Also . . . I was thinking of making a comic out of this. Only like a webcomic for fun, so I need to know if I have permission to use characters. I can always think of new ones, so there's no pressure here. I will not be making money out of this.)

As the White Knights had gotten their bracelets, Anna stood up and held out her arm, revealing a large dark blue gem imbedded in her white glove. She whispered a few words in an indistinct language and the gem glowed white. A light came out and materialized into a large white tiger, Byakko. She climbed on his back and looked at her teammates. "I think it's time to go. Does anyone want a ride?"

Byakko then leaped down to the ceremony and landed on the stage, not too far from the knights. And with a loud roar, the ground cracked and pillars of earth jutted from the ground.
(my character can be used by you)

Mar woke up to the sound of Byakko`s howl. he had been sleeping behind the other Cerberus members the whole time. Mar yawned opening one eye to see the tiger making it`s descent down the mountain, he opened the other. "hey pops" he said sleepily referring to Dean. "i thought you said you would wake me when we started after i made it clear that my support for this task was imperative" Mar grabbed his katana named Jury strapping it`s sheath to his back before attaching a holster containing his favorite 7 shot revolver he named The Judge onto the belt under his overcoat.

The boy moved to face Dean looking up at the taller man with disapproving look
"I wont settle for the your too young you`ll get yourself killed speech anymore. Im 15 now".

there was no threatening intent to his face or voice but soon after meeting him most people would find it was hard to deny Mar an explanation.
((Sorry for my hiatus... that was longer than expected. If you want to use Dean you can. I'd love to read it once you're done.))

"Do you honestly think I care if you get yourself killed?" Dean laughed making clear that he was joking. His love for the members of Cerberus ran deeper than his love for his own dead parents and the sister he had not seen for a year since his own ceremony. Luckily, they had all probably gotten to a point where they understood him enough to comprehend that this was a joke even if he hadn't included the laugh. Dean was sure that they knew that he would lay down his own life for their safety. But those were grim thoughts and he had to stay positive.

"That old man thing is trying my nerves though." he grimaced. He hated that title no matter how he tried to accept Mar's words as a joke. He nodded to Anna to signify that he needed a boost and one disorientating moment followed where she used her magic to transport him into the valley below.

It took Dean one brief moment to overcome the strange feeling of being transported when he was almost in the middle of the crowd that just seconds ago he had been looking down at. He quickly unsheathed his sword and drew it full length as he began to barrel his way to the front. As he shoved people aside Dean's presence in the crowd was becoming known, but he wanted to be at the front so everyone would know that Cerberus was crashing their little soiree. He never got the chance to break his way out of the crowd before he encountered a member of the new White Knights.

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