An Alternate Ending (rules and character sheet)


Black Market Witch


  • no godmodding (pretty obvious)
  • no more than 2 characters (I only need a few people and I'd like more interaction between users)
  • only up to 2 or 3 powers (and try to be creative)

This one isn't an actual rule but I'd like it if people only kept to one side (Cerberus or White Knights aka heroes). This is because Cerberus members are going to have a bit more info than the heroes are and I'd like the heroes to be kept in the dark a bit. If you really want to have a character on both sides, then tell me and we'll see.

Character Skeleton:

Name: (full please)

Age: (15-21)


Powers: (if any)

Weapon of Choice:

Appearance: (anime please)


History: (optional, but if you're going to do it, tell us why you volunteered)

Affiliation: (Cerberus or White Knights)

Other: (any pets or anything you want us to know)

Sign ups are closed . . .

White Knights:

Leader- Kara Gorgi (Terradawn101)

Members-Verjouhi Sand-Dragon (Song) , Hannalei Averetti (MaggieMyHeart), Ciara Ryneth (darkminathegone), Kevin Belacour (amdreams)


Leader- Dean Walker (rubberchikenofdoom)

Members-Anastasia Hargreaves (amdreams) Darla Errolywn (.:Vassel:.), Mar (Marmar158)
Name: Anastasia “Anna” Hargreaves

Age: 16

Race: human

Powers: Anna can summon and control spirits.

How it works: Anna has a large jewel in the glove on her right arm. This jewel houses 4 elemental spirits: Genbu (water) the black turtle, Byakko (earth) the white tiger, Seiryu (air) the blue dragon, and Suzaku (fire) the red bird. When she calls a spirit forth, it comes out of the gem and charges in a head on attack. Regardless of whether it does damage, after the attack, it goes back in the jewel. This is a tiring process, so Anna can only summon two per battle before it drains her energy.

Weapon of Choice: spear (shown in picture)


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View attachment 3556

Anna’s hair is white, and her left eye is a deep blue while the right is a scarlet color.

Personality: Anna is quiet, cold, and irritable. She is not fond of other people and often prefers animals for company. She still regards her fellow members as family though.

History: Anna comes from a village to the north known for its residents’ ability to communicate with spirits. She has been an orphan for as long as she could remember and was looked down upon for being a street urchin. It also didn’t help that her red eye was supposed to bring misfortune. A victim of bullying and the like, she learned to loathe people, especially those of noble or wealthy lineage. She was somewhat forced by the other villagers to volunteer because they wanted to get rid of her.

Affiliation: Cerberus

Other: She has a large white owl, named Raiden, which stays by her side all the time. This owl does nothing. It’s just something she talks to sometimes.
Name: Arinthaul Stryph

Age: Twenty

Race: Elf

Power: Power of the Mind- Arinthaul can infiltrate another's mind and read it or, if they are susceptible enough, place an idea in it. However people can build 'walls' around their minds to keep them out. 'Walls' strong enough tend to take years of practice to create, but a simple on the spot one will most likely deter him from entering your mind.

Shadow Manipulation- Arinthaul can control any darkness or shadow around him. He can create things, such as a shield, or use it as a portal to another place, as long as that place has a shadow there too.

That tattoo on his forehead glows white whenever he uses his power.

Weapon of Choice: A black bow and a quiver of arrows. Also, a dark sword.

Appearance: Arinthaul

Personality: Arinthaul is cold and withdrawn. He rarely speaks unless spoken to, and even then he keeps the conversation short. He doesn't dislike this around him, but neither does he feel any positive emotion towards them. It is rare for Arinthaul to show anything but cool disinterest in the face of any situation. He is always watching the things that go on around him, and his sharp eyes often catch details others wouldn't notice. So Arinthaul is usually the one with the information. He only shares what he knows when he feels it is time for the others to find out, however, and most of the time he just sits and watches.

History: Arinthaul used to be much warmer then he is now. He lived in a small village with his little sister, Abigaul. He adored her and lavished all the attention he could upon her. The two were barely ever separated. Then, one day, Arinthaul went out to the woods to hunt. He left Abigail behind, for he felt it was too dangerous. It was then, while he was gone, that the Dragon attacked their village. By the time he saw the smoke and hurried back, it was too late. The entire village was in ash and everyone in it was dead... Including Abigail. Arinthaul fell into a grief stricken spiral, barely caring for himself. Then he heard of the five warriors that went to hunt the Dragon. Arinthaul traveled far in order to be among the candidates.

Affiliation: White Knights

Other: Arinthaul doesn't care about what he might or might not know; all he cares about is killing the Dragon.

Hannalei Averetti

Name: Hannalei Averetti (Nickname "Hanna" pronounced Hon-Ah)

Age: 18

Race: Human (trading class)

Powers: She weilds a magic sword with *lightning capabilities*, but when she's not using it, it shrinks to a dagger (for easy carrying)

Weapon of Choice: Tyarn (the lightning sword)


View attachment 3580

Personality: Hanna is suprisingly friendly, although very violent. She's been hurt in the past, but refuses to believe that all people are bad. She can see the good in anybody, even if it's not there. So she's kind of a dreamer, but she isn't all softy hugs and smiles. Because if you piss her off, she will fry you. :)

History: She has a mother, who is a trader (she sells the goods from the farm they own), and her father is the farmer. They live in an barn on the outskirts, with 6 acres, so going anywhere means a long walk and getting up early. Hanna get's the loft, which is sort of a paradise, a large room to herself, with a great view of the feilds and woods around her.

Affiliation: White Knight, because a dragon could kill a cat in a second :saddd:

Other: Hanna has a cat, who shares her soul. When she was a child, she almost died, her family went to an elf doctor, and he saved her by transferring her illness to a cat, as felines are immune to it. The only side effect being that Iris (the cat) now has a piece of Hanna's soul. If the cat dies, Hanna dies. A plus being that the cat has the lifespan of a human.

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Pick a number between 1 and 5: 2
Name: Ciara Ryneth

Age: 15

Race: vampire

Power: can control wind and can take the oxygen out of her opponents lungs to leave them in a coughing fit.

Weapon of Choice: cleaver sword


Personality: quiet, sarcastic, and a little rude.

Affiliation: White Knight

Other: Ciara has a pet fox that loves to play tricks on other people and be loved. His name is Keiran and has been with Ciara for as long as she can remember.


Pick a number: 5
Name: Dean Walker

Age: 19

Race: Human

Powers: Accelerated regeneration (I.E. He heals very quickly)

Weapon of Choice: Sword


Personality: He can be arrogant and quite aggressive. He tends to consider things for a short amount of time therefore he tends to be brash and impulsive. Dean however, is fiercely loyal to his team and considers them as family and would do anything for them. He is quick to become angry or attack, but he also cools off and trusts fast.

Affiliation: Cerberus

Other: None.

Pick a number: 3
Okay, I'm going to wait until Saturday to finish sign ups. The important thing is that there are more White Knights than Cerberus. I'll probably add another character or two. But I'll start the rp on Saturday if you guys are still interested.
Would anyone be willing to make a second character? We just need two more for all the positions to be filled. It's okay if no one wants to.
Name: Darla Errolywn

Age: 19

Race: Half-elf

Powers: N/A

Weapon of Choice: Sword


Personality: Darla can be a little harsh or mean in the way she goes about things but she is not a mean person. She gets irritated easily and is prone to make quick judgments about people.

History: Darla lived as an underclass for most of her life but was able to get out of there eventually. She volunteered before as a way for her to keep out of the underclass.

Affiliation: Cerberus


Pick a number between 1 and 5: 2
Name: Kevin Belacour

Age: 19

Race: werewolf

Powers: He is a bit stronger and faster than the average human when in human mode. At night, unless there is a new moon, he can transform into a werewolf. As a wolf, he is considerable faster and stronger, however, he loses all common sense and can't distinguish between friend and foe.

Weapon of Choice: his bare fists or metal claws

Appearance: View attachment 4021

Personality: Kevin is loud, arrogant, a bit slow, and happy go lucky. He loves violence and a good fight, but he never gets angry. He'll start fights for the thrill of a good fight.

Affiliation: White Knights

Other: He has a habit of chasing squirrels.
We're waiting for Cookies Need Love, but I'm starting to feel like we should move on and have him pop in when ever. I mean, has anyone heard from him/her?
Character Dossier:

Name: Mar

Age: 15

Race: Human

Powers: electric magic: studied electric magic since the age of 6 he uses it to power his machines and to fight

, metal manipulation: able to draw and shape metal from the area around him that has not been tainted by blood (weapons) or carry significant memory's in them useful for making machines and constructs (not much use in battle)

Above Gifted intelligence: Mar begain reading at 6 months old and created a revised version of the gyro scope at age 4 he can provide machinery and equipment for his comrades, he is also a skilled tactician and diplomat despite his age and small frame

Weapons of Choice: dual wielded 7 shot revolver and katana

Appearance: (taller and less chibi)

Personality: Anger is not a word in Mar`s vocabulary. and he has a huge vocabulary Mar tends to be more of a happy yet silent type despite this fact, he never gloats, brags or raises his voice in anger. He is notorious for sounding like a kid one moment and and saying something that makes you think hes a 300 year old sage the next.

History: Mar had been interested in dragons from a very young age and would go to great lengths to be able to study them, when he heard that Cerberus was keeping the Dragon in healthy condition he joined out of intellectual curiosity.

Affiliation: Cerberus

Other: none
Accepted, you can jump right in. Also, the Dragon isn't an actual dragon . . . but we can have dragons. I'll PM you the info you'll need to know.
Name: Kara Gorgi

Age: 17

Race: Vampire

Powers: Fire, and Blood Teleporter (Teleport in piles of blood)

Weapons: Daggers with knife part in half and dragon design

Appearance:View attachment 4699

Personality: Quiet, Good Climber, Strong, Hunts very carefully, Absorbs blood fast from kills she made, Trys to kill anyone in her way of killing.

Affilation: Cerberus

Pet: A little mouse like demon named ProxyView attachment 4701

Number Chosen: 4

I'm sorry. I guess I forgot to update the list but we've already reached our maximum for Cerberus members. There's still a spot in the White Knights if that's okay with you.

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